Пример #1
        public static void KtaneDoubleOhArrange([ToolDouble("Center X?")] double centerX, [ToolDouble("Center Z?")] double centerZ, [ToolDouble("Radius?")] double radius, [ToolDouble("Bézier factor?")] double f)
            // big (4 buttons)
            //var center = new Pt(-0.25, 0.15, 0.1);
            //var radius = .6;
            //var f = .2;

            // small (submit button)
            //var center = new Pt(.5, .15, .45);
            //var radius = .275;
            //var f = .05;

            // custom
            var center = new Pt(centerX, .15, centerZ);

            var bézierSteps = 72 / 4 + 1;

            var b1 = bézier(center + new Pt(-radius, 0, 0), center + new Pt(-radius, 0, f), center + new Pt(-f, 0, radius), center + new Pt(0, 0, radius), bézierSteps);
            var b2 = bézier(center + new Pt(0, 0, radius), center + new Pt(f, 0, radius), center + new Pt(radius, 0, f), center + new Pt(radius, 0, 0), bézierSteps);
            var b3 = bézier(center + new Pt(radius, 0, 0), center + new Pt(radius, 0, -f), center + new Pt(f, 0, -radius), center + new Pt(0, 0, -radius), bézierSteps);
            var b4 = bézier(center + new Pt(0, 0, -radius), center + new Pt(-f, 0, -radius), center + new Pt(-radius, 0, -f), center + new Pt(-radius, 0, 0), bézierSteps);
            var bs = b1.Skip(1).Concat(b2.Skip(1)).Concat(b3.Skip(1)).Concat(b4.Skip(1)).ToArray();

            Program.Settings.Execute(new MoveVertices(Ut.NewArray(Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count,
                                                                  i => Tuple.Create(Program.Settings.SelectedVertices[i], bs[i]))));
Пример #2
        public static void KtaneTheBulbRotation()
            var axisEnd   = new Pt(-0.42426406871192862, 0.150511, -0.32426406871192848);
            var axisStart = new Pt(0.4242640687119284, 0.150511, -0.32426406871192859);
            var tilt      = 30; // angle in degrees

            Program.Settings.Execute(new MoveVertices(
                                         .Select(p => Tuple.Create(p, p.Rotate(axisStart, axisEnd, tilt)))
Пример #3
        public static void ArrangeInCircle(
            //[ToolDouble("Radius of the circle?")] double radius,
            //[ToolDouble("Offset angle? (0 = first vertex is right of the center; vertices go clockwise)")] double offsetAngle
            var center      = new Pt(-0.7, 0.150511, 0.66);
            var radius      = .12 + .03;
            var offsetAngle = -90;

            //var center = new Pt(-0.54, 0.150511, 0.588);
            //var radius = .12 + .03;
            //var offsetAngle = 90;

            Program.Settings.Execute(new MoveVertices(Ut.NewArray(Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count, i => Tuple.Create(
                                                                      new Pt(center.X + radius * cs(i * 360 / Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count + offsetAngle), center.Y, center.Z + radius * sn(i * 360 / Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count + offsetAngle))))));
Пример #4
        public static void SortSelection(
                 "• Which direction?",
            bool cw)
            var midPt = new Pt(
                Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Sum(p => p.X) / Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count,
                Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Sum(p => p.Y) / Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count,
                Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Sum(p => p.Z) / Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count);

            Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Sort((p1, p2) =>
                var atan1 = Math.Atan2(p1.Z - midPt.Z, p1.X - midPt.X);
                var atan2 = Math.Atan2(p2.Z - midPt.Z, p2.X - midPt.X);
                return(atan1.CompareTo(atan2) * (cw ? -1 : 1));
Пример #5
        public override void Redo()
            Pt location = default(Pt);

            foreach (var tup in _affectedFaces)
                var list = tup.Item1.Vertices.ToList();
                foreach (var index in tup.Item2.OrderByDescending(ix => ix))
                    list.Insert(index + 1, new VertexInfo(
                                    (location = (list[index].Location + list[(index + 1) % list.Count].Location) / 2),
                                    (list[index].Texture + list[(index + 1) % list.Count].Texture) / 2,
                                    (list[index].Normal + list[(index + 1) % list.Count].Normal) / 2));
                tup.Item1.Vertices = list.ToArray();
            Program.Settings.SelectedVertices = new List <Pt> {
Пример #6
 private static IEnumerable <Pt> bézier(Pt start, Pt control1, Pt control2, Pt end, int steps)
     return(Enumerable.Range(0, steps)
            .Select(i => (double)i / (steps - 1))
            .Select(t => pow(1 - t, 3) * start + 3 * pow(1 - t, 2) * t * control1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * control2 + pow(t, 3) * end));
Пример #7
 private static Pt round(Pt input) => new Pt(Math.Round(input.X), Math.Round(input.Y), Math.Round(input.Z));
Пример #8
 public VertexInfo(Pt location, PointD?texture, Pt?normal)
     Location = location;
     Texture  = texture;
     Normal   = normal;