Base class for defining a custom schema. Responsible for defining the minimum info for a custom schema and registering it with UI Automation. This class is not required by UIA and doesn't correspond to anything in UIA; it's a personal preference about the right way to represent what is similar between various schemas and what varies.
        public static void Register(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
            //   For events AutomationPeers goes other way and list of events it can raise through
            // AutomationPeer.RaiseAutomationEvent() is very strictly hardcoded with switch()
            // operator in the EventMap internal class. But it is possible to get IRawElementProviderSimple
            // from the protected AutomationPeer.ProviderFromPeer method and use it directly via
            // NativeMethods.UiaRaiseAutomationEvent. Basically it is the same AutomationPeer does,
            // so the only inconvenience would be non-standard method of raising.
            //   Another piece required here is to replicate for AutomationPeer.ListenersExist(). Seems to
            // fully support custom events we would have to rewrite EventsMap class. Fortunately it is small :)
            // TODO: Add support for raising custom UIA events

            foreach (var property in schema.Properties)
            if (schema.StandaloneProperties != null)
                foreach (var uiaPropertyInfoHelper in schema.StandaloneProperties)
                    var automationProperty = RegisterProperty(uiaPropertyInfoHelper);
        public static void Register(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
            //   For events AutomationPeers goes other way and list of events it can raise through
            // AutomationPeer.RaiseAutomationEvent() is very strictly hardcoded with switch()
            // operator in the EventMap internal class. But it is possible to get IRawElementProviderSimple
            // from the protected AutomationPeer.ProviderFromPeer method and use it directly via
            // NativeMethods.UiaRaiseAutomationEvent. Basically it is the same AutomationPeer does,
            // so the only inconvenience would be non-standard method of raising.
            //   Another piece required here is to replicate for AutomationPeer.ListenersExist(). Seems to
            // fully support custom events we would have to rewrite EventsMap class. Fortunately it is small :)
            // TODO: Add support for raising custom UIA events

            foreach (var property in schema.Properties)
            if (schema.StandaloneProperties != null)
                foreach (var uiaPropertyInfoHelper in schema.StandaloneProperties)
                    var automationProperty = RegisterProperty(uiaPropertyInfoHelper);
        public PatternClientInstanceInterceptor(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema, IUIAutomationPatternInstance patternInstance)
            _patternInstance = patternInstance;
            _currentPropGetterNameToHelper = schema.Properties.ToDictionary(helper => string.Format("get_Current{0}", helper.Data.pProgrammaticName));
            _cachedPropGetterNameToHelper = schema.Properties.ToDictionary(helper => string.Format("get_Cached{0}", helper.Data.pProgrammaticName));

            // helpers are aware about provider methods, we have to map them from client-side pattern methods
            _methodInfoToHelper = new Dictionary<MethodInfo, UiaMethodInfoHelper>();
            foreach (var methodInfoHelper in schema.Methods)
                var providerInfo = methodInfoHelper.ProviderMethodInfo;
                if (providerInfo == null) continue;

                var patternMethod = ProviderPatternMatcher.GetMatchingPatternMethod(schema.PatternClientInterface, providerInfo);
                if (patternMethod != null)
                    _methodInfoToHelper[patternMethod] = methodInfoHelper;
        public PatternClientInstanceInterceptor(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema, IUIAutomationPatternInstance patternInstance)
            _patternInstance = patternInstance;
            _currentPropGetterNameToHelper = schema.Properties.ToDictionary(helper => string.Format("get_Current{0}", helper.Data.pProgrammaticName));
            _cachedPropGetterNameToHelper  = schema.Properties.ToDictionary(helper => string.Format("get_Cached{0}", helper.Data.pProgrammaticName));

            // helpers are aware about provider methods, we have to map them from client-side pattern methods
            _methodInfoToHelper = new Dictionary <MethodInfo, UiaMethodInfoHelper>();
            foreach (var methodInfoHelper in schema.Methods)
                var providerInfo = methodInfoHelper.ProviderMethodInfo;
                if (providerInfo == null)

                var patternMethod = ProviderPatternMatcher.GetMatchingPatternMethod(schema.PatternClientInterface, providerInfo);
                if (patternMethod != null)
                    _methodInfoToHelper[patternMethod] = methodInfoHelper;
        private static void RegisterPattern(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
            var automationPeerType = typeof(AutomationPeer);
            // The only purpose of this method is to construct and correctly execute these lines of code:
            //   var wrapper = new Wrapper(schema.PatternProviderInterface);
            //   var wrapObject = new AutomationPeer.WrapObject(wrapper.WrapObjectReplacer);
            //   AutomationPeer.s_patternInfo[schema.PatternId]
            //      = new AutomationPeer.PatternInfo(schema.PatternId,
            //                                       wrapObject,
            //                                       (PatternInterface)schema.PatternId);
            //   AutomationPattern.Register(schema.PatternGuid, schema.PatternName);
            //   The problem here is that AutomationPeer.WrapObject, AutomationPeer.s_patternInfo, AutomationPattern.Register
            // and AutomationPeer.PatternInfo are not public, so we need some hardcore reflection.
            //   Now, to be very clear, casting patternId to PatternInterface is not totally correct,
            // but customly registered patterns get IDs near 50000 and max PatternInterface value is
            // something about 20, so they won't intersect ever. On the other hand, after several hours
            // studying AutomationPeer sources it seems unfeasible to get what we need in other way
            // because AutomationPeer wasn't written with extensibility in mind.
            var patternInfoHashtableField = automationPeerType.GetField("s_patternInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            // from AutomationPeer.cs: private delegate object WrapObject(AutomationPeer peer, object iface);
            var wrapObjectDelegateType = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("WrapObject", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var wrapper = new Wrapper(schema.PatternProviderInterface);
            var wrapObjectReplacerMethodInfo = ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(() => wrapper.WrapObjectReplacer(null, null));
            var wrapObject = Delegate.CreateDelegate(wrapObjectDelegateType, wrapper, wrapObjectReplacerMethodInfo);

            // from AutomationPeer.cs:
            //private class PatternInfo
            //  internal int Id;
            //  internal AutomationPeer.WrapObject WrapObject;
            //  internal PatternInterface PatternInterface;

            //  internal PatternInfo(int id, AutomationPeer.WrapObject wrapObject, PatternInterface patternInterface)
            //  {
            //    this.Id = id;
            //    this.WrapObject = wrapObject;
            //    this.PatternInterface = patternInterface;
            //  }
            var patternInfoType     = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("PatternInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var patternInfoTypeCtor = patternInfoType.GetConstructor(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                binder: null,
                types: new[] { typeof(int), wrapObjectDelegateType, typeof(PatternInterface) },
                modifiers: null);
            var patternInfo = patternInfoTypeCtor.Invoke(new object[] { schema.PatternId, wrapObject, (PatternInterface)schema.PatternId });

            var automationPatternType = typeof(AutomationPattern);
            var registerMethod        = automationPatternType.GetMethod("Register", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            using (Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                var patternInfoHashtable = (Hashtable)patternInfoHashtableField.GetValue(null);
                if (patternInfoHashtable.Contains(schema.PatternId))
                patternInfoHashtable[schema.PatternId] = patternInfo;
                registerMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { schema.PatternGuid, schema.PatternName });
        private static void RegisterPattern(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
            var automationPeerType = typeof(AutomationPeer);
            // The only purpose of this method is to construct and correctly execute these lines of code:
            //   var wrapper = new Wrapper(schema.PatternProviderInterface);
            //   var wrapObject = new AutomationPeer.WrapObject(wrapper.WrapObjectReplacer);
            //   AutomationPeer.s_patternInfo[schema.PatternId]
            //      = new AutomationPeer.PatternInfo(schema.PatternId,
            //                                       wrapObject,
            //                                       (PatternInterface)schema.PatternId);
            //   AutomationPattern.Register(schema.PatternGuid, schema.PatternName);
            //   The problem here is that AutomationPeer.WrapObject, AutomationPeer.s_patternInfo, AutomationPattern.Register
            // and AutomationPeer.PatternInfo are not public, so we need some hardcore reflection.
            //   Now, to be very clear, casting patternId to PatternInterface is not totally correct,
            // but customly registered patterns get IDs near 50000 and max PatternInterface value is
            // something about 20, so they won't intersect ever. On the other hand, after several hours
            // studying AutomationPeer sources it seems unfeasible to get what we need in other way
            // because AutomationPeer wasn't written with extensibility in mind.
            var patternInfoHashtableField = automationPeerType.GetField("s_patternInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            // from AutomationPeer.cs: private delegate object WrapObject(AutomationPeer peer, object iface);
            var wrapObjectDelegateType = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("WrapObject", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var wrapper = new Wrapper(schema.PatternProviderInterface);
            var wrapObjectReplacerMethodInfo = ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(() => wrapper.WrapObjectReplacer(null, null));
            var wrapObject = Delegate.CreateDelegate(wrapObjectDelegateType, wrapper, wrapObjectReplacerMethodInfo);

            // from AutomationPeer.cs:
            //private class PatternInfo
            //  internal int Id;
            //  internal AutomationPeer.WrapObject WrapObject;
            //  internal PatternInterface PatternInterface;

            //  internal PatternInfo(int id, AutomationPeer.WrapObject wrapObject, PatternInterface patternInterface)
            //  {
            //    this.Id = id;
            //    this.WrapObject = wrapObject;
            //    this.PatternInterface = patternInterface;
            //  }
            var patternInfoType = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("PatternInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var patternInfoTypeCtor = patternInfoType.GetConstructor(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                binder: null,
                types: new[] {typeof(int), wrapObjectDelegateType, typeof(PatternInterface)},
                modifiers: null);
            var patternInfo = patternInfoTypeCtor.Invoke(new object[] {schema.PatternId, wrapObject, (PatternInterface)schema.PatternId});

            var automationPatternType = typeof(AutomationPattern);
            var registerMethod = automationPatternType.GetMethod("Register", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            using (Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                var patternInfoHashtable = (Hashtable)patternInfoHashtableField.GetValue(null);
                if (patternInfoHashtable.Contains(schema.PatternId)) return;
                patternInfoHashtable[schema.PatternId] = patternInfo;
                registerMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {schema.PatternGuid, schema.PatternName});
 public AttributeDrivenPatternHandler(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
     _schema = schema;
 public AttributeDrivenPatternHandler(CustomPatternSchemaBase schema)
     _schema = schema;