Пример #1
        public void JE(String label)
            if (!assemblyBuilder.inFunction)
                throw ParseError("JE Instruction must be in a func");

            OperandToken condOperand1 = tokenizer.NextOperand();

            Debug("COND1 : {0}", condOperand1);
            OperandToken condOperand2 = tokenizer.NextOperand();

            Debug("COND2 : {0}", condOperand2);
            OperandToken jumpOperand = tokenizer.NextOperand();

            Debug("JMP  : {0}", jumpOperand);

            MemoryOp condOp1 = condOperand1.GetMemoryOp(assemblyBuilder.currentFunction);
            Op       condOp2 = condOperand2.GetOp(assemblyBuilder.currentFunction);
            Op       jumpOp  = jumpOperand.GetJumpOp(assemblyBuilder.currentFunction);

            assemblyBuilder.currentFunction.AddInstruction(new InstructionMemoryOpAndOpAndOp(label, Instructions.Move,
                                                                                             condOp1, condOp2, jumpOp));
Пример #2
         * public void dotMain(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug(".main");
         *  if (!assembly.inFunction) throw ParseError(".main command must be in a func");
         *  if (label != null) throw ParseError(".main can't be labeled");
         *  assembly.CurrentFunctionIsMain();
         *  parseState = ParseState.Frame;
         * }
         * public void dotException(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug(".exception");
         *  if (!assembly.inFunction) throw ParseError(".exception command must be in a func");
         *  if(parseState != ParseState.StartOfFrame) throw ParseError(".exception must be at the start of a FRAME");
         *  assembly.currentFunction.IncludeException();
         *  parseState = ParseState.Frame;
         * }
         * public void dotStack(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug(".stack");
         *  UInt64 num = tokenizer.GetUnsignedNumber();
         *  if (!assembly.inFunction) throw ParseError(".stack command must be in a func");
         *  if (label == null)
         *  {
         *      assembly.currentFunction.FrameAllocateVariable(num);
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      assembly.currentFunction.AddFrameOffsetLabel(label, num);
         *  }
         *  parseState = ParseState.Frame;
         * }
         * public void dotReturn(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug(".return");
         *  if (label != null) throw ParseError("A return statement can't have a Label?");
         *  UInt64 size = tokenizer.GetUnsignedNumber();
         *  if (!assembly.inFunction) throw ParseError(".return command must be in a func");
         *  assembly.currentFunction.SetReturnPointerSettings(false, (UInt32)size);
         * }
         * public void dotReturnTable(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug(".returntable");
         *  if (label != null) throw ParseError("A return statement can't have a Label?");
         *  UInt64 size = tokenizer.GetUnsignedNumber();
         *  if (!assembly.inFunction) throw ParseError(".return-table command must be in a func");
         *  assembly.currentFunction.SetReturnPointerSettings(true, (UInt32)size);
         * }
         * public void func(String label)
         * {
         *  Debug("func");
         *  if (label != null) throw ParseError("A func command can't have a label");
         *  assembly.NewFunction();
         *  parseState = ParseState.StartOfFrame;
         * }

        public void MOV(String label)
            if (!assemblyBuilder.inFunction)
                throw ParseError("MOV Instruction must be in a func");

            OperandToken dstOperand = tokenizer.NextOperand();

            Debug("DST : {0}", dstOperand);
            OperandToken srcOperand = tokenizer.NextOperand();

            Debug("SRC : {0}", srcOperand);

            MemoryOp dstOp = dstOperand.GetMemoryOp(assemblyBuilder.currentFunction);

            Op srcOp = srcOperand.GetOp(assemblyBuilder.currentFunction);

            assemblyBuilder.currentFunction.AddInstruction(new InstructionMemoryOpAndOp(label, Instructions.Move,
                                                                                        dstOp, srcOp));