protected override void Initialize() { //set up the viewport to match screen resolution and set to full screen graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = screenResolutionWidth; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = screenResolutionHeight; //graphics.IsFullScreen = true; graphics.ApplyChanges(); this.IsMouseVisible = true; gameArt = new GameArt(this.Content); InitializeGameArea(); InitilaizeMapArea(); InitializeUIArea(); aColor = Color.White; anotherColor = Color.White; gameResources = new Resources(); uiText = new TextDisplay(this.Content, "test", new Vector2(85 + (40 * 4), 300 + (40 * 6))); debugText = new TextDisplay(this.Content, "test", new Vector2(0, 0)); armyText = new TextDisplay(this.Content, "0", new Vector2(85 + (40 * 6), 300 + (40 * 9))); //set time to zero elapsedTime = 0; minWaitTime = 30000; gameArea[0, 0].AddBuilding(); gameArea[2, 2].AddBuilding(); gameArea[0, 0].People = 10; base.Initialize(); }