Пример #1
        public void DeleteMeeting(Meeting meeting)
            Log("Begin deleting Meeting from database. Meeting object ", meeting);

            DatabaseConnector.PushCommandToDatabase(sqlConnection, CommandList.Build_DeleteMeetingCommand(meeting));

            Log("End deleting Meeting from database. Meeting object ", meeting);
Пример #2
 public static bool CompareMeetings(Meeting first, Meeting second)
     return first.Id.Equals(second.Id) &
            first.Owner.Id.Equals(second.Owner.Id) &
            //first.Date.Equals(second.Date) &
            first.Title.Equals(second.Title) &
            first.Description.Equals(second.Description) &
Пример #3
 public static bool IsMeetingObjectExist(Meeting meeting, List<string> errorsList)
     if (meeting == null)
         errorsList.Add("Meeting object does not exist.");
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #4
        public void CreateMeeting(Meeting meeting)
            Log("Begin creating Meeting in database. Meeting object", meeting);

                (sqlConnection, CommandList.Build_CreateMeetingCommand(meeting));

            Log("End creating Meeting in database. Meeting object", meeting);
Пример #5
        public static List<string> IsCompleteValidMeetingObject(Meeting meeting)
            List<string> errorsList = new List<string>();

            if (!IsMeetingObjectExist(meeting, errorsList)) return errorsList;
            IsValidDateTime(meeting.Date, errorsList);
            IsValidTitle(meeting.Title, errorsList);
            IsValidDesription(meeting.Description, errorsList);

            return errorsList;
Пример #6
        public static SqlCommand Build_CreateMeetingCommand(Meeting meeting)
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

            Log("create meeting");

            command.CommandText = "insert into [dbo].[Meeting] (ID, OwnerID, Date, Title, Description, PlaceID) " +
                                  "values (@Meeting_Id, @Meeting_OwnerID, @Meeting_Date, @Meeting_Title, @Meeting_Description, @Meeting_PlaceID);";

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_Id", meeting.Id);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_OwnerID", meeting.Owner.Id);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_Date", meeting.Date);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_Title", meeting.Title);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_Description", meeting.Description);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting_PlaceID", meeting.Place.Id);

            Log("create meeting", command);

            return command;
Пример #7
        public IHttpActionResult Create(Meeting meeting)
            Guid requestId = Guid.NewGuid();

            Log("Received create meeting POST HTTP-request.", meeting, requestId);

            List<string> errorList = MeetDataValidator.IsCompleteValidMeetingObject(meeting);

            if (errorList.Count != 0)
                Log("Send ErrorMessageResult(400) response to create meeting POST HTTP-request. " +
                    "Message: Invalid model state.", requestId);
                return BadRequest("Invalid model state.");

            if (_userRepository.GetUser(meeting.Owner.Id) == null)
                Log("Send NotFoundWithMessageResult(404) response to create meeting POST HTTP-request." +
                    "Message: Owner not found.", requestId);
                return new NotFoundWithMessageResult("Owner not found.");

            if (_placeRepository.GetPlace(meeting.Place.Id) == null)
                Log("Send NotFoundWithMessageResult(404) response to create meeting POST HTTP-request." +
                    "Message: Place not found.", requestId);
                return new NotFoundWithMessageResult("Place not found.");

            meeting.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Log("Send CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<Meeting>(201) response to create meeting POST HTTP-request.",
                meeting, requestId);

            return Created("", meeting);
Пример #8
 //public void InviteUserToMeeting_ShouldReturnOK()
 //    //arrange
 //    Meeting meet = TestDataHelper.GenerateMeeting();
 //    User user = TestDataHelper.GenerateUser();
 //    var meetController = GetMeetingControlller(meet, meet.Owner, meet.Place);
 //    //act
 //    IHttpActionResult response = meetController.InviteUserToMeeting(
 //        new Invitation
 //        {
 //            MeetingID = meet.Id,
 //            UserID = user.Id
 //        });
 //    //assert
 //    Assert.IsTrue(response is OkResult);
 //public void InviteUserToMeeting_NonExistUser_ShouldNotFound()
 //    //arrange
 //    Meeting meet = TestDataHelper.GenerateMeeting();
 //    User user = TestDataHelper.GenerateUser();
 //    var meetController = GetMeetingControlller(meet, null, meet.Place);
 //    //act
 //    IHttpActionResult response = meetController.InviteUserToMeeting(
 //        new Invitation
 //        {
 //            MeetingID = meet.Id,
 //            UserID = user.Id
 //        });
 //    //assert
 //    Assert.IsTrue(response is NotFoundWithMessageResult);
 //public void InviteUserToMeeting_NonExistMeet_ShouldNotFound()
 //    //arrange
 //    //arrange
 //    Meeting meet = TestDataHelper.GenerateMeeting();
 //    User user = TestDataHelper.GenerateUser();
 //    var meetController = GetMeetingControlller(null, meet.Owner, meet.Place);
 //    //act
 //    IHttpActionResult response = meetController.InviteUserToMeeting(
 //        new Invitation
 //        {
 //            MeetingID = meet.Id,
 //            UserID = user.Id
 //        });
 //    //assert
 //    Assert.IsTrue(response is NotFoundWithMessageResult);
 //public void InviteUserToMeeting_Alreadyinvited_ShouldReturnBadRequest()
 //    //arrange
 //    Meeting meet = TestDataHelper.GenerateMeeting();
 //    User user = TestDataHelper.GenerateUser();
 //    var meetController = GetMeetingControlller(meet, meet.Owner, meet.Place);
 //    //act
 //    meet.InvitedPeople.Add(user.Id, user);
 //    IHttpActionResult response = meetController.InviteUserToMeeting(
 //        new Invitation
 //        {
 //            MeetingID = meet.Id,
 //            UserID = user.Id
 //        });
 //    //assert
 //    Assert.IsTrue(response is BadRequestErrorMessageResult);
 MeetingController GetMeetingControlller(Meeting getMeetingResult, User getUserResult, Place getPlaceResult)
     return new MeetingController(
Пример #9
 public static void PrintMeetingInfo(Meeting meeting)
     Console.WriteLine("******Meeting info:");
     Console.WriteLine("Id = " + meeting.Id);
     Console.WriteLine("Owner = " + meeting.Owner.Email);
     Console.WriteLine("Date = " + meeting.Date);
     Console.WriteLine("Title = " + meeting.Title);
     Console.WriteLine("Description = " + meeting.Description);
     Console.WriteLine("******Place info:");
     Console.WriteLine("Id = " + meeting.Place.Id);
     Console.WriteLine("Address = " + meeting.Place.Address);
     Console.WriteLine("Description = " + meeting.Place.Description);
     Console.WriteLine("******Invited users:");
     foreach(User user in meeting.InvitedPeople.Values)
Пример #10
        public static IMeetingRepository GetIMeetingRepositoryMock(Meeting getMeetingResult)
            var mock = new Mock<IMeetingRepository>();

            mock.Setup(meetingRepository => meetingRepository.GetMeeting(It.IsAny<Guid>())).Returns(getMeetingResult);

            return mock.Object;
Пример #11
        public static Meeting GenerateMeeting()
            Meeting meeting = new Meeting
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Owner = GenerateUser(),
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Title = "Best test meeting #" + Index,
                Description = "Really best test meeting ever",
                Place = GeneratePlace(),
                InvitedPeople = new Dictionary<Guid, User>(),

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                User user = GenerateUser();
                meeting.InvitedPeople.Add(user.Id, user);

            return meeting;
Пример #12
 public static Invitation CreateInvitation(Meeting meeting, User user)
     return new Invitation
         MeetingID = meeting.Id,
         UserID = user.Id
Пример #13
 public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Update(Meeting meeting)
     return _crudHandler.Update(_controller, meeting);
Пример #14
        public static SqlCommand Build_UpdateMeetingCommand(Meeting meeting)
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

            Log("update meeting");

            command.CommandText = "update [dbo].[Meeting] " +
                "SET Date = @Date, Title = @Title,  Description = @Description " +
                "where id = @meetingId";
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@meetingId", meeting.Id);
            //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OwnerID", meeting.Owner.Id);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", meeting.Date);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", meeting.Title);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", meeting.Description);
            //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PlaceID", meeting.Place.Id);

            Log("update meeting", command);

            return command;
Пример #15
 void Log(String logMessage, Meeting meeting, Guid requestId)
     if (meeting != null)
         _logger.Info("{5} {0} Attached meeting object: " +
             "ID = {1}, Title = {2}, Owner.ID = {3}, Place.ID = {4}.",
             logMessage, meeting.Id, meeting.Title,
             ((meeting.Owner == null) ? "null" : meeting.Owner.Id.ToString()),
             meeting.Place.Id, requestId);
         _logger.Info("{1} Received {0} request. Attached meeting object is null.",
             logMessage, requestId);
 InvitationController GetInvitationControlller(Meeting getMeetingResult, User getUserResult, bool IsExistInvitationResult)
     return new InvitationController(
Пример #17
 void Log(String logMessage, Meeting meeting)
     if (meeting != null)
         _logger.Debug("{0}: ID = {1}, Title = {2}, Owner.ID = {3}, Owner.Email = {4}, Place.ID = {5}, Place.Address = {6}, Place.Description = {7}.",
             logMessage, meeting.Id, meeting.Title, meeting.Owner.Id, meeting.Owner.Email, meeting.Place.Id, meeting.Place.Address, meeting.Place.Description);
         _logger.Debug("{0} is null.", logMessage);
Пример #18
        public void UpdateMeetingInfo(Meeting meeting)
            Log("Begin updating Meeting in database. Meeting object ", meeting);

            DatabaseConnector.PushCommandToDatabase(sqlConnection, CommandList.Build_UpdateMeetingCommand(meeting));

            Log("End updating Meeting in database. Meeting object ", meeting);
Пример #19
 void SetStartData()
     _user = new User
         FirstName = "Vasilyi",
         LastName = "Pupkin",
         Email = "*****@*****.**"
     _place = new Place
         Address = "Puschkeen st., Kolotuschin h. #1",
         Description = "It is kolutushkin house."
     _meeting = new Meeting
         Title = "Party",
         Description = "party description",
         Owner = new User(),
         Date = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1),
         Place = new Place(),
         InvitedPeople = new Dictionary<Guid, User>()
Пример #20
        public static SqlCommand Build_DeleteMeetingCommand(Meeting meeting)
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();

            Log("delete meeting");

            command.CommandText = "delete from [dbo].[Invitations] where MeetingID = @MeetingID; " +
                                  "delete from [dbo].[Meeting] where ID = @meetingID";
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@meetingID", meeting.Id);

            Log("delete meeting", command);

            return command;
Пример #21
        public IHttpActionResult Update(Meeting meeting)
            Guid requestId = Guid.NewGuid();

            Log("Received update meeting PUT HTTP-request.", meeting, requestId);

            List<string> errorList = MeetDataValidator.IsCompleteValidMeetingObject(meeting);

            if (errorList.Count != 0)
                Log("Send ErrorMessageResult(400) response to update meeting PUT HTTP-request. " +
                    "Message: Invalid model state.", requestId);
                return BadRequest("Invalid model state.");

            if (_meetRepository.GetMeeting(meeting.Id) == null)
                Log("Send NotFoundResult(404) response to update meeting PUT HTTP-request.", requestId);
                return NotFound();


            Log("Send CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<User>(201) response to update meeting PUT HTTP-request.",
                meeting, requestId);

            return Created("", meeting);