private async Task <AddressDataModel> GetAddressData(Address address)      //gets address informations and request it's details from the google api
            string request = ""; //The base google api request uri

            request = request + "address=" + address.StreetNumber
                      + "+" + address.Route.Replace(" ", "+") + ","
                      + "+" + address.City.Replace(" ", "+") + ","
                      + "+" + address.Country.Replace(" ", "+") + ","
                      + "+" + address.PLZ + ","
                      + "&key=AIzaSyB_0wHwmbg5aMjbUxMvT3SxjlE_aSnYlp4";                                                    //api key

            string httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(request);                                         //requesting

            AddressDataModel deserilaiyedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AddressDataModel>(httpResponseMessage); //Deserializing the request result from string to AddressDataModel

        public async Task <bool> Add(Address address) //adding and a address to the database
                AddressDataModel deserilaiyedResponse = await GetAddressData(address); //returns a data model of the json returned from the api

                if (deserilaiyedResponse.status == "OK")
                    address.Lat = deserilaiyedResponse.results[0];         //adding latitude value to the passed in model
                    address.Lng = deserilaiyedResponse.results[0].geometry.location.lng;         //adding longitude value to the passed in model

                var entity = appDbContext.Addresses.Add(address);    //Saving the complete model

                return(await(appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync()) > 0);  //Committing the change to the database (retrun true if at least on line is changed)
            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task <bool> Edit(Address address) //editing a passed in address
                AddressDataModel deserilaiyedResponse = await GetAddressData(address);

                if (deserilaiyedResponse.status == "OK")
                    address.Lat = deserilaiyedResponse.results[0];         //adding latitude value to the passed in model
                    address.Lng = deserilaiyedResponse.results[0].geometry.location.lng;         //adding longitude value to the passed in model

                var entity = appDbContext.Addresses.Attach(address);                 //Updating the complete model
                entity.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;   //Setting the state as modfiied so that changes can be commited

                return((await appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync()) > 0);                 //Committing the change to the database
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;