/// <summary> /// Convienence method to create a layer state and capture the current state in one call. /// It is still safe to use the constructors directly as well. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static LayerState CreateAndCapture() { LayerState layerState = new LayerState(); layerState.captureState(); return(layerState); }
/// <summary> /// Push a new state onto the undo/redo buffer, will erase anything after the current undo. /// This will use the passed states for undo and redo. /// </summary> public void pushUndoState(LayerState undoState, LayerState redoState) { if (!undoState.isTheSameAs(redoState)) //This uses the slightly unreliable isTheSameAs function, but worse case scenerio we end up with a duplicate undo. { undoRedoBuffers[activeStateName].pushAndSkip(new TwoWayDelegateCommand <LayerState, LayerState>(redoState, undoState, new TwoWayDelegateCommand <LayerState, LayerState> .Funcs() { ExecuteFunc = state => { state.apply(); if (OnRedo != null) { OnRedo.Invoke(this); } }, UndoFunc = state => { state.apply(); if (OnUndo != null) { OnUndo.Invoke(this); } } })); if (OnUndoRedoChanged != null) { OnUndoRedoChanged.Invoke(this); } } }
public LayerChangeAction(String transparencyState, LayerState layerState) { this.TransparencyState = transparencyState; this.LayerState = layerState; this.Duration = 1.0f; UseSystemLayerTransitionTime = false; }
public void copyFrom(LayerState source) { entries.Clear(); entries.Capacity = source.entries.Count; foreach (LayerEntry entry in source.entries) { entries.Add(CopySaver.Default.copy(entry)); } }
public Bookmark(String name, Vector3 cameraTrans, Vector3 cameraLookAt, LayerState layers) { this.Name = name; CameraPosition = new CameraPosition() { Translation = cameraTrans, LookAt = cameraLookAt, }; this.Layers = layers; }
public override void editing() { LayerState undo = LayerState.CreateAndCapture(); String currentTransparencyState = TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState; TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = TransparencyState; LayerState.timedApply(MedicalConfig.CameraTransitionTime); TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = currentTransparencyState; TimelineController.LayerController.pushUndoState(undo); }
public void itemAdded(ButtonGridItem item, LayerState layers, Vector3 translation, Vector3 lookAt, UserObjectType userObject = default(UserObjectType)) { ButtonGridItemLiveThumbnailHost host = new ButtonGridItemLiveThumbnailHost(item) { Layers = layers, Translation = translation, LookAt = lookAt, UserObject = userObject }; item.UserObject = host; liveThumbnailController.addThumbnailHost(host); determineVisibleHosts(); }
public Object getRealValue(int column) { switch (column) { case 0: return(memberWrapper.getWrappedName()); case 1: LayerState layerState = LayerState; if (layerState != null) { return(LayerState); } return(null); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to determine if this layer state is the same as the given one. This will check the sizes of the entries lists, /// if they are not the same it will be false. If they are the same it will compare each entry, if the entries do not /// match name for name and alpha value for alpha value they will not be the same. Note that the order of the entries in /// both layer states must be the same or else they will still be considered different. The entries list is only enumerated /// one time. This is mostly useful to see if two layer states generated on the same program run with the same scene are the /// same (since the entries should always come out in the same order). /// </summary> /// <param name="other">The other entry.</param> /// <returns>True if they are the same and false otherwise.</returns> public bool isTheSameAs(LayerState other) { if (entries.Count == other.entries.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; ++i) { var mine = entries[i]; var theirs = other.entries[i]; if (mine.TransparencyObject != theirs.TransparencyObject || mine.AlphaValue != theirs.AlphaValue) { return(false); } } return(true); } return(false); }
public override void skipTo(float timelineTime) { if (TransparencyController.hasTransparencyState(TransparencyState)) { if (timelineTime <= EndTime) { float currentPosition = timelineTime - StartTime; String currentTransparencyState = TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState; TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = TransparencyState; float percent = 1.0f; if (Duration != 0.0f) { percent = currentPosition / Duration; } LayerState.instantlyApplyBlendPercent(percent); LayerState.timedApply(Duration - currentPosition); TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = currentTransparencyState; } else { LayerState.instantlyApply(); finished = true; } } else { //Could not find the specified window, so just apply to the active window. if (timelineTime <= EndTime) { float currentPosition = timelineTime - StartTime; TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = TransparencyState; float percent = 1.0f; if (Duration != 0.0f) { percent = currentPosition / Duration; } LayerState.instantlyApplyBlendPercent(percent); LayerState.timedApply(Duration - currentPosition); } else { LayerState.instantlyApply(); finished = true; } } }
public override void started(float timelineTime, Clock clock) { if (TransparencyController.hasTransparencyState(TransparencyState)) { String currentTransparencyState = TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState; TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = TransparencyState; LayerState.timedApply(Duration); TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = currentTransparencyState; finished = false; } else { //Could not find the specified window, so just apply to the active window. LayerState.timedApply(Duration); finished = false; } }
public string getValue(int column) { switch (column) { case 0: return(memberWrapper.getWrappedName()); case 1: LayerState layerState = LayerState; if (layerState != null) { return(LayerState.ToString()); } return(null); } return(null); }
public void instantlyApplyBlended(LayerState end, float percent) { List <TransparencyInterface> unvisitedInterfaces = new List <TransparencyInterface>(TransparencyController.TransparencyInterfaces); foreach (LayerEntry entry in entries) { var endEntry = end.entries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TransparencyObject == entry.TransparencyObject); float endValue = 0.0f; if (endEntry != null) { endValue = endEntry.AlphaValue; } entry.instantlyApplyBlended(unvisitedInterfaces, endValue, percent); } foreach (TransparencyInterface unvisited in unvisitedInterfaces) { unvisited.CurrentAlpha = 0.0f; } }
public static PooledSceneView getSceneView(this TextureSceneViewPool pool, Vector3 translation, Vector3 lookAt, LayerState layers) { PooledSceneView pooledView = pool.getSceneView(translation, lookAt); layers.instantlyApplyTo(pooledView.SceneView.CurrentTransparencyState); return(pooledView); }
/// <summary> /// Push a new state onto the undo/redo buffer, will erase anything after the current undo. /// This will use the passed state as the undo state and the current muscle position of the scene /// as the redo state. /// </summary> public void pushUndoState(LayerState undoLayers) { pushUndoState(undoLayers, LayerState.CreateAndCapture()); }
public LayerChangeAction() : this(null, new LayerState()) { LayerState.captureState(); }
public override void capture() { TransparencyState = TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState; LayerState.captureState(); }
public LayerChangeAction(String transparencyState, LayerState layerState, float startTime) : this(transparencyState, layerState) { this.StartTime = startTime; }
public static void createFromPresets(this SceneViewController controller, SceneViewWindowPresetSet presets, bool keepOldSettings = true) { //Capture current window configuration info List <Bookmark> currentWindowConfig = new List <Bookmark>(); if (keepOldSettings) { SceneViewWindow activeWindow = controller.ActiveWindow; if (activeWindow != null) { TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = activeWindow.CurrentTransparencyState; LayerState layerState = new LayerState(); layerState.captureState(); currentWindowConfig.Add(new Bookmark("", activeWindow.Translation, activeWindow.LookAt, layerState)); } foreach (MDISceneViewWindow window in controller.MdiWindows) { if (window != activeWindow) { TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = window.CurrentTransparencyState; LayerState layerState = new LayerState(); layerState.captureState(); currentWindowConfig.Add(new Bookmark("", window.Translation, window.LookAt, layerState)); } } } //Create windows int windowIndex = 0; int zOrder = 100; int zOrderInc = 10; controller.closeAllWindows(); MDISceneViewWindow camera; MDISceneViewWindow toSelect = null; foreach (SceneViewWindowPreset preset in presets.getPresetEnum()) { if (windowIndex < currentWindowConfig.Count) { Bookmark bmk = currentWindowConfig[windowIndex++]; camera = controller.createWindow(preset.Name, bmk.CameraPosition.Translation, bmk.CameraPosition.LookAt, preset.BoundMin, preset.BoundMax, preset.OrbitMinDistance, preset.OrbitMaxDistance, zOrder, controller.findWindow(preset.ParentWindow), preset.WindowPosition); TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = camera.CurrentTransparencyState; bmk.Layers.instantlyApply(); } else { camera = controller.createWindow(preset.Name, preset.Position, preset.LookAt, preset.BoundMin, preset.BoundMax, preset.OrbitMinDistance, preset.OrbitMaxDistance, zOrder, controller.findWindow(preset.ParentWindow), preset.WindowPosition); Bookmark bmk = null; if (BookmarksController != null) { bmk = BookmarksController.loadBookmark(String.Format("Cameras/{0}.bmk", camera.CurrentTransparencyState)); if (bmk != null) { camera.setPosition(bmk.CameraPosition, 0.0f); TransparencyController.ActiveTransparencyState = camera.CurrentTransparencyState; bmk.Layers.instantlyApply(); } } } if (toSelect == null) { toSelect = camera; } zOrder += zOrderInc; } if (toSelect != null) { controller.setActiveMdiWindow(toSelect); } }