Пример #1
 public override void DrawContents(DataRecord rec)
     if (rec != null)
         if (rec.content[0] == 0x01)
             xspp = (rec.content[1] - 128) / 10.0;
             yspp = (rec.content[2] - 128) / 10.0;
     xsp = 0.8 * xsp + 0.2 * xspp;
     ysp = 0.8 * ysp + 0.2 * yspp;
     RendererWrapper.DrawCoordinate(boundingbox, new RGBAColor(1, 1, 1, 0.3));
     RendererWrapper.DrawArrow(boundingbox, new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2),
                               new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2 + 7 * xsp, boundingbox.Height / 2 + 7 * ysp),
                               Globals.emgchannelcols[8], thickness: 2, headsize: 25);
Пример #2
        public void Update()
            DataRecord    rdr  = null;
            DataRecordRaw rdrr = null;

                rdr = Globals.datbuf.Pop(RawDataBuffer.ConsumerName.GUI);
                if (rdr != null)
                    rdrr = new DataRecordRaw(rdr);
                foreach (var p in panellistraw)
            } while (Globals.datbuf.bufgui.Count > 0);
Пример #3
        //Called by GUI
        public void UpdatePanels()
            DataRecord rdr = null;

            //while len>0?
                rdr = Globals.appdatbuf.Pop();
                foreach (var app in applist)
                    foreach (var panel in app.Panels)
                    foreach (var cl in app.Clickables)
            } while (Globals.appdatbuf.buf.Count > 0);
Пример #4
        public override void DrawContents(DataRecord rec)
            if (rec != null)                    //new record
                if (rec.content[0] == 0x09)     //check appuid
                    if (rec.content[1] == 0x01) //mouse enabled
                        xspp = AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[2], -15, 15);
                        yspp = AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[3], -15, 15);
                    mxspp  = -AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[4], -15, 15);
                    myspp  = AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[5], -15, 15);
                    mxsoff = -AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[6], -15, 15);
                    mysoff = AppUtils.ValueMapToDouble(rec.content[7], -15, 15);
            xsp  = 0.8 * xsp + 0.2 * xspp;
            ysp  = 0.8 * ysp + 0.2 * yspp;
            mxsp = 0.8 * mxsp + 0.2 * mxspp;
            mysp = 0.8 * mysp + 0.2 * myspp;
            RendererWrapper.DrawCoordinate(boundingbox, new RGBAColor(1, 1, 1, 0.3));
            List <Point2D> mpts = new List <Point2D>();

            mpts.Add(new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2 + 7 * mxsoff, boundingbox.Height / 2));
            mpts.Add(new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2 + 7 * mysoff));
            RendererWrapper.DrawMarkers(boundingbox, mpts, Globals.emgchannelcols[7], 0, 10);
            RendererWrapper.DrawArrow(boundingbox, new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2),
                                      new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2 + 7 * mxsp - 7 * mxsoff, boundingbox.Height / 2),
                                      Globals.emgchannelcols[7], thickness: 2, headsize: 10);
            RendererWrapper.DrawArrow(boundingbox, new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2),
                                      new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2 + 7 * mysp - 7 * mysoff),
                                      Globals.emgchannelcols[7], thickness: 2, headsize: 10);
            RendererWrapper.DrawArrow(boundingbox, new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2, boundingbox.Height / 2),
                                      new Point2D(boundingbox.Width / 2 + 7 * xsp, boundingbox.Height / 2 + 7 * ysp),
                                      Globals.emgchannelcols[8], thickness: 2, headsize: 25);
Пример #5
 public abstract void DrawContents(DataRecord rec);
Пример #6
 public void Draw(DataRecord rec)
     boundingbox.origleft = boundingbox.origright - 1.0;
Пример #7
 public void DoWork()
     Serial1 = new SerialPort(/*"COM13"*/ "COM20", 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)
         DtrEnable   = false,
         RtsEnable   = false,
         ReadTimeout = 500
     while (running)
         if (usefakedata)
             DataRecord rec = new DataRecord(0x10, fakegen.MakeFakeData());
             if (Serial1.IsOpen)
                 byte tx = (byte)'s';
                 lock (Globals.serialcommand) {
                     if (Globals.serialcommand.Count > 0)
                         tx = Globals.serialcommand.Dequeue();
                 byte[] bytesnd = new byte[1] {
                 byte[] msglenrecv = new byte[10];
                 byte[] byterecv = new byte[100];
                 byte[] datrecv = new byte[100];
                 int    msglen = 0;
                 bool   failed = false;
                 int    readnum = 0, offset = 0;
                 Serial1.Write(bytesnd, 0, 1);
                 try {
                     Serial1.Read(msglenrecv, 0, 1);
                 } catch (TimeoutException) {
                     failed = true;
                 msglen = msglenrecv[0] - 1;
                 if (msglen <= 0 || msglen >= 90)
                     failed = true;
                 if (!failed)
                     do      //it cannot be guaranteed that we would get all the data with one Serial.Read() because the serial port is not that fast and there may be remaining bytes to be transferred
                         try {
                             readnum = Serial1.Read(byterecv, offset, msglen - offset);
                             offset += readnum;
                         } catch (TimeoutException) {
                             failed = true;  //when serial read timed out
                     } while (offset < msglen && failed == false);
                     if (!failed)
                         Array.Copy(byterecv, 1, datrecv, 0, msglen - 1);
                         DataRecord rec = new DataRecord(0xAA, datrecv.ToList());
Пример #8
 public abstract void Run(DataRecord rec);
Пример #9
        public override void DrawContents(DataRecord rec)
            if (rec != null)
                if (rec.content[0] == 0x01)
                    xsp = (rec.content[1] - 128) / 50.0;
                    ysp = (rec.content[2] - 128) / 50.0;
                    if (rec.content[3] == 0x01)
                        particles.Add(new Particle(Particle.ParticleShapes.Cross, new RGBAColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
                                                   600, 7, 7, cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2,
                                                   lifefade_: 200
                        particles.Add(new Particle(Particle.ParticleShapes.Diamond, new RGBAColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
                                                   30, 3, 3, cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2,
                                                   lifefade_: 30, xscalef_: 15, yscalef_: 15, bm_: RendererWrapper.BlendModes.Add, aseyecandy_: true
                        //leftclicks.Add(new Point2D(cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2));
                    if (rec.content[4] == 0x01)
                        particles.Add(new Particle(Particle.ParticleShapes.Cross, new RGBAColor(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0),
                                                   600, 7, 7, cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2,
                                                   lifefade_: 200
                        particles.Add(new Particle(Particle.ParticleShapes.Diamond, new RGBAColor(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0),
                                                   30, 3, 3, cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2,
                                                   lifefade_: 30, xscalef_: 15, yscalef_: 15, bm_: RendererWrapper.BlendModes.Add, aseyecandy_: true
                        //rightclicks.Add(new Point2D(cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2));
            cursorpos.x += xsp;
            cursorpos.y += ysp;
            if (cursorpos.x > boundary)
                cursorpos.x = boundary;
            if (cursorpos.x < -boundary)
                cursorpos.x = -boundary;
            if (cursorpos.y > boundary)
                cursorpos.y = boundary;
            if (cursorpos.y < -boundary)
                cursorpos.y = -boundary;
            List <Point2D> curpos = new List <Point2D>();

            curpos.Add(new Point2D(cursorpos.x + boundingbox.Width / 2, cursorpos.y + boundingbox.Height / 2));
            RendererWrapper.DrawCoordinate(boundingbox, new RGBAColor(1, 1, 1, 0.3));
            //RendererWrapper.DrawMarkers(boundingbox, leftclicks, new RGBAColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), 1, 8);
            //RendererWrapper.DrawMarkers(boundingbox, rightclicks, new RGBAColor(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0), 1, 8);
            RendererWrapper.DrawParticles(boundingbox, particles);
            RendererWrapper.DrawMarkers(boundingbox, curpos, new RGBAColor(Globals.emgchannelcols[8]), 0, 8);