Пример #1
        protected override void doExitConfig()
            if (job.DemuxMode > 0 && !su.HasError && !su.WasAborted && job.AudioTracks.Count > 0)
                int iTracksFound       = 0;
                int iCurrentAudioTrack = -1;
                for (int iCurrentTrack = 0; iCurrentTrack <= 29; iCurrentTrack++) // hard limit to max. 30 tracks
                    StringBuilder strAVSScript = new StringBuilder();
                    strAVSScript.Append(VideoUtil.getFFMSAudioInputLine(job.Input, job.Output, iCurrentTrack));

                    // is this an audio track?
                    string strErrorText;
                    if (AudioUtil.AVSScriptHasAudio(strAVSScript.ToString(), out strErrorText) == false)

                    foreach (AudioTrackInfo oAudioTrack in job.AudioTracks)
                        if (oAudioTrack.TrackIndex != iCurrentAudioTrack)

                        // write avs file
                        string strAudioAVSFile;
                        strAudioAVSFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Output) + "_track_" + (oAudioTrack.TrackIndex + 1) + "_" + oAudioTrack.Language.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".avs";
                        strAudioAVSFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(job.Output), Path.GetFileName(strAudioAVSFile));
                            strAVSScript.AppendLine(@"# detected channels: " + oAudioTrack.NbChannels);
                            strAVSScript.Append(@"# detected channel positions: " + oAudioTrack.ChannelPositions);
                            StreamWriter oAVSWriter = new StreamWriter(strAudioAVSFile, false, Encoding.Default);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            log.LogValue("Error creating audio AVS file", ex);
                    if (++iTracksFound == job.AudioTracks.Count)
Пример #2
 protected virtual bool isFPSRequired()
         if (vInput.Filename.Length > 0)
             return(VideoUtil.guessVideoType(vInput.Filename).ContainerType == null);
     catch (NullReferenceException) // This will throw if it can't guess the video type
Пример #3
 public AutoEncodeWindow(VideoStream videoStream, List <AudioJob> audioStreams, MainForm mainForm, bool prerender, VideoInfo vInfo)
     : this()
     this.vInfo = vInfo;
     this.videoStream  = videoStream;
     this.audioStreams = audioStreams;
     this.prerender    = prerender;
     this.mainForm     = mainForm;
     jobUtil           = new JobUtil(mainForm);
     vUtil             = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
     muxProvider       = mainForm.MuxProvider;
     splitting.MinimumFileSize = new FileSize(Unit.MB, 1);
Пример #4
        public AdaptiveMuxWindow() : base(MainForm.Instance, null)
            muxProvider = mainForm.MuxProvider;

            audioTracks[0].Filter    = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.AudioTypes.ValuesArray);
            subtitleTracks[0].Filter = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.SubtitleTypes.ValuesArray);
            vInput.Filter            = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.VideoTypes.ValuesArray);
            chapters.Filter          = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.ChapterTypes.ValuesArray);
            cbContainer.Visible      = true;
            lbContainer.Visible      = true;

            subtitleTracks[0].chkDefaultStream.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(base.chkDefaultStream_CheckedChanged);
            base.muxButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.muxButton_Click);
Пример #5
        private void openVideo(string fileName)
            if (input.Filename != fileName)
                input.Filename = fileName;

            string projectPath;
            bool   avcStream      = VideoUtil.detecAVCStreamFromFile(fileName);
            string fileNameNoPath = Path.GetFileName(fileName);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath = mainForm.Settings.DefaultOutputDir))
                projectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);


            if (avcStream)
                int unused;
                List <AudioTrackInfo> audioTracks;
                projectName.Text = Path.Combine(projectPath, Path.ChangeExtension(fileNameNoPath, ".dga"));
                vUtil.getSourceMediaInfo(fileName, out audioTracks, out unused);
                foreach (AudioTrackInfo atrack in audioTracks)
                MessageBox.Show("MeGUI is not able to find an AVC stream from " + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "...",
                                "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (AudioTracks.Items.Count < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("MeGUI cannot find audio track information. Audio Tracks selection will be disabled.", "Warning",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                demuxNoAudiotracks.Enabled = false;
                demuxAll.Enabled           = false;
                demuxNoAudiotracks.Enabled = true;
                demuxAll.Enabled           = true;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// reads the d2v file, which is essentially a text file
        /// the first few lines contain the video properties in plain text and the
        /// last line contains the film percentage
        /// this method reads all this information and stores it internally, then
        /// closes the d2v file again
        /// </summary>
        private void readFileProperties()
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                string line = sr.ReadLine();
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.IndexOf("Aspect_Ratio") != -1)                     // this is the aspect ratio line
                        string ar = line.Substring(13);
                        if (ar.Equals("16:9"))
                            this.aspectRatio = AspectRatio.ITU16x9;
                        else if (ar.Equals("4:3"))
                            this.aspectRatio = AspectRatio.ITU4x3;
                        else if (ar.Equals("1:1"))
                            this.aspectRatio = AspectRatio.A1x1;
                            this.aspectRatio = AspectRatio.CUSTOM;

                        double AR = VideoUtil.getAspectRatio(aspectRatio);
                        if (AR > 0)
                            VideoUtil.approximate(AR, out darX, out darY);
                    if (line.IndexOf("Field_Operation") != -1)
                        string fieldOp = line.Substring(16, 1);
                        this.fieldOperation = Int32.Parse(fieldOp);
                    if (line.IndexOf("FINISHED") != -1 && line.IndexOf("FILM") != -1)                     // dgindex now reports VIDEO % if it's > 50%
                        int    end        = line.IndexOf("%");
                        string percentage = line.Substring(10, end - 10);
                        this.filmPercentage = Double.Parse(percentage, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Пример #7
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CropValues final = VideoUtil.autocrop(reader);
            bool       error = (final.left == -1);

            if (!error)
                cropLeft   = final.left;
                cropTop    = final.top;
                cropRight  = final.right;
                cropBottom = final.bottom;
                MessageBox.Show("I'm afraid I was unable to find 3 frames that have matching crop values");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// tries to open the video source and gets the number of frames from it, or
        /// exits with an error
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videoSource">the AviSynth script</param>
        /// <param name="error">return parameter for all errors</param>
        /// <returns>true if the file could be opened, false if not</returns>
        protected bool getInputProperties(VideoJob job, out string error)
            double f;
            int    a, b;

            error = JobUtil.GetAllInputProperties(out numberOfFrames, out f, out hres, out vres, out a, out b, job.Input);
            darX  = job.DARX;
            darY  = job.DARY;
            if (job.Settings.UsesSAR)
                int sarX, sarY;
                VideoUtil.findSAR(job.DARX, job.DARY, hres, vres, out sarX, out sarY);
                job.Commandline = CommandLineGenerator.generateVideoCommandline(job.Settings, job.Input, job.Output, sarX, sarY);
            su.NbFramesTotal = numberOfFrames;
            return(error == null);
Пример #9
        public AdaptiveMuxWindow(MainForm mainForm)
            : base(mainForm, null)
            jobUtil     = new JobUtil(mainForm);
            muxProvider = mainForm.MuxProvider;

            audioTracks[0].Filter    = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.AudioTypes.ValuesArray);
            subtitleTracks[0].Filter = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.SubtitleTypes.ValuesArray);
            vInput.Filter            = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.VideoTypes.ValuesArray);
            chapters.Filter          = VideoUtil.GenerateCombinedFilter(ContainerManager.ChapterTypes.ValuesArray);
            cbContainer.Visible      = true;
            lbContainer.Visible      = true;

            subtitleTracks[0].chkDefaultStream.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(base.chkDefaultStream_CheckedChanged);
            this.cbContainer.SelectedIndexChanged             += new System.EventHandler(this.cbContainer_SelectedIndexChanged);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes the lsmash reader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">the LSMASHIndex source file file that this reader will process</param>
        /// <param name="indexFile">the LSMASHIndex index file that this reader will process</param>
        public lsmashFile(string fileName, string indexFile)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(indexFile, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                    string line = null;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (line.StartsWith("<InputFilePath>"))
                            string strSourceFile = line.Substring(15, line.LastIndexOf("</InputFilePath>") - 15);
                            if (File.Exists(strSourceFile))
                                this.fileName = strSourceFile;
                this.fileName = fileName;

            double        fps   = 0;
            MediaInfoFile oInfo = null;

            if (File.Exists(this.fileName))
                oInfo = new MediaInfoFile(this.fileName);
                if (oInfo.VideoInfo.HasVideo && oInfo.VideoInfo.FPS > 0)
                    fps = oInfo.VideoInfo.FPS;

            reader = AvsFile.ParseScript(VideoUtil.getLSMASHVideoInputLine(this.fileName, indexFile, fps));
            info   = reader.VideoInfo.Clone();
            if (oInfo != null)
                info.DAR = oInfo.VideoInfo.DAR;
Пример #11
 public AutoEncodeWindow(VideoStream videoStream, AudioStream[] audioStreams, MainForm mainForm, bool prerender)
     : this()
     if (videoStream.Settings.EncodingMode == 1 || videoStream.Settings.EncodingMode == 9) // CQ and CRF -- no bitrate possible
         averageBitrateRadio.Enabled = false;
         FileSizeRadio.Enabled       = false;
         noTargetRadio.Checked       = true;
     this.videoStream  = videoStream;
     this.audioStreams = audioStreams;
     this.prerender    = prerender;
     this.mainForm     = mainForm;
     jobUtil           = new JobUtil(mainForm);
     vUtil             = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
     muxProvider       = mainForm.MuxProvider;
Пример #12
        protected override void RunInThread()
                // job output file in case of LWLibavVideoSource()
                base.jobOutputFile = job.Input + ".lwi";

                // generate the avs script
                StringBuilder strAVSScript = new StringBuilder();
                MediaInfoFile oInfo        = null;
                strAVSScript.Append(VideoUtil.getLSMASHVideoInputLine(job.Input, job.Output, 0, ref oInfo));
                if (oInfo != null)
                base.log.LogValue("AviSynth script", strAVSScript.ToString(), ImageType.Information);

                // check if the script has a video track, also this call will create the index file if there is one
                string strErrorText = "no video track found";
                bool   openSuccess  = false;
                    strErrorText = String.Empty;
                    using (AviSynthScriptEnvironment env = new AviSynthScriptEnvironment())
                        using (AviSynthClip a = env.ParseScript(strAVSScript.ToString(), false, false))
                            openSuccess = a.HasVideo;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    strErrorText = ex.Message;
                if (!openSuccess)
                    // avs script has no video track or an error has been thrown
                    base.log.LogEvent(strErrorText, ImageType.Error);
                    su.HasError = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                base.log.LogValue("Error: ", ex.Message, ImageType.Error);
                su.HasError = true;
Пример #13
        private static LogItem postprocess(MainForm mainForm, Job ajob)
            if (!(ajob is IndexJob))
            IndexJob job = (IndexJob)ajob;

            if (job.PostprocessingProperties != null)

            StringBuilder            logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            VideoUtil                vUtil      = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
            Dictionary <int, string> audioFiles = vUtil.getAllDemuxedAudio(job.AudioTracks, job.Output, 8);

            if (job.LoadSources)
                if (job.DemuxMode != 0 && audioFiles.Count > 0)
                    string[] files = new string[audioFiles.Values.Count];
                    audioFiles.Values.CopyTo(files, 0);
                    Util.ThreadSafeRun(mainForm, new MethodInvoker(
                // if the above needed delegation for openAudioFile this needs it for openVideoFile?
                // It seems to fix the problem of ASW dissapearing as soon as it appears on a system (Vista X64)
                Util.ThreadSafeRun(mainForm, new MethodInvoker(
                    AviSynthWindow asw = new AviSynthWindow(mainForm, job.Output);
                    asw.OpenScript    += new OpenScriptCallback(mainForm.Video.openVideoFile);

Пример #14
 public AutoEncodeWindow(VideoStream videoStream, List <AudioJob> audioStreams, MainForm mainForm, bool prerender, VideoInfo vInfo)
     : this()
     this.vInfo = vInfo;
     if (videoStream.Settings.EncodingMode == 1 || videoStream.Settings.EncodingMode == 9) // CQ and CRF -- no bitrate possible
         averageBitrateRadio.Enabled = false;
         FileSizeRadio.Enabled       = false;
         noTargetRadio.Checked       = true;
     this.videoStream  = videoStream;
     this.audioStreams = audioStreams;
     this.prerender    = prerender;
     this.mainForm     = mainForm;
     jobUtil           = new JobUtil(mainForm);
     vUtil             = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
     muxProvider       = mainForm.MuxProvider;
     splitting.MinimumFileSize = new FileSize(Unit.MB, 1);
Пример #15
        private void getTypes(out AudioEncoderType[] aCodec, out MuxableType[] audioTypes, out MuxableType[] subtitleTypes)
            List <MuxableType>      audioTypesList = new List <MuxableType>();
            List <MuxableType>      subTypesList   = new List <MuxableType>();
            List <AudioEncoderType> audioCodecList = new List <AudioEncoderType>();

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (MuxStreamControl c in audioTracks)
                if (minimizedMode && knownAudioTypes.Length > counter)
                else if (c.Stream != null)
                    MuxableType audioType = VideoUtil.guessAudioMuxableType(c.Stream.path, true);
                    if (audioType != null)
            foreach (MuxStreamControl c in subtitleTracks)
                if (c.Stream == null)
                SubtitleType subtitleType = VideoUtil.guessSubtitleType(c.Stream.path);
                if (subtitleType != null)
                    subTypesList.Add(new MuxableType(subtitleType, null));
            audioTypes    = audioTypesList.ToArray();
            subtitleTypes = subTypesList.ToArray();
            aCodec        = audioCodecList.ToArray();
Пример #16
/*		/// <summary>
 *              /// gets all the audio languages from a defined source info file
 *              /// </summary>
 *              /// <param name="infoFile">the info file containing the language info</param>
 *              /// <returns>an array listing all tracks and their language</returns>
 *              public List<string> getAudioLanguages(string infoFile)
 *              {
 *                      List<string> retval = new List<string>();
 *                      List<AudioTrackInfo> audioTracks;
 *          List<SubtitleInfo> subtitles;
 *                      Dar? ar;
 *          int maxHorizontalResolution;
 *                      getSourceInfo(infoFile, out audioTracks, out subtitles, out ar, out maxHorizontalResolution);
 *                      foreach (AudioTrackInfo ati in audioTracks)
 *                      {
 *                              retval.Add(ati.TrackInfo.Language);
 *                      }
 *                      return retval;
 *              }*/
        #region dgindex preprocessing
        /// <summary>
        /// opens a video source and fills out the track selector dropdowns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">the video input file</param>
        /// <param name="track1">combobox for audio track selection</param>
        /// <param name="track2">combobox for audio track selection</param>
        /// <param name="ar">aspect ratio of the video</param>
        /// <param name="trackIDs">an arraylist that will contain the track IDs of the source if found</param>
        /// <returns>true if a source info file has been found, false if not</returns>
        public bool openVideoSource(string fileName, out List <AudioTrackInfo> audioTracks, out List <SubtitleInfo> subtitles,
                                    out Dar?ar, out int maxHorizontalResolution)
            audioTracks = new List <AudioTrackInfo>();
            subtitles   = new List <SubtitleInfo>();
            string infoFile       = VideoUtil.getInfoFileName(fileName);
            bool   putDummyTracks = true;           // indicates whether audio tracks have been found or not

            ar = null;
            maxHorizontalResolution = 5000;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoFile))
                getSourceInfo(infoFile, out audioTracks, out subtitles, out ar, out maxHorizontalResolution);
                if (audioTracks.Count > 0)
                    putDummyTracks = false;
                if (Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower().Equals(".vob") || Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower().Equals(".ifo"))
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not find DVD Decrypter generated info file " + infoFile, "Missing File", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            if (putDummyTracks)
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                    audioTracks.Add(new AudioTrackInfo("Track " + i, "", "", i));
                for (int i = 1; i <= 32; i++)
                    subtitles.Add(new SubtitleInfo("Track " + i, i));
Пример #17
        private static void postprocess(MainForm mainForm, Job ajob)
            if (!(ajob is IndexJob))
            IndexJob job = (IndexJob)ajob;

            if (job.PostprocessingProperties != null)

            StringBuilder            logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            VideoUtil                vUtil      = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
            Dictionary <int, string> audioFiles = vUtil.getAllDemuxedAudio(job.Output, 8);

            if (job.LoadSources)
                if (job.DemuxMode != 0)
                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (int i in audioFiles.Keys)
                        mainForm.setAudioTrack(counter, audioFiles[i]);
                        if (counter >= 2)
                AviSynthWindow asw = new AviSynthWindow(mainForm, job.Output);
                asw.OpenScript += new OpenScriptCallback(mainForm.Video.openVideoFile);
Пример #18
        private void getTypes(out AudioEncoderType[] aCodec, out MuxableType[] audioTypes, out MuxableType[] subtitleTypes)
            List <MuxableType>      audioTypesList = new List <MuxableType>();
            List <MuxableType>      subTypesList   = new List <MuxableType>();
            List <AudioEncoderType> audioCodecList = new List <AudioEncoderType>();

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (SubStream stream in audioStreams)
                if (minimizedMode && knownAudioTypes.Length > counter)
                    MuxableType audioType = VideoUtil.guessAudioMuxableType(stream.path, true);
                    if (audioType != null)
            foreach (SubStream stream in subtitleStreams)
                SubtitleType subtitleType = VideoUtil.guessSubtitleType(stream.path);
                if (subtitleType != null)
                    subTypesList.Add(new MuxableType(subtitleType, null));
            audioTypes    = audioTypesList.ToArray();
            subtitleTypes = subTypesList.ToArray();
            aCodec        = audioCodecList.ToArray();
Пример #19
 public string GetAudioInputFilter()
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// creates the AVS Script file
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="desiredOutputWidth">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="autoCrop">whether or not autoCrop is used for the input</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty if there was an error</returns>
        private string CreateAVSFile(string indexFile, string inputFile, Dar?AR, int desiredOutputWidth,
                                     LogItem _log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint, VideoCodecSettings settings,
                                     bool autoCrop, bool keepInputResolution, bool useChaptersMarks)
            Dar?            dar = null;
            Dar             customDAR;
            IMediaFile      iMediaFile = null;
            IVideoReader    reader;
            PossibleSources oPossibleSource;
            x264Device      xTargetDevice = null;
            CropValues      cropValues    = new CropValues();

            int outputWidthIncludingPadding  = 0;
            int outputHeightIncludingPadding = 0;
            int outputWidthCropped           = 0;
            int outputHeightCropped          = 0;

            // encode anamorph either when it is selected in the avs profile or the input resolution should not be touched
            bool signalAR = (avsSettings.Mod16Method != mod16Method.none) || keepInputResolution;

            // make sure the proper anamorphic encode is selected if the input resolution should not be touched
            if (keepInputResolution && avsSettings.Mod16Method != mod16Method.nonMod16)
                avsSettings.Mod16Method = mod16Method.nonMod16;

            // open index file to retrieve information
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI)
                iMediaFile      = new dgiFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgi;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.D2V)
                iMediaFile      = new d2vFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.d2v;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGM)
                iMediaFile      = new dgmFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgm;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.FFMS)
                iMediaFile      = new ffmsFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.ffindex;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.LSMASH)
                iMediaFile      = new lsmashFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.lsmash;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                string tempAvs = "AVISource(\"" + inputFile + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(0, inputFile);
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.ParseScript(tempAvs, true);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avisource;
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.OpenScriptFile(inputFile, true);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avs;
            reader = iMediaFile.GetVideoReader();

            // abort if the index file is invalid
            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                _log.Error("There are " + reader.FrameCount + " frames in the index file. Aborting...");

            if (AR == null)
                // AR needs to be detected automatically now
                _log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio", AR == null);
                customDAR = iMediaFile.VideoInfo.DAR;
                if (customDAR.AR <= 0)
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL;
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value;
            _log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);

            // check x264 settings (target device, chapter file)
            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xTargetDevice = xs.TargetDevice;
                _log.LogValue("Target device", xTargetDevice.Name);

            // get mod value for resizing
            int mod = Resolution.GetModValue(avsSettings.ModValue, avsSettings.Mod16Method, signalAR);

            // crop input as it may be required (autoCrop && !keepInputResolution or Blu-Ray)
            if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method, avsSettings.ModValue) == false)
                _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");

            int inputWidth      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
            int inputHeight     = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
            int inputFPS_D      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D;
            int inputFPS_N      = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N;
            int inputFrameCount = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FrameCount;

            // force destruction of AVS script

            Dar?suggestedDar = null;

            if (desiredOutputWidth == 0)
                desiredOutputWidth = outputWidthIncludingPadding = inputWidth;
            else if (!avsSettings.Upsize && desiredOutputWidth > inputWidth)
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = inputWidth;
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = desiredOutputWidth;
            CropValues paddingValues;

            bool resizeEnabled;
            int  outputWidthWithoutUpsizing = outputWidthIncludingPadding;

            if (avsSettings.Upsize)
                resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
                CropValues cropValuesTemp = cropValues.Clone();
                int        outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp = 0;
                Resolution.GetResolution(inputWidth, inputHeight, customDAR,
                                         ref cropValuesTemp, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, false, signalAR, true,
                                         avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(inputFPS_N) / inputFPS_D,
                                         ref outputWidthWithoutUpsizing, ref outputHeightIncludingPaddingTemp, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);

            resizeEnabled = !keepInputResolution;
            Resolution.GetResolution(inputWidth, inputHeight, customDAR,
                                     ref cropValues, autoCrop && !keepInputResolution, mod, ref resizeEnabled, avsSettings.Upsize, signalAR, true,
                                     avsSettings.AcceptableAspectError, xTargetDevice, Convert.ToDouble(inputFPS_N) / inputFPS_D,
                                     ref outputWidthIncludingPadding, ref outputHeightIncludingPadding, out paddingValues, out suggestedDar, _log);
            keepInputResolution = !resizeEnabled;

            if (signalAR && suggestedDar.HasValue)
                dar = suggestedDar;

            // log calculated output resolution
            outputWidthCropped  = outputWidthIncludingPadding - paddingValues.left - paddingValues.right;
            outputHeightCropped = outputHeightIncludingPadding - paddingValues.bottom - paddingValues.top;
            _log.LogValue("Input resolution", inputWidth + "x" + inputHeight);
            _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width", desiredOutputWidth);
            if (!avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding < desiredOutputWidth)
                _log.LogEvent("Desired maximum width not reached. Enable upsizing in the AviSynth profile if you want to force it.");
            if (avsSettings.Upsize && outputWidthIncludingPadding > outputWidthWithoutUpsizing)
                _log.LogValue("Desired maximum width reached with upsizing. Target width without upsizing", outputWidthWithoutUpsizing);
            if (cropValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Autocrop values", cropValues);
                _log.LogValue("Cropped output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
                _log.LogValue("Output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
            if (paddingValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Padded output resolution", outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding);

            // generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(
                inputFile, indexFile, false, oPossibleSource, false, false, false, 0,
                avsSettings.DSS2, NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone, 0, 0, null);

            if (IsJobStopped())

            _log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                su.Status = "Automatic deinterlacing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***";
                string d2vPath = indexFile;
                _sourceDetector = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, avsSettings.PreferAnimeDeinterlace, inputFrameCount,
                                                     new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(AnalyseUpdate),
                                                     new FinishedAnalysis(FinishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                _sourceDetector = null;
                if (filters != null)
                    deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                    if (interlaced)
                        _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines, ImageType.Warning);
                        _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            if (IsJobStopped())

            su.Status = "Finalizing preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***";

            // get final input filter line
            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(
                inputFile, indexFile, interlaced, oPossibleSource, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock,
                false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2, NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone, 0, 0, null);

            // get crop & resize lines
            if (!keepInputResolution)
                if (autoCrop)
                    cropLine = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(cropValues);
                resizeLine = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize || outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 || inputWidth != outputWidthCropped,
                                                        outputWidthCropped, outputHeightCropped, outputWidthIncludingPadding, outputHeightIncludingPadding, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod,
                                                        autoCrop, cropValues, inputWidth, inputHeight);

            // get denoise line
            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
                if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string       strResolution = outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding;
                    x264Settings _xs           = (x264Settings)settings;

                    if (strResolution.Equals("720x480"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 4;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 10:11 as only 40:33 or 10:11 are supported with a resolution of " +
                                      strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("720x576"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 5;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 12:11 as only 16:11 or 12:11 are supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1280x720") || strResolution.Equals("1920x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 1;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 1:1 as only 1:1 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1440x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 2;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 4:3 as only 4:3 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");

            _log.LogValue("Generated AviSynth script", newScript);
            string strOutputAVSFile;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFile)), ".avs");
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(indexFile, ".avs");

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutputAVSFile, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            catch (Exception i)
                _log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);

            JobUtil.GetAllInputProperties(strOutputAVSFile, out ulong numberOfFrames, out double fps, out int fps_n, out int fps_d, out int hres, out int vres, out Dar d, out AviSynthColorspace colorspace);
            _log.LogEvent("resolution: " + hres + "x" + vres);
            _log.LogEvent("frame rate: " + fps_n + "/" + fps_d);
            _log.LogEvent("frames: " + numberOfFrames);
            TimeSpan oTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)numberOfFrames / fps);

            _log.LogEvent("length: " + string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}",
                                                     (int)(oTime.TotalHours), oTime.Minutes, oTime.Seconds, oTime.Milliseconds));
            _log.LogValue("aspect ratio", d);
            _log.LogValue("color space", colorspace.ToString());

            if (IsJobStopped())

            // create qpf file if necessary and possible
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterInfo.HasChapters && useChaptersMarks && settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                fps = (double)fps_n / fps_d;
                string strChapterFile = Path.ChangeExtension(strOutputAVSFile, ".qpf");
                if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterInfo.SaveQpfile(strChapterFile))
                    _log.LogValue("qpf file created", strChapterFile);
                    x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                    xs.UseQPFile = true;
                    xs.QPFile    = strChapterFile;

            // check if a timestamp file has to be used
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile) && settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xs.TCFile = job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile;

Пример #21
        protected override void RunInThread()
            JobChain      c = null;
            List <string> intermediateFiles = new List <string>();
            bool          bError            = false;

                log.LogEvent("Processing thread started");
                su.Status = "Preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***";

                List <string> arrAudioFilesDelete = new List <string>();
                audioFiles = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                List <AudioTrackInfo> arrAudioTracks = new List <AudioTrackInfo>();
                List <AudioJob>       arrAudioJobs   = new List <AudioJob>();
                List <MuxStream>      arrMuxStreams  = new List <MuxStream>();

                // audio handling
                foreach (OneClickAudioTrack oAudioTrack in job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioTracks)
                    if (IsJobStopped())

                    if (oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo != null)
                        if (oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.ExtractMKVTrack)
                            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ApplyDelayCorrection && File.Exists(job.PostprocessingProperties.IntermediateMKVFile))
                                MediaInfoFile oFile  = new MediaInfoFile(job.PostprocessingProperties.IntermediateMKVFile, ref log);
                                bool          bFound = false;
                                foreach (AudioTrackInfo oAudioInfo in oFile.AudioInfo.Tracks)
                                    if (oAudioInfo.MMGTrackID == oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.MMGTrackID)
                                        bFound = true;
                                int mmgTrackID = 0;
                                if (!bFound)
                                    mmgTrackID = oFile.AudioInfo.Tracks[oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.TrackIndex].MMGTrackID;
                                    mmgTrackID = oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.MMGTrackID;
                                foreach (AudioTrackInfo oAudioInfo in oFile.AudioInfo.Tracks)
                                    if (oAudioInfo.MMGTrackID == mmgTrackID)
                                        if (oAudioTrack.DirectMuxAudio != null)
                                            oAudioTrack.DirectMuxAudio.delay = oAudioInfo.Delay;
                                        if (oAudioTrack.AudioJob != null)
                                            oAudioTrack.AudioJob.Delay = oAudioInfo.Delay;
                            if (!audioFiles.ContainsKey(oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.TrackID))
                                audioFiles.Add(oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.TrackID, job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory + "\\" + oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.DemuxFileName);
                                arrAudioFilesDelete.Add(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory + "\\" + oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.DemuxFileName);
                    if (oAudioTrack.AudioJob != null)
                        if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.NONE &&
                            oAudioTrack.AudioJob.Input = job.Input;
                    if (oAudioTrack.DirectMuxAudio != null)
                if (audioFiles.Count == 0 && !job.PostprocessingProperties.Eac3toDemux &&
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType != FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.NONE &&
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType != FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                    if ((job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI || job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGM) &&
                        File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(job.IndexFile, ".log")))
                        job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToDelete.Add(Path.ChangeExtension(job.IndexFile, ".log"));
                        audioFiles = AudioUtil.GetAllDemuxedAudioFromDGI(arrAudioTracks, out arrAudioFilesDelete, job.IndexFile, log);
                        audioFiles = VideoUtil.getAllDemuxedAudio(arrAudioTracks, new List <AudioTrackInfo>(), out arrAudioFilesDelete, job.IndexFile, log);

                FillInAudioInformation(ref arrAudioJobs, arrMuxStreams);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux))
                    log.LogEvent("Don't encode video: True");
                    log.LogEvent("Desired size: " + job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize);
                log.LogEvent("Split size: " + job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting);

                if (IsJobStopped())

                // video file handling
                string             avsFile       = String.Empty;
                VideoStream        myVideo       = new VideoStream();
                VideoCodecSettings videoSettings = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoSettings;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux))
                    //Open the video
                        avsFile = CreateAVSFile(job.IndexFile, job.Input, job.PostprocessingProperties.DAR,
                                                job.PostprocessingProperties.HorizontalOutputResolution, log,
                                                job.PostprocessingProperties.AvsSettings, job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoDeinterlace, videoSettings,
                                                job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoCrop, job.PostprocessingProperties.KeepInputResolution,
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.LogValue("An error occurred creating the AVS file", ex, ImageType.Error);

                    if (IsJobStopped())

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(avsFile))
                        // check AVS file
                        JobUtil.GetInputProperties(avsFile, out ulong frameCount, out double frameRate);

                        myVideo.Input          = avsFile;
                        myVideo.Output         = Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Input) + "_Video");
                        myVideo.NumberOfFrames = frameCount;
                        myVideo.Framerate      = (decimal)frameRate;
                        myVideo.VideoType      = new MuxableType((new VideoEncoderProvider().GetSupportedOutput(videoSettings.EncoderType))[0], videoSettings.Codec);
                        myVideo.Settings       = videoSettings;
                        bError = true;
                    myVideo.DAR    = job.PostprocessingProperties.ForcedDAR;
                    myVideo.Output = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux;
                    MediaInfoFile oInfo = new MediaInfoFile(myVideo.Output, ref log);
                    if (Path.GetExtension(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux).Equals(".unknown") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(oInfo.ContainerFileTypeString))
                        job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux = Path.ChangeExtension(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux, oInfo.ContainerFileTypeString.ToLowerInvariant());
                        File.Move(myVideo.Output, job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux);
                        myVideo.Output = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux;

                    myVideo.Settings       = videoSettings;
                    myVideo.Framerate      = (decimal)oInfo.VideoInfo.FPS;
                    myVideo.NumberOfFrames = oInfo.VideoInfo.FrameCount;

                if (IsJobStopped())

                foreach (string file in arrAudioFilesDelete)
                intermediateFiles.Add(Path.ChangeExtension(job.Input, ".log"));
                foreach (string file in job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToDelete)

                // subtitle handling
                List <MuxStream> subtitles = new List <MuxStream>();
                if (job.PostprocessingProperties.SubtitleTracks.Count > 0)
                    foreach (OneClickStream oTrack in job.PostprocessingProperties.SubtitleTracks)
                        if (oTrack.TrackInfo.ExtractMKVTrack)
                            //demuxed MKV
                            string trackFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(job.IndexFile) + "\\" + oTrack.TrackInfo.DemuxFileName;
                            if (File.Exists(trackFile))
                                if (Path.GetExtension(trackFile).ToLowerInvariant().Equals(".idx"))
                                    intermediateFiles.Add(FileUtil.GetPathWithoutExtension(trackFile) + ".sub");

                                subtitles.Add(new MuxStream(trackFile, oTrack.Language, oTrack.Name, oTrack.Delay, oTrack.DefaultStream, oTrack.ForcedStream, null));
                                log.LogEvent("Ignoring subtitle as the it cannot be found: " + trackFile, ImageType.Warning);
                            // sometimes the language is detected differently by vsrip and the IFO parser. Therefore search also for other files
                            string strDemuxFile = oTrack.DemuxFilePath;
                            if (!File.Exists(strDemuxFile) && Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strDemuxFile).Contains("_"))
                                string strDemuxFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strDemuxFile);
                                strDemuxFileName = strDemuxFileName.Substring(0, strDemuxFileName.LastIndexOf("_")) + "_*" + Path.GetExtension(strDemuxFile);
                                foreach (string strFileName in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(strDemuxFile), strDemuxFileName))
                                    strDemuxFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(strDemuxFile), strFileName);
                                    intermediateFiles.Add(Path.ChangeExtension(strDemuxFile, ".sub"));
                                    log.LogEvent("Subtitle + " + oTrack.DemuxFilePath + " cannot be found. " + strFileName + " will be used instead", ImageType.Information);
                            if (File.Exists(strDemuxFile))
                                string strTrackName = oTrack.Name;

                                // check if a forced stream is available
                                string strForcedFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(strDemuxFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strDemuxFile) + "_forced.idx");
                                if (File.Exists(strForcedFile))
                                    subtitles.Add(new MuxStream(strForcedFile, oTrack.Language, SubtitleUtil.ApplyForcedStringToTrackName(true, oTrack.Name), oTrack.Delay, oTrack.DefaultStream, true, null));
                                    intermediateFiles.Add(Path.ChangeExtension(strForcedFile, ".sub"));
                                subtitles.Add(new MuxStream(strDemuxFile, oTrack.Language, SubtitleUtil.ApplyForcedStringToTrackName(false, oTrack.Name), oTrack.Delay, oTrack.DefaultStream, (File.Exists(strForcedFile) ? false : oTrack.ForcedStream), null));
                                log.LogEvent("Ignoring subtitle as the it cannot be found: " + oTrack.DemuxFilePath, ImageType.Warning);

                if (IsJobStopped())

                if (!bError)
                    c = VideoUtil.GenerateJobSeries(myVideo, job.PostprocessingProperties.FinalOutput, arrAudioJobs.ToArray(),
                                                    subtitles.ToArray(), job.PostprocessingProperties.Attachments, job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile,
                                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterInfo, job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize,
                                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting, job.PostprocessingProperties.Container,
                                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.PrerenderJob, arrMuxStreams.ToArray(),
                                                    log, job.PostprocessingProperties.DeviceOutputType, null, job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux,
                                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioTracks.ToArray(), true);

                if (c != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile) &&
                    c.Jobs[c.Jobs.Length - 1].Job is MuxJob && (c.Jobs[c.Jobs.Length - 1].Job as MuxJob).MuxType == MuxerType.MP4BOX)
                    // last job is a mp4box job and vfr timecode data has to be applied
                    MP4FpsModJob mp4FpsMod = new MP4FpsModJob(((MuxJob)c.Jobs[c.Jobs.Length - 1].Job).Output, job.PostprocessingProperties.TimeStampFile);
                    c = new SequentialChain(c, new SequentialChain(mp4FpsMod));
            catch (Exception e)
                log.LogValue("An error occurred", e, ImageType.Error);
                bError = true;

            if (c == null || bError)
                log.Error("Job creation aborted");
                su.HasError = true;

            // add cleanup job also in case of an error
            c = CleanupJob.AddAfter(c, intermediateFiles, job.PostprocessingProperties.FinalOutput);
            MainForm.Instance.Jobs.AddJobsWithDependencies(c, false);

            // batch processing other input files if necessary
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToProcess.Count > 0)
                OneClickWindow ocw = new OneClickWindow();
                ocw.setBatchProcessing(job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToProcess, job.PostprocessingProperties.OneClickSetting);

            su.IsComplete = true;
Пример #22
        public JobChain GenerateJobSeries(VideoStream video, string muxedOutput, AudioJob[] audioStreams,
                                          MuxStream[] subtitles, string chapters, FileSize?desiredSize, FileSize?splitSize, ContainerType container, bool prerender, MuxStream[] muxOnlyAudio)
            StringBuilder logBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            if (desiredSize.HasValue)
                logBuilder.Append("Generating jobs. Desired size: " + desiredSize.Value.ToString() + "\r\n");
                if (video.Settings.EncodingMode != 4 && video.Settings.EncodingMode != 8) // no automated 2/3 pass
                    if (this.mainForm.Settings.NbPasses == 2)
                        video.Settings.EncodingMode = 4; // automated 2 pass
                    else if (video.Settings.MaxNumberOfPasses == 3)
                        video.Settings.EncodingMode = 8;
                logBuilder.Append("Generating jobs. No desired size.\r\n");

            fixFileNameExtensions(video, audioStreams, container);
            string videoOutput = video.Output;

            logBuilder.Append(eliminatedDuplicateFilenames(ref videoOutput, ref muxedOutput, audioStreams));
            video.Output = videoOutput;

            JobChain vjobs = jobUtil.prepareVideoJob(video.Input, video.Output, video.Settings, video.DAR, prerender, true);

            if (vjobs == null)

            /* Here, we guess the types of the files based on extension.
             * This is guaranteed to work with MeGUI-encoded files, because
             * the extension will always be recognised. For non-MeGUI files,
             * we can only ever hope.*/
            List <MuxStream>   allAudioToMux      = new List <MuxStream>();
            List <MuxableType> allInputAudioTypes = new List <MuxableType>();

            foreach (MuxStream muxStream in muxOnlyAudio)
                if (VideoUtil.guessAudioMuxableType(muxStream.path, true) != null)
                    allInputAudioTypes.Add(VideoUtil.guessAudioMuxableType(muxStream.path, true));

            foreach (AudioJob stream in audioStreams)

            List <MuxableType> allInputSubtitleTypes = new List <MuxableType>();

            foreach (MuxStream muxStream in subtitles)
                if (VideoUtil.guessSubtitleType(muxStream.path) != null)
                    allInputSubtitleTypes.Add(new MuxableType(VideoUtil.guessSubtitleType(muxStream.path), null));

            MuxableType chapterInputType = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(chapters))
                ChapterType type = VideoUtil.guessChapterType(chapters);
                if (type != null)
                    chapterInputType = new MuxableType(type, null);

            JobChain muxJobs = this.jobUtil.GenerateMuxJobs(video, video.Framerate, allAudioToMux.ToArray(), allInputAudioTypes.ToArray(),
                                                            subtitles, allInputSubtitleTypes.ToArray(), chapters, chapterInputType, container, muxedOutput, splitSize, true);

            /*                foreach (Job mJob in muxJobs)
             *                  foreach (Job job in jobs)
             *                      mJob.AddDependency(job);*/

             * foreach (VideoJob job in vjobs)
             * {
             *  jobs.Add(job);
             * }
             * foreach (MuxJob job in muxJobs)
             * {
             *  jobs.Add(job);
             * }

            if (desiredSize.HasValue)
                /*                    if (encodedAudioPresent) // no audio encoding, we can calculate the video bitrate directly
                 *                  {
                 *                      logBuilder.Append("No audio encoding. Calculating desired video bitrate directly.\r\n");
                 *                      List<AudioStream> calculationAudioStreams = new List<AudioStream>();
                 *                      foreach (SubStream stream in muxOnlyAudio)
                 *                      {
                 *                          FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(stream.path);
                 *                          AudioStream newStream = new AudioStream();
                 *                          newStream.SizeBytes = fi.Length;
                 *                          newStream.Type = guessAudioType(stream.path);
                 *                          newStream.BitrateMode = BitrateManagementMode.VBR;
                 *                          calculationAudioStreams.Add(newStream);
                 *                          logBuilder.Append("Encoded audio file is present: " + stream.path +
                 *                              " It has a size of " + fi.Length + " bytes. \r\n");
                 *                      }
                 *                      long videoSizeKB;
                 *                      bool useBframes = false;
                 *                      if (video.Settings.NbBframes > 0)
                 *                          useBframes = true;
                 *                      bitrateKBits = calc.CalculateBitrateKBits(video.Settings.Codec, useBframes, container, calculationAudioStreams.ToArray(),
                 *                          desiredSizeBytes, video.NumberOfFrames, video.Framerate, out videoSizeKB);
                 *                      desiredSizeBytes = (long)videoSizeKB * 1024L; // convert kb back to bytes
                 *                      logBuilder.Append("Setting video bitrate for the video jobs to " + bitrateKBits + " kbit/s\r\n");
                 *                      foreach (VideoJob vJob in vjobs)
                 *                      {
                 *                          jobUtil.updateVideoBitrate(vJob, bitrateKBits);
                 *                      }
                 *                  }*/
                BitrateCalculationInfo b = new BitrateCalculationInfo();

                List <string> audiofiles = new List <string>();
                foreach (MuxStream s in allAudioToMux)
                b.AudioFiles = audiofiles;

                b.Container   = container;
                b.VideoJobs   = new List <TaggedJob>(vjobs.Jobs);
                b.DesiredSize = desiredSize.Value;
                ((VideoJob)vjobs.Jobs[0].Job).BitrateCalculationInfo = b;

                (new SequentialChain(
                     new ParallelChain((Job[])audioStreams),
                     new SequentialChain(vjobs),
                     new SequentialChain(muxJobs)));
Пример #23
 public string GetOutputTypeFilter()
Пример #24
 public string GetMuxedInputFilter()
Пример #25
        public static string GetInputLine(string input, string indexFile, bool interlaced, PossibleSources sourceType,
                                          bool colormatrix, bool mpeg2deblock, bool flipVertical, double fps, bool dss2)
            string inputLine  = "#input";
            string strDLLPath = "";

            switch (sourceType)
            case PossibleSources.avs:
                inputLine = "Import(\"" + input + "\")";

            case PossibleSources.d2v:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DgIndexPath), "DGDecode.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGDecode_mpeg2source(\"" + indexFile + "\"";
                if (mpeg2deblock)
                    inputLine += ", cpu=4";
                if (colormatrix)
                    inputLine += ", info=3";
                inputLine += ")";
                if (colormatrix)
                    inputLine += string.Format("\r\nLoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AvisynthPluginsPath, "ColorMatrix.dll") + "\")\r\nColorMatrix(hints=true{0}, threads=0)", interlaced ? ", interlaced=true" : "");

            case PossibleSources.dga:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DgavcIndexPath), "DGAVCDecode.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nAVCSource(\"" + indexFile + "\")";

            case PossibleSources.dgi:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    indexFile = input;
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DgnvIndexPath), "DGDecodeNV.dll");
                inputLine  = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSource(\"" + indexFile + "\"";
                if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AutoForceFilm &&
                    MainForm.Instance.Settings.ForceFilmThreshold <= (decimal)dgiFile.GetFilmPercent(indexFile))
                    inputLine += ",fieldop=1";
                    inputLine += ",fieldop=0";

            case PossibleSources.ffindex:
                strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSIndexPath), "ffms2.dll");
                if (input.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".ffindex"))
                    inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nFFVideoSource(\"" + input.Substring(0, input.Length - 8) + "\"" + (MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads > 0 ? ", threads=" + MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads : String.Empty) + ")";
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                    inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nFFVideoSource(\"" + input + "\"" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile) ? ", cachefile=\"" + indexFile + "\"" : String.Empty) + (MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads > 0 ? ", threads=" + MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads : String.Empty) + ")";
                    inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nFFVideoSource(\"" + input + "\"" + (MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads > 0 ? ", threads=" + MainForm.Instance.Settings.FFMSThreads : String.Empty) + ")";

            case PossibleSources.vdr:
                inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);

            case PossibleSources.directShow:
                if (input.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".avi"))
                    inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                    if (dss2)
                        inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + MeGUISettings.HaaliMSPath + "\\avss.dll" + "\")\r\ndss2(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ")" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                        inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPath), "directshowsource.dll") + "\")\r\nDirectShowSource(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ", audio=false, convertfps=true)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input);
                    if (flipVertical)
                        inputLine = inputLine + "\r\nFlipVertical()";
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// creates the AVS Script file
        /// if the file can be properly opened, auto-cropping is performed, then depending on the AR settings
        /// the proper resolution for automatic resizing, taking into account the derived cropping values
        /// is calculated, and finally the avisynth script is written and its name returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">dgindex script</param>
        /// <param name="aspectRatio">aspect ratio selection to be used</param>
        /// <param name="customDAR">custom display aspect ratio for this source</param>
        /// <param name="desiredOutputWidth">desired horizontal resolution of the output</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the codec settings (used only for x264)</param>
        /// <param name="sarX">pixel aspect ratio X</param>
        /// <param name="sarY">pixel aspect ratio Y</param>
        /// <param name="height">the final height of the video</param>
        /// <param name="signalAR">whether or not ar signalling is to be used for the output
        /// (depending on this parameter, resizing changes to match the source AR)</param>
        /// <param name="autoCrop">whether or not autoCrop is used for the input</param>
        /// <returns>the name of the AviSynth script created, empty if there was an error</returns>
        private string createAVSFile(string indexFile, string inputFile, Dar?AR, int desiredOutputWidth,
                                     bool signalAR, LogItem _log, AviSynthSettings avsSettings, bool autoDeint,
                                     VideoCodecSettings settings, out Dar?dar, bool autoCrop, bool keepInputResolution, bool useChaptersMarks)
            dar = null;
            Dar             customDAR;
            IMediaFile      iMediaFile = null;
            IVideoReader    reader;
            PossibleSources oPossibleSource;
            x264Device      xTargetDevice = null;

            int outputWidthIncludingPadding  = 0;
            int outputHeightIncludingPadding = 0;
            int outputWidthCropped           = 0;
            int outputHeightCropped          = 0;

            CropValues cropValues        = new CropValues();
            bool       bAdjustResolution = false;
            bool       bCropped          = false;

            // open index file to retrieve information
            if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGI)
                iMediaFile      = new dgiFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dgi;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.D2V)
                iMediaFile      = new d2vFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.d2v;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.DGA)
                iMediaFile      = new dgaFile(indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.dga;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.FFMS)
                iMediaFile      = new ffmsFile(inputFile, indexFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.ffindex;
            else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.AVISOURCE)
                string tempAvs = "AVISource(\"" + inputFile + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(0, inputFile);
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.ParseScript(tempAvs);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.directShow;
                iMediaFile      = AvsFile.OpenScriptFile(inputFile);
                oPossibleSource = PossibleSources.avs;
            reader = iMediaFile.GetVideoReader();

            // abort if the index file is invalid
            if (reader.FrameCount < 1)
                _log.Error("There are 0 frames in the index file. Aborting...");

            if (AR == null)
                // AR needs to be detected automatically now
                _log.LogValue("Auto-detect aspect ratio", AR == null);
                customDAR = iMediaFile.VideoInfo.DAR;
                if (customDAR.ar <= 0)
                    customDAR = Dar.ITU16x9PAL;
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("No aspect ratio found, defaulting to {0}.", customDAR));
                customDAR = AR.Value;
            _log.LogValue("Aspect ratio", customDAR);

            // check x264 settings (target device, chapter file)
            if (settings != null && settings is x264Settings)
                x264Settings xs = (x264Settings)settings;
                xTargetDevice = xs.TargetDevice;

                // create qpf file if necessary
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile) && useChaptersMarks)
                    qpfile = job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile;
                    if ((Path.GetExtension(qpfile).ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) == ".txt")
                        qpfile = VideoUtil.convertChaptersTextFileTox264QPFile(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS);
                    if (File.Exists(qpfile))
                        xs.UseQPFile = true;
                        xs.QPFile    = qpfile;

            // if encoding for a specific device select the appropriate resolution setting
            if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.Width > 0 && xTargetDevice.Height > 0)
                if (keepInputResolution)
                    // resolution should not be changed - use input resolution
                    outputWidthCropped  = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
                    outputHeightCropped = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
                    // crop input video if selected
                    if (autoCrop)
                        if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method) == false)
                            _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");
                        bCropped = true;

                    outputWidthCropped  = desiredOutputWidth;
                    outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width,
                                                                       (double)customDAR.ar, cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR,
                                                                       mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                    dar = null;

                if (xTargetDevice.Width < outputWidthCropped)
                    // width must be lowered to be target conform
                    bAdjustResolution = true;
                    if (keepInputResolution)
                        keepInputResolution = false;
                        _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution width of "
                                      + outputWidthCropped + ". The maximum value is " + xTargetDevice.Width + ".");
                else if (xTargetDevice.Height < outputHeightCropped)
                    // height must be lowered to be target conform
                    bAdjustResolution = true;
                    if (keepInputResolution)
                        keepInputResolution = false;
                        _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution height of "
                                      + outputHeightCropped + ". The maximum value is " + xTargetDevice.Height + ".");
                else if (xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string strResolution = outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped;
                    if (!strResolution.Equals("1920x1080") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("1440x1080") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("1280x720") &&
                        !strResolution.Equals("720x576") &&
                        bAdjustResolution = true;
                        if (keepInputResolution)
                            keepInputResolution = false;
                            _log.LogEvent("Disabling \"Keep Input Resolution\" as " + xTargetDevice.Name + " does not support a resolution of "
                                          + outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped
                                          + ". Supported are 1920x1080, 1440x1080, 1280x720, 720x576 and 720x480.");
                        outputWidthIncludingPadding  = outputWidthCropped;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = outputHeightCropped;

                if (bAdjustResolution)
                    if (!autoCrop)
                        autoCrop = true;
                        _log.LogEvent("Enabling \"AutoCrop\"");
                outputWidthCropped = desiredOutputWidth;

            if (!keepInputResolution && autoCrop && !bCropped)
                // crop input video if required
                if (Autocrop.autocrop(out cropValues, reader, signalAR, avsSettings.Mod16Method) == false)
                    _log.Error("Autocrop failed. Aborting...");
                bCropped = true;

            if (bAdjustResolution)
                // adjust horizontal resolution as width or height are too large
                if (xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    if (outputWidthCropped >= 1920)
                        outputWidthCropped           = 1920;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = 1080;
                        _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 1920x1080 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                    else if (outputWidthCropped >= 1280)
                        outputWidthCropped           = 1280;
                        outputHeightIncludingPadding = 720;
                        _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 1280x720 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                        outputWidthCropped = 720;
                        Double dfps = Convert.ToDouble(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_N) / iMediaFile.VideoInfo.FPS_D;
                        if (dfps == 25)
                            outputHeightIncludingPadding = 576;
                            _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 720x576 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                            outputHeightIncludingPadding = 480;
                            _log.LogEvent("Force resolution of 720x480 as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);
                    outputWidthIncludingPadding = outputWidthCropped;
                else if (outputWidthCropped > xTargetDevice.Width)
                    outputWidthCropped = xTargetDevice.Width;
                    _log.LogEvent("Set resolution width to " + outputWidthCropped + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name);

                // adjust cropped vertical resolution
                outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                   cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);
                while (outputHeightCropped > xTargetDevice.Height || (xTargetDevice.BluRay && outputHeightCropped > outputHeightIncludingPadding))
                    outputWidthCropped -= 16;
                    outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                       cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            if (keepInputResolution)
                outputWidthCropped  = outputWidthIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;
                outputHeightCropped = outputHeightIncludingPadding = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height;
                dar = customDAR;
            else if (xTargetDevice == null || (xTargetDevice != null && !xTargetDevice.BluRay))
                // Minimise upsizing
                int sourceHorizontalResolution = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width - cropValues.right - cropValues.left;
                if (autoCrop)
                    sourceHorizontalResolution = (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width;

                if (outputWidthCropped > sourceHorizontalResolution)
                    if (avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize)
                        while (outputWidthCropped > sourceHorizontalResolution + 16)
                            outputWidthCropped -= 16;
                        outputWidthCropped = sourceHorizontalResolution;

            // calculate height
            if (!keepInputResolution)
                outputHeightCropped = Resolution.suggestResolution(iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height, iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (double)customDAR.ar,
                                                                   cropValues, outputWidthCropped, signalAR, mainForm.Settings.AcceptableAspectErrorPercent, out dar);

            // set complete padding if required
            if (outputHeightIncludingPadding == 0 && outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0)
                outputHeightIncludingPadding = outputHeightCropped;
            if (outputWidthIncludingPadding == 0 && outputHeightIncludingPadding > 0)
                outputWidthIncludingPadding = outputWidthCropped;

            // write calculated output resolution into the log
            _log.LogValue("Input resolution", iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width + "x" + iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);
            if (autoCrop && !keepInputResolution && cropValues.isCropped())
                _log.LogValue("Autocrop values", cropValues);
                _log.LogValue("Cropped output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
                _log.LogValue("Output resolution", outputWidthCropped + "x" + outputHeightCropped);
            if (outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 && (outputWidthIncludingPadding != outputWidthCropped || outputHeightIncludingPadding != outputHeightCropped))
                _log.LogValue("Padded output resolution", outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding);

            if (outputWidthCropped <= 0 || outputHeightCropped <= 0)
                _log.Error("Error in detection of output resolution");

            //Generate the avs script based on the template
            string inputLine        = "#input";
            string deinterlaceLines = "#deinterlace";
            string denoiseLines     = "#denoise";
            string cropLine         = "#crop";
            string resizeLine       = "#resize";

            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, false, oPossibleSource, false, false, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            _log.LogValue("Automatic deinterlacing", autoDeint);
            if (autoDeint)
                raiseEvent("Automatic deinterlacing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
                string         d2vPath = indexFile;
                SourceDetector sd      = new SourceDetector(inputLine, d2vPath, false,
                                                            new UpdateSourceDetectionStatus(analyseUpdate),
                                                            new FinishedAnalysis(finishedAnalysis));
                finished = false;
                deinterlaceLines = filters[0].Script;
                if (interlaced)
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines, ImageType.Warning);
                    _log.LogValue("Deinterlacing used", deinterlaceLines);

            raiseEvent("Finalizing preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
            inputLine = ScriptServer.GetInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, interlaced, oPossibleSource, avsSettings.ColourCorrect, avsSettings.MPEG2Deblock, false, 0, avsSettings.DSS2);
            if (!inputLine.EndsWith(")"))
                inputLine += ")";

            if (!keepInputResolution && autoCrop)
                cropLine = ScriptServer.GetCropLine(true, cropValues);

            denoiseLines = ScriptServer.GetDenoiseLines(avsSettings.Denoise, (DenoiseFilterType)avsSettings.DenoiseMethod);

            if (!keepInputResolution)
                resizeLine = ScriptServer.GetResizeLine(!signalAR || avsSettings.Mod16Method == mod16Method.resize || outputWidthIncludingPadding > 0 || (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width != outputWidthCropped,
                                                        outputWidthCropped, outputHeightCropped, outputWidthIncludingPadding, outputHeightIncludingPadding, (ResizeFilterType)avsSettings.ResizeMethod,
                                                        autoCrop, cropValues, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Width, (int)iMediaFile.VideoInfo.Height);

            string newScript = ScriptServer.CreateScriptFromTemplate(avsSettings.Template, inputLine, cropLine, resizeLine, denoiseLines, deinterlaceLines);

            if (dar.HasValue)
                newScript = string.Format("global MeGUI_darx = {0}\r\nglobal MeGUI_dary = {1}\r\n{2}", dar.Value.X, dar.Value.Y, newScript);
                if (xTargetDevice != null && xTargetDevice.BluRay)
                    string       strResolution = outputWidthIncludingPadding + "x" + outputHeightIncludingPadding;
                    x264Settings _xs           = (x264Settings)settings;

                    if (strResolution.Equals("720x480"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 4;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 10:11 as only 40:33 or 10:11 are supported with a resolution of " +
                                      strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("720x576"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 5;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 12:11 as only 16:11 or 12:11 are supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1280x720") || strResolution.Equals("1920x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 1;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 1:1 as only 1:1 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");
                    else if (strResolution.Equals("1440x1080"))
                        _xs.SampleAR = 2;
                        _log.LogEvent("Set --sar to 4:3 as only 4:3 is supported with a resolution of "
                                      + strResolution + " as required for " + xTargetDevice.Name + ".");

            _log.LogValue("Generated Avisynth script", newScript);
            string strOutputAVSFile;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile))
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFile)), ".avs");
                strOutputAVSFile = Path.ChangeExtension(indexFile, ".avs");

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutputAVSFile, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            catch (IOException i)
                _log.LogValue("Error saving AviSynth script", i, ImageType.Error);
Пример #27
        private void StartPostProcessing()
            Thread t = null;

                _log.LogEvent("Processing thread started");
                raiseEvent("Preprocessing...   ***PLEASE WAIT***");
                _start = DateTime.Now;
                t      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
                    while (true)

                List <string> arrAudioFilesDelete = new List <string>();
                audioFiles = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                List <AudioTrackInfo> arrAudioTracks    = new List <AudioTrackInfo>();
                List <AudioJob>       arrAudioJobs      = new List <AudioJob>();
                List <MuxStream>      arrMuxStreams     = new List <MuxStream>();
                List <string>         intermediateFiles = new List <string>();

                foreach (OneClickAudioTrack oAudioTrack in job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioTracks)
                    if (oAudioTrack.ExtractMKVTrack)
                        audioFiles.Add(oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.TrackID, job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory + "\\" + oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.DemuxFileName);
                        arrAudioFilesDelete.Add(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory + "\\" + oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo.DemuxFileName);
                    else if (oAudioTrack.AudioTrackInfo != null)
                    if (oAudioTrack.AudioJob != null)
                        if (job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType == FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.NONE &&
                            oAudioTrack.AudioJob.Input = job.Input;
                    if (oAudioTrack.DirectMuxAudio != null)
                if (audioFiles.Count == 0 && job.PostprocessingProperties.IndexType != FileIndexerWindow.IndexType.NONE && !job.PostprocessingProperties.Eac3toDemux)
                    audioFiles = vUtil.getAllDemuxedAudio(arrAudioTracks, new List <AudioTrackInfo>(), out arrAudioFilesDelete, job.IndexFile, _log);

                fillInAudioInformation(arrAudioJobs, arrMuxStreams);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux))
                    _log.LogEvent("Don't encode video: True");
                    _log.LogEvent("Desired size: " + job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize);
                _log.LogEvent("Split size: " + job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting);

                // chapter file handling
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile))
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = null;
                else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.Container == ContainerType.AVI)
                    _log.LogEvent("Chapter handling disabled because of the AVI target container");
                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = null;
                else if (!File.Exists(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile))
                    if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile.StartsWith("<") || job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterExtracted)
                        // internal chapter file
                        string strTempFile = job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile;
                        if (Path.GetExtension(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoInput).ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals(".mkv"))
                            MediaInfoFile oInfo = new MediaInfoFile(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoInput, ref _log);
                            if (oInfo.hasMKVChapters())
                                job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.IndexFile) + " - Chapter Information.txt");
                                if (oInfo.extractMKVChapters(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile))
                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterExtracted = true;
                                    job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = strTempFile;
                        else if (File.Exists(job.PostprocessingProperties.IFOInput))
                            job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = VideoUtil.getChaptersFromIFO(job.PostprocessingProperties.IFOInput, false, job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory, job.PostprocessingProperties.TitleNumberToProcess);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile))
                                job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterExtracted = true;
                                job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = strTempFile;
                    if (!File.Exists(job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile))
                        _log.LogEvent("File not found: " + job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, ImageType.Error);
                        job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile = null;
                else if (job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterExtracted)

                string             avsFile       = String.Empty;
                VideoStream        myVideo       = new VideoStream();
                VideoCodecSettings videoSettings = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoSettings;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux))
                    //Open the video
                    avsFile = createAVSFile(job.IndexFile, job.Input, job.PostprocessingProperties.DAR,
                                            job.PostprocessingProperties.HorizontalOutputResolution, job.PostprocessingProperties.SignalAR, _log,
                                            job.PostprocessingProperties.AvsSettings, job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoDeinterlace, videoSettings, out dar,
                                            job.PostprocessingProperties.AutoCrop, job.PostprocessingProperties.KeepInputResolution,

                    ulong  length;
                    double framerate;
                    JobUtil.getInputProperties(out length, out framerate, avsFile);
                    myVideo.Input  = avsFile;
                    myVideo.Output = Path.Combine(job.PostprocessingProperties.WorkingDirectory,
                                                  Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Input) + "_Video");
                    myVideo.NumberOfFrames = length;
                    myVideo.Framerate      = (decimal)framerate;
                    myVideo.DAR            = dar;
                    myVideo.VideoType      = new MuxableType((new VideoEncoderProvider().GetSupportedOutput(videoSettings.EncoderType))[0], videoSettings.Codec);
                    myVideo.Settings       = videoSettings;
                    myVideo.Output   = job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux;
                    myVideo.Settings = videoSettings;

                    MediaInfoFile oInfo = new MediaInfoFile(myVideo.Output, ref _log);
                    videoSettings.VideoName = oInfo.VideoInfo.Track.Name;
                    myVideo.Framerate       = (decimal)oInfo.VideoInfo.FPS;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qpfile))
                foreach (string file in arrAudioFilesDelete)
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(job.Input), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Input) + "._log")))
                    intermediateFiles.Add(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(job.Input), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(job.Input) + "._log"));
                foreach (string file in job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToDelete)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(avsFile) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux))
                    MuxStream[] subtitles;
                    if (job.PostprocessingProperties.SubtitleTracks.Count == 0)
                        //Create empty subtitles for muxing
                        subtitles = new MuxStream[0];
                        subtitles = new MuxStream[job.PostprocessingProperties.SubtitleTracks.Count];
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (OneClickStream oTrack in job.PostprocessingProperties.SubtitleTracks)
                            if (oTrack.TrackInfo.IsMKVContainer())
                                //demuxed MKV
                                string trackFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(job.IndexFile) + "\\" + oTrack.TrackInfo.DemuxFileName;
                                if (File.Exists(trackFile))
                                    if (Path.GetExtension(trackFile).ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals(".idx"))
                                        intermediateFiles.Add(FileUtil.GetPathWithoutExtension(trackFile) + ".sub");

                                    subtitles[i] = new MuxStream(trackFile, oTrack.Language, oTrack.Name, oTrack.Delay, oTrack.DefaultStream, oTrack.ForcedStream, null);
                                    _log.LogEvent("File not found: " + trackFile, ImageType.Error);
                                subtitles[i] = new MuxStream(oTrack.DemuxFilePath, oTrack.Language, oTrack.Name, oTrack.Delay, oTrack.DefaultStream, oTrack.ForcedStream, null);

                    JobChain c = vUtil.GenerateJobSeries(myVideo, job.PostprocessingProperties.FinalOutput, arrAudioJobs.ToArray(),
                                                         subtitles, job.PostprocessingProperties.ChapterFile, job.PostprocessingProperties.OutputSize,
                                                         job.PostprocessingProperties.Splitting, job.PostprocessingProperties.Container,
                                                         job.PostprocessingProperties.PrerenderJob, arrMuxStreams.ToArray(),
                                                         _log, job.PostprocessingProperties.DeviceOutputType, null, job.PostprocessingProperties.VideoFileToMux, job.PostprocessingProperties.AudioTracks.ToArray());
                    if (c == null)
                        _log.Warn("Job creation aborted");

                    c = CleanupJob.AddAfter(c, intermediateFiles, job.PostprocessingProperties.FinalOutput);

                    // batch processing other input files if necessary
                    if (job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToProcess.Count > 0)
                        OneClickWindow ocw = new OneClickWindow(mainForm);
                        ocw.setBatchProcessing(job.PostprocessingProperties.FilesToProcess, job.PostprocessingProperties.OneClickSetting);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is ThreadAbortException)
                    su.WasAborted = true;
                    su.IsComplete = true;
                    _log.LogValue("An error occurred", e, ImageType.Error);
                    su.HasError   = true;
                    su.IsComplete = true;
            su.IsComplete = true;
Пример #28
 public string GetChapterInputFilter()
Пример #29
 internal OneClickPostProcessing(MainForm mf)
     mainForm   = mf;
     this.vUtil = new VideoUtil(mainForm);
Пример #30
 public string GetSubtitleInputFilter()