Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// HyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="azureVmDiskDetails">Azure VM Disk details.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureVmName">Recovery Azure given
 /// name.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureVMSize">The Recovery Azure VM
 /// size.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureStorageAccount">The recovery Azure
 /// storage account.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId">The ARM id of the
 /// log storage account used for replication. This will be set to null
 /// if no log storage account was provided during enable
 /// protection.</param>
 /// <param name="lastReplicatedTime">The Last replication time.</param>
 /// <param name="rpoInSeconds">Last RPO value.</param>
 /// <param name="lastRpoCalculatedTime">The last RPO calculated
 /// time.</param>
 /// <param name="vmId">The virtual machine Id.</param>
 /// <param name="vmProtectionState">The protection state for the
 /// vm.</param>
 /// <param name="vmProtectionStateDescription">The protection state
 /// description for the vm.</param>
 /// <param name="initialReplicationDetails">Initial replication
 /// details.</param>
 /// <param name="vmNics">The PE Network details.</param>
 /// <param name="selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId">The selected recovery
 /// azure network Id.</param>
 /// <param name="selectedSourceNicId">The selected source nic Id which
 /// will be used as the primary nic during failover.</param>
 /// <param name="encryption">The encryption info.</param>
 /// <param name="oSDetails">The operating system info.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceVmRamSizeInMB">The RAM size of the VM on the
 /// primary side.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceVmCpuCount">The CPU count of the VM on the
 /// primary side.</param>
 /// <param name="enableRdpOnTargetOption">The selected option to enable
 /// RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of
 /// {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureResourceGroupId">The target resource
 /// group Id.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAvailabilitySetId">The recovery availability
 /// set Id.</param>
 /// <param name="useManagedDisks">A value indicating whether managed
 /// disks should be used during failover.</param>
 /// <param name="licenseType">License Type of the VM to be
 /// used.</param>
 public HyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails(IList <AzureVmDiskDetails> azureVmDiskDetails = default(IList <AzureVmDiskDetails>), string recoveryAzureVmName = default(string), string recoveryAzureVMSize = default(string), string recoveryAzureStorageAccount = default(string), string recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId = default(string), System.DateTime?lastReplicatedTime = default(System.DateTime?), long?rpoInSeconds = default(long?), System.DateTime?lastRpoCalculatedTime = default(System.DateTime?), string vmId = default(string), string vmProtectionState = default(string), string vmProtectionStateDescription = default(string), InitialReplicationDetails initialReplicationDetails = default(InitialReplicationDetails), IList <VMNicDetails> vmNics = default(IList <VMNicDetails>), string selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId = default(string), string selectedSourceNicId = default(string), string encryption = default(string), OSDetails oSDetails = default(OSDetails), int?sourceVmRamSizeInMB = default(int?), int?sourceVmCpuCount = default(int?), string enableRdpOnTargetOption = default(string), string recoveryAzureResourceGroupId = default(string), string recoveryAvailabilitySetId = default(string), string useManagedDisks = default(string), string licenseType = default(string))
     AzureVmDiskDetails               = azureVmDiskDetails;
     RecoveryAzureVmName              = recoveryAzureVmName;
     RecoveryAzureVMSize              = recoveryAzureVMSize;
     RecoveryAzureStorageAccount      = recoveryAzureStorageAccount;
     RecoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId = recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId;
     LastReplicatedTime               = lastReplicatedTime;
     RpoInSeconds          = rpoInSeconds;
     LastRpoCalculatedTime = lastRpoCalculatedTime;
     VmId = vmId;
     VmProtectionState            = vmProtectionState;
     VmProtectionStateDescription = vmProtectionStateDescription;
     InitialReplicationDetails    = initialReplicationDetails;
     VmNics = vmNics;
     SelectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId = selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId;
     SelectedSourceNicId            = selectedSourceNicId;
     Encryption                   = encryption;
     OSDetails                    = oSDetails;
     SourceVmRamSizeInMB          = sourceVmRamSizeInMB;
     SourceVmCpuCount             = sourceVmCpuCount;
     EnableRdpOnTargetOption      = enableRdpOnTargetOption;
     RecoveryAzureResourceGroupId = recoveryAzureResourceGroupId;
     RecoveryAvailabilitySetId    = recoveryAvailabilitySetId;
     UseManagedDisks              = useManagedDisks;
     LicenseType                  = licenseType;
Пример #2
 public ASRHyperVReplicaAzureOsDetails_2016_08_10(OSDetails hyperVOsSetails)
     this.OsType         = hyperVOsSetails.OsType;
     this.ProductType    = hyperVOsSetails.ProductType;
     this.OsEdition      = hyperVOsSetails.OsEdition;
     this.OSVersion      = hyperVOsSetails.OSVersion;
     this.OSMinorVersion = hyperVOsSetails.OSMinorVersion;
     this.OSMajorVersion = hyperVOsSetails.OSMajorVersion;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the HyperVVirtualMachineDetails
 /// class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItemId">The source id of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="generation">The id of the object in fabric.</param>
 /// <param name="osDetails">The Last replication time.</param>
 /// <param name="diskDetails">The Last successful failover
 /// time.</param>
 /// <param name="hasPhysicalDisk">A value indicating whether the VM has
 /// a physical disk attached. String value of
 /// SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus enum. Possible values include:
 /// 'Unknown', 'Present', 'NotPresent'</param>
 /// <param name="hasFibreChannelAdapter">A value indicating whether the
 /// VM has a fibre channel adapter attached. String value of
 /// SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus enum. Possible values include:
 /// 'Unknown', 'Present', 'NotPresent'</param>
 /// <param name="hasSharedVhd">A value indicating whether the VM has a
 /// shared VHD attached. String value of SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus
 /// enum. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'Present',
 /// 'NotPresent'</param>
 public HyperVVirtualMachineDetails(string sourceItemId = default(string), string generation = default(string), OSDetails osDetails = default(OSDetails), IList <DiskDetails> diskDetails = default(IList <DiskDetails>), string hasPhysicalDisk = default(string), string hasFibreChannelAdapter = default(string), string hasSharedVhd = default(string))
     SourceItemId           = sourceItemId;
     Generation             = generation;
     OsDetails              = osDetails;
     DiskDetails            = diskDetails;
     HasPhysicalDisk        = hasPhysicalDisk;
     HasFibreChannelAdapter = hasFibreChannelAdapter;
     HasSharedVhd           = hasSharedVhd;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// HyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="azureVmDiskDetails">Azure VM Disk details.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureVmName">Recovery Azure given
 /// name.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureVMSize">The Recovery Azure VM
 /// size.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureStorageAccount">The recovery Azure
 /// storage account.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId">The ARM id of the
 /// log storage account used for replication. This will be set to null
 /// if no log storage account was provided during enable
 /// protection.</param>
 /// <param name="lastReplicatedTime">The Last replication time.</param>
 /// <param name="rpoInSeconds">Last RPO value.</param>
 /// <param name="lastRpoCalculatedTime">The last RPO calculated
 /// time.</param>
 /// <param name="vmId">The virtual machine Id.</param>
 /// <param name="vmProtectionState">The protection state for the
 /// vm.</param>
 /// <param name="vmProtectionStateDescription">The protection state
 /// description for the vm.</param>
 /// <param name="initialReplicationDetails">Initial replication
 /// details.</param>
 /// <param name="vmNics">The PE Network details.</param>
 /// <param name="selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId">The selected recovery
 /// azure network Id.</param>
 /// <param name="selectedSourceNicId">The selected source nic Id which
 /// will be used as the primary nic during failover.</param>
 /// <param name="encryption">The encryption info.</param>
 /// <param name="oSDetails">The operating system info.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceVmRamSizeInMB">The RAM size of the VM on the
 /// primary side.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceVmCpuCount">The CPU count of the VM on the
 /// primary side.</param>
 /// <param name="enableRdpOnTargetOption">The selected option to enable
 /// RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of
 /// SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption enum.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAzureResourceGroupId">The target resource
 /// group Id.</param>
 /// <param name="recoveryAvailabilitySetId">The recovery availability
 /// set Id.</param>
 /// <param name="targetAvailabilityZone">The target availability
 /// zone.</param>
 /// <param name="targetProximityPlacementGroupId">The target proximity
 /// placement group Id.</param>
 /// <param name="useManagedDisks">A value indicating whether managed
 /// disks should be used during failover.</param>
 /// <param name="licenseType">License Type of the VM to be
 /// used.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlServerLicenseType">The SQL Server license
 /// type.</param>
 /// <param name="lastRecoveryPointReceived">The last recovery point
 /// received time.</param>
 /// <param name="targetVmTags">The target VM tags.</param>
 /// <param name="seedManagedDiskTags">The tags for the seed managed
 /// disks.</param>
 /// <param name="targetManagedDiskTags">The tags for the target managed
 /// disks.</param>
 /// <param name="targetNicTags">The tags for the target NICs.</param>
 /// <param name="protectedManagedDisks">The list of protected managed
 /// disks.</param>
 public HyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails(IList <AzureVmDiskDetails> azureVmDiskDetails = default(IList <AzureVmDiskDetails>), string recoveryAzureVmName = default(string), string recoveryAzureVMSize = default(string), string recoveryAzureStorageAccount = default(string), string recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId = default(string), System.DateTime?lastReplicatedTime = default(System.DateTime?), long?rpoInSeconds = default(long?), System.DateTime?lastRpoCalculatedTime = default(System.DateTime?), string vmId = default(string), string vmProtectionState = default(string), string vmProtectionStateDescription = default(string), InitialReplicationDetails initialReplicationDetails = default(InitialReplicationDetails), IList <VMNicDetails> vmNics = default(IList <VMNicDetails>), string selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId = default(string), string selectedSourceNicId = default(string), string encryption = default(string), OSDetails oSDetails = default(OSDetails), int?sourceVmRamSizeInMB = default(int?), int?sourceVmCpuCount = default(int?), string enableRdpOnTargetOption = default(string), string recoveryAzureResourceGroupId = default(string), string recoveryAvailabilitySetId = default(string), string targetAvailabilityZone = default(string), string targetProximityPlacementGroupId = default(string), string useManagedDisks = default(string), string licenseType = default(string), string sqlServerLicenseType = default(string), System.DateTime?lastRecoveryPointReceived = default(System.DateTime?), IDictionary <string, string> targetVmTags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), IDictionary <string, string> seedManagedDiskTags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), IDictionary <string, string> targetManagedDiskTags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), IDictionary <string, string> targetNicTags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), IList <HyperVReplicaAzureManagedDiskDetails> protectedManagedDisks = default(IList <HyperVReplicaAzureManagedDiskDetails>))
     AzureVmDiskDetails               = azureVmDiskDetails;
     RecoveryAzureVmName              = recoveryAzureVmName;
     RecoveryAzureVMSize              = recoveryAzureVMSize;
     RecoveryAzureStorageAccount      = recoveryAzureStorageAccount;
     RecoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId = recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId;
     LastReplicatedTime               = lastReplicatedTime;
     RpoInSeconds          = rpoInSeconds;
     LastRpoCalculatedTime = lastRpoCalculatedTime;
     VmId = vmId;
     VmProtectionState            = vmProtectionState;
     VmProtectionStateDescription = vmProtectionStateDescription;
     InitialReplicationDetails    = initialReplicationDetails;
     VmNics = vmNics;
     SelectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId = selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId;
     SelectedSourceNicId            = selectedSourceNicId;
     Encryption                      = encryption;
     OSDetails                       = oSDetails;
     SourceVmRamSizeInMB             = sourceVmRamSizeInMB;
     SourceVmCpuCount                = sourceVmCpuCount;
     EnableRdpOnTargetOption         = enableRdpOnTargetOption;
     RecoveryAzureResourceGroupId    = recoveryAzureResourceGroupId;
     RecoveryAvailabilitySetId       = recoveryAvailabilitySetId;
     TargetAvailabilityZone          = targetAvailabilityZone;
     TargetProximityPlacementGroupId = targetProximityPlacementGroupId;
     UseManagedDisks                 = useManagedDisks;
     LicenseType                     = licenseType;
     SqlServerLicenseType            = sqlServerLicenseType;
     LastRecoveryPointReceived       = lastRecoveryPointReceived;
     TargetVmTags                    = targetVmTags;
     SeedManagedDiskTags             = seedManagedDiskTags;
     TargetManagedDiskTags           = targetManagedDiskTags;
     TargetNicTags                   = targetNicTags;
     ProtectedManagedDisks           = protectedManagedDisks;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the VmmVirtualMachineDetails class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceItemId">The source id of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="generation">The id of the object in fabric.</param>
 /// <param name="osDetails">The Last replication time.</param>
 /// <param name="diskDetails">The Last successful failover
 /// time.</param>
 /// <param name="hasPhysicalDisk">A value indicating whether the VM has
 /// a physical disk attached. String value of
 /// SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus enum. Possible values include:
 /// 'Unknown', 'Present', 'NotPresent'</param>
 /// <param name="hasFibreChannelAdapter">A value indicating whether the
 /// VM has a fibre channel adapter attached. String value of
 /// SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus enum. Possible values include:
 /// 'Unknown', 'Present', 'NotPresent'</param>
 /// <param name="hasSharedVhd">A value indicating whether the VM has a
 /// shared VHD attached. String value of SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus
 /// enum. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'Present',
 /// 'NotPresent'</param>
 /// <param name="hyperVHostId">The Id of the hyper-v host in
 /// fabric.</param>
 public VmmVirtualMachineDetails(string sourceItemId = default(string), string generation = default(string), OSDetails osDetails = default(OSDetails), IList <DiskDetails> diskDetails = default(IList <DiskDetails>), string hasPhysicalDisk = default(string), string hasFibreChannelAdapter = default(string), string hasSharedVhd = default(string), string hyperVHostId = default(string))
     : base(sourceItemId, generation, osDetails, diskDetails, hasPhysicalDisk, hasFibreChannelAdapter, hasSharedVhd, hyperVHostId)