public void InMemoryString()
     factory.TemporaryFile = null;
     ITemplate it = factory.Create("This is a test");
     Context c = new Context();
     Assert.AreEqual("This is a test", it.ToString(c));
 public void OneArgVariable()
     factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("OneArgVariable.cs");
     ITemplate t = factory.Create("This is a <%= Var1 %> test");
     Context c = new Context();
     c["var1"] = "valid";
     Assert.AreEqual("This is a valid test", t.ToString(c));
 public void NewlineString()
     factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("NewlineString.cs");
     ITemplate it = factory.Create("This is\na test");
     Context c = new Context();
     Assert.AreEqual("This is" + Environment.NewLine + "a test",
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the template using the context, then returns the
        /// results as a string.
        /// </summary>
        public string ToString(Context context)
            // Change the context
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            Write(context, sw);

            // Trim off the final \n (artifact of the process)
            string buffer = sw.ToString();
            return buffer.Substring(0, buffer.Length -1);
        public void ReuseTest()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("ReuseTest.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create("I am <%=Var1%>.");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            c1["var1"] = "okay";
            Assert.AreEqual("I am okay.", t.ToString(c1), "First context.");

            Context c2 = new Context();
            c2["var1"] = "good";
            Assert.AreEqual("I am good.", t.ToString(c2), "Second context.");
        public void TestVariable()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestVariable.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create(
                "<%@ Variable Name=\"Var2\" Type=\"System.String\" %>"
                + "<%=Var2%>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            c1["Var2"] = "yes";
            Assert.AreEqual("yes", t.ToString(c1));
        public void TestNamespace()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestNamespace.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create(
                "<%@ Template Namespace=\"System.Collections\"%>"
                + "<%=typeof(ArrayList)%>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            Assert.AreEqual("System.Collections.ArrayList", t.ToString(c1));
        public void TestExternal60()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("External.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create(
                "<%# private string Foo()\n"
                + "  {\n"
                + "    return \"bar\";\n"
                + "  }\n"
                + "%>"
                + "<%=Foo()%>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            Assert.AreEqual("bar", t.ToString(c1));
        public void TestBug61b()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestBug61b.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create
                ("<%= Foo() %><%#\n//Comment\n"
                    + "string Foo() { return \"template\"; } %>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            Assert.AreEqual("template", t.ToString(c1));
Пример #10
        public void TestBug61a()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestBug61a.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create
                ("<%\n//Comment\nVar1 = \"bob\";\n"
                    + "// Comment\nVar1 = \"template\"; %><%=Var1%>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            Assert.AreEqual("template", t.ToString(c1));
Пример #11
        public void TestBug61()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestBug61.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create("<%=\n//Comment\nVar1\n%>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            c1["var1"] = "template";
            Assert.AreEqual("template", t.ToString(c1));
Пример #12
        public void TestBug60a()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("TestBug60a.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create("<%\nVar1\n =\n \"inner\";\n%>"
                + "<%= Var1 %>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            Assert.AreEqual("inner", t.ToString(c1));
Пример #13
 public void StraightString()
     factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("StraightString.cs");
     ITemplate it = factory.Create("This is a test");
     Context c = new Context();
     Assert.AreEqual("This is a test", it.ToString(c));
Пример #14
 public void SimpleLoop()
     factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("SimpleLoop.cs");
     ITemplate t = factory.Create("<% for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { %>"
         + "<%=i%> "
         + "<% }%>");
     Context c = new Context();
     Assert.AreEqual("1 2 3 4 5 ", t.ToString(c));
Пример #15
        public void SimpleInclude2()
            factory.TemporaryFile = new FileInfo("SimpleInclude.cs");
            ITemplate t = factory.Create("<%= Include(\"inner\") %>"
                                         + "<% Var1 = \"second\"; %>"
                                         + "<%= Include(\"inner\") %>");

            Context c1 = new Context();
            c1["var1"] = "template";
            Assert.AreEqual("inner(template)inner(second)", t.ToString(c1));
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes out the template to a given stream.
 /// </summary>
 public void Write(Context context, TextWriter writer)
     this.context = context;