// Define what actions to take when the event is raised.

        public CustomTimerEventSubscriber(int interval, CustomTimerEventPublisher pub)
            this.Intervalms       = interval;
            pub.RaiseCustomEvent += HandleCustomEvent;
Пример #2
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check extending StringBuilder with substring (task 1) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            StringBuilder testStr = new StringBuilder("Freddie Mercury");

            StringBuilder testSubstr = testStr.Substring(8, 7);


            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check extending IEnumerable<T> (task 2)".PadRight(80, '_'));
            int[] testArr = new int[] { 5, 2, 3 };
            //double[] testArr = new double[] { 1.5, 2.5, 3.6 };
            //char[] testArr = new char[] { 'F', 'r', 'e', 'd', 'd', 'i', 'e' };
            Console.WriteLine("array = {0}", string.Join(" ", testArr));
            Console.WriteLine("sum = {0}", testArr.SumExt());
            Console.WriteLine("product = {0}", testArr.ProductExt());
            Console.WriteLine("min = {0}", testArr.MinExt());
            Console.WriteLine("max = {0}", testArr.MaxExt());
            Console.WriteLine("avg = {0}", testArr.AvgExt());

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check searching/sorting students with LINQ and Lambda (tasks 3-5) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            int ageAdjustment1975 = 40;

            Student[] testStudents = new Student[]
                new Student("Freddie", "Mercury", 68 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("Brian", "May", 67 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("Roger", "Taylor", 65 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("John", "Deacon", 63 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("Mike", "Grose", 60 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("Barry", "Mitchell", 68 - ageAdjustment1975),
                new Student("Doug", "Bogie", 60 - ageAdjustment1975)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students array:");
            for (int i = 0; i < testStudents.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students with first names before their last name alphabetically:");
            Student[] foundByName = LambdaLINQ.FindByName(testStudents);
            for (int i = 0; i < foundByName.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students in age range 18-24:");
            Student[] foundByAge = LambdaLINQ.FindByAge(testStudents);
            for (int i = 0; i < foundByAge.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Sorted students in descending order by first name and then last name with Lambda:");
            Student[] sortedLambda = LambdaLINQ.SortLambda(testStudents);
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedLambda.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Sorted students in descending order by first name and then last name with LINQ:");
            Student[] sortedLINQ = LambdaLINQ.SortLinq(testStudents);
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedLINQ.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check searching int array with LINQ and Lambda (task 6) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            int[] testNums = new int[] { 3, 7, 35, 21, 0, -3, -42 };
            Console.WriteLine("numbers = {0}", string.Join(" ", testNums));
            int[] numsDiv7and3Lambda = Divisible7and3.Div7and3Lambda(testNums);
            Console.WriteLine("numbers divisible by 7 and 3 with Lambda = {0}", string.Join(" ", numsDiv7and3Lambda));
            int[] numsDiv7and3LINQ = Divisible7and3.Div7and3Linq(testNums);
            Console.WriteLine("numbers divisible by 7 and 3 with LINQ = {0}", string.Join(" ", numsDiv7and3LINQ));

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check custom timer with delegate (task 7) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            CustomTimer ct = new CustomTimer(2, 2, delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Gallileo, Gallileo"); });

            Console.WriteLine("Gallileo Figaro");

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check custom timer with delegate and events (task 8) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            CustomTimerEventPublisher  pub = new CustomTimerEventPublisher();
            CustomTimerEventSubscriber sub = new CustomTimerEventSubscriber(2, pub);

            pub.ExecuteMethods(2, delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Gallileo, Gallileo"); });
            Console.WriteLine("Gallileo Figaro");

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check student class (tasks 9-16, 18, 19) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            testStudents = new Student[]
                new Student("Freddie", "Mercury", 68 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    6, 6, 5
                }, 800406, "+359283354477", 2),
                new Student("Brian", "May", 67 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    6, 6, 6
                }, 800405, "+359283358777", 2),
                new Student("Roger", "Taylor", 65 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    6, 5, 5
                }, 800303, "+359883357897", 1),
                new Student("John", "Deacon", 63 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    2, 2, 5
                }, 800301, "+359883887966", 2),
                new Student("Mike", "Grose", 60 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    5, 5, 5
                }, 800398, "+359283381221", 1),
                new Student("Barry", "Mitchell", 68 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    4, 5, 5
                }, 800406, "+359883311256", 1),
                new Student("Doug", "Bogie", 60 - ageAdjustment1975, "*****@*****.**", new List <int> {
                    5, 6, 5
                }, 800398, "+359883332665", 2)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students:");
            for (int i = 0; i < testStudents.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Selected students from group 2, sorted by first name:");
            Student[] selectedStudents = (from s in testStudents
                                          where s.GroupNumber == 2
                                          orderby s.FirstName.ToLower()
                                          select s).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedStudents.Length; i++)
            selectedStudents = testStudents.Where(s => s.GroupNumber == 2)
                               .OrderBy(s => s.FirstName.ToLower())

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Selected students with email in abv.bg:");
            selectedStudents = (from s in testStudents
                                where s.Email.Split('@')[1].ToLower() == "abv.bg"
                                select s).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedStudents.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Selected students with phones in Sofia:");
            selectedStudents = (from s in testStudents
                                where (s.Tel.Substring(0, 5) == "+3592" || s.Tel.Substring(0, 2) == "02")
                                select s).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedStudents.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Selected students with at least one mark 6:");
            selectedStudents = (from s in testStudents
                                where (s.Marks.Any(m => m == 6))
                                select s).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedStudents.Length; i++)
            var excellentStudents = new
                fullName = (from s in selectedStudents
                            select(s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName)).ToArray(),
                marks = (from s in selectedStudents

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Selected students with exactly two marks 2:");
            selectedStudents = testStudents.Where(s => s.Marks.Where(m => m == 2).Count() == 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedStudents.Length; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Marks of students who enrolled in 2006:");
            int[] marks = testStudents.Where(s => s.FN.ToString()[4] == '0' && s.FN.ToString()[5] == '6')
                          .Select(s => s.Marks.Select(m => m).ToArray())
                          .SelectMany(x => x)

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", marks));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students separated by group number with LINQ:");
            var groupedStudents = from s in testStudents
                                  group s by s.GroupNumber;

            foreach (var group in groupedStudents)
                Console.WriteLine("Group {0}:", group.First().GroupNumber);
                foreach (var student in group)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students separated by group number with extension methods:");
            groupedStudents = testStudents.GroupBy(s => s.GroupNumber);
            foreach (var group in groupedStudents)
                Console.WriteLine("Group {0}:", group.First().GroupNumber);
                foreach (var student in group)

            var groups = new List <Group>
                new Group(1, "Physics"),
                new Group(2, "Mathematics"),
                new Group(3, "Biology"),
                new Group(4, "Law")

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Departments:");
            foreach (var g in groups)
                Console.WriteLine(g.GroupNumber + " " + g.Department);
            var mathStudents = (from s in testStudents
                                join g in groups on s.GroupNumber equals g.GroupNumber
                                where g.GroupNumber == 2
                                select new { StudentName = (s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName), Department = g.Department }).ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\t Students from \"Mathematics\" department:");
            foreach (var student in mathStudents)
                Console.WriteLine(student.StudentName + ", " + student.Department);

            Console.WriteLine("\n______________ check sum of infinite convergent series (task 20*) ".PadRight(80, '_'));
            EvaluateConvergentSum evaluating = new EvaluateConvergentSum(SumConvergentSeries.EvaluateSum);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Sum( 1 / ( 2^n ) = {0:0.00}", evaluating("1 / ( pow(2, x) )")));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Sum( 1 / (n + 1)! ) = {0:0.00}", evaluating("1 / ( (x + 1)!)")));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("1 + Sum( 1 / ( (-1)^n * 2^(n + 1) ) = {0:0.00} (Possibly wrong sign before 1/2? 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16 + ...)", (1 + evaluating("1 / ( pow( -1, x ) * pow(2, x + 1) )"))));