public bool Parse(string html)
            HTMLUtil util       = new HTMLUtil();
            string   strHtmlLow = html.ToLower();

            int begIndex = 0;
            int endIndex = 0;

            //	Extract Cover URL
            string pattern = @"<!--Begin.*?Album.*?Photo-->\s*?.*?<img.*?src=\""(.*?)\""";

            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                _strImageURL = _match.Groups[1].Value;

            //	Extract Review
            pattern = @"<td.*?class=""tab_off""><a.*?href=""(.*?)"">.*?Review.*?</a>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(_match.Groups[1].Value);
                    pattern = @"<p.*?class=""author"">.*\s*?.*?<p.*?class=""text"">(.*?)</p>";
                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        string data = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                        util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                        util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out data);
                        _strReview = data.Trim();
                catch (Exception) {}

            //	Extract Artist
            pattern = @"<h3.*?artist</h3>\s*?.*?<a.*"">(.*)</a>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                _artist = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                util.RemoveTags(ref _artist);

            //	Extract Album
            pattern = @"<h3.*?album</h3>\s*?.*?<p>(.*)</P>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                _strTitle = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                util.RemoveTags(ref _strTitle);

            // Extract Rating
            pattern = @"<h3.*?rating</h3>\s*?.*?src=""(.*?)""";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                string strRating = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                util.RemoveTags(ref strRating);
                strRating = strRating.Substring(26, 1);
                    _iRating = Int32.Parse(strRating);
                catch (Exception) {}

            //	Release Date
            pattern = @"<h3.*?release.*?date</h3>\s*?.*?<p>(.*)</P>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, html))
                _strDateOfRelease = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                util.RemoveTags(ref _strDateOfRelease);

                //	extract the year out of something like "1998 (release)" or "12 feb 2003"
                int nPos = _strDateOfRelease.IndexOf("19");
                if (nPos > -1)
                    if ((int)_strDateOfRelease.Length >= nPos + 3 && Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 2]) &&
                        Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 3]))
                        string strYear = _strDateOfRelease.Substring(nPos, 4);
                        _strDateOfRelease = strYear;
                        nPos = _strDateOfRelease.IndexOf("19", nPos + 2);
                        if (nPos > -1)
                            if ((int)_strDateOfRelease.Length >= nPos + 3 && Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 2]) &&
                                Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 3]))
                                string strYear = _strDateOfRelease.Substring(nPos, 4);
                                _strDateOfRelease = strYear;

                nPos = _strDateOfRelease.IndexOf("20");
                if (nPos > -1)
                    if ((int)_strDateOfRelease.Length > nPos + 3 && Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 2]) &&
                        Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 3]))
                        string strYear = _strDateOfRelease.Substring(nPos, 4);
                        _strDateOfRelease = strYear;
                        nPos = _strDateOfRelease.IndexOf("20", nPos + 1);
                        if (nPos > -1)
                            if ((int)_strDateOfRelease.Length > nPos + 3 && Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 2]) &&
                                Char.IsDigit(_strDateOfRelease[nPos + 3]))
                                string strYear = _strDateOfRelease.Substring(nPos, 4);
                                _strDateOfRelease = strYear;

            // Extract Genre
            begIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("<h3>genre</h3>");
            endIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = html.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"(<li>(.*?)</li>)";
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strGenre);
                    _strGenre = _strGenre.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Extract Styles
            begIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("<h3>style</h3>");
            endIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = html.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"(<li>(.*?)</li>)";
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strStyles);
                    _strStyles = _strStyles.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Extract Moods
            begIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("<h3>moods</h3>");
            endIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = html.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"(<li>(.*?)</li>)";
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strTones);
                    _strTones = _strTones.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Extract Songs
            begIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("<!-- tracks table -->");
            endIndex = strHtmlLow.IndexOf("<!-- end tracks table -->", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = html.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"<tr.*class=""visible"".*?\s*?<td.*</td>\s*?.*<td.*</td>\s*?.*<td.*?>(?<track>.*)</td>" +

                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    while (_match.Success)
                        //	Tracknumber
                        int iTrack = 0;
                            iTrack = Int32.Parse(_match.Groups["track"].Value);
                        catch (Exception) {}

                        // Song Title
                        string strTitle = _match.Groups["title"].Value;
                        util.RemoveTags(ref strTitle);
                        util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strTitle, out strTitle);

                        //	Duration
                        int    iDuration   = 0;
                        string strDuration = _match.Groups["duration"].Value;
                        int    iPos        = strDuration.IndexOf(":");
                        if (iPos >= 0)
                            string strMin, strSec;
                            strMin = strDuration.Substring(0, iPos);
                            strSec = strDuration.Substring(iPos);
                            int iMin = 0, iSec = 0;
                                iMin = Int32.Parse(strMin);
                                iSec = Int32.Parse(strSec);
                            catch (Exception) {}
                            iDuration = iMin * 60 + iSec;

                        //	Create new song object
                        MusicSong newSong = new MusicSong();
                        newSong.Track    = iTrack;
                        newSong.SongName = strTitle;
                        newSong.Duration = iDuration;

                        _match = _match.NextMatch();

            //	Set to "Not available" if no value from web
            if (_artist.Length == 0)
                _artist = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);
            if (_strDateOfRelease.Length == 0)
                _strDateOfRelease = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);
            if (_strGenre.Length == 0)
                _strGenre = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);
            if (_strTones.Length == 0)
                _strTones = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);
            if (_strStyles.Length == 0)
                _strStyles = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);
            if (_strTitle.Length == 0)
                _strTitle = GUILocalizeStrings.Get(416);

            if (_strTitle2.Length == 0)
                _strTitle2 = _strTitle;

            Loaded = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the Detail Page returned from the Allmusic Scraper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strHTML"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Parse(string strHTML)
            HTMLUtil util       = new HTMLUtil();
            int      begIndex   = 0;
            int      endIndex   = 0;
            string   strHTMLLow = strHTML.ToLower();

            // Get the Artist Name
            string pattern = @"<h1.*class=""title"">(.*)</h1>";

            if (!FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))

            _strArtistName = _match.Groups[1].Value;

            // Born
            pattern = @"<h3>.*Born.*</h3>\s*?<p>(.*)</p>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                string strValue = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                util.RemoveTags(ref strValue);
                util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(strValue, out _strBorn);
                _strBorn = _strBorn.Trim();

            // Years Active
            pattern = @"(<span.*?class=""active"">(.*?)</span>)";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                while (_match.Success)
                    _strYearsActive += string.Format("{0}s, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                    _match           = _match.NextMatch();
                _strYearsActive = _strYearsActive.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Genre
            pattern = @"<div.*?id=""genre-style"">\s*?.*?\s*?<h3>.*?Genres.*?</h3>\s*?.*?(<p>(.*?)</p>)";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                string data = "";
                while (_match.Success)
                    data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                    _match = _match.NextMatch();
                util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strGenres);
                _strGenres = _strGenres.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Style
            begIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("<h3>styles</h3>");
            endIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("<!--end genre/styles-->", begIndex + 2);

            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = strHTML.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"(<li>(.*?)</li>)";
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strStyles);
                    _strStyles = _strStyles.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Mood
            begIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("<h3>moods</h3>");
            endIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = strHTML.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                pattern = @"(<li>(.*?)</li>)";
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strTones);
                    _strTones = _strTones.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // Instruments
            begIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("<h3>instruments</h3>");
            endIndex = strHTMLLow.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
            if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                string contentInfo = strHTML.Substring(begIndex, endIndex - begIndex);
                if (FindPattern(pattern, contentInfo))
                    string data = "";
                    while (_match.Success)
                        data  += string.Format("{0}, ", _match.Groups[2].Value);
                        _match = _match.NextMatch();
                    util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                    util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out _strInstruments);
                    _strInstruments = _strInstruments.Trim(new[] { ' ', ',' });

            // picture URL
            pattern = @"<div.*?class=""image"">\s*?.*<img.*id=""artist_image"".*?src=\""(.*?)\""";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                _strArtistPictureURL = _match.Groups[1].Value;

            // parse AMG BIOGRAPHY
            pattern = @"<td.*?class=""tab_off""><a.*?href=""(.*?)"">.*?Biography.*?</a>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(_match.Groups[1].Value);
                    begIndex = contentinfo.IndexOf("<!--Begin Biography -->");
                    endIndex = contentinfo.IndexOf("</div>", begIndex + 2);
                    if (begIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1)
                        pattern = @"<p.*?class=""text"">(.*?)</p>";
                        if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                            string data = _match.Groups[1].Value;
                            util.RemoveTags(ref data);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(data, out data);
                            _strAMGBiography = data.Trim();
                catch (Exception) {}

            string compilationPage = "";
            string singlesPage     = "";
            string dvdPage         = "";
            string miscPage        = "";

            // discography (albums)
            pattern = @"<td.*class=""tab_off""><a.*?href=""(.*?)"">.*Discography.*</a>";
            if (FindPattern(pattern, strHTML))
                // Get Link to other sub pages
                compilationPage = _match.Groups[1].Value + "/compilations";
                singlesPage     = _match.Groups[1].Value + "/singles-eps";
                dvdPage         = _match.Groups[1].Value + "/dvds-videos";
                miscPage        = _match.Groups[1].Value + "/other";

                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(_match.Groups[1].Value);
                    pattern = @"sorted.*? cell"">(?<year>.*?)</td>\s*?.*?</td>\s*.*?<a.*?"">(?<album>.*?)" +

                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        while (_match.Success)
                            string year       = _match.Groups["year"].Value;
                            string albumTitle = _match.Groups["album"].Value;
                            string label      = _match.Groups["label"].Value;

                            util.RemoveTags(ref year);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(year, out year);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref albumTitle);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(albumTitle, out albumTitle);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref label);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(label, out label);

                                string[] dAlbumInfo = { year.Trim(), albumTitle.Trim(), label.Trim() };
                            catch {}

                            _match = _match.NextMatch();
                catch (Exception) {}

            // Compilations
            if (compilationPage != "")
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(compilationPage);
                    pattern = @"sorted.*? cell"">(?<year>.*?)</td>\s*?.*?</td>\s*.*?<a.*?"">(?<album>.*?)" +

                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        while (_match.Success)
                            string year       = _match.Groups["year"].Value;
                            string albumTitle = _match.Groups["album"].Value;
                            string label      = _match.Groups["label"].Value;

                            util.RemoveTags(ref year);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(year, out year);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref albumTitle);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(albumTitle, out albumTitle);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref label);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(label, out label);

                                string[] dAlbumInfo = { year.Trim(), albumTitle.Trim(), label.Trim() };
                            catch {}

                            _match = _match.NextMatch();
                catch (Exception) {}

            // Singles
            if (singlesPage != "")
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(singlesPage);
                    pattern = @"sorted.*? cell"">(?<year>.*?)</td>\s*?.*?</td>\s*.*?<a.*?"">(?<album>.*?)" +

                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        while (_match.Success)
                            string year       = _match.Groups["year"].Value;
                            string albumTitle = _match.Groups["album"].Value;
                            string label      = _match.Groups["label"].Value;

                            util.RemoveTags(ref year);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(year, out year);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref albumTitle);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(albumTitle, out albumTitle);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref label);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(label, out label);

                                string[] dAlbumInfo = { year.Trim(), albumTitle.Trim(), label.Trim() };
                            catch {}

                            _match = _match.NextMatch();
                catch (Exception) {}

            // DVD Videos
            if (dvdPage != "")
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(dvdPage);
                    pattern = @"sorted.*? cell"">(?<year>.*?)</td>\s*?.*?</td>\s*.*?<a.*?"">(?<album>.*?)" +

                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        while (_match.Success)
                            string year       = _match.Groups["year"].Value;
                            string albumTitle = _match.Groups["album"].Value;
                            string label      = _match.Groups["label"].Value;

                            util.RemoveTags(ref year);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(year, out year);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref albumTitle);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(albumTitle, out albumTitle);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref label);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(label, out label);

                                string[] dAlbumInfo = { year.Trim(), albumTitle.Trim(), label.Trim() };
                            catch {}

                            _match = _match.NextMatch();
                catch (Exception) {}

            // Other
            if (miscPage != "")
                    string contentinfo = AllmusicSiteScraper.GetHTTP(miscPage);
                    pattern = @"sorted.*? cell"">(?<year>.*?)</td>\s*?.*?</td>\s*.*?<a.*?"">(?<album>.*?)" +

                    if (FindPattern(pattern, contentinfo))
                        while (_match.Success)
                            string year       = _match.Groups["year"].Value;
                            string albumTitle = _match.Groups["album"].Value;
                            string label      = _match.Groups["label"].Value;

                            util.RemoveTags(ref year);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(year, out year);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref albumTitle);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(albumTitle, out albumTitle);
                            util.RemoveTags(ref label);
                            util.ConvertHTMLToAnsi(label, out label);

                                string[] dAlbumInfo = { year.Trim(), albumTitle.Trim(), label.Trim() };
                            catch {}

                            _match = _match.NextMatch();
                catch (Exception) {}

            _bLoaded = true;