Пример #1
        // intersect_RayTriangle(): intersect a ray with a 3D triangle
        //    Input:  a ray R, and a triangle T
        //    Output: *I = intersection point (when it exists)
        //    Return: -1 = triangle is degenerate (a segment or point)
        //             0 = disjoint (no intersect)
        //             1 = intersect in unique point I1
        //             2 = are in the same plane
        public static int RayTriangle(Line3D R, Triangle3D T, out Vector3 I)
            Vector3 u, v, n;             // triangle vectors
            Vector3 dir, w0, w;          // ray vectors
            float r, a, b;             // params to calc ray-plane intersect

            I = new Vector3();

            // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
            u = T.PointB - T.PointA;
            v = T.PointC - T.PointA;
            //n = u.CrossProduct(v);             // cross product
            Vector3.Cross(ref u, ref v, out n);
            //if (n == (Vector3D)0)            // triangle is degenerate
            //    return -1;                 // do not deal with this case

            dir = R.End - R.Start;             // ray direction vector
            w0 = R.Start - T.PointA;
            a = -dot(n, w0);
            b = dot(n, dir);
            if (Math.Abs(b) < SMALL_NUM)
            {     // ray is parallel to triangle plane
                if (a == 0)                // ray lies in triangle plane
                    return 2;
                else return 0;             // ray disjoint from plane

            // get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
            r = a / b;
            if (r < 0.0)                   // ray goes away from triangle
                return 0;                  // => no intersect
            // for a segment, also test if (r > 1.0) => no intersect

            I = R.Start + r * dir;           // intersect point of ray and plane

            // is I inside T?
            float uu, uv, vv, wu, wv, D;
            uu = dot(u, u);
            uv = dot(u, v);
            vv = dot(v, v);
            w = I - T.PointA;
            wu = dot(w, u);
            wv = dot(w, v);
            D = uv * uv - uu * vv;

            // get and test parametric coords
            float s, t;
            s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
            if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)        // I is outside T
                return 0;
            t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
            if (t < 0.0 || (s + t) > 1.0)  // I is outside T
                return 0;

            return 1;                      // I is in T
Пример #2
        private void UpdatePicking()
            bool left = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left];//destruct
            bool middle = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Middle];//clone material as active
            bool right = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Right];//build

            if (!leftpressedpicking)
                if (mouseleftclick)
                    leftpressedpicking = true;
                    left = false;
                if (mouseleftdeclick)
                    leftpressedpicking = false;
                    left = false;

            float unit_x = 0;
            float unit_y = 0;
            int NEAR = 1;
            int FOV = 600;
            float ASPECT = 640f / 480;
            float near_height = NEAR * (float)(Math.Tan(FOV * Math.PI / 360.0));
            Vector3 ray = new Vector3(unit_x * near_height * ASPECT, unit_y * near_height, 1);//, 0);

            Vector3 ray_start_point = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            if (overheadcamera)
                float mx = (float)mouse_current.X / Width - 0.5f;
                float my = (float)mouse_current.Y / Height - 0.5f;
                //ray_start_point = new Vector3(mx * 1.4f, -my * 1.1f, 0.0f);
                ray_start_point = new Vector3(mx * 3f, -my * 2.2f, -1.0f);
            //Matrix4 the_modelview;
            //Read the current modelview matrix into the array the_modelview
            //GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix, out the_modelview);
            if (m_theModelView.Equals(new Matrix4())) { return; }
            Matrix4 theModelView = m_theModelView;
            //the_modelview = new Matrix4();
            ray = Vector3.Transform(ray, theModelView);
            ray_start_point = Vector3.Transform(ray_start_point, theModelView);

            var pick = new Line3D();
            var raydir = -(ray - ray_start_point);
            raydir = Vector3.Multiply(raydir, 100);
            pick.Start = ray + Vector3.Multiply(raydir, 0.01f); //do not pick behind
            pick.End = ray + raydir;

            //pick models
            selectedmodelid = -1;
            foreach (var m in game.Models)
                Vector3 closestmodelpos = new Vector3(int.MaxValue,int.MaxValue,int.MaxValue);
                foreach (var t in m.TrianglesForPicking)
                    Vector3 intersection;
                    if (Collisions.Intersection.RayTriangle(pick, t, out intersection) == 1)
                        if ((pick.Start - intersection).Length > PICK_DISTANCE)
                        if ((pick.Start - intersection).Length < (pick.Start - closestmodelpos).Length)
                            closestmodelpos = intersection;
                            selectedmodelid = m.Id;
            if (selectedmodelid != -1)
                pickcubepos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                if (mouseleftclick)
                mouseleftclick = false;
                leftpressedpicking = false;

            if (left)
                weapon.SetAttack(true, false);
            else if (right)
                weapon.SetAttack(true, true);

            if (iii++ % 2 == 0)

            //pick terrain
            var s = new BlockOctreeSearcher();
            s.StartBox = new Box3D(0, 0, 0, NextPowerOfTwo((uint)Math.Max(map.MapSizeX, Math.Max(map.MapSizeY, map.MapSizeZ))));
            List<BlockPosSide> pick2 = new List<BlockPosSide>(s.LineIntersection(IsTileEmptyForPhysics, getblockheight, pick));
            pick2.Sort((a, b) => { return (a.pos - ray_start_point).Length.CompareTo((b.pos - ray_start_point).Length); });

            if (overheadcamera && pick2.Count > 0 && left)
                //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination.
                playerdestination = pick2[0].pos;
            bool pickdistanceok = pick2.Count > 0 && (pick2[0].pos - (player.playerposition)).Length <= PICK_DISTANCE;
            bool playertileempty = IsTileEmptyForPhysics(
            bool playertileemptyclose = IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose(
            BlockPosSide pick0;
            if (pick2.Count > 0 &&
                ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose)) )
                || overheadcamera)
                pickcubepos = pick2[0].Current();
                pickcubepos = new Vector3((int)pickcubepos.X, (int)pickcubepos.Y, (int)pickcubepos.Z);
                pick0 = pick2[0];
                pickcubepos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                pick0.pos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                pick0.side = TileSide.Front;
            if (FreeMouse)
                if (pick2.Count > 0)
            if ((DateTime.Now - lastbuild).TotalSeconds >= BuildDelay)
                if (left && !fastclicking)
                    //todo animation
                    fastclicking = false;
                if (left || right || middle)
                    lastbuild = DateTime.Now;
                if (pick2.Count > 0)
                    if (middle)
                        var newtile = pick0.Current();
                        if (MapUtil.IsValidPos(map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                            int clonesource = map.GetBlock((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y);
                            clonesource = (int)data.PlayerBuildableMaterialType((int)clonesource);
                            for (int i = 0; i < materialSlots.Length; i++)
                                if ((int)materialSlots[i] == clonesource)
                                    activematerial = i;
                                    goto done;
                            materialSlots[activematerial] = clonesource;
                    if (left || right)
                        BlockPosSide tile = pick0;
                        Console.Write(tile.pos + ":" + Enum.GetName(typeof(TileSide), tile.side));
                        Vector3 newtile = right ? tile.Translated() : tile.Current();
                        if (MapUtil.IsValidPos(map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                            Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + map.GetBlock((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y));
                            if (pick0.pos != new Vector3(-1, -1, -1))
                                audio.Play(left ? sounddestruct : soundbuild);
                            if (!right)
                                particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtile);//must be before deletion - gets ground type.
                            if (!MapUtil.IsValidPos(map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                                throw new Exception();
                            game.OnPick(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y),
                                new Vector3((int)tile.Current().X, (int)tile.Current().Z, (int)tile.Current().Y), tile.pos,
                            //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y),
                            //    right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]);
            fastclicking = false;
            if (!(left || right || middle))
                lastbuild = new DateTime();
                fastclicking = true;
Пример #3
 public static BlockPosSide? CheckLineBoxExact(Line3D line, Box3D box)
     if (PointInBox(line.Start, box)) { return new BlockPosSide() { pos = line.Start }; }
     Vector3 big = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
     Vector3 closest = big;
     TileSide side = TileSide.Top;
     foreach (Triangle3DAndSide t in BoxTrianglesAndSides(box.MinEdge, box.MaxEdge))
         Vector3 i;
         if (RayTriangle(line, t.t, out i) != 0)
             if ((line.Start - i).Length < (line.Start - closest).Length)
                 closest = i;
                 side = t.side;
     //if (closest == big) { throw new Exception(); }
     if (closest == big) { return null; }
     return new BlockPosSide() { pos = closest, side = side };
     //if (PointInBox(line.End, box)) { return new TilePosSide() { pos = line.End }; }
     throw new Exception();
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Warning: randomly returns incorrect hit position (back side of box).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <param name="line"></param>
 /// <param name="hit"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckLineBox(Box3D box, Line3D line, out Vector3 hit)
     return CheckLineBox(box.MinEdge, box.MaxEdge, line.Start, line.End, out hit);
Пример #5
 public IEnumerable<BlockPosSide> LineIntersection(IsBlockEmpty isEmpty, GetBlockHeight getBlockHeight, Line3D line)
     currentLine = line;
     currentHit = new Vector3();
     foreach (var node in Search(BoxHit))
         Vector3 hit = currentHit;
         int x = (int)node.MinEdge.X;
         int y = (int)node.MinEdge.Z;
         int z = (int)node.MinEdge.Y;
         if (!isEmpty(x, y, z))
             var node2 = node;
             node2.MaxEdge.Y = node2.MinEdge.Y + getBlockHeight(x, y, z);
             var hit2 = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(line, node2);
             if (hit2 != null)
                 yield return hit2.Value;
Пример #6
        private void UpdatePicking()
            bool left = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left];//destruct
            bool middle = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Middle];//clone material as active
            bool right = Mouse[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Right];//build

            if (!leftpressedpicking)
                if (mouseleftclick)
                    leftpressedpicking = true;
                    left = false;
                if (mouseleftdeclick)
                    leftpressedpicking = false;
                    left = false;
            if (!left)
                currentAttackedBlock = null;

            float pick_distance = PICK_DISTANCE;
            if (cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { pick_distance = tppcameradistance * 2; }
            if (cameratype == CameraType.Overhead) { pick_distance = overheadcameradistance; }

            float unit_x = 0;
            float unit_y = 0;
            int NEAR = 1;
            int FOV = 600;
            float ASPECT = 640f / 480;
            float near_height = NEAR * (float)(Math.Tan(FOV * Math.PI / 360.0));
            Vector3 ray = new Vector3(unit_x * near_height * ASPECT, unit_y * near_height, 1);//, 0);

            Vector3 ray_start_point = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            if (overheadcamera)
                float mx = (float)mouse_current.X / Width - 0.5f;
                float my = (float)mouse_current.Y / Height - 0.5f;
                //ray_start_point = new Vector3(mx * 1.4f, -my * 1.1f, 0.0f);
                ray_start_point = new Vector3(mx * 3f, -my * 2.2f, -1.0f);
            //Matrix4 the_modelview;
            //Read the current modelview matrix into the array the_modelview
            //GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix, out the_modelview);
            if (d_The3d.ModelViewMatrix.Equals(new Matrix4())) { return; }
            Matrix4 theModelView = d_The3d.ModelViewMatrix;
            //the_modelview = new Matrix4();
            ray = Vector3.Transform(ray, theModelView);
            ray_start_point = Vector3.Transform(ray_start_point, theModelView);

            Line3D pick = new Line3D();
            Vector3 raydir = -(ray - ray_start_point);
            pick.Start = ray + Vector3.Multiply(raydir, 1f); //do not pick behind
            pick.End = ray + Vector3.Multiply(raydir, pick_distance * 2);

            //pick models
            selectedmodelid = -1;
            foreach (var m in Models)
                Vector3 closestmodelpos = new Vector3(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
                foreach (var t in m.TrianglesForPicking)
                    Vector3 intersection;
                    if (Collisions.Intersection.RayTriangle(pick, t, out intersection) == 1)
                        if ((pick.Start - intersection).Length > pick_distance)
                        if ((pick.Start - intersection).Length < (pick.Start - closestmodelpos).Length)
                            closestmodelpos = intersection;
                            selectedmodelid = m.Id;
            if (selectedmodelid != -1)
                pickcubepos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                if (mouseleftclick)
                mouseleftclick = false;
                leftpressedpicking = false;

            if (left)
                d_Weapon.SetAttack(true, false);
            else if (right)
                d_Weapon.SetAttack(true, true);

            //if (iii++ % 2 == 0)
                //To improve speed, update picking only every second frame.

            //pick terrain
            var s = new BlockOctreeSearcher();
            s.StartBox = new Box3D(0, 0, 0, BitTools.NextPowerOfTwo((uint)Math.Max(d_Map.MapSizeX, Math.Max(d_Map.MapSizeY, d_Map.MapSizeZ))));
            List<BlockPosSide> pick2 = new List<BlockPosSide>(s.LineIntersection(IsTileEmptyForPhysics, getblockheight, pick));
            pick2.Sort((a, b) => { return (a.pos - ray_start_point).Length.CompareTo((b.pos - ray_start_point).Length); });

            if (overheadcamera && pick2.Count > 0 && left)
                //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination.
                playerdestination = pick2[0].pos;
            bool pickdistanceok = pick2.Count > 0 && (pick2[0].pos - (player.playerposition)).Length <= pick_distance;
            bool playertileempty = IsTileEmptyForPhysics(
            bool playertileemptyclose = IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose(
            BlockPosSide pick0;
            if (pick2.Count > 0 &&
                ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose)))
                || overheadcamera)
                pickcubepos = pick2[0].Current();
                pickcubepos = new Vector3((int)pickcubepos.X, (int)pickcubepos.Y, (int)pickcubepos.Z);
                pick0 = pick2[0];
                pickcubepos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                pick0.pos = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                pick0.side = TileSide.Front;
            if (FreeMouse)
                if (pick2.Count > 0)
            var ntile = pick0.Current();
            if(IsUsableBlock(d_Map.GetBlock((int)ntile.X, (int)ntile.Z, (int)ntile.Y))) {
                currentAttackedBlock = new Vector3i((int)ntile.X, (int)ntile.Z, (int)ntile.Y);
            if ((DateTime.Now - lastbuild).TotalSeconds >= BuildDelay)
                if (left && d_Inventory.RightHand[ActiveMaterial] == null) {
                    PacketClientHealth p = new PacketClientHealth { CurrentHealth = (int)(2 + rnd.NextDouble() * 4) };
                    SendPacket(Serialize(new PacketClient() { PacketId = ClientPacketId.MonsterHit, Health = p }));
                if (left && !fastclicking)
                    //todo animation
                    fastclicking = false;
                if (left || right || middle)
                    lastbuild = DateTime.Now;
                if (pick2.Count > 0)
                    if (middle)
                        var newtile = pick0.Current();
                        if (MapUtil.IsValidPos(d_Map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                            int clonesource = d_Map.GetBlock((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y);
                            int clonesource2 = (int)d_Data.WhenPlayerPlacesGetsConvertedTo[(int)clonesource];
                            //find this block in another right hand.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                if (d_Inventory.RightHand[i] != null
                                    && d_Inventory.RightHand[i].ItemClass == ItemClass.Block
                                    && (int)d_Inventory.RightHand[i].BlockId == clonesource2)
                                    ActiveMaterial = i;
                                    goto done;
                            int? freehand = d_InventoryUtil.FreeHand(ActiveMaterial);
                            //find this block in inventory.
                            foreach (var k in d_Inventory.Items)
                                if (k.Value.ItemClass == ItemClass.Block
                                    && k.Value.BlockId == clonesource2)
                                    //free hand
                                    if (freehand != null)
                                        goto done;
                                    //try to replace current slot
                                    if (d_Inventory.RightHand[ActiveMaterial] != null
                                        && d_Inventory.RightHand[ActiveMaterial].ItemClass == ItemClass.Block)
                            d_Audio.Play(d_Data.CloneSound[clonesource][0]); //todo sound cycle
                    if (left || right)
                        BlockPosSide tile = pick0;
                        Console.Write(tile.pos + ":" + Enum.GetName(typeof(TileSide), tile.side));
                        Vector3 newtile = right ? tile.Translated() : tile.Current();
                        if (MapUtil.IsValidPos(d_Map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                            Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + d_Map.GetBlock((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y));
                            if (pick0.pos != new Vector3(-1, -1, -1))
                                int blocktype;
                                if (left) { blocktype = d_Map.GetBlock((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y); }
                                else { blocktype = materialSlots[ActiveMaterial]; }
                                if (left && blocktype == d_Data.BlockIdAdminium) { goto end; }
                                string[] sound = left ? d_Data.BreakSound[blocktype] : d_Data.BuildSound[blocktype];
                                if (sound != null && sound.Length > 0)
                                    d_Audio.Play(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle
                            //normal attack
                            if (!right)
                                var pos = new Vector3i((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y);
                                currentAttackedBlock = new Vector3i(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);
                                if (!blockhealth.ContainsKey(pos))
                                    blockhealth[pos] = GetCurrentBlockHealth(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                                blockhealth[pos] -= WeaponAttackStrength();
                                float health = GetCurrentBlockHealth(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);
                                if (health <= 0)
                                    if (currentAttackedBlock != null)
                                    currentAttackedBlock = null;
                                    goto broken;
                                goto end;
                            if (!right)
                                particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtile);//must be before deletion - gets ground type.
                            if (!MapUtil.IsValidPos(d_Map, (int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y))
                                throw new Exception();
                            OnPick(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y),
                                new Vector3((int)tile.Current().X, (int)tile.Current().Z, (int)tile.Current().Y), tile.pos,
                            //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y),
                            //    right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]);
            fastclicking = false;
            if (!(left || right || middle))
                lastbuild = new DateTime();
                fastclicking = true;
Пример #7
        //Don't allow to look through walls.
        private void LimitThirdPersonCameraToWalls(ref Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, ref float curtppcameradistance)
            var ray_start_point = target;
            var raytarget = eye;

            var pick = new Line3D();
            var raydir = (raytarget - ray_start_point);
            raydir = Vector3.Multiply(raydir, tppcameradistance + 1);
            pick.Start = ray_start_point;
            pick.End = ray_start_point + raydir;

            //pick terrain
            var s = new BlockOctreeSearcher();
            s.StartBox = new Box3D(0, 0, 0, BitTools.NextPowerOfTwo((uint)Math.Max(d_Map.MapSizeX, Math.Max(d_Map.MapSizeY, d_Map.MapSizeZ))));
            List<BlockPosSide> pick2 = new List<BlockPosSide>(s.LineIntersection(IsTileEmptyForPhysics, getblockheight, pick));
            pick2.Sort((a, b) => { return (a.pos - ray_start_point).Length.CompareTo((b.pos - ray_start_point).Length); });
            if (pick2.Count > 0)
                var pickdistance = (pick2[0].pos - target).Length;
                curtppcameradistance = Math.Min(pickdistance - 1, curtppcameradistance);
                if (curtppcameradistance < 0.3f) { curtppcameradistance = 0.3f; }

            Vector3 cameraDirection = target - eye;
            eye = target + Vector3.Multiply(raydir, curtppcameradistance);