Пример #1
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "No good match in FAQ.", 0, 5, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAKnowledgebaseId"], "No good match in FAQ.", 0.5, 1, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAEndpointHostName"])))
Пример #3
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: subscriptionKey, knowledgebaseId,
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerPreviewDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "No good match in FAQ.", 0.5)))
Пример #4
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "I do not know answer to your question how else can i help you?", 0.3, 3, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #5
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Sorry,  could not understand the question, please rephrase your question", 0.5, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAKnowledgebaseId"], "I am sorry, I cannot help you at this moment. Please try again after sometime or call to customer care at 18008080", 0.5, 1, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QnAEndpointHostName"])))
Пример #7
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Ich hab keine Ahnung wovon du redest. Geh ballern!", 0.5, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #8
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Hello", 0.5, 1, RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #9
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "I apologize, I don't seem to understand your question. Perhaps you can rephrase it?.", 0.5, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #10
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Sorry i didn't get you.", 0.5, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #11
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "মামা কিছু পাই নাই, অন্য কিছু জিগান বলে দিচ্ছি :D", 0.25, 2, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #12
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: subscriptionKey, knowledgebaseId,
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerPreviewDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Sorry i didn't get you.", 0.5)))
Пример #13
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: subscriptionKey, knowledgebaseId,
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerPreviewDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Sorry could not understand your question.", 0.5)))
Пример #14
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "Nenhum resultado encontrado na base de conhecimento.", 0.2, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #15
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: qnaAuthKey, knowledgebaseId, endpointHostName
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "No cuadra bien, prueba otra cosa", 0.5, 1, Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAEndpointHostName"))))
Пример #16
 // Go to https://qnamaker.ai and feed data, train & publish your QnA Knowledgebase.
 // Parameters to QnAMakerService are:
 // Required: subscriptionKey, knowledgebaseId,
 // Optional: defaultMessage, scoreThreshold[Range 0.0 – 1.0]
 public BasicQnAMakerPreviewDialog() : base(new QnAMakerService(new QnAMakerAttribute(RootDialog.GetSetting("QnAAuthKey"), Utils.GetAppSetting("QnAKnowledgebaseId"), "No cuadra1, prueba otra cosa", 0.5)))