private void DebugCheck()
            if (!MelonDebug.IsEnabled())

            PatchInfo patchInfo = Original.GetPatchInfo();

            Patch basePatch = ((patchInfo.prefixes.Count() > 0) ? patchInfo.prefixes.First()
                                : ((patchInfo.postfixes.Count() > 0) ? patchInfo.postfixes.First()
                                : ((patchInfo.transpilers.Count() > 0) ? patchInfo.transpilers.First()
                                : ((patchInfo.finalizers.Count() > 0) ? patchInfo.finalizers.First() : null))));

            string melonName = FindMelon(melon => ((basePatch != null) && melon.HarmonyInstance.Id.Equals(basePatch.owner)));

            if ((melonName == null) && (basePatch != null))
                // Patching using a custom Harmony instance; try to infer the melon assembly from the container type, prefix, postfix, or transpiler.
                Assembly melonAssembly = basePatch.PatchMethod.DeclaringType?.Assembly;
                if (melonAssembly != null)
                    melonName = FindMelon(melon => melon.Assembly == melonAssembly);

            WarnIfHasTranspiler(patchInfo, melonName);
 public static bool IsDebugMode() => MelonDebug.IsEnabled();