Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the transform using the parameters from the specified coordinate system information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projInfo">A ProjectionInfo class contains all the standard and custom parameters needed to initialize this transform</param>
        protected override void OnInit(ProjectionInfo projInfo)

	        /* read some Parameters,
	         * here Latitude Truescale */
            double ts = 0;
            if(projInfo.StandardParallel1 != null) ts = projInfo.StandardParallel1.Value*Math.PI/180;
	        _C_x = ts;
	        /* we want Bessel as fixed ellipsoid */
	        A = 6377397.155;
	        E = Math.Sqrt(Es = 0.006674372230614);

            /* if latitude of projection center is not set, use 49d30'N */
            Phi0 = projInfo.LatitudeOfOrigin != null ? projInfo.GetPhi0() : 0.863937979737193;

            /* if center long is not set use 42d30'E of Ferro - 17d40' for Ferro */
            /* that will correspond to using longitudes relative to greenwich    */
            /* as input and output, instead of lat/long relative to Ferro */
            Lam0 = projInfo.CentralMeridian != null ? projInfo.GetLam0() : 0.7417649320975901 - 0.308341501185665;

            /* if scale not set default to 0.9999 */
            K0 = projInfo.CentralMeridian != null ? projInfo.GetLam0() : 0.9999;

            if (!projInfo.Parameters.ContainsKey("czech")) return;
            int temp = projInfo.ParamI("czech");
            if (temp != 0) _czech = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the transform using the parameters from the specified coordinate system information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="projInfo">A ProjectionInfo class contains all the standard and custom parameters needed to initialize this transform</param>
 protected override void OnInit(ProjectionInfo projInfo)
     if (!projInfo.Parameters.ContainsKey("bns")) return;
     if (projInfo.ParamI("bns") != 0) _noskew = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the transform using the parameters from the specified coordinate system information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projInfo">A ProjectionInfo class contains all the standard and custom parameters needed to initialize this transform</param>
        protected override void OnInit(ProjectionInfo projInfo)
            double con;
            double f;
            double d;
            double toRadians = projInfo.GeographicInfo.Unit.Radians;
            _rot = projInfo.ParamI("no_rot") == 0;
            bool azi = projInfo.ParamD("alpha") != 0.0;
            if (azi)
                _lamc = projInfo.ParamD("lonc")*toRadians;
                _alpha = projInfo.ParamD("alpha") *toRadians;
                if (Math.Abs(_alpha) < Tol ||
                    Math.Abs(Math.Abs(Phi0) - HalfPi) <= Tol ||
                    Math.Abs(Math.Abs(_alpha) - HalfPi) <= Tol)
                    throw new ProjectionException(32);
                _lam1 = projInfo.GetLam1();
                _phi1 = projInfo.GetPhi1();
                _lam2 = projInfo.GetLam2();
                _phi2 = projInfo.GetPhi2();
                if(Math.Abs(_phi1 - _phi2) <= Tol ||
                    (con = Math.Abs(_phi1)) <= Tol ||
                    Math.Abs(con - HalfPi) <= Tol ||
                    Math.Abs(Math.Abs(Phi0) - HalfPi) <= Tol ||
                    Math.Abs(Math.Abs(_phi2) - HalfPi) <= Tol)
                    throw new ProjectionException(33);
            _ellips = Es > 0;
            double com = _ellips ? Math.Sqrt(OneEs) : 1;
            if (Math.Abs(Phi0) > EPS10)
                double sinph0 = Math.Sin(Phi0);
                double cosph0 = Math.Cos(Phi0);
                if (_ellips)
                    con = 1 - Es*sinph0*sinph0;
                    _bl = cosph0*cosph0;
                    _bl = Math.Sqrt(1 + Es*_bl*_bl/OneEs);
                    _al = _bl*K0*com/con;
                    d = _bl*com/(cosph0*Math.Sqrt(con));
                    _bl = 1;
                    _al = K0;
                    d = 1/cosph0;

                if ((f = d*d - 1) <= 0)
                    f = 0;
                    f = Math.Sqrt(f);
                    if (Phi0 < 0) f = -f;
                _el = f += d;
                if (_ellips)
                    _el *= Math.Pow(Proj.Tsfn(Phi0, sinph0, E), _bl);
                    _el *= TSFN0(Phi0);
                _bl = 1/com;
                _al = K0;
                _el = d = f = 1;
                _gamma = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(_alpha)/d);
                Lam0 = _lamc - Math.Asin((.5*(f - 1/f))*Math.Tan(_gamma))/_bl;
                double h;
                double l;
                    h = Math.Pow(Proj.Tsfn(_phi1, Math.Sin(_phi1), E), _bl);
                    l = Math.Pow(Proj.Tsfn(_phi2, Math.Sin(_phi2), E), _bl);
                    h = TSFN0(_phi1);
                    l = TSFN0(_phi2);
                f = _el/h;
                double p = (l - h)/(l + h);
                double j = _el*_el;
                j = (j - l*h)/(j + l*h);
                if ((con = _lam1 - _lam2) < -Math.PI)
                    _lam2 -= Math.PI*2;
                else if (con > Math.PI)
                    _lam2 += Math.PI*2;
                Lam0 = Proj.Adjlon(.5*(_lam1 + _lam2) - Math.Atan(j*Math.Tan(.5*_bl*(_lam1 - _lam2))/p)/_bl);
                _gamma = Math.Atan(2*Math.Sin(_bl*Proj.Adjlon(_lam1 - Lam0))/(f - 1/f));
                _alpha = Math.Asin(d*Math.Sin(_gamma));
            _singam = Math.Sin(_gamma);
            _cosgam = Math.Cos(_gamma);
            if(projInfo.ParamI("rot_conv") != 0)
                f = _gamma;
                f = _alpha;
            _sinrot = Math.Sin(f);
            _cosrot = Math.Cos(f);
            if(projInfo.ParamI("no_uoff") != 0)
                _u0 = 0;
                _u0 = Math.Abs(_al*Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(d*d - 1)/_cosrot)/_bl);
            if (Phi0 < 0) _u0 = -_u0;