/// <summary>
        /// Load all the renderers needed for this profile
        /// </summary>

        public override void Initialize()

            forward = new ForwardShader(this, content);
            depth   = new DepthMapShader(this, content);
            //dof = new DepthOfFieldShader(this, content);
            //blur = new BlurShader(this, content);
            //copy = new CopyShader(this, content);
            bloom = new BloomShader(this, content);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all the renderers needed for this profile
        /// </summary>

        public override void Initialize()

            gBuffer   = new GBufferShader(this, content);
            lights    = new LightShader(this, content);
            depth     = new DepthMapShader(this, content);
            composite = new CompositeShader(this, content);
            dof       = new DepthOfFieldShader(this, content);
            blur      = new BlurShader(this, content);
            copy      = new CopyShader(this, content);
            bloom     = new BloomShader(this, content);
            ssao      = new SSAOShader(this, content);