Пример #1
 public void TestAngledImpacts()
     // Try all four rotations around the origin
     foreach(int xSign in new []{-1, 1})
         foreach (int ySign in new[] { -1, 1 })
             GeometryCollection geometry = new GeometryCollection();
             Line line = new Line(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(xSign, ySign));
             // position just 0.5 above the line
             Particle p = new Particle(new Vector2(0.5f * xSign, (ySign + 1) / 2), new Vector2(0, -1), new Vector2(0, -0.1f));
             BoundParticle impact = geometry.FirstCollision(p);
             Assert.AreEqual<Line>(line, impact.boundTo);
             AssertExtra.AreApproximate(0.5, impact.g);
             AssertExtra.AreApproximate(-ySign * 0.5, impact.gv);
             AssertExtra.AreApproximate(-ySign * 0.5 / 10, impact.ga);
Пример #2
 internal void Update()
     var keystate = Keyboard.GetState();
     if(keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z) && !playback && isBound) // TODO: we can improve this to work even when unbound
         var target = geometry.SnapToClosePoint(mouseListener.Transform(Mouse.GetState()));
         recording = PathFinding.PathTo(player2, target, geometry, ACCEL, GRAVITY);
         if (recording != null)
             timeInRecording = 0;
             recordingPointer = new Particle(recording.absolutePosAt(0), Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);
             playback = true;
     if (!playback)
         if (!isBound)
             var collision = geometry.FirstCollision(player);
             if (collision != null)
                 isBound = true;
                 player2 = collision;
         if (isBound)
             bool upsideDown = (((Vector2)player2.boundTo).X < 0) != player2.onCW;
             if (upsideDown)
                 isBound = false;
                 player.position = player2.boundTo.p1 + Vector2.Multiply(player2.boundTo, (float)player2.g);
                 player.velocity = Vector2.Multiply(player2.boundTo, (float)player2.gv) + player.gravity;
                 player.position += player.velocity;
                 player.velocity += player.gravity;
                 player2.g += player2.gv;
                 player2.gv += player2.ga;
                 if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                     player2.gv += ACCEL * ((player2.onCW) ? 1 : -1) / ((Vector2)player2.boundTo).Length();
                 if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
                     player2.gv -= ACCEL * ((player2.onCW) ? 1 : -1) / ((Vector2)player2.boundTo).Length();
                 if (player2.g > 1 || player2.g < 0)
                     var exitingPoint = (player2.g < 0) ? player2.boundTo.p1 : player2.boundTo.p2;
                     var nextList = geometry.LinesAttachedTo(exitingPoint).Where(l => l != player2.boundTo);
                     nextList = nextList.Where(l => (((((Vector2)player2.boundTo).CrossProduct(l) < 0) != player2.onCW) != (player2.boundTo.p1 == exitingPoint)) != ((exitingPoint == l.p1) == (exitingPoint == player2.boundTo.p1)));
                     if (nextList.Count() > 0)
                         var next = nextList.OrderBy(l => Math.Abs(((Vector2)player2.boundTo).CrossProduct(l)) / ((Vector2)l).Length()).Last();
                         var multiplier = Vector2.Dot(next, player2.boundTo) / (((Vector2)next).Length() * ((Vector2)player2.boundTo).Length()) * ((Vector2)player2.boundTo).Length() / ((Vector2)next).Length();
                         if ((exitingPoint == next.p1) == (exitingPoint == player2.boundTo.p1))
                             player2.onCW = !player2.onCW;
                         player2.boundTo = next;
                         player2.g = (next.p1 == exitingPoint) ? 0 : 1;
                         player2.gv *= multiplier;
                         player2.ga = Vector2.Dot(player.gravity, (Vector2)next) / (((Vector2)next).LengthSquared());
                         isBound = false;
                         player.position = player2.boundTo.p1 + Vector2.Multiply(player2.boundTo, (float)player2.g);
                         player.velocity = Vector2.Multiply(player2.boundTo, (float)player2.gv);
             // order of this matters
             player.position += player.velocity;
             player.velocity += player.gravity;