Пример #1
        public void RestoreCube(string connectionString, string abfFilePath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(abfFilePath))
                FailedToRestore($"abfFilePath is null or empty.");
                //throw new ArgumentNullException($"abfFilePath is null or empty.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString))
                FailedToRestore($"connectionString is null or empty.");
                //throw new ArgumentNullException($"connectionString is null or empty.");

                if (ConnectSSASServer(connectionString))
                    string SSASDBName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(abfFilePath);
                    ssasServer.Restore(abfFilePath, SSASDBName, true);
                    ssasServer.Restore(abfFilePath, SSASDBName, true);

                    AMO.Database ssasDataBase = ssasServer.Databases[SSASDBName];

                    FailedToRestore($"Failed to connect to the server.");
            catch (NullReferenceException nex)
                //throw new Exception(nex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method ensures the tabular model is online and populates the CompatibilityLevel property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="closedBimFile">A Boolean specifying if the user cancelled the comparison. For the case where running in Visual Studio, the user has the option of cancelling if the project BIM file is open.</param>
        public void InitializeCompatibilityLevel(bool closedBimFile = false)
            if (UseBimFile)
                TOM.Database tomDatabase          = null;
                bool         exceptionLoadingFile = false;
                    tomDatabase = OpenDatabaseFromFile();
                    exceptionLoadingFile = true;
                if (exceptionLoadingFile || tomDatabase == null)
                    throw new ConnectionException($"Can't load file \"{_bimFile}\".");

                _compatibilityLevel = tomDatabase.CompatibilityLevel;
                _dataSourceVersion  = tomDatabase.Model.DefaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion.ToString();
                _directQuery        = (tomDatabase.Model != null && tomDatabase.Model.DefaultMode == Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModeType.DirectQuery);


            if (UseProject)
                //Initialize _projectDirectoryInfo
                FileInfo projectFileInfo;
                if (_project == null)
                    //Probably running in command-line mode
                    projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(_projectFile);
                    projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(_project.FullName);
                _projectDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(projectFileInfo.Directory.FullName);

                //Read settings file to get workspace server/db

                //Read project file to get deployment server/cube names, and bim file

                //Overwrite the server if a workspace server provided
                if (_workspaceServerProvided)
                    this.ServerName = _workspaceServer;

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server amoServer = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server();
            catch (ConnectionException) when(UseProject)
                //See if can find integrated workspace server

                bool foundServer = false;

                string tempDataDir = Path.GetTempPath() + @"Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\OLAP\LocalServer\Data";

                if (Directory.Exists(tempDataDir))
                    var subDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(tempDataDir).OrderByDescending(d => new DirectoryInfo(d).CreationTime); //Need to order by descending in case old folders hanging around when VS was killed and SSDT didn't get a chance to clean up after itself
                    foreach (string subDir in subDirs)
                        string[] iniFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(subDir, "msmdsrv.ini");
                        if (iniFilePath.Length == 1 && File.ReadAllText(iniFilePath[0]).Contains("<DataDir>" + _projectDirectoryInfo.FullName + @"\bin\Data</DataDir>")) //Todo: proper xml lookup
                            //Assuming this must be the folder, so now get the port number
                            string[] portFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(subDir, "msmdsrv.port.txt");
                            if (portFilePath.Length == 1)
                                string port = File.ReadAllText(portFilePath[0]).Replace("\0", "");
                                this.ServerName = $"localhost:{Convert.ToString(port)}";
                                foundServer = true;

                if (!foundServer)

            ////non-admins can't see any ServerProperties: social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/3d0bf49c-9034-4416-9c51-77dc32bf8b73/determine-current-user-permissionscapabilities-via-amo-or-xmla
            //if (!(amoServer.ServerProperties.Count > 0)) //non-admins can't see any ServerProperties
            //    throw new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ConnectionException($"Current user {WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name} is not an administrator on the Analysis Server " + this.ServerName);

            if (amoServer.ServerMode != ServerMode.Tabular && amoServer.ServerMode != ServerMode.SharePoint) //SharePoint is what Power BI Desktop runs as
                throw new ConnectionException($"Analysis Server {this.ServerName} is not running in Tabular mode");

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database amoDatabase = null;
            if (this.DatabaseName == "" && this.ServerName.ToUpper().StartsWith("localhost:".ToUpper()))
                //PBI Desktop doesn't have db name yet
                if (amoServer.Databases.Count > 0)
                    amoDatabase       = amoServer.Databases[0];
                    this.DatabaseName = amoDatabase.Name;
                amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName);
            if (amoDatabase == null)
                if (!this.UseProject)
                    throw new ConnectionException("Could not connect to database " + this.DatabaseName);
                    /* Check if folder exists using SystemGetSubdirs. If so attach. If not, do nothing - when execute BIM file below will create automatically.
                     * Using XMLA to run SystemGetSubdirs rather than ADOMD.net here don't want a reference to ADOMD.net Dll.
                     * Also, can't use Server.Execute method because it only takes XMLA execute commands (as opposed to XMLA discover commands), so need to submit the full soap envelope

                    string dataDir = amoServer.ServerProperties["DataDir"].Value;
                    if (dataDir.EndsWith("\\"))
                        dataDir = dataDir.Substring(0, dataDir.Length - 1);
                    string      commandStatement = String.Format("SystemGetSubdirs '{0}'", dataDir);
                    bool        foundFault       = false;
                    XmlNodeList rows             = Core.Comparison.ExecuteXmlaCommand(amoServer, "", commandStatement, ref foundFault);

                    string dbDir = "";
                    foreach (XmlNode row in rows)
                        XmlNode dirNode     = null;
                        XmlNode allowedNode = null;

                        foreach (XmlNode childNode in row.ChildNodes)
                            if (childNode.Name == "Dir")
                                dirNode = childNode;
                            else if (childNode.Name == "Allowed")
                                allowedNode = childNode;

                        if (dirNode != null && allowedNode != null && dirNode.InnerText.Length >= this.DatabaseName.Length && dirNode.InnerText.Substring(0, this.DatabaseName.Length) == this.DatabaseName && allowedNode.InnerText.Length > 0 && allowedNode.InnerText == "1")
                            dbDir = dataDir + "\\" + dirNode.InnerText;

                    if (dbDir != "")
                        amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName);

            if (this.UseProject)
                //_bimFileFullName = GetBimFileFullName();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_ssdtBimFile))
                    throw new ConnectionException("Could not load BIM file for Project " + this.ProjectName);

                if (!closedBimFile) //If just closed BIM file, no need to execute it
                    //Execute BIM file contents as script on workspace database

                    //We don't know the compatibility level yet, so try parsing json, if fail, try xmla ...
                        //Replace "SemanticModel" with db name.
                        JObject jDocument = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(_ssdtBimFile));

                        if (jDocument["name"] == null || jDocument["id"] == null)
                            throw new ConnectionException("Could not read JSON in BIM file " + _ssdtBimFile);

                        jDocument["name"] = DatabaseName;
                        jDocument["id"]   = DatabaseName;

                        //Todo: see if Tabular helper classes for this once documentation available after CTP
                        string command =
  ""createOrReplace"": {{
    ""object"": {{
      ""database"": ""{DatabaseName}""
    ""database"": {jDocument.ToString()}
                    catch (JsonReaderException)
                        //Replace "SemanticModel" with db name.  Could do a global replace, but just in case it's not called SemanticModel, use dom instead
                        //string xmlaScript = File.ReadAllText(xmlaFileFullName);
                        XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                        XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);
                        nsmgr.AddNamespace("myns1", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine");

                        XmlNode objectDatabaseIdNode             = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:Object/myns1:DatabaseID", nsmgr);
                        XmlNode objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode   = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:ObjectDefinition/myns1:Database/myns1:ID", nsmgr);
                        XmlNode objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:ObjectDefinition/myns1:Database/myns1:Name", nsmgr);

                        if (objectDatabaseIdNode == null || objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode == null || objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode == null)
                            throw new ConnectionException("Could not access XMLA in BIM file " + _ssdtBimFile);

                        objectDatabaseIdNode.InnerText             = DatabaseName;
                        objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode.InnerText   = DatabaseName;
                        objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode.InnerText = DatabaseName;

                        //1103, 1100 projects store the xmla as Alter (equivalent to createOrReplace), so just need to execute

                //need next lines in case just created the db using the Execute method
                //amoServer.Refresh(); //todo workaround for bug 9719887 on 3/10/17 need to disconnect and reconnect

                amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName);

            if (amoDatabase == null)
                throw new ConnectionException($"Can not load/find database {this.DatabaseName}.");

            _compatibilityLevel = amoDatabase.CompatibilityLevel;
            if (_compatibilityLevel >= 1400)
                _dataSourceVersion = amoDatabase.Model.DefaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion.ToString();
            _serverMode  = amoServer.ServerMode;
            _directQuery = ((amoDatabase.Model != null && amoDatabase.Model.DefaultMode == Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModeType.DirectQuery) ||
                            amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.DirectQuery || amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.InMemoryWithDirectQuery || amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.DirectQueryWithInMemory);