public void PromptParameters() { PrompIndex: string r = UI.Prompt("What you want to print? \n \t \t Enter [bflg] to BruteForce List OR [csa] to Assemble multiple pipes into a Complex String Assembler ").Trim().ToLower(); switch (r) { case "csa": case "c": CSA c = UI.Lab?.Request <CSA>(); if (c == null) { c = new(UI); c.PromptParameters(); } Pipe = c; break; case "bflg": case "b": BFLG b = UI.Lab?.Request <BFLG>(); if (b == null) { b = new(UI); b.PromptParameters(); } Pipe = b; break; default: goto PrompIndex; } }
private void RunCSA() { CSA csa = new CSA(UI); csa.PromptParameters(); csa.BuildFromParameters(); foreach (string s in csa.GenerateEnumerable()) { UI.Log(s); } }
public void PromptParameters() { UI.Log(""); UI.Log(" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); UI.Log(" Methane "); UI.Log(" Bulk HTTP GET "); UI.Log(" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); UI.Log(""); ChooseCookies: Cookie = UI.Prompt("Enter cookies to use OR Enter ~filename to read cookies OR [Enter] not to use cookies"); HasCookie = Cookie.Length > 0; if (Cookie.StartsWith('~')) { if (Cookie == "~") { Cookie = "~cookie.txt"; } try { Cookie = File.ReadAllText(Cookie.TrimStart('~')); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex); goto ChooseCookies; } } ChooseHeaders: Headers = UI.Prompt("Enter Headers to use OR Enter ~filename to read Headers OR [Enter] not to use Headers"); HasHeaders = Headers.Length != 0; if (Headers.StartsWith('~')) { if (Headers == "~") { Headers = "~headers.txt"; } try { Headers = File.ReadAllText(Headers.TrimStart('~')); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex); goto ChooseHeaders; } } findWith = UI.Prompt("In a positive response, what text we would find? (Ex :- Wellcome) [or null]"); hasFindWith = findWith.Length > 0; findWithout = UI.Prompt("In a positive response, what text we won't find? (Ex :- Wrong password) [or null]"); hasFindWithout = findWithout.Length > 0; UI.Log("Please use the following tool to create GET url data string list"); csa = UI.Lab?.Request <CSA>(); if (csa == null) { csa = new CSA(UI); csa.PromptParameters(); } PromtHowManyThreads: if (!int.TryParse(UI.Prompt("How many threads to use?"), out AllowedThrds)) { goto PromtHowManyThreads; } UI.Log("Rapid GETer standby :-) "); }
public void PromptParameters() { UI.Log(""); UI.Log(" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); UI.Log(" Methane "); UI.Log(" Bulk File Operation "); UI.Log(" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "); UI.Log(""); ChooseOutputPath: OutputPath = UI.Prompt("Enter output path (Directory) or ~ to use \"Output/\" "); if (OutputPath == "~") { OutputPath = "Output/"; } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputPath); if (!OutputPath.EndsWith('/')) { OutputPath += '/'; } } } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex); goto ChooseOutputPath; } bool AllowMultithreading = true; operations = new List <Action <string, string> >(); UI.Log("Please use the following tool to create File name list"); csa = UI.Lab?.Request <CSA>(); if (csa == null) { csa = new CSA(UI); csa.PromptParameters(); } SelectOp: UI.Log("\t \tFile operations are"); UI.Log("\t \t \t copy. Copy file"); UI.Log("\t \t \t move. Move file"); UI.Log("\t \t \t delete. Delete file"); UI.Log("\t \t \t mkdir. Create new Directory"); UI.Log("\t \t \t rmdir. Delete Directory with content"); UI.Log("\t \t \t merge. Merge files to create one file"); UI.Log("\t \t \t aes. Encrypt or Decrypt file AES"); string op = UI.Prompt("Enter Index of Operation to use"); // operations.Add((string inpath, string outpath) => { }); switch (op) {// case "copy": operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { outpath += Path.GetFileName(infile); File.Copy(infile, outpath, true); UI.Log("Copied " + infile + " -> " + outpath); })); break; case "move": operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { outpath += Path.GetFileName(infile); File.Move(infile, outpath); UI.Log("Moved " + infile + " -> " + outpath); })); break; case "delete": operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { File.Delete(infile); UI.Log("Deleted " + infile); })); break; case "mkdir": operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { Directory.CreateDirectory(infile); UI.Log("Created " + infile); })); break; case "rmdir": operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { Directory.Delete(infile, true); UI.Log("Deleted" + infile); })); break; case "aes": string aesKey = UI.Prompt("Enter encryption key in BASE64 or ~filename to read it from file"); byte[] key; if (aesKey.StartsWith('~')) { aesKey = aesKey.TrimStart('~'); if (File.Exists(aesKey)) { try { key = File.ReadAllBytes(aesKey); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex, "Cannot read key file"); goto SelectOp; } } else { UI.Log($"File not found - {aesKey}"); goto SelectOp; } } else { key = Convert.FromBase64String(aesKey); } string aesIV = UI.Prompt("Enter IV in BASE64 or ~filename to read it from file or just [Enter] to use 16 null bytes"); byte[] IV; if (aesIV.StartsWith('~')) { aesIV = aesIV.TrimStart('~'); if (File.Exists(aesIV)) { try { IV = File.ReadAllBytes(aesIV); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex, "Cannot read IV file"); goto SelectOp; } } else { UI.Log($"File not found - {aesIV}"); goto SelectOp; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aesIV)) { IV = new byte[16]; } else { IV = Convert.FromBase64String(aesIV); } AesRij aes = new AesRij(key, IV); if (UI.Prompt("[e]ncrypt or [D]ecrypt ? (Enter char)").ToLower() == "e") { operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { outpath += Path.GetFileName(infile); if (File.Exists(infile)) { try { File.WriteAllBytes(outpath, aes.Encrypt(File.ReadAllBytes(infile))); UI.Log("Encrypted " + infile + " -> " + outpath); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex, $"Error while Encrypting in bulk - File {infile} to {outpath}"); } } else { UI.Log($"File not found {infile}"); } })); } else { operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { outpath += Path.GetFileName(infile); if (File.Exists(infile)) { try { File.WriteAllBytes(outpath, aes.Decrypt(File.ReadAllBytes(infile))); UI.Log("Decrypted " + infile + " -> " + outpath); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex, $"Error while Encrypting in bulk - File {infile} to {outpath}"); } } else { UI.Log($"File not found {infile}"); } })); } break; case "merge": AllowMultithreading = false; operations.Add(new Action <string, string>((infile, outpath) => { outpath += "Merged" + Path.GetExtension(infile); using (var stream = new FileStream(outpath, FileMode.Append)) { Stream ins = File.OpenRead(infile); ins.CopyTo(stream); stream.Close(); ins.Close(); } UI.Log("Merge " + infile + " -> " + outpath); })); break; default: UI.Log("Invalid selection"); goto SelectOp; } if (AllowMultithreading) { PromptHowManyThreads: if (!int.TryParse(UI.Prompt("How many threads to use?"), out AllowedThrds)) { goto PromptHowManyThreads; } } else { AllowedThrds = 1; } UI.Log("File operations standby :-) "); }
public void PromptParameters() { found = false; runningThrds = 0; UI.Log("---------------------------------"); UI.Log("| Methane |"); UI.Log("| Rapid HTTP Request |"); UI.Log("| POSTer |"); UI.Log("---------------------------------"); url = UI.Prompt("Enter Request URL (Ex :- ) : "); ChooseCookies: Cookie = UI.Prompt("Enter cookies to use OR Enter ~filename to read cookies OR [Enter] not to use cookies"); HasCookie = Cookie.Length != 0; if (Cookie.StartsWith('~')) { if (Cookie == "~") { Cookie = "~cookie.txt"; } try { Cookie = File.ReadAllText(Cookie.TrimStart('~')); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex); goto ChooseCookies; } } ChooseHeaders: Headers = UI.Prompt("Enter Headers to use OR Enter ~filename to read Headers OR [Enter] not to use Headers"); HasHeaders = Headers.Length != 0; if (Headers.StartsWith('~')) { if (Headers == "~") { Headers = "~headers.txt"; } try { Headers = File.ReadAllText(Headers.TrimStart('~')); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.LogError(ex); goto ChooseHeaders; } } findWith = UI.Prompt("In a positive response, what text we would find? (Ex :- Wellcome) [or null]"); hasFindWith = findWith.Length != 0; findWithout = UI.Prompt("In a positive response, what text we won't find? (Ex :- Wrong password) [or null]"); hasFindWithout = findWithout.Length != 0; UI.Log("Please use the following tool to create POST body data string list"); csa = UI.Lab?.Request <CSA>(); if (csa == null) { csa = new CSA(UI); csa.PromptParameters(); } PromtHowManyThreads: if (!int.TryParse(UI.Prompt("How many threads to use?"), out AllowedThrds)) { goto PromtHowManyThreads; } UI.Log("Rapid POSTer standby :-) "); }