Пример #1
        private static void LookaheadParser(UsfmParserState state, UsfmParser lookaheadParser, string marker, out bool isTokenClosed)
            // BEWARE: This method is fairly performance-critical
            // Determine current marker
            string endMarker = marker + "*";

            // Process tokens until either the start of the stack doesn't match (it was closed
            // improperly) or a matching close marker is found
            while (lookaheadParser.ProcessToken())
                UsfmToken currentToken = lookaheadParser.tokens[lookaheadParser.index];

                // Check if same marker was reopened without a close
                bool reopened = currentToken.Marker == marker &&
                if (reopened)
                    isTokenClosed = false;

                // Check if beginning of stack is unchanged. If token is unclosed, it will be unchanged
                bool markerStillOpen = lookaheadParser.State.Stack.Take(state.Stack.Count).SequenceEqual(state.Stack);
                if (!markerStillOpen)
                    // Record whether marker is an end for this marker
                    isTokenClosed = currentToken.Marker == endMarker && currentToken.Type == UsfmTokenType.End;
            isTokenClosed = false;
Пример #2
            private void CheckRubyGlossing(UsfmParserState state, string marker, NamedAttribute[] attributes)
                var baseText = innerTextBuilder.Value?.ToString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseText))
                string[] baseSequences = CharacterSequences(baseText).ToArray();
                var      glossText     = attributes?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == AttributeName.Gloss)?.Value;

                // empty gloss text will result in a missing gloss attribute error, so just returning rather than creating 2 errors
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(glossText))
                string[] glosses = UsfmToken.ParseRubyGlosses(glossText, false);
                if (baseSequences.Length > glosses.Length && glosses.Length != 1)
                    RecordMarkerError(state, marker,
                                      Localizer.Str(@"Fewer ruby glosses than base text characters") + markerSlot);
                else if (baseSequences.Length < glosses.Length)
                    RecordMarkerError(state, marker,
                                      Localizer.Str(@"More ruby glosses than base text characters") + markerSlot);
Пример #3
            public override void StartNote(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string caller, string category, bool closed)
                prevCharMarker = null;
                // FB-49128 changed check to allow character style to have an embedded cross reference
                if (state.NoteTag.Marker != "x" && state.Stack.Count >= 2 && state.Stack[state.Stack.Count - 2].Type == UsfmElementTypes.Char)
                    string charMarker = state.Stack[state.Stack.Count - 2].Marker;
                    recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + charMarker, lastCharMarkerOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(charStyleNotClosedMessage, charMarker));

                if (!closed)
                    recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(noteNotClosedMessage, marker));

                if (caller.Length == 0)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset, "#" + missingCallerMessage);
                    // removed caller consistency check from this stand alone version

                if (state.ParaTag == null)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                "#" + noteNoParaMessage);

                prevMarkerWasChapter = false;
Пример #4
 private void HandleWordlistOrGlossaryCitationFormInnerText(UsfmParserState state, string text)
     if (innerTextBuilder.Key != null)
Пример #5
            private void ValidateParagraphTypeTag(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
                if (marker == "id" && paraStack.Count != 0)
                    // \id marker can only appear at the beginning of the book
                    UsfmParserState idMarkerState = previousTextState ?? state;
                    string          text          = previousText ?? "";
                    int             offset        = idMarkerState.VerseOffset + text.Length;
                    // we can't actully select the \id marker because it changes the verse reference and is
                    // not even considered as a match)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(idMarkerState.VerseRef), "", offset,
                                GetErrorMessage(notHereMessage, marker));
                else if (marker == "nb" && !prevMarkerWasChapter)
                    // \nb marker can only appear immediately following a chapter marker
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(notHereMessage, marker));

                // Validate paragraph
                if (!IsParagraphTagValid(paraStack, scrStylesheet.GetTag(marker), true))
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(notHereMessage, marker));
                prevMarkerWasChapter = false;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a USFM parser
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scrStylesheet"></param>
 /// <param name="tokens">list of tokens to parse</param>
 /// <param name="verseRef">initial reference for the parser</param>
 /// <param name="sink">optional sink to send parse events to. Null for none</param>
 public UsfmParser(ScrStylesheet scrStylesheet, List <UsfmToken> tokens, VerseRef verseRef, UsfmParserSink sink)
     this.scrStylesheet = scrStylesheet;
     this.tokens        = tokens;
     this.state         = new UsfmParserState(scrStylesheet, verseRef);
     this.sink          = sink;
Пример #7
            public override void Verse(UsfmParserState state, string number, string marker, string altNumber, string pubNumber)
                prevCharMarker = null;

                if (state.ParaTag == null)
                    if (!pendingVerseNoParaError.IsDefault)
                        pendingVerseNoParaError.Verse = pendingVerseNoParaError.VerseNum + "-" + state.VerseRef.VerseNum;
                        pendingVerseNoParaError       = new VerseRef(state.VerseRef);
                        pendingVerseNoParaErrorOffset = state.VerseOffset;
                        pendingVerseNoParaErrorMarker = "\\" + marker;
                    if (state.CharTag != null)
                        recordError(lastCharMarkerVerse, "\\" + state.CharTag.Marker, lastCharMarkerOffset,
                                    GetErrorMessage(charStyleNotClosedMessage, state.CharTag.Marker));

                    ValidateOccursUnder(state, marker, state.ParaTag.Marker, false);

                prevMarkerWasChapter = false;
Пример #8
 public override void EndPara(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     if (emptyPara && !okToBeEmptyMarkers.Contains(marker))
         recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                     GetErrorMessage(emptyMarkerMessage, marker));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a USFM parser
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scrStylesheet"></param>
 /// <param name="tokens">list of tokens to parse</param>
 /// <param name="state">initial state of the parser</param>
 /// <param name="sink">optional sink to send parse events to. Null for none</param>
 /// <param name="tokensPreserveWhitespace">True if the tokens were created while preserving whitespace,
 /// false otherwise</param>
 public UsfmParser(ScrStylesheet scrStylesheet, List <UsfmToken> tokens, UsfmParserState state, UsfmParserSink sink,
                   bool tokensPreserveWhitespace = false)
     this.scrStylesheet            = scrStylesheet;
     this.tokens                   = tokens;
     this.state                    = state;
     this.sink                     = sink;
     this.tokensPreserveWhitespace = tokensPreserveWhitespace;
Пример #10
 public override void StartSidebar(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string category, bool closed)
     ValidateParagraphTypeTag(state, marker);
     if (!closed)
         recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                     GetErrorMessage(sidebarNotClosedMessage, marker));
Пример #11
 public override void Unmatched(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                 GetErrorMessage(endNoStartMessage, marker));
     if (marker == "w")
         CheckWordlistErrors(state, marker, new NamedAttribute[0]);
Пример #12
            private void ValidateOccursUnder(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string contextMarker, bool includeMarkerInError)
                ScrTag tag         = scrStylesheet.GetTag(marker);
                var    occursUnder = tag.OccursUnderList;

                if (occursUnder.Count > 0 && (contextMarker == null || !occursUnder.Contains(contextMarker)))
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), includeMarkerInError ? "\\" + marker : "", state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(notHereMessage, marker));
Пример #13
            private void CheckWordlistErrors(UsfmParserState state, string marker, NamedAttribute[] attributes)
                // FB 47540 - an \w inside antoher \w can cause this to be null.
                if (innerTextBuilder.Value == null)

                // code checking glossary was removed for this stand alone checking tool

                innerTextBuilder = new KeyValuePair <MarkerLevel, StringBuilder>();
Пример #14
            public override void StartChar(UsfmParserState state, string markerWithoutPlus, bool closed, bool unknown, params NamedAttribute[] namedAttributes)
                if (markerWithoutPlus == "w" || markerWithoutPlus == "rb")
                    var markerLevel = new MarkerLevel(state);
                    innerTextBuilder = new KeyValuePair <MarkerLevel, StringBuilder>(markerLevel, new StringBuilder());
                if (markerWithoutPlus == "k" && state.VerseRef.Book == "GLO")
                    var markerLevel = new MarkerLevel(state);
                    innerTextBuilder = new KeyValuePair <MarkerLevel, StringBuilder>(markerLevel, new StringBuilder());

                lastCharMarkerOffset = state.VerseOffset;
                lastCharMarkerVerse  = state.VerseRef.Clone();

                if (unknown)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + markerWithoutPlus, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(unknownMarkerMessage, markerWithoutPlus));
                else if (markerWithoutPlus == "rb" && !markerCheck.allowVersion3Usfm)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + markerWithoutPlus, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(unsupportedMarkerMessage, markerWithoutPlus));

                if (markerWithoutPlus == prevCharMarker && repeatedCharMarkersWarnings.Contains(markerWithoutPlus))
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + markerWithoutPlus, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(repeatedCharMarker, markerWithoutPlus));

                if (!closed && MarkerRequiresClose(markerWithoutPlus, state.CharTag))
                    recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + markerWithoutPlus, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(charStyleNotClosedMessage, markerWithoutPlus));

                if (state.ParaTag == null)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + markerWithoutPlus, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(charNoParaMessage, markerWithoutPlus));

                if (state.CharTag != null && closed)
                    ValidateAttributes(state, state.CharTag, markerWithoutPlus, namedAttributes ?? new NamedAttribute[0]);

                ValidateCharacterTypeTag(state, markerWithoutPlus);
                emptyChar = true;
Пример #15
            public override void StartCell(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string align)
                ValidateCharacterTypeTag(state, marker);

                int cellNumber = marker[marker.Length - 1] - '0';

                if (cellNumber != nextTableCell)
                    string expectedMarker = string.Format("\\t{0}{1}", marker[1], nextTableCell);
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(string.Format(missingTableMarker, expectedMarker), marker));
                nextTableCell = cellNumber + 1;
Пример #16
            public override void StartPara(UsfmParserState state, string marker, bool unknown)
                prevCharMarker = null;

                if (unknown)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(unknownMarkerMessage, marker));

                emptyPara = true;

                ValidateParagraphTypeTag(state, marker);
Пример #17
            private void ValidateAttributes(UsfmParserState state, ScrTag tag, string marker,
                                            NamedAttribute[] namedAttributes)
                if (!markerCheck.allowVersion3Usfm)
                    if (marker == "fig")
                        if (namedAttributes.Any(a => !figureAttributes.Contains(a.Name.InternalValue)))
                            recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                        GetErrorMessage(unsupportedAttributesMessage, marker));
                    else if (tag.StyleType == ScrStyleType.scCharacterStyle && HasNonDefaultAttributes(tag, namedAttributes))
                        recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                    GetErrorMessage(unsupportedAttributesMessage, marker));

                // for character styles, find missing required attributes
                string[] missingAttributes =
                    tag.Attributes.Where(a => a.IsRequired && namedAttributes.All(na => na.Name != a.Name))
                    .Select(a => a.Name.InternalValue).ToArray();
                if (missingAttributes.Length > 0)
                    string errMsg = Localizer.Str(@"Missing required attributes ({0})");
                    errMsg = string.Format(errMsg, string.Join(", ", missingAttributes));
                    RecordMarkerError(state, marker, errMsg + markerSlot);

                // find attributes that don't start with x- and aren't defined for the character style
                // also, link attributes of link-href, link-title and link-name are valid on any style
                // for figures, the standard attributes are already stripped out, so can skip the check for attributes on the CharTag (which will be null)
                string[] unknownAttributes =
                        na => !na.Name.InternalValue.StartsWith("x-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    .Where(na => !linkAttributes.Contains(na.Name.InternalValue))
                    .Where(na => tag.Attributes.All(a => a.Name != na.Name))
                    .Select(na => na.Name.InternalValue).ToArray();
                if (unknownAttributes.Length > 0)
                    string errMsg = Localizer.Str(@"Unknown attributes ({0})");
                    errMsg = string.Format(errMsg, string.Join(", ", unknownAttributes));
                    RecordMarkerError(state, marker, errMsg + markerSlot);
Пример #18
            public override void Milestone(UsfmParserState state, string marker, bool startMilestone, NamedAttribute[] namedAttributes)
                if (!markerCheck.allowVersion3Usfm)
                    recordError(new VerseRef(state.VerseRef), "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                                GetErrorMessage(unsupportedMarkerMessage, marker));

                Tuple <VerseRef, int, string> tuple;

                if (startMilestone)
                    if (openMilestones.TryGetValue(marker, out tuple))
                        recordError(tuple.Item1, marker, tuple.Item2, "#" + missingMilestoneEnd + " \\" + marker);

                    openMilestones[marker] = new Tuple <VerseRef, int, string>(state.VerseRef.Clone(), state.VerseOffset, UsfmToken.GetAttribute(namedAttributes, AttributeName.Id));
                    if (endMilestoneMarkerMap.Count == 0)
                        foreach (var tag in scrStylesheet.Tags.Where(t => t.StyleType == ScrStyleType.scMilestone))
                            endMilestoneMarkerMap[tag.Endmarker] = tag.Marker;

                    string startMarker = endMilestoneMarkerMap[marker];
                    if (openMilestones.TryGetValue(startMarker, out tuple))
                        if (tuple.Item3 != UsfmToken.GetAttribute(namedAttributes, AttributeName.Id))
                            recordError(tuple.Item1, marker, tuple.Item2, "#" + Localizer.Str("Id on start/end milestones do not match:") + " \\" + startMarker);
                        recordError(state.VerseRef, marker, state.VerseOffset, "#" + Localizer.Str("End milestone has no matching start:") + " \\" + marker);

                ValidateAttributes(state, scrStylesheet.GetTag(marker), marker, namedAttributes ?? new NamedAttribute[0]);
Пример #19
            private void ValidateCharacterTypeTag(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
                prevMarkerWasChapter = false;
                if (!Canon.IsCanonical(state.VerseRef.BookNum)) // only validate order/occursUnder in Canonical

                // Determine if nested styles are used correctly within a cross reference quote
                bool skipCharStyle     = false;
                int  index             = state.Stack.Count - 2;
                UsfmParserElement elem = index >= 0 ? state.Stack[index] : null;

                while (elem != null && elem.Type != UsfmElementTypes.Note)
                    if (elem.Marker == "xq")
                        skipCharStyle = true;
                    elem = index >= 0 ? state.Stack[index] : null;

                if (skipCharStyle)
                    return; // allow any embedded character styles within cross reference quote
                string contextMarker = null;

                if (state.NoteTag != null)
                    contextMarker = state.NoteTag.Marker;
                else if (state.ParaTag != null)
                    contextMarker = state.ParaTag.Marker;

                ValidateOccursUnder(state, marker, contextMarker, true);
Пример #20
 public override void EndChar(UsfmParserState state, string marker, NamedAttribute[] attributes)
     if (emptyChar && !okToBeEmptyMarkers.Contains(marker))
         recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                     GetErrorMessage(emptyMarkerMessage, marker));
     if (marker == "w")
         CheckWordlistErrors(state, marker, attributes);
     if (marker == "k")
         CheckGlossaryCitationFormErrors(state, marker);
     if (marker == "rb")
         CheckRubyGlossing(state, marker, attributes);
     prevMarkerWasChapter = false;
     prevCharMarker       = marker;
Пример #21
            public override void Text(UsfmParserState state, string text)
                if (text.Trim().Length > 0)
                    HandleWordlistOrGlossaryCitationFormInnerText(state, text);
                    emptyPara      = false;
                    emptyChar      = false;
                    prevCharMarker = null;
                previousTextState = state.Clone();
                previousText      = text;

                if (state.NoteTag != null && state.CharTag != null && (state.CharTag.Marker == "fr" || state.CharTag.Marker == "xo"))
                    // removed origin consistency check in this stand alone version

                int attrStart = text.IndexOf('|');

                if (attrStart >= 0 && state.CharTag != null && state.Stack.Last().IsClosed)
                    RecordMarkerError(state, state.CharTag.Marker, invalidAttribute);
Пример #22
 public override void StartSidebar(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string category, bool closed)
     this.state.InSideBar = true;
Пример #23
 private void RecordMarkerError(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string message)
     recordError(state.VerseRef, "\\" + marker, state.VerseOffset,
                 GetErrorMessage(message, marker));
Пример #24
 public override void EndSidebar(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     this.state.InSideBar = false;
Пример #25
 internal MarkerLevel(UsfmParserState state)
     element    = state.Stack.Last();
     stackLevel = state.Stack.Count();
Пример #26
 private void CheckGlossaryCitationFormErrors(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     // removed glossary checking from this stand alone marker check
     innerTextBuilder = new KeyValuePair <MarkerLevel, StringBuilder>();
Пример #27
 public override void Chapter(UsfmParserState state, string number, string marker, string altNumber, string pubNumber)
     prevCharMarker = null;
     ValidateParagraphTypeTag(state, marker);
     prevMarkerWasChapter = true;
Пример #28
 public override void StartBook(UsfmParserState state, string marker, string code)
     ValidateParagraphTypeTag(state, marker);
Пример #29
 public override void EndNote(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     // removed origin consistent check from this stand alone version
Пример #30
 public override void StartRow(UsfmParserState state, string marker)
     ValidateParagraphTypeTag(state, marker);
     nextTableCell = 1;