public async Task LookupAsync()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("id", 12)
                .Set("Name", "Bob")

            IMobileServiceTable <Person> table = service.GetTable <Person>();
            Person bob = await table.LookupAsync(12);

            Assert.AreEqual(12L, bob.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bob", bob.Name);

            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 404;
            bool thrown = false;

                bob = await table.LookupAsync(12);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                thrown = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(thrown, "Exception should be thrown on a 404!");
        public async Task InsertAsync()
            string appUrl     = "";
            string appKey     = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            JObject obj = new JObject().Set("value", "new") as JObject;

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "new").ToString();
            await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(12, obj.Get("id").AsInteger());
            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);

            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(
                async() => await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(null));

            // Verify we throw if ID is set on both JSON and strongly typed
            // instances
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(
                async() => await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(
                    new JObject().Set("id", 15) as JObject));
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(
                async() => await service.GetTable <Person>().InsertAsync(
                    new Person()
                Id = 15
        public async Task UpdateAsync()
            string appUrl     = "";
            string appKey     = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            JObject obj = new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "new") as JObject;

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("id", 12)
                .Set("value", "new")
                .Set("other", "123")
            IMobileServiceTable table = service.GetTable(collection);
            await table.UpdateAsync(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual("123", obj.Get("other").AsString());
            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);

            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await table.UpdateAsync(null));
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await table.UpdateAsync(new JObject()));
Пример #4
        public async Task DateOffsetUri()
            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("").WithFilter(hijack);
            IMobileServiceTable<DateOffsetExample> table = client.GetTable<DateOffsetExample>();

            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 200;
            hijack.Response.Content = "[]";

            DateTimeOffset date = new DateTimeOffset(
                new DateTime(2009, 11, 21, 14, 22, 59, 860, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime());
            await table.Where(b => b.Date == date).ToEnumerableAsync();
            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), "$filter=(DateOffsetExampleDate eq datetime'2009-11-21T14:22:59.860Z')");
Пример #5
        public async Task DateOffsetUri()
            TestServiceFilter   hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("").WithFilter(hijack);
            IMobileServiceTable <DateOffsetExample> table = client.GetTable <DateOffsetExample>();

            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 200;
            hijack.Response.Content    = "[]";

            DateTimeOffset date = new DateTimeOffset(
                new DateTime(2009, 11, 21, 14, 22, 59, 860, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime());
            await table.Where(b => b.Date == date).ToEnumerableAsync();

            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), "$filter=(DateOffsetExampleDate eq datetime'2009-11-21T14:22:59.860Z')");
        public async Task LoginAsync()
            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...")

            // Send back a successful login response
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("authenticationToken", "rhubarb")
                     new JObject()
                     .Set("userId", "123456")).ToString();
            MobileServiceUser current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");

            Assert.AreEqual("123456", current.UserId);
            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), "login");
            string input = JToken.Parse(hijack.Request.Content).Get("authenticationToken").AsString();

            Assert.AreEqual("donkey", input);
            Assert.AreEqual("POST", hijack.Request.Method);
            Assert.AreSame(current, service.CurrentUser);

            // Verify that the user token is sent with each request
            JToken response = await service.GetTable("foo").ReadAsync("bar");

            Assert.AreEqual("rhubarb", hijack.Request.Headers["X-ZUMO-AUTH"]);

            // Verify error cases
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await service.LoginAsync(null));
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await service.LoginAsync(""));

            // Send back a failure and ensure it throws
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject().Set("error", "login failed").ToString();
            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401;
            ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() =>
                current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");
        public async Task Logout()
            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...")

            // Send back a successful login response
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("authenticationToken", "rhubarb")
                     new JObject()
                     .Set("userId", "123456")).ToString();
            MobileServiceUser current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");


        public async Task ReadAsyncGeneric()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("Name", "Bob"))

            IMobileServiceTable <Person> table = service.GetTable <Person>();
            List <Person> people = await table.Where(p => p.Id == 12).ToListAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, people.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(12L, people[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bob", people[0].Name);
        public async Task StandardRequestFormat()
            string appUrl     = "";
            string appKey     = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query      = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "test"))
            JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);

            Assert.AreEqual("secret...", hijack.Request.Headers["X-ZUMO-APPLICATION"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("application/json", hijack.Request.Accept);
Пример #10
        public async Task WithFilter()
            string            appUrl = "";
            string            appKey = "secret...";
            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();

            MobileServiceClient service =
                new MobileServiceClient(new Uri(appUrl), appKey)

            // Ensure properties are copied over
            Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(appKey, service.ApplicationKey);

            // Set the filter to return an empty array
            hijack.Response.Content = new JArray().ToString();
            JToken response = await service.GetTable("foo").ReadAsync("bar");

            // Verify the filter was in the loop
            Assert.StartsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), appUrl);

            Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => service.WithFilter(null));
Пример #11
        public async Task ReadAsync()
            string appUrl     = "";
            string appKey     = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query      = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "test"))
            JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);

            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);
            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), query);

            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await service.GetTable(null).ReadAsync(query));
            ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await service.GetTable("").ReadAsync(query));
Пример #12
        public async Task WithFilter()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();

            MobileServiceClient service =
                new MobileServiceClient(new Uri(appUrl), appKey)

            // Ensure properties are copied over
            Assert.AreEqual(appUrl, service.ApplicationUri.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(appKey, service.ApplicationKey);

            // Set the filter to return an empty array
            hijack.Response.Content = new JArray().ToString();
            JToken response = await service.GetTable("foo").ReadAsync("bar");

            // Verify the filter was in the loop
            Assert.StartsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), appUrl);

            Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => service.WithFilter(null));            
Пример #13
        public async Task LoginAsync()
            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...")

            // Send back a successful login response
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("authenticationToken", "rhubarb")
                        new JObject()
                            .Set("userId", "123456")).ToString();
            MobileServiceUser current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");
            Assert.AreEqual("123456", current.UserId);
            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), "login");
            string input = JToken.Parse(hijack.Request.Content).Get("authenticationToken").AsString();
            Assert.AreEqual("donkey", input);
            Assert.AreEqual("POST", hijack.Request.Method);
            Assert.AreSame(current, service.CurrentUser);

            // Verify that the user token is sent with each request
            JToken response = await service.GetTable("foo").ReadAsync("bar");
            Assert.AreEqual("rhubarb", hijack.Request.Headers["X-ZUMO-AUTH"]);
            // Verify error cases
            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await service.LoginAsync(null));
            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentException>(async () => await service.LoginAsync(""));

            // Send back a failure and ensure it throws
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject().Set("error", "login failed").ToString();
            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401;
            ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(async () =>
                current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");
Пример #14
        public async Task Logout()
            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient("", "secret...")

            // Send back a successful login response
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("authenticationToken", "rhubarb")
                        new JObject()
                            .Set("userId", "123456")).ToString();
            MobileServiceUser current = await service.LoginAsync("donkey");

Пример #15
        public async Task StandardRequestFormat()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                    .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "test"))
            JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);

            Assert.AreEqual("secret...", hijack.Request.Headers["X-ZUMO-APPLICATION"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("application/json", hijack.Request.Accept);    
Пример #16
        public async Task ErrorMessageConstruction()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            // Verify the error message is correctly pulled out
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("error", "error message")
                    .Set("other", "donkey")
            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401;
            hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS.";
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals(ex.Message, "error message");

            // Verify all of the exception parameters
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("error", "error message")
                    .Set("other", "donkey")
            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 401;
            hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS.";
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals(ex.Message, "error message");
                Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ex.Response.StatusCode);
                Assert.Contains(ex.Response.Content, "donkey");
                Assert.StartsWith(ex.Request.Uri.ToString(), appUrl);
                Assert.AreEqual("YOU SHALL NOT PASS.", ex.Response.StatusDescription);

            // If no error message in the response, we'll use the
            // StatusDescription instead
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("other", "donkey")
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals("The request could not be completed.  (YOU SHALL NOT PASS).", ex.Message);
Пример #17
        public async Task ErrorMessageConstruction()
            string appUrl     = "";
            string appKey     = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query      = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter   hijack  = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            // Verify the error message is correctly pulled out
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("error", "error message")
                .Set("other", "donkey")
            hijack.Response.StatusCode        = 401;
            hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS.";
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals(ex.Message, "error message");

            // Verify all of the exception parameters
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("error", "error message")
                .Set("other", "donkey")
            hijack.Response.StatusCode        = 401;
            hijack.Response.StatusDescription = "YOU SHALL NOT PASS.";
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals(ex.Message, "error message");
                Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ex.Response.StatusCode);
                Assert.Contains(ex.Response.Content, "donkey");
                Assert.StartsWith(ex.Request.Uri.ToString(), appUrl);
                Assert.AreEqual("YOU SHALL NOT PASS.", ex.Response.StatusDescription);

            // If no error message in the response, we'll use the
            // StatusDescription instead
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                .Set("other", "donkey")
                JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                Assert.Equals("The request could not be completed.  (YOU SHALL NOT PASS).", ex.Message);
Пример #18
        public async Task ReadAsync()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";
            string query = "$filter=id eq 12";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                    .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "test"))
            JToken response = await service.GetTable(collection).ReadAsync(query);

            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);
            Assert.EndsWith(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), query);

            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await service.GetTable(null).ReadAsync(query));
            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentException>(async () => await service.GetTable("").ReadAsync(query));
Пример #19
        public async Task DeleteAsync()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)

            JObject obj = new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "new") as JObject;
            IMobileServiceTable table = service.GetTable(collection);
            await table.DeleteAsync(obj);
            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);

            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await table.DeleteAsync(null));
            ThrowsAsync<ArgumentException>(async () => await table.DeleteAsync(new JObject()));
Пример #20
        public async Task InsertAsync()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";
            string collection = "tests";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)
            JObject obj = new JObject().Set("value", "new") as JObject;
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("value", "new").ToString();
            await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(12, obj.Get("id").AsInteger());
            Assert.Contains(hijack.Request.Uri.ToString(), collection);

                async () => await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(null));
            // Verify we throw if ID is set on both JSON and strongly typed
            // instances
                async () => await service.GetTable(collection).InsertAsync(
                    new JObject().Set("id", 15) as JObject));
                async () => await service.GetTable<Person>().InsertAsync(
                    new Person() { Id = 15 }));
Пример #21
        public async Task LookupAsync()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JObject()
                    .Set("id", 12)
                    .Set("Name", "Bob")

            IMobileServiceTable<Person> table = service.GetTable<Person>();
            Person bob = await table.LookupAsync(12);
            Assert.AreEqual(12L, bob.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bob", bob.Name);

            hijack.Response.StatusCode = 404;
            bool thrown = false;
                bob = await table.LookupAsync(12);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                thrown = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(thrown, "Exception should be thrown on a 404!");
Пример #22
        public async Task ReadAsyncGeneric()
            string appUrl = "";
            string appKey = "secret...";

            TestServiceFilter hijack = new TestServiceFilter();
            MobileServiceClient service = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, appKey)
            hijack.Response.Content =
                new JArray()
                    .Append(new JObject().Set("id", 12).Set("Name", "Bob"))

            IMobileServiceTable<Person> table = service.GetTable<Person>();
            List<Person> people = await table.Where(p => p.Id == 12).ToListAsync();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, people.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(12L, people[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bob", people[0].Name);