public static void Main(string[] args) { string file_name = null; string json_file = null; string sysmonpath = Utils.getSysmonPath(); string exeVersion = null; Utils.printHeader(); if (sysmonpath != null) { exeVersion = Utils.getFileVersion(sysmonpath); Console.WriteLine("Sysmon version: " + exeVersion); exeVersion = exeVersion.Substring(0, exeVersion.IndexOf('.')); } else { Console.WriteLine("[!] Error: Sysmon not found"); } if (!Utils.isElevated()) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Run it as Administrator."); Environment.Exit(-1); } try{ if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "-r") { file_name = args[1]; } else if (args.Length == 0) { file_name = "rule_test.json"; } else { Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} [-r rule_test.json]", Path.GetFileName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0])); return; } if (!File.Exists(file_name)) { Console.WriteLine("File {0} not found!", file_name); Console.WriteLine("Check the MST default rule set on:"); Environment.Exit(-1); } Console.WriteLine("Using file '{0}'", file_name); json_file = File.ReadAllText(file_name); JObject rule_test = JObject.Parse(json_file); JToken sysmon_config = getDefaultConfig("conf\\Sysmon.json"); JToken powershell_config = getDefaultConfig("conf\\PowerShell.json"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test file]: " + file_name); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test name]: " + rule_test["name"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test version]: " + rule_test["version"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test author]: " + rule_test["author"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test description]: " + rule_test["description"]); Console.WriteLine(""); if (!rule_test["rules"].HasValues) { Console.WriteLine("No rules detected. Exiting..."); Environment.Exit(-1); } foreach (var rule in rule_test["rules"].Children()) { Console.WriteLine("[>] Detected rule: " + rule.Path); foreach (var properties in rule.Children()) { if ((bool)properties["enabled"] == true) { Console.WriteLine("... Source: " + properties["source"]); Console.WriteLine("... Category: " + properties["category"]); Console.WriteLine("... Description: " + properties["description"]); switch (properties["source"].ToString()) { case "Sysmon": switch (exeVersion) { case "7": SysmonClass_v7.WriteSysmonEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], sysmon_config); break; case "8": case "9": SysmonClass_v8.WriteSysmonEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], sysmon_config); break; case "10": SysmonClass_v10.WriteSysmonEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], sysmon_config); break; case "11": SysmonClass_v11.WriteSysmonEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], sysmon_config); break; default: Console.WriteLine("[!] Error: Sysmon version not supported."); break; } break; case "PowerShell": PowerShellClass.WritePowerShellEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], powershell_config); break; default: Console.WriteLine("... Source not supported"); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("... Rule disabled"); } } } } catch (JsonException jsonException) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Error with json file: " + jsonException.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Error: " + e.StackTrace); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string file_name = ""; string json_file = ""; Utils.printHeader(); if (!Utils.isElevated()) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Run it as Administrator."); Environment.Exit(-1); } try{ if (args.Length == 0) { file_name = "rule_test.json"; } else { if (args[0] == "-r") { file_name = args[1]; } } if (File.Exists(file_name)) { json_file = File.ReadAllText(file_name); } else { Console.WriteLine("File not found!"); Console.WriteLine("Check the MST default rule set on:"); Environment.Exit(-1); } JObject rule_test = JObject.Parse(json_file); JToken sysmon_config = getDefaultConfig("conf\\Sysmon.json"); JToken powershell_config = getDefaultConfig("conf\\PowerShell.json"); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test file]: " + file_name); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test name]: " + rule_test["name"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test version]: " + rule_test["version"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test author]: " + rule_test["author"]); Console.WriteLine("[Rule test description]: " + rule_test["description"]); Console.WriteLine(""); if (!rule_test["rules"].HasValues) { Console.WriteLine("No rules detected. Exiting..."); Environment.Exit(-1); } foreach (var rule in rule_test["rules"].Children()) { Console.WriteLine("[>] Detected rule: " + rule.Path); foreach (var properties in rule.Children()) { if ((bool)properties["enabled"] == true) { Console.WriteLine("... Source: " + properties["source"]); Console.WriteLine("... Category: " + properties["category"]); Console.WriteLine("... Description: " + properties["description"]); switch (properties["source"].ToString()) { case "Sysmon": SysmonClass.WriteSysmonEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], sysmon_config); break; case "PowerShell": PowerShellClass.WritePowerShellEvent(properties["category"].ToString(), properties["payload"], powershell_config); break; default: Console.WriteLine("... Source not supported"); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("... Rule disabled"); } } } } catch (JsonException jsonException) { Console.WriteLine("Error with json file: " + jsonException.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.StackTrace); Environment.Exit(-1); } }