static void Main(string[] args)
            var commandList = InputUtil.BuildCmdList();

            String[] plateaUpper = commandList[0].ToString().Split(" ");

            Plateau plateau = new Plateau(Int32.Parse(plateaUpper[0]), Int32.Parse(plateaUpper[1]));

            List <String> roverInput = commandList.GetRange(1, commandList.Count - 1);

            for (int commandIndex = 0; commandIndex < roverInput.Count; commandIndex += 2)
                Rover          rover    = InputUtil.parsePositionInput(roverInput[commandIndex], plateau);
                List <Command> commands = InputUtil.parseCommandInput(roverInput[commandIndex + 1]);
        public Rover(Plateau plateau, int coordinateX, int coordinateY, Direction direction)
            if (plateau == null)
                throw new Exception("The Plateau you create the Rover in cannot be null!");
            if (direction == null)
                throw new Exception("The Direction the Rover is facing in cannot be null!");

            this.plateau     = plateau;
            this.coordinateX = coordinateX;
            this.coordinateY = coordinateY;
            this.direction   = direction;
