public void TcsContinuationErrorsDontGetLoggedAsGeneralErrors()
            var testLogger       = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();
            var testKestrelTrace = new TestKestrelTrace(testLogger);
            var threadPool       = new LoggingThreadPool(testKestrelTrace);

            var completeTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();


            var errorTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

            threadPool.Error(errorTcs, new Exception());

            var cancelTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();


            Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() =>
                                               Task.WhenAll(completeTcs.Task, errorTcs.Task, cancelTcs.Task).Wait());

            Assert.Equal(0, testLogger.TotalErrorsLogged);
Пример #2
        public async Task NoErrorsLoggedWhenServerEndsConnectionBeforeClient(ServiceContext testContext)
            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11);
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection(server.Port))
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.0",

                    await connection.ReceiveForcedEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Hello World");

            Assert.Equal(0, testLogger.TotalErrorsLogged);
        public async Task ThrowingResultsIn500Response(TestServiceContext testContext)
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));
                }, null);

                // Anything added to the ResponseHeaders dictionary is ignored
                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = "11";
                throw new Exception();
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = server.CreateConnection())
                    await connection.SendEnd(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Connection: close",

                    await connection.Receive(
                        "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",

                    await connection.Receive(
                        $"Date: {testContext.DateHeaderValue}",
                        "Content-Length: 0",
                        "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",

                    await connection.Receive("Connection: close",

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        $"Date: {testContext.DateHeaderValue}",
                        "Content-Length: 0",

                    Assert.Equal(2, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
Пример #4
        public async Task ThrowingInOnCompletedIsLoggedAndClosesConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            var onCompletedCalled1 = false;
            var onCompletedCalled2 = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled1 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);
                response.OnCompleted(_ =>
                    onCompletedCalled2 = true;
                    throw new Exception();
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11);
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection(server.Port))
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveForcedEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",
                        "Hello World");

                // All OnCompleted callbacks should be called even if they throw.
                Assert.Equal(2, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
Пример #5
        public async Task ThrowingAfterPartialWriteKillsConnection(ServiceContext testContext)
            bool onStartingCalled = false;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    onStartingCalled = true;
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };
                await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello"), 0, 5);
                throw new Exception();
            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection(server.Port))
                    await connection.Send(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",

                    await connection.ReceiveForcedEnd(
                        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
                        "Content-Length: 11",

                    Assert.Equal(1, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);
Пример #6
        public async Task ThrowingInOnStartingResultsInFailedWritesAnd500Response(ServiceContext testContext)
            var onStartingCallCount1 = 0;
            var onStartingCallCount2 = 0;
            var failedWriteCount     = 0;

            var testLogger = new TestApplicationErrorLogger();

            testContext.Log = new KestrelTrace(testLogger);

            using (var server = new TestServer(async httpContext =>
                var onStartingException = new Exception();

                var response = httpContext.Response;
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    throw onStartingException;
                }, null);
                response.OnStarting(_ =>
                    throw onStartingException;
                }, null);

                response.Headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { "11" };

                var writeException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ObjectDisposedException>(async() =>
                                                                                        await response.Body.WriteAsync(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World"), 0, 11));

                Assert.Same(onStartingException, writeException.InnerException);

            }, testContext))
                using (var connection = new TestConnection(server.Port))
                    await connection.SendEnd(
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                        "GET / HTTP/1.1",
                        "Connection: close",

                    await connection.Receive(
                        "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",

                    await connection.ReceiveStartsWith("Date:");

                    await connection.Receive(
                        "Content-Length: 0",
                        "Server: Kestrel",
                        "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error",
                        "Connection: close",

                    await connection.ReceiveStartsWith("Date:");

                    await connection.ReceiveEnd(
                        "Content-Length: 0",
                        "Server: Kestrel",

                    Assert.Equal(2, onStartingCallCount1);
                    // The second OnStarting callback should not be called since the first failed.
                    Assert.Equal(0, onStartingCallCount2);
                    Assert.Equal(2, testLogger.ApplicationErrorsLogged);