private void createLocations() { startUp = new Location("an office with paper strewn everywhere, how anyone works effectively here is a mystery", "Julies Office"); Location lounge = new Location("an open space containing comfortable looking couches and artwork of dubious quality", "Airport Lounge"); Shop shop = new Shop("Some shop", "Shop"); Location t127 = new Location("a lecture theatre", "T127"); Location gregsoffice = new Location("a spinning vortex of terror", "Greg's Office"); startUp.AddExit("south", new Exit("you see an open space to the south", lounge)); lounge.AddExit("north", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the north", startUp)); startUp.AddExit("east", new Exit("you see a shop in the east", shop)); shop.AddExit("west", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the west", startUp)); Key gregKey = new Key(10, 5, "Key Greg's office"); Key dummyKey = new Key(5, 5, "Dumb key"); shop.Items.Add("gregkey", gregKey); shop.Items.Add("dummykey", dummyKey); startUp.AddExit("west", new Exit("you see a terrifying office to the west", gregsoffice)); gregsoffice.AddExit("east", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the east", startUp)); t127.AddExit("south", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the south", startUp)); startUp.AddExit("north", new Exit("you see a bleak place to the north", t127)); lounge.AddExit("northwest", new Exit("you see a terrifying office to the northwest", gregsoffice)); gregsoffice.AddExit("southeast", new Exit("you see an open space to the southeast", lounge)); gregsoffice.Locked = true; gregKey.Location = gregsoffice; }
public void Init() { playerInput = new ParsedInput("look", new ArrayList()); thePlayer = new Player("greg"); t127 = new Location("a lecture theatre", "T127"); Location gregsoffice = new Location("a spinning vortex of terror", "Greg's Office"); southExit = new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the south", gregsoffice); t127.ExitCollection.AddExit("south", southExit ); thePlayer.CurrentLocation = t127; handler = new CommandHandler(); look = new LookCommand(); }
public void Init() { playerInput = new ParsedInput("move", new ArrayList()); thePlayer = new Player("greg"); t127 = new Location("a lecture theatre", "T127"); gregsoffice = new Location("a spinning vortex of terror", "Greg's Office"); t127.ExitCollection.AddExit("south", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the south", gregsoffice)); gregsoffice.ExitCollection.AddExit("north", new Exit("you see a bleak place to the north", t127)); thePlayer.CurrentLocation = t127; handler = new CommandHandler(); move = new MoveCommand(); }
public NonPlayerCharacterCollection RemoveCharacter(Location location) { NonPlayerCharacterCollection newList = new NonPlayerCharacterCollection(); foreach (NonPlayerCharacter npc in location.CharacterList.Values) if (npc.LifePoints>1) { newList.Add(npc.Name, npc); } return newList; }
public void init() { t127 = new Location("a lecture theatre", "T127"); gregsoffice = new Location("a spinning vortex of terror", "Greg's Office"); }
private void CreateLocations() { startUp = new Location("an office with paper strewn everywhere, how anyone works effectively here is a mystery", "Julies Office"); lounge = new Location("an open space containing comfortable looking couches and artwork of dubious quality", "Airport Lounge"); Shop shop = new Shop("Some shop", "Shop"); t127 = new Location("a lecture theatre", "T127"); gregsOffice = new Location("a spinning vortex of terror", "Greg's Office"); evansCave = new Shop("a crowded room full of technology related stuff", "Crazy Evan's Discount Technology"); startUp.ExitCollection.AddExit("south", new Exit("you see an open space to the south", lounge)); startUp.ExitCollection.AddExit("west", new Exit("you see a terrifying office to the west", gregsOffice)); startUp.ExitCollection.AddExit("north", new Exit("you see a bleak place to the north", t127)); lounge.ExitCollection.AddExit("north", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the north", startUp)); lounge.ExitCollection.AddExit("northwest", new Exit("you see a terrifying office to the northwest", gregsOffice)); startUp.ExitCollection.AddExit("east", new Exit("you see a shop in the east", shop)); shop.ExitCollection.AddExit("west", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the west", startUp)); t127.ExitCollection.AddExit("south", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the south", startUp)); gregsOffice.ExitCollection.AddExit("east", new Exit("you see a mound of paper to the east", startUp)); gregsOffice.ExitCollection.AddExit("southeast", new Exit("you see an open space to the southeast", lounge)); gregsOffice.ExitCollection.AddExit("west", new Exit("you see shiny stuff to the west.. it looks outdated, retro even", evansCave)); evansCave.ExitCollection.AddExit("east", new Exit("you see a terrifying office to the east", gregsOffice)); Key gregKey = new Key("gregkey", 10, 5, "Key Greg's office"); Key dummyKey = new Key("dummykey",5, 5, "Dumb key"); shop.Items.AddItem( gregKey); shop.Items.AddItem(dummyKey); gregsOffice.Locked = true; gregKey.Location = gregsOffice; lounge.CharacterList.Add("Fred", new NonPlayerCharacter("Fred")); }
public Key(int worth, int weight, String description) : base(worth, weight, description) { this.location = null; }
public Key() { this.location = null; }
public Exit(String description, Location destination) { Description = description; Destination = destination; }