Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public SchedulingEvent(DateTime eventTime, SchedulableRequest request, SchedulableRequestState oldState, SchedulableRequestState newState)
     _eventTime = eventTime;
     _request   = request;
     _oldState  = oldState;
     _newState  = newState;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a request which has been assigned to a node and is in the executing, blocked or ready states.
        /// </summary>
        public SchedulableRequest GetScheduledRequest(int globalRequestId)
            SchedulableRequest returnValue = InternalGetScheduledRequestByGlobalRequestId(globalRequestId);

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(returnValue != null, "Global Request Id {0} has not been assigned and cannot be retrieved.", globalRequestId);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks this request as being blocked by the specified request.  Establishes the correct relationships between the requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockingRequest">The request which is blocking this one.</param>
        /// <param name="activeTargets">The list of targets this request was currently building at the time it became blocked.</param>
        public void BlockByRequest(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest, string[] activeTargets)
            VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Blocked, SchedulableRequestState.Executing });
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blockingRequest, "blockingRequest");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(activeTargets, "activeTargets");

            // Note that the blocking request will typically be our parent UNLESS it is a request we blocked on because it was executing a target we wanted to execute.
            // Thus, we do not assert the parent-child relationship here.
            BlockingRequestKey key = new BlockingRequestKey(blockingRequest.BuildRequest);

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.ContainsKey(key), "We are already blocked by this request.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!blockingRequest._requestsWeAreBlocking.Contains(this), "The blocking request thinks it is already blocking us.");

            // This method is only called when a request reports that it is blocked on other requests.  If the request is being blocked by a brand new
            // request, that request will be unscheduled.  If this request is blocked by an in-progress request which was executing a target it needed
            // to also execute, then that request is not unscheduled (because it was running on the node) and it is not executing (because this condition
            // can only occur against requests which are executing on the same node and since the request which called this method is the one currently
            // executing on that node, that means the request it is blocked by must either be itself blocked or ready.)
            blockingRequest.VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Yielding, SchedulableRequestState.Blocked, SchedulableRequestState.Ready, SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled });

            // Update our list of active targets.  This has to be done before we detect circular dependencies because we use this information to detect
            // re-entrancy circular dependencies.
            _activeTargetsWhenBlocked = activeTargets;

            _requestsWeAreBlockedBy[key] = blockingRequest;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes associations with all blocking requests and throws an exception.
        /// </summary>
        private void CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(SchedulableRequest requestCausingFailure, List <SchedulableRequest> ancestors)
            if (_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.Count != 0)
                List <SchedulableRequest> tempRequests = new List <SchedulableRequest>(_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.Values);
                foreach (SchedulableRequest requestWeAreBlockedBy in tempRequests)
                    BlockingRequestKey key = new BlockingRequestKey(requestWeAreBlockedBy.BuildRequest);

            _activeTargetsWhenBlocked = null;

            // The blocking request itself is no longer valid if it was unscheduled.
            if (requestCausingFailure.State == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)

            throw new SchedulerCircularDependencyException(requestCausingFailure.BuildRequest, ancestors);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new request and adds it to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// New requests always go on the front of the queue, because we prefer to build the projects we just received first (depth first, absent
        /// any particular scheduling algorithm such as in the single-proc case.)
        /// </remarks>
        public SchedulableRequest CreateRequest(BuildRequest buildRequest, SchedulableRequest parent)
            SchedulableRequest request = new SchedulableRequest(this, buildRequest, parent);

            request.CreationTime = EventTime;

            LinkedListNode <SchedulableRequest> requestNode = _unscheduledRequests.AddFirst(request);

            _unscheduledRequestNodesByRequest[request] = requestNode;

            // Update the configuration information.
            HashSet <SchedulableRequest> requests;

            if (!_configurationToRequests.TryGetValue(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, out requests))
                requests = new HashSet <SchedulableRequest>();
                _configurationToRequests[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = requests;


            // Update the build hierarchy.
            if (!_buildHierarchy.ContainsKey(request))
                _buildHierarchy[request] = new List <SchedulableRequest>(8);

            if (parent != null)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_buildHierarchy.ContainsKey(parent), "Parent doesn't exist in build hierarchy for request {0}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the plan file for a specified submission.
        /// </summary>
        private string GetPlanName(SchedulableRequest rootRequest)
            if (rootRequest == null)

            return(_configCache[rootRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].ProjectFullPath + ".buildplan");
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Explicitly grants CPU cores to a request.
        /// </summary>
        public void GrantCoresToRequest(int globalRequestId, int coresToGrant)
            // Update per-request state.
            SchedulableRequest request = GetScheduledRequest(globalRequestId);

            request.GrantedCores += coresToGrant;

            // Update global state.
            _grantedCores += coresToGrant;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Explicitly removes previously granted CPU cores from a request.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveCoresFromRequest(int globalRequestId, int coresToRemove)
            // Update per-request state.
            SchedulableRequest request = GetScheduledRequest(globalRequestId);

            coresToRemove         = Math.Min(request.GrantedCores, coresToRemove);
            request.GrantedCores -= coresToRemove;

            // Update global state.
            _grantedCores -= coresToRemove;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a plan for the specified submission Id.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadPlan(int submissionId, ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext buildEventContext)
            if (!BuildParameters.EnableBuildPlan)

            SchedulableRequest rootRequest = GetRootRequest(submissionId);

            if (rootRequest == null)

            string planName = GetPlanName(rootRequest);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(planName))

            if (!File.Exists(planName))

                using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(File.Open(planName, FileMode.Open)))

                if (_configIdToData.Count > 0)
            catch (IOException)
                loggingService.LogCommentFromText(buildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("CantReadBuildPlan", planName));
            catch (InvalidDataException)
                loggingService.LogCommentFromText(buildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("BuildPlanCorrupt", planName));
            catch (FormatException)
                loggingService.LogCommentFromText(buildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("BuildPlanCorrupt", planName));
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the request is scheduled and in the expected state.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExpectScheduledRequestState(int globalRequestId, SchedulableRequestState state)
            SchedulableRequest request = InternalGetScheduledRequestByGlobalRequestId(globalRequestId);

            if (request == null)
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Request {0} was expected to be in state {1} but is not scheduled at all (it may be unscheduled or may be unknown to the system.)", globalRequestId, state);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects a circular dependency where the request which is about to block us is already blocked by us, usually as a result
        /// of it having been previously scheduled in a multiproc scenario, but before this request was able to execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Let A be 'this' project and B be 'blockingRequest' (the request which is going to block A.)
        /// An indirect circular dependency exists if there is a dependency path from B to A.  If there is no
        /// existing blocked request B' with the same global request id as B, then there can be no path from B to A because B is a brand new
        /// request with no other dependencies.  If there is an existing blocked request B' with the same global request ID as B, then we
        /// walk the set of dependencies recursively searching for A.  If A is found, we have a circular dependency.
        /// </remarks>
        private void DetectIndirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
            // If there is already a blocked request which has the same configuration id as the blocking request and that blocked request is (recursively)
            // waiting on this request, then that is an indirect circular dependency.
            SchedulableRequest alternateRequest = _schedulingData.GetBlockedRequestIfAny(blockingRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

            if (alternateRequest == null)

            Stack <SchedulableRequest>   requestsToEvaluate = new Stack <SchedulableRequest>(16);
            HashSet <SchedulableRequest> evaluatedRequests  = new HashSet <SchedulableRequest>();


            while (requestsToEvaluate.Count > 0)
                SchedulableRequest requestToEvaluate = requestsToEvaluate.Pop();

                // If we make it to a child which is us, then it's a circular dependency.
                if (requestToEvaluate.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == this.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)
                    ThrowIndirectCircularDependency(blockingRequest, requestToEvaluate);


                // If the request is not scheduled, it's possible that is because it's been scheduled elsewhere and is blocked.
                // Follow that path if it exists.
                if (requestToEvaluate.State == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)
                    requestToEvaluate = _schedulingData.GetBlockedRequestIfAny(requestToEvaluate.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

                    // If there was no scheduled request to evaluate, move on.
                    if (requestToEvaluate == null || evaluatedRequests.Contains(requestToEvaluate))

                // This request didn't cause a circular dependency, check its children.
                foreach (SchedulableRequest childRequest in requestToEvaluate.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
                    if (!evaluatedRequests.Contains(childRequest))
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively accumulates the amount of time spent in each configuration.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecursiveAccumulateConfigurationTimes(SchedulableRequest request, Dictionary <int, double> accumulatedTimeByConfiguration)
            double accumulatedTime;

            // NOTE: Do we want to count it each time the config appears in the hierarchy?  This will inflate the
            // cost of frequently referenced configurations.
            accumulatedTimeByConfiguration.TryGetValue(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, out accumulatedTime);
            accumulatedTimeByConfiguration[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = accumulatedTime + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalMilliseconds;

            foreach (SchedulableRequest childRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                RecursiveAccumulateConfigurationTimes(childRequest, accumulatedTimeByConfiguration);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes out all of the dependencies for a specified request, recursively.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecursiveWriteDependencies(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request)
            foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                file.Write(" {0}", child.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);


            foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                RecursiveWriteDependencies(file, child);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Build our ancestor list then throw the circular dependency error.
        /// </summary>
        private void ThrowIndirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest, SchedulableRequest requestToEvaluate)
            // We found a request which has the same global request ID as us in a chain which leads from the (already blocked) request
            // which is trying to block us.  Calculate its list of ancestors by walking up the parent list.
            List <SchedulableRequest> ancestors = new List <SchedulableRequest>(16);

            while (requestToEvaluate.Parent != null)
                requestToEvaluate = requestToEvaluate.Parent;

            ancestors.Reverse(); // Because the list should be in the order from root to child.
            CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(blockingRequest, ancestors);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a plan for the specified submission id.
        /// </summary>
        public void WritePlan(int submissionId, ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext buildEventContext)
            if (!BuildParameters.EnableBuildPlan)

            SchedulableRequest rootRequest = GetRootRequest(submissionId);

            if (rootRequest == null)

            string planName = GetPlanName(rootRequest);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(planName))

                using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(planName, FileMode.Create)))
                    // Write the accumulated configuration times.
                    Dictionary <int, double> accumulatedTimeByConfiguration = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                    RecursiveAccumulateConfigurationTimes(rootRequest, accumulatedTimeByConfiguration);

                    List <int> configurationsInOrder = new List <int>(accumulatedTimeByConfiguration.Keys);
                    foreach (int configId in configurationsInOrder)
                        file.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1} {2}", configId, accumulatedTimeByConfiguration[configId], _configCache[configId].ProjectFullPath));


                    // Write out the dependency information.
                    RecursiveWriteDependencies(file, rootRequest);
            catch (IOException)
                loggingService.LogCommentFromText(buildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("CantWriteBuildPlan", planName));
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a set of build requests which have the specified parent.  If root is null, this will retrieve all of the
        /// top-level requests.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <SchedulableRequest> GetRequestsByHierarchy(SchedulableRequest root)
            if (root == null)
                // Retrieve all requests which are roots of the tree.
                List <SchedulableRequest> roots = new List <SchedulableRequest>();
                foreach (SchedulableRequest key in _buildHierarchy.Keys)
                    if (key.Parent == null)


Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects a circular dependency where the blocking request is in our direct ancestor chain.
        /// </summary>
        private void DetectDirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
            // A circular dependency occurs when this project (or any of its ancestors) has the same global request id as the
            // blocking request.
            List <SchedulableRequest> ancestors      = new List <SchedulableRequest>(16);
            SchedulableRequest        currentRequest = this;

                if (currentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == blockingRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)
                    // We are directly conflicting with an instance of ourselves.
                    CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(blockingRequest, ancestors);

                currentRequest = currentRequest.Parent;
            }while (currentRequest != null);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the association between this request and the one we are blocked by.
        /// </summary>
        private void DisconnectRequestWeAreBlockedBy(BlockingRequestKey blockingRequestKey)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.ContainsKey(blockingRequestKey), "We are not blocked by the specified request.");

            SchedulableRequest unblockingRequest = _requestsWeAreBlockedBy[blockingRequestKey];

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(unblockingRequest._requestsWeAreBlocking.Contains(this), "The request unblocking us doesn't think it is blocking us.");


            // If the request we are blocked by also happens to be unscheduled, remove it as well so we don't try to run it later.  This is
            // because circular dependency errors cause us to fail all outstanding requests on the current request.  See BuildRequsetEntry.ReportResult.
            if (unblockingRequest.State == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)

            if (_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.Count == 0)
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public SchedulableRequest(SchedulingData collection, BuildRequest request, SchedulableRequest parent)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(request, "request");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((parent == null) || (parent._schedulingData == collection), "Parent request does not belong to the same collection.");

            _schedulingData         = collection;
            _request                = request;
            _parent                 = parent;
            _assignedNodeId         = -1;
            _requestsWeAreBlockedBy = new Dictionary <BlockingRequestKey, SchedulableRequest>();
            _requestsWeAreBlocking  = new HashSet <SchedulableRequest>();

            _timeRecords = new Dictionary <SchedulableRequestState, ScheduleTimeRecord>(5);
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Blocked]     = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Yielding]    = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Executing]   = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Ready]       = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Completed]   = new ScheduleTimeRecord();

Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the specified request is currently scheduled.
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsRequestScheduled(SchedulableRequest request)
     return InternalGetScheduledRequestByGlobalRequestId(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId) != null;
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the parent as blocked waiting for results from a results transfer.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleRequestBlockedOnResultsTransfer(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
            // Create the new request which will go to the configuration's results node.
            BuildRequest newRequest = new BuildRequest(parentRequest.BuildRequest.SubmissionId, BuildRequest.ResultsTransferNodeRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, new string[0], null, parentRequest.BuildRequest.BuildEventContext, parentRequest.BuildRequest, parentRequest.BuildRequest.BuildRequestDataFlags);

            // Assign a new global request id - always different from any other.
            newRequest.GlobalRequestId = _nextGlobalRequestId;

            // Now add the response.  Send it to the node where the configuration's results are stored.  When those results come back
            // we will update the storage location in the configuration.  This is doing a bit of a run around the scheduler - we don't
            // create a new formal request, so we treat the blocked request as if it is still executing - this prevents any other requests
            // from getting onto that node and also means we don't have to do additional work to get the scheduler to understand the bizarre
            // case of sending a request for results from a project's own configuration (which it believes reside on the very node which 
            // is actually requesting the results in the first place.)
            BuildRequestConfiguration configuration = _configCache[parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId];
            responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateScheduleResponse(configuration.ResultsNodeId, newRequest, false));

            TraceScheduler("Created request {0} (node request {1}) for transfer of configuration {2}'s results from node {3} to node {4}", newRequest.GlobalRequestId, newRequest.NodeRequestId, configuration.ConfigurationId, configuration.ResultsNodeId, parentRequest.AssignedNode);

            // The configuration's results will now be homed at the new location (once they have come back from the 
            // original node.)
            configuration.ResultsNodeId = parentRequest.AssignedNode;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the request can be scheduled to the specified node.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CanScheduleRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId)
            int requiredNodeId = GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);

            return(requiredNodeId == Scheduler.InvalidNodeId || requiredNodeId == nodeId);
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Dumps the hierarchy of requests.
 /// </summary>
 private void DumpRequestHierarchy(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest root, int indent)
     foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(root))
         DumpRequestSpec(file, child, indent, null);
         DumpRequestHierarchy(file, child, indent + 1);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new request and adds it to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// New requests always go on the front of the queue, because we prefer to build the projects we just received first (depth first, absent
        /// any particular scheduling algorithm such as in the single-proc case.)
        /// </remarks>
        public SchedulableRequest CreateRequest(BuildRequest buildRequest, SchedulableRequest parent)
            SchedulableRequest request = new SchedulableRequest(this, buildRequest, parent);
            request.CreationTime = EventTime;

            LinkedListNode<SchedulableRequest> requestNode = _unscheduledRequests.AddFirst(request);
            _unscheduledRequestNodesByRequest[request] = requestNode;

            // Update the configuration information.
            HashSet<SchedulableRequest> requests;
            if (!_configurationToRequests.TryGetValue(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, out requests))
                requests = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();
                _configurationToRequests[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = requests;


            // Update the build hierarchy.
            if (!_buildHierarchy.ContainsKey(request))
                _buildHierarchy[request] = new List<SchedulableRequest>(8);

            if (parent != null)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_buildHierarchy.ContainsKey(parent), "Parent doesn't exist in build hierarchy for request {0}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

            return request;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the specified request and all of its ancestors as having aborted.
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkRequestAborted(SchedulableRequest request)
            _resultsCache.AddResult(new BuildResult(request.BuildRequest, new BuildAbortedException()));

            // Recursively abort all of the requests we are blocking.
            foreach (SchedulableRequest blockedRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Detects a circular dependency.  Throws a CircularDependencyException if one exists.  Circular dependencies can occur
 /// under the following conditions:
 /// 1. If the blocking request's global request ID appears in the ancestor chain (Direct).
 /// 2. If a request appears in the ancestor chain and has a different global request ID but has an active target that
 ///    matches one of the targets specified in the blocking request (Direct).
 /// 3. If the blocking request exists elsewhere as a blocked request with the same global request ID, and one of its children
 ///    (recursively) matches this request's global request ID (Indirect).
 /// 4. If the blocking request's configuration is part of another request elsewhere which is also blocked, and that request
 ///    is building targets this blocking request is building, and one of that blocked request's children (recursively)
 ///    matches this request's global request ID (Indirect).
 /// </summary>
 private void DetectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// This method determines how many requests are waiting for this request, taking into account the full tree of all requests
        /// in all dependency chains which are waiting.
        /// </summary>
        private int ComputeClosureOfWaitingRequests(SchedulableRequest request)
            int waitingRequests = 0;

            // In single-proc, this doesn't matter since scheduling is always 100% efficient.
            if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount > 1)
                foreach (SchedulableRequest waitingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
                    waitingRequests += ComputeClosureOfWaitingRequests(waitingRequest);

            return waitingRequests;
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates through the set of available nodes and checks whether any of them is 
        /// capable of servicing this request or any of the requests that it is blocked 
        /// by (regardless of whether they are currently available to do so).
        /// </summary>
        private bool RequestOrAnyItIsBlockedByCanBeServiced(SchedulableRequest request)
            if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
                foreach (SchedulableRequest requestWeAreBlockedBy in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
                    if (RequestOrAnyItIsBlockedByCanBeServiced(requestWeAreBlockedBy))
                        return true;

                // if none of the requests we are blocked by can be serviced, it doesn't matter 
                // whether we can be serviced or not -- the reason we're blocked is because none 
                // of the requests we are blocked by can be serviced. 
                return false;
                foreach (NodeInfo node in _availableNodes.Values)
                    if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, node.NodeId))
                        return true;

                return false;
Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the request can be scheduled to the specified node.
 /// </summary>
 public bool CanScheduleRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId)
     int requiredNodeId = GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
     return requiredNodeId == Scheduler.InvalidNodeId || requiredNodeId == nodeId;
Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the request can be scheduled to the specified node.
 /// </summary>
 public bool CanScheduleRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId)
     return(CanScheduleConfigurationToNode(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, nodeId));
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the state of a request based on its desire to yield or reacquire control of its node.
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleYieldAction(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
     if (blocker.YieldAction == YieldAction.Yield)
         // Mark the request blocked.
         // Mark the request ready.
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Dumps detailed information about a request.
 /// </summary>
 private void DumpRequestSpec(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request, int indent, string prefix)
     file.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}: [{3}] {4}{5} ({6}){7} ({8})", new String(' ', indent * 2), (prefix == null) ? "" : prefix, request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId), _schedulingData.IsRequestScheduled(request) ? "RUNNING " : "", request.State, request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, _configCache[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].ProjectFullPath, String.Join(", ", request.BuildRequest.Targets.ToArray()));
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Dumps the state of a request.
        /// </summary>
        private void DumpRequestState(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request, int indent)
            DumpRequestSpec(file, request, indent, null);
            if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
                foreach (SchedulableRequest blockingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
                    DumpRequestSpec(file, blockingRequest, indent + 1, "!");

            if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockingCount > 0)
                foreach (SchedulableRequest blockedRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
                    DumpRequestSpec(file, blockedRequest, indent + 1, ">");
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to get results from the cache for this request.  If results are available, reports them to the 
        /// correct node.  If that action causes the parent to become ready and its node is idle, the parent is
        /// resumed.
        /// </summary>
        private void ResolveRequestFromCacheAndResumeIfPossible(SchedulableRequest request, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
            int nodeForResults = (request.Parent != null) ? request.Parent.AssignedNode : InvalidNodeId;

            // Do we already have results?  If so, just return them.
            ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(nodeForResults, request.BuildRequest, skippedResultsAreOK: false);
            if (response != null)
                if (response.Action == ScheduleActionType.SubmissionComplete)
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(request.Parent == null, "Unexpectedly generated a SubmissionComplete response for a request which is not top-level.");
                    LogRequestHandledFromCache(request.BuildRequest, response.BuildResult);

                    // This was root request, we can report submission complete.
                    if (response.BuildResult.OverallResult != BuildResultCode.Failure)
                    LogRequestHandledFromCache(request.BuildRequest, response.Unblocker.Result);

                    TraceScheduler("Reporting results for request {0} with parent {1} to node {2} from cache.", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.BuildRequest.ParentGlobalRequestId, response.NodeId);
                    if (response.NodeId != InvalidNodeId)

                    // Is the node we are reporting to idle? If so, does reporting this result allow it to proceed with work? 
                    if (!_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(response.NodeId))
                        ResumeReadyRequestIfAny(response.NodeId, responses);
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateFromState(SchedulableRequest request, SchedulableRequestState previousState)
            // Remove from its old collection
            switch (previousState)
                case SchedulableRequestState.Blocked:

                case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:

                case SchedulableRequestState.Completed:
                    ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Should not be updating a request after it has reached the Completed state.");

                case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
                    _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode] = null;

                case SchedulableRequestState.Ready:

                case SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled:
                    LinkedListNode<SchedulableRequest> requestNode = _unscheduledRequestNodesByRequest[request];

                    if (request.State != SchedulableRequestState.Completed)
                        // Map the request to the node.
                        HashSet<SchedulableRequest> requestsAssignedToNode;
                        if (!_scheduledRequestsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out requestsAssignedToNode))
                            requestsAssignedToNode = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();
                            _scheduledRequestsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = requestsAssignedToNode;

                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!requestsAssignedToNode.Contains(request), "Request {0} is already scheduled to node {1}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.AssignedNode);

                        // Map the configuration to the node.
                        HashSet<int> configurationsAssignedToNode;
                        if (!_configurationsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out configurationsAssignedToNode))
                            configurationsAssignedToNode = new HashSet<int>();
                            _configurationsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = configurationsAssignedToNode;

                        if (!configurationsAssignedToNode.Contains(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId))


            // Add it to its new location
            switch (request.State)
                case SchedulableRequestState.Blocked:
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_blockedRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already blocked!");
                    _blockedRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;

                case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_yieldingRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already yielded!");
                    _yieldingRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;

                case SchedulableRequestState.Completed:
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_configurationToRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId), "Configuration {0} never had requests assigned to it.", request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_configurationToRequests[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].Count > 0, "Configuration {0} has no requests assigned to it.", request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
                    if (_scheduledRequestsByNode.ContainsKey(request.AssignedNode))

                    request.EndTime = EventTime;

                case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_executingRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already executing!");
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_executingRequestByNode.ContainsKey(request.AssignedNode) || _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode] == null, "Node {0} is currently executing a request.", request.AssignedNode);

                    _executingRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;
                    _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode] = request;
                    _configurationToNode[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = request.AssignedNode;
                    if (previousState == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)
                        request.StartTime = EventTime;


                case SchedulableRequestState.Ready:
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_readyRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already ready!");
                    _readyRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;
                    HashSet<SchedulableRequest> readyRequestsOnNode;
                    if (!_readyRequestsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out readyRequestsOnNode))
                        readyRequestsOnNode = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();
                        _readyRequestsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = readyRequestsOnNode;

                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!readyRequestsOnNode.Contains(request), "Request with global id {0} is already marked as ready on node {1}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.AssignedNode);

                case SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled:
                    ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Request with global id {0} cannot transition to the Unscheduled state", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

            _buildEvents.Add(new SchedulingEvent(EventTime, request, previousState, request.State));
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks this request as being blocked by the specified request.  Establishes the correct relationships between the requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockingRequest">The request which is blocking this one.</param>
        /// <param name="activeTargets">The list of targets this request was currently building at the time it became blocked.</param>
        public void BlockByRequest(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest, string[] activeTargets)
            VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Blocked, SchedulableRequestState.Executing });
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blockingRequest, "blockingRequest");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(activeTargets, "activeTargets");

            // Note that the blocking request will typically be our parent UNLESS it is a request we blocked on because it was executing a target we wanted to execute.
            // Thus, we do not assert the parent-child relationship here.
            BlockingRequestKey key = new BlockingRequestKey(blockingRequest.BuildRequest);
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.ContainsKey(key), "We are already blocked by this request.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!blockingRequest._requestsWeAreBlocking.Contains(this), "The blocking request thinks it is already blocking us.");

            // This method is only called when a request reports that it is blocked on other requests.  If the request is being blocked by a brand new
            // request, that request will be unscheduled.  If this request is blocked by an in-progress request which was executing a target it needed
            // to also execute, then that request is not unscheduled (because it was running on the node) and it is not executing (because this condition
            // can only occur against requests which are executing on the same node and since the request which called this method is the one currently
            // executing on that node, that means the request it is blocked by must either be itself blocked or ready.)
            blockingRequest.VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Yielding, SchedulableRequestState.Blocked, SchedulableRequestState.Ready, SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled });

            // Update our list of active targets.  This has to be done before we detect circular dependencies because we use this information to detect
            // re-entrancy circular dependencies.
            _activeTargetsWhenBlocked = activeTargets;

            _requestsWeAreBlockedBy[key] = blockingRequest;

Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the request as being blocked by another request which is currently building a target whose results we need to proceed.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleRequestBlockedOnInProgressTarget(SchedulableRequest blockedRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blockedRequest, "blockedRequest");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blocker, "blocker");

            // We are blocked on an in-progress request building a target whose results we need.
            SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.GetScheduledRequest(blocker.BlockingRequestId);

            // The request we blocked on couldn't have been executing (because we are) so it must either be yielding (which is ok because
            // it isn't modifying its own state, just running a background process), ready, or still blocked.
            blockingRequest.VerifyOneOfStates(new SchedulableRequestState[] { SchedulableRequestState.Yielding, SchedulableRequestState.Ready, SchedulableRequestState.Blocked });

            blockedRequest.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress);
Пример #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns the specified request to the specified node.
        /// </summary>
        private void AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(request, "request");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(responses, "responses");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(nodeId != InvalidNodeId, "Invalid node id specified.");

            // Currently we cannot move certain kinds of traversals (notably solution metaprojects) to other nodes because 
            // they only have a ProjectInstance representation, and besides these kinds of projects build very quickly 
            // and produce more references (more work to do.)  This just verifies we do not attempt to send a traversal to
            // an out-of-proc node because doing so is inefficient and presently will cause the engine to fail on the remote
            // node because these projects cannot be found.
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(nodeId == InProcNodeId || _forceAffinityOutOfProc || !IsTraversalRequest(request.BuildRequest), "Can't assign traversal request to out-of-proc node!");

            // Determine if this node has seen our configuration before.  If not, we must send it along with this request.
            bool mustSendConfigurationToNode = _availableNodes[nodeId].AssignConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);

            // If this is the first time this configuration has been assigned to a node, we will mark the configuration with the assigned node
            // indicating that the master set of results is located there.  Should we ever need to move the results, we will know where to find them.
            BuildRequestConfiguration config = _configCache[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId];
            if (config.ResultsNodeId == InvalidNodeId)
                config.ResultsNodeId = nodeId;

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(config.ResultsNodeId != InvalidNodeId, "Configuration's results node is not set.");

            responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateScheduleResponse(nodeId, request.BuildRequest, mustSendConfigurationToNode));
            TraceScheduler("Executing request {0} on node {1} with parent {2}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, nodeId, (request.Parent == null) ? -1 : request.Parent.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);
Пример #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if a request can be scheduled to a node, false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CanScheduleRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId)
            if (_schedulingData.CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, nodeId))
                NodeAffinity affinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request.BuildRequest);
                bool result = _availableNodes[nodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(affinity);
                return result;

            return false;
Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the request as being blocked by new requests whose results we must get before we can proceed.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleRequestBlockedByNewRequests(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(blocker, "blocker");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(responses, "responses");

            // The request is waiting on new requests.
            bool abortRequestBatch = false;
            Stack<BuildRequest> requestsToAdd = new Stack<BuildRequest>(blocker.BuildRequests.Length);
            foreach (BuildRequest request in blocker.BuildRequests)
                // Assign a global request id to this request.
                if (request.GlobalRequestId == BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)

                int nodeForResults = (parentRequest == null) ? InvalidNodeId : parentRequest.AssignedNode;
                TraceScheduler("Received request {0} (node request {1}) with parent {2} from node {3}", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId, request.ParentGlobalRequestId, nodeForResults);

                // First, determine if we have already built this request and have results for it.  If we do, we prepare the responses for it
                // directly here.  We COULD simply report these as blocking the parent request and let the scheduler pick them up later when the parent
                // comes back up as schedulable, but we prefer to send the results back immediately so this request can (potentially) continue uninterrupted.
                ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(nodeForResults, request, skippedResultsAreOK: false);
                if (null != response)
                    TraceScheduler("Request {0} (node request {1}) satisfied from the cache.", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId);

                    // BuildResult result = (response.Action == ScheduleActionType.Unblock) ? response.Unblocker.Results[0] : response.BuildResult;
                    LogRequestHandledFromCache(request, response.BuildResult);

                    // If we wish to implement an algorithm where the first failing request aborts the remaining request, check for
                    // overall result being failure rather than just circular dependency.  Sync with BasicScheduler.ReportResult and
                    // BuildRequestEntry.ReportResult.
                    if (response.BuildResult.CircularDependency)
                        abortRequestBatch = true;
                    // Ensure there is no affinity mismatch between this request and a previous request of the same configuration.
                    NodeAffinity requestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request);
                    NodeAffinity existingRequestAffinity = NodeAffinity.Any;
                    if (requestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any)
                        bool affinityMismatch = false;
                        int assignedNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId);
                        if (assignedNodeId != Scheduler.InvalidNodeId)
                            if (!_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request)))
                                // This request's configuration has already been assigned to a node which cannot service this affinity.
                                if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) == 0)
                                    // If there are no other requests already scheduled for that configuration, we can safely reassign.
                                    existingRequestAffinity = (_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].ProviderType == NodeProviderType.InProc) ? NodeAffinity.InProc : NodeAffinity.OutOfProc;
                                    affinityMismatch = true;
                        else if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) > 0)
                            // Would any other existing requests for this configuration mismatch?
                            foreach (SchedulableRequest existingRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId))
                                existingRequestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(existingRequest.BuildRequest);
                                if (existingRequestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any && existingRequestAffinity != requestAffinity)
                                    // The existing request has an affinity which doesn't match this one, so this one could never be scheduled.
                                    affinityMismatch = true;

                        if (affinityMismatch)
                            BuildResult result = new BuildResult(request, new InvalidOperationException(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("AffinityConflict", requestAffinity, existingRequestAffinity)));
                            response = GetResponseForResult(nodeForResults, request, result);

                    // Now add the requests so they would naturally be picked up by the scheduler in the order they were issued,
                    // but before any other requests in the list.  This makes us prefer a depth-first traversal.

            // Now add any unassigned build requests.
            if (!abortRequestBatch)
                if (requestsToAdd.Count == 0)
                    // All of the results are being reported directly from the cache (from above), so this request can continue on its merry way.
                    if (parentRequest != null)
                        // responses.Add(new ScheduleResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, new BuildRequestUnblocker(parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)));
                        responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateResumeExecutionResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId));
                    while (requestsToAdd.Count > 0)
                        BuildRequest requestToAdd = requestsToAdd.Pop();
                        SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.CreateRequest(requestToAdd, parentRequest);

                        if (parentRequest != null)
                            parentRequest.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress);
Пример #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects a circular dependency where the request which is about to block us is already blocked by us, usually as a result
        /// of it having been previously scheduled in a multiproc scenario, but before this request was able to execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Let A be 'this' project and B be 'blockingRequest' (the request which is going to block A.)  
        /// An indirect circular dependency exists if there is a dependency path from B to A.  If there is no 
        /// existing blocked request B' with the same global request id as B, then there can be no path from B to A because B is a brand new 
        /// request with no other dependencies.  If there is an existing blocked request B' with the same global request ID as B, then we 
        /// walk the set of dependencies recursively searching for A.  If A is found, we have a circular dependency.
        /// </remarks>
        private void DetectIndirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
            // If there is already a blocked request which has the same configuration id as the blocking request and that blocked request is (recursively) 
            // waiting on this request, then that is an indirect circular dependency.
            SchedulableRequest alternateRequest = _schedulingData.GetBlockedRequestIfAny(blockingRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);
            if (alternateRequest == null)

            Stack<SchedulableRequest> requestsToEvaluate = new Stack<SchedulableRequest>(16);
            HashSet<SchedulableRequest> evaluatedRequests = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();

            while (requestsToEvaluate.Count > 0)
                SchedulableRequest requestToEvaluate = requestsToEvaluate.Pop();

                // If we make it to a child which is us, then it's a circular dependency.
                if (requestToEvaluate.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == this.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)
                    ThrowIndirectCircularDependency(blockingRequest, requestToEvaluate);


                // If the request is not scheduled, it's possible that is because it's been scheduled elsewhere and is blocked.
                // Follow that path if it exists.                        
                if (requestToEvaluate.State == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)
                    requestToEvaluate = _schedulingData.GetBlockedRequestIfAny(requestToEvaluate.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

                    // If there was no scheduled request to evaluate, move on.
                    if (requestToEvaluate == null || evaluatedRequests.Contains(requestToEvaluate))

                // This request didn't cause a circular dependency, check its children.
                foreach (SchedulableRequest childRequest in requestToEvaluate.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
                    if (!evaluatedRequests.Contains(childRequest))
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively dumps the build information for the specified hierarchy
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteRecursiveSummary(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, int submissionId, SchedulableRequest request, int level, bool useConfigurations, bool isLastChild)
            int postPad = Math.Max(20 /* field width */ - (2 * level) /* spacing for hierarchy lines */ - 3 /* length allocated for config/request id */, 0);

            StringBuilder prePadString = new StringBuilder(2 * level);
            if (level != 0)
                int levelsToPad = level;
                if (isLastChild)

                while (levelsToPad > 0)
                    prePadString.Append("| ");

                if (isLastChild)
                    prePadString.Append(@". ");

                useConfigurations ? request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId : request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId,
                new String(' ', postPad),
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds),
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Blocked).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Ready).TotalSeconds),
                String.Join(", ", request.BuildRequest.Targets.ToArray())

            List<SchedulableRequest> childRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request));
            childRequests.Sort(delegate (SchedulableRequest left, SchedulableRequest right)
                if (left.StartTime < right.StartTime)
                    return -1;
                else if (left.StartTime > right.StartTime)
                    return 1;

                return 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < childRequests.Count; i++)
                SchedulableRequest childRequest = childRequests[i];
                WriteRecursiveSummary(loggingService, context, submissionId, childRequest, level + 1, useConfigurations, i == childRequests.Count - 1);
Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively accumulates the amount of time spent in each configuration.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecursiveAccumulateConfigurationTimes(SchedulableRequest request, Dictionary<int, double> accumulatedTimeByConfiguration)
            double accumulatedTime;

            // NOTE: Do we want to count it each time the config appears in the hierarchy?  This will inflate the 
            // cost of frequently referenced configurations.
            accumulatedTimeByConfiguration.TryGetValue(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, out accumulatedTime);
            accumulatedTimeByConfiguration[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = accumulatedTime + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalMilliseconds;

            foreach (SchedulableRequest childRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                RecursiveAccumulateConfigurationTimes(childRequest, accumulatedTimeByConfiguration);
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects a circular dependency where the blocking request is in our direct ancestor chain.
        /// </summary>
        private void DetectDirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
            // A circular dependency occurs when this project (or any of its ancestors) has the same global request id as the 
            // blocking request.
            List<SchedulableRequest> ancestors = new List<SchedulableRequest>(16);
            SchedulableRequest currentRequest = this;
                if (currentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == blockingRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)
                    // We are directly conflicting with an instance of ourselves.
                    CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(blockingRequest, ancestors);

                currentRequest = currentRequest.Parent;
            while (currentRequest != null);
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes out all of the dependencies for a specified request, recursively.
        /// </summary>
        private void RecursiveWriteDependencies(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request)
            foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                file.Write(" {0}", child.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);


            foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request))
                RecursiveWriteDependencies(file, child);
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a set of build requests which have the specified parent.  If root is null, this will retrieve all of the 
        /// top-level requests.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<SchedulableRequest> GetRequestsByHierarchy(SchedulableRequest root)
            if (root == null)
                // Retrieve all requests which are roots of the tree.
                List<SchedulableRequest> roots = new List<SchedulableRequest>();
                foreach (SchedulableRequest key in _buildHierarchy.Keys)
                    if (key.Parent == null)

                return roots;

            return _buildHierarchy[root];
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public SchedulableRequest(SchedulingData collection, BuildRequest request, SchedulableRequest parent)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(request, "request");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((parent == null) || (parent._schedulingData == collection), "Parent request does not belong to the same collection.");

            _schedulingData = collection;
            _request = request;
            _parent = parent;
            _assignedNodeId = -1;
            _requestsWeAreBlockedBy = new Dictionary<BlockingRequestKey, SchedulableRequest>();
            _requestsWeAreBlocking = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();

            _timeRecords = new Dictionary<SchedulableRequestState, ScheduleTimeRecord>(5);
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Blocked] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Yielding] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Executing] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Ready] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();
            _timeRecords[SchedulableRequestState.Completed] = new ScheduleTimeRecord();

Пример #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the specified request is currently scheduled.
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsRequestScheduled(SchedulableRequest request)
     return(InternalGetScheduledRequestByGlobalRequestId(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId) != null);
Пример #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Detects a circular dependency.  Throws a CircularDependencyException if one exists.  Circular dependencies can occur
 /// under the following conditions:
 /// 1. If the blocking request's global request ID appears in the ancestor chain (Direct).
 /// 2. If a request appears in the ancestor chain and has a different global request ID but has an active target that
 ///    matches one of the targets specified in the blocking request (Direct).
 /// 3. If the blocking request exists elsewhere as a blocked request with the same global request ID, and one of its children
 ///    (recursively) matches this request's global request ID (Indirect).
 /// 4. If the blocking request's configuration is part of another request elsewhere which is also blocked, and that request
 ///    is building targets this blocking request is building, and one of that blocked request's children (recursively)
 ///    matches this request's global request ID (Indirect).
 /// </summary>
 private void DetectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest)
Пример #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public SchedulingEvent(DateTime eventTime, SchedulableRequest request, SchedulableRequestState oldState, SchedulableRequestState newState)
     _eventTime = eventTime;
     _request = request;
     _oldState = oldState;
     _newState = newState;
Пример #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Build our ancestor list then throw the circular dependency error.
        /// </summary>
        private void ThrowIndirectCircularDependency(SchedulableRequest blockingRequest, SchedulableRequest requestToEvaluate)
            // We found a request which has the same global request ID as us in a chain which leads from the (already blocked) request 
            // which is trying to block us.  Calculate its list of ancestors by walking up the parent list.
            List<SchedulableRequest> ancestors = new List<SchedulableRequest>(16);
            while (requestToEvaluate.Parent != null)
                requestToEvaluate = requestToEvaluate.Parent;

            ancestors.Reverse(); // Because the list should be in the order from root to child.
            CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(blockingRequest, ancestors);
Пример #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateFromState(SchedulableRequest request, SchedulableRequestState previousState)
            // Remove from its old collection
            switch (previousState)
            case SchedulableRequestState.Blocked:

            case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:

            case SchedulableRequestState.Completed:
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Should not be updating a request after it has reached the Completed state.");

            case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
                _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode] = null;

            case SchedulableRequestState.Ready:

            case SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled:
                LinkedListNode <SchedulableRequest> requestNode = _unscheduledRequestNodesByRequest[request];

                if (request.State != SchedulableRequestState.Completed)
                    // Map the request to the node.
                    HashSet <SchedulableRequest> requestsAssignedToNode;
                    if (!_scheduledRequestsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out requestsAssignedToNode))
                        requestsAssignedToNode = new HashSet <SchedulableRequest>();
                        _scheduledRequestsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = requestsAssignedToNode;

                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!requestsAssignedToNode.Contains(request), "Request {0} is already scheduled to node {1}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.AssignedNode);

                    // Map the configuration to the node.
                    HashSet <int> configurationsAssignedToNode;
                    if (!_configurationsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out configurationsAssignedToNode))
                        configurationsAssignedToNode = new HashSet <int>();
                        _configurationsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = configurationsAssignedToNode;

                    if (!configurationsAssignedToNode.Contains(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId))


            // Add it to its new location
            switch (request.State)
            case SchedulableRequestState.Blocked:
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_blockedRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already blocked!");
                _blockedRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;

            case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_yieldingRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already yielded!");
                _yieldingRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;

            case SchedulableRequestState.Completed:
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_configurationToRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId), "Configuration {0} never had requests assigned to it.", request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_configurationToRequests[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].Count > 0, "Configuration {0} has no requests assigned to it.", request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
                if (_scheduledRequestsByNode.ContainsKey(request.AssignedNode))

                request.EndTime = EventTime;

            case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_executingRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already executing!");
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_executingRequestByNode.ContainsKey(request.AssignedNode) || _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode] == null, "Node {0} is currently executing a request.", request.AssignedNode);

                _executingRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId]   = request;
                _executingRequestByNode[request.AssignedNode]              = request;
                _configurationToNode[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId] = request.AssignedNode;
                if (previousState == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)
                    request.StartTime = EventTime;


            case SchedulableRequestState.Ready:
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_readyRequests.ContainsKey(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId), "Request with global id {0} is already ready!");
                _readyRequests[request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId] = request;
                HashSet <SchedulableRequest> readyRequestsOnNode;
                if (!_readyRequestsByNode.TryGetValue(request.AssignedNode, out readyRequestsOnNode))
                    readyRequestsOnNode = new HashSet <SchedulableRequest>();
                    _readyRequestsByNode[request.AssignedNode] = readyRequestsOnNode;

                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!readyRequestsOnNode.Contains(request), "Request with global id {0} is already marked as ready on node {1}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.AssignedNode);

            case SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled:
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Request with global id {0} cannot transition to the Unscheduled state", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);

            _buildEvents.Add(new SchedulingEvent(EventTime, request, previousState, request.State));
Пример #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes associations with all blocking requests and throws an exception.
        /// </summary>
        private void CleanupForCircularDependencyAndThrow(SchedulableRequest requestCausingFailure, List<SchedulableRequest> ancestors)
            if (_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.Count != 0)
                List<SchedulableRequest> tempRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_requestsWeAreBlockedBy.Values);
                foreach (SchedulableRequest requestWeAreBlockedBy in tempRequests)
                    BlockingRequestKey key = new BlockingRequestKey(requestWeAreBlockedBy.BuildRequest);

            _activeTargetsWhenBlocked = null;

            // The blocking request itself is no longer valid if it was unscheduled.
            if (requestCausingFailure.State == SchedulableRequestState.Unscheduled)

            throw new SchedulerCircularDependencyException(requestCausingFailure.BuildRequest, ancestors);
Пример #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the plan file for a specified submission.
        /// </summary>
        private string GetPlanName(SchedulableRequest rootRequest)
            if (rootRequest == null)
                return null;

            return _configCache[rootRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].ProjectFullPath + ".buildplan";