public static void TelaPrincipal() { V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 300, 375); V.img[0].Texture = logo; V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 - 187); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); if (Efeitos.opacidade <= 0 && !F.TeclaDesativada("delay") && !delay) { delay = true; F.DesativarTecla("delay", 750); } if (Efeitos.opacidade <= 0 && !F.TeclaDesativada("delay") && delay) { Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 255, 2.5f); } if (Efeitos.opacidade >= 255 && delay) { CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); } if (F.Key("space")) { Efeitos.opacidade = 255; CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); F.DesativarTecla("space", 500); } }
public static void LocalMapDraw() { V.window.SetView(V.view); foreach (Chao x in V.chao.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Limite x in V.limites.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.objetos.Sort((x, y) => x.zindex.CompareTo(y.zindex)); foreach (Geral x in V.objetos.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.window.SetView(V.hud); foreach (TempText x in V.temptexts.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } Efeitos.BackdropRun(); }
public static void DrawHUD() { V.window.SetView(V.hud); if (V.backdrop) { Efeitos.BackdropRun(); } }
public override void OnStart() { Idk.windowColor = new Color(53, 74, 95); Screen.width = 800; Screen.height = 600; V.window.Position = new Vector2i((int)(VideoMode.DesktopMode.Width / 2) - (int)(Screen.width / 2), (int)(VideoMode.DesktopMode.Height / 2) - (int)(Screen.height / 2) - 30); logo = new Texture("res/logo.png"); Efeitos.opacidade = 255; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 2.5f); }
public static void Draw() { Efeitos.AjustarCamera(camera); if (!controle.pausado) { F.MovePersonagem(controle); } if (controle.vidaA <= 0) { controle.gameOver = Efeitos.GameOver(controle); } }
public static void TelaPrincipal() { V.window.SetView(V.view); foreach (Chao x in V.chao.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Limite x in V.limites.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Teleporte x in V.teleportes.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.objetos.Sort((x, y) => x.zindex.CompareTo(y.zindex)); foreach (Geral x in V.objetos.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.window.SetView(V.hud); Configuracoes.Draw(); Efeitos.BackdropRun(); if (menu) { F.Menu(); } foreach (IC x in V.interacaoContinua.ToList()) { x.x1.Interagir(1); } foreach (TempText x in V.temptexts.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (PopUp x in V.popups.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } }
public static int TelaPrincipal(){ string[] opcoesMenu = {"Jogar", "Configurações", "Criar Mapa", "Créditos", "Sair"}; F.DesenharShape(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height, 19, 19, 19, 255); F.Escrever("Cybership", true, Screen.width-F.TxtWidth("Cybership", 50, true)-30, 20, 50, 255, 255, 255, 255); for(int m=0;m<opcoesMenu.Count();m++) F.Escrever(opcoesMenu[m], false, Screen.width-F.TxtWidth(opcoesMenu[m], 32, false)-30, Screen.height/2-40+40*m, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("v0.5.2 Alpha", false, Screen.width-F.TxtWidth("v0.5.2 Alpha", 32, false)-30, Screen.height-50, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(!F.TeclaDesativada("frameMainMenu")){ frame += frame > 6 ? -frame : 1; F.DesativarTecla("frameMainMenu", 300); } V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[8][0]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 27, 15); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(Screen.width-F.TxtWidth(opcoesMenu[option], 32, false)-67, (Screen.height/2)-25+(40*option)); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[0][0]; V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(30, Screen.height-294); V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(96*frame, 0, 96, 136); V.img[0].Scale = new Vector2f(1.5f, 1.5f); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); V.img[0].Scale = new Vector2f(1, 1); if((F.Key("down") && !F.TeclaDesativada("option")) && option < opcoesMenu.Length-1){ option++; F.DesativarTecla("option", 175); } else if((F.Key("up") && !F.TeclaDesativada("option")) && option > 0){ option--; F.DesativarTecla("option", 175); } else if(F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x")){ F.DesativarTecla("x", 175); F.DesativarTecla("mouseLeft", 175); return option; } Efeitos.BackdropRun(); return -1; }
public override void OnStart() { Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 2.5f); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = -1; j < 6; j++) { V.background.Add(new Background((i % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1), (j % 2 == 0 ? i : i - 0.5f), j)); } } Idk.windowColor = new Color(000, 000, 000); V.view.Center = new Vector2f(Screen.width / 2, (Screen.height / 2) + 128); }
public override void OnStart() { Idk.windowColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Efeitos.opacidade = 0; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in-white", 255, 2.55f); step = 0; cowOpacity = 0; npcX = npc.x - (V.view.Center.X - (Screen.width / 2)); npcY = (npc.y + npc.height - npc.imgHeight) - (V.view.Center.Y - (Screen.height / 2)); atributoUm = 0; atributoDois = 0; atributoTres = 0; atributoUmY = 20; atributoDoisY = 20; atributoTresY = 20; }
public override void OnStart() { Idk.windowColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Screen.width = 800; Screen.height = 600; V.window.Position = new Vector2i((int)(VideoMode.DesktopMode.Width / 2) - (int)(Screen.width / 2), (int)(VideoMode.DesktopMode.Height / 2) - (int)(Screen.height / 2) - 30); SQLiteDataReader reader = Conexao.LoadData("select * from controle"); while (reader.Read()) { V.controles.Add(new Controle(Convert.ToInt32(reader["id"]), Convert.ToString(reader["nome"]), Convert.ToInt32(reader["keycode"]))); } logo = new Texture("res/logo.png"); Efeitos.opacidade = 255; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 1.25f); V.DbLoad(); }
public static void Video2() { V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[1][6]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)npc.imgWidth, (int)npc.imgHeight); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(npcX, npcY); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[13][1]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 100, 88); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(npcX - 350, npcY + 150); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, (byte)cowOpacity); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); F.Escrever("-Latir", true, npcX - 370 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Latir", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 280 + atributoUmY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoUm); F.Escrever("-Dormir", true, npcX - 370 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Dormir", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 310 + atributoDoisY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoDois); F.Escrever("-Comer", true, npcX - 370 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Comer", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 340 + atributoTresY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoTres); float o = cowOpacity > 200 ? 200 : cowOpacity; F.DesenharShape(npcX + 180, npcY + 145, 355, 120, 000, 000, 000, o); new RichText(npcX + 190, npcY + 150, 24, true, (byte)cowOpacity, @"#f92659public static #3da3efvoid #a6e22eLatir#ffffff(){}/n/n#f92659public static #3da3efvoid #a6e22eDormir#ffffff(){}/n/n#f92659public static #3da3efvoid #a6e22eComer#ffffff(){}/n"); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); switch (step) { case 0: if (Efeitos.opacidade >= 255 && npcY > 50) { npcY--; } else if (npcY <= 50 && Efeitos.opacidade >= 50) { step++; } break; case 1: if (F.txtAlerta == "") { F.Alerta("Não quero perder meu tempo, então vou explicar resumidamente..."); } if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Dentro da programação, #00ffffmétodos #fffffffuncionam como #ff0000scripts./n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n~#ffffffUm #ff0000script #ffffffé um conjunto de comandos~"); step++; } break; case 2: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Por exemplo, o #00ffffobjeto #ff0000cachorro #ffffffpossui os #00ffffmétodos #ffffffLatir, Dormir e Comer."); step++; } break; case 3: if (F.letraAtual >= 24 && cowOpacity < 255) { cowOpacity += 2.55f; } if (F.letraAtual >= 70) { if (atributoUm < 255) { atributoUm += 2.55f; } if (atributoUmY > 0) { atributoUmY -= 1; } } if (F.letraAtual >= 76) { if (atributoDois < 255) { atributoDois += 2.55f; } if (atributoDoisY > 0) { atributoDoisY -= 1; } } if (F.letraAtual >= 83) { if (atributoTres < 255) { atributoTres += 2.55f; } if (atributoTresY > 0) { atributoTresY -= 1; } } if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Bem, esse é o conceito de um #00ffffmétodo#ffffff, agora me deixe trabalhar."); step++; } break; case 4: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { cowOpacity = 255; atributoUm = 255; atributoDois = 255; atributoTres = 255; Efeitos.opacidade = 255; step++; } break; case 5: cowOpacity -= cowOpacity <= 0 ? cowOpacity : 2.55f; atributoUm -= atributoUm <= 0 ? atributoUm : 2.55f; atributoDois -= atributoDois <= 0 ? atributoDois : 2.55f; atributoTres -= atributoTres <= 0 ? atributoTres : 2.55f; if (cowOpacity <= 0) { if (npcY < (npc.y + npc.height - npc.imgHeight) - (V.view.Center.Y - (Screen.height / 2))) { npcY++; } else if (npcY >= (npc.y + npc.height - npc.imgHeight) - (V.view.Center.Y - (Screen.height / 2)) && Efeitos.opacidade > 0) { Efeitos.opacidade -= 2.55f; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out-white", 0, 2.55f); step++; } } break; case 6: if (Efeitos.opacidade <= 0) { V.objetos[V.objetos.IndexOf(npc)].step = 0; CurrentScreen.Change("localmap"); } break; } }
public static void Video1() { V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[1][3]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)npc.imgWidth, (int)npc.imgHeight); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(npcX, npcY); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[13][0]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 160, 96); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(npcX - 350, npcY + 150); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, (byte)cowOpacity); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); F.Escrever("-Nome", true, npcX - 350 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Nome", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 280 + atributoUmY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoUm); F.Escrever("-Peso", true, npcX - 350 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Peso", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 310 + atributoDoisY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoDois); F.Escrever("-Altura", true, npcX - 350 + 80 - (F.TxtWidth("-Altura", 30, true) / 2), npcY + 340 + atributoTresY, 30, 000, 000, 000, (byte)atributoTres); float o = cowOpacity > 200 ? 200 : cowOpacity; F.DesenharShape(npcX + 180, npcY + 145, 290, 120, 000, 000, 000, o); new RichText(npcX + 190, npcY + 150, 24, true, (byte)cowOpacity, @"#3da3efVaca #ffffffvaca #f92659= new #3da3efVaca#ffffff();/n/nvaca.nome #f92659= #e6db5a""Loló""#ffffff;/nvaca.peso #f92659= #ae81ff720#3da3eff#ffffff;/nvaca.altura #f92659= #ae81ff1.5#3da3eff#ffffff;"); V.img[0].Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); switch (step) { case 0: if (Efeitos.opacidade >= 255 && npcY > 50) { npcY--; } else if (npcY <= 50 && Efeitos.opacidade >= 50) { step++; } break; case 1: if (F.txtAlerta == "") { F.Alerta("Até onde sabemos, a #ff0000torre #ffffffpossui somente um enigma. /nPara resolvê-lo, você precisará saber o que são #00ffffobjetos #ffffffe #00ffffatributos#ffffff."); } if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Em resumo, um #00ffffobjeto #ffffffé uma #ff0000variável #ffffffque pode armazenar vários valores./n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n~Uma #ff0000variável #ffffffé algo que pode armazenar um valor, como um número ou uma palavra~"); step++; } break; case 2: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Chamamos esses valores de #00ffffatributos."); step++; } break; case 3: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("Um exemplo?/nHmmm.../nAh, Claro!"); step++; } break; case 4: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("O #00ffffobjeto #ff0000vaca #ffffffpossui os #00ffffatributos #ffffffnome, peso e altura."); step++; } break; case 5: if (F.letraAtual >= 24 && cowOpacity < 255) { cowOpacity += 2.55f; } if (F.letraAtual >= 70) { if (atributoUm < 255) { atributoUm += 2.55f; } if (atributoUmY > 0) { atributoUmY -= 1; } } if (F.letraAtual >= 76) { if (atributoDois < 255) { atributoDois += 2.55f; } if (atributoDoisY > 0) { atributoDoisY -= 1; } } if (F.letraAtual >= 83) { if (atributoTres < 255) { atributoTres += 2.55f; } if (atributoTresY > 0) { atributoTresY -= 1; } } if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { F.Alerta("O quê? Sim, uma vaca é um animal, e não um objeto.../nNão sei se conseguiria explicar isso, talvez alguém de outra cidade consiga."); step++; } break; case 6: if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && F.letraAtual >= F.txtAlerta.Length && Configuracoes.letraTempo == 50) { cowOpacity = 255; atributoUm = 255; atributoDois = 255; atributoTres = 255; Efeitos.opacidade = 255; step++; } break; case 7: cowOpacity -= cowOpacity <= 0 ? cowOpacity : 2.55f; atributoUm -= atributoUm <= 0 ? atributoUm : 2.55f; atributoDois -= atributoDois <= 0 ? atributoDois : 2.55f; atributoTres -= atributoTres <= 0 ? atributoTres : 2.55f; if (cowOpacity <= 0) { if (npcY < (npc.y + npc.height - npc.imgHeight) - (V.view.Center.Y - (Screen.height / 2))) { npcY++; } else if (npcY >= (npc.y + npc.height - npc.imgHeight) - (V.view.Center.Y - (Screen.height / 2)) && Efeitos.opacidade > 0) { Efeitos.opacidade -= 2.55f; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out-white", 0, 2.55f); step++; } } break; case 8: if (Efeitos.opacidade <= 0) { V.objetos[V.objetos.IndexOf(npc)].step = 0; CurrentScreen.Change("localmap"); } break; } }
public static void Menu() { x = Configuracoes.controle; for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { menuArray[m, n] = -1; } } if (F.Key("esc") && ! && !x.pausado && !F.TeclaDesativada("esc")) { = true; x.menuType = 0; F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 125, 25); } else if (F.Key("esc") && && !F.TeclaDesativada("esc")) { = false; F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); F.BloquearMov(x, false); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } if (F.Key("enter") && ! && !x.pausado && !F.TeclaDesativada("enter")) { = true; x.menuType = 1; F.DesativarTecla("enter", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 125, 25); } else if (F.Key("enter") && && !F.TeclaDesativada("enter")) { = false; F.DesativarTecla("enter", 300); F.BloquearMov(x, false); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } if ( && x.menuType == 0) { V.window.SetView(V.hud); F.BloquearMov(x, true); string[] e = new string[3]; e[0] = "Continuar"; e[1] = "Mapa"; e[2] = "Menu Principal"; if (F.Key("up") && sY > 0 && !F.TeclaDesativada("up") && !F.MouseIn(((Screen.width - 240) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2), 240, 240)) { sY--; F.DesativarTecla("up", 125); } if (F.Key("down") && sY < 2 && !F.TeclaDesativada("down") && !F.MouseIn(((Screen.width - 240) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2), 240, 240)) { sY++; F.DesativarTecla("down", 125); } for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { cA = (m == mA && mY == -1) ? (byte)35 : (byte)19; if (sY == m) { cX = 35; cY = 255; if (F.Key("x")) { switch (m) { case 0: = false; F.BloquearMov(x, false); F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); F.DesativarTecla("x", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); break; case 1: CurrentScreen.Change("worldmap"); break; case 2: Idk.DeletarMapa(); CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); = false; F.BloquearMov(x, false); F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); F.DesativarTecla("x", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); break; } } } else { cX = 19; cY = 130; } F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 240) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 80 * m, 240, 80, cX, cX, cX, 255); F.Escrever(e[m], true, ((Screen.width - 240) / 2) + 120 - (F.TxtWidth(e[m], 32, true) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 16 + (80 * m), 32, cY, cY, cY, 230); } } if ( && x.menuType == 1) { F.BloquearMov(x, true); F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2), 720, 400, 210, 210, 210, 230); string[] e = new string[3]; e[0] = "Itens"; e[1] = "Recursos"; e[2] = "Habilidades"; for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { cA = (m == mA && mY == -1) ? (byte)35 : (byte)19; F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + (240 * m), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2), 240, 80, cA, cA, cA, 255); cA = (m == mA) ? (byte)255 : (byte)130; F.Escrever(e[m], true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 120 - (F.TxtWidth(e[m], 32, true) / 2) + (240 * m), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 16, 32, cA, cA, cA, 230); } if (mY == -1) { mX = 0; } if (mA < 2) { for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { cA = (m == mY && n == mX) ? (byte)35 : (byte)19; F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 20 + (100 * n), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100 + (100 * m), 80, 80, cA, cA, cA, 255); if (mA == 0 && x.itens.Count > (m * 3) + n) { menuArray[m, n] = V.itens.IndexOf(x.itens[(m * 3) + n]); V.img[1].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(m * 3) + n].sprite]; V.img[1].Scale = new Vector2f((float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(m * 3) + n].sprite].Size.X, (float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(m * 3) + n].sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].Position = new Vector2f(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 20 + (100 * n), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100 + (100 * m)); V.img[1].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(m * 3) + n].sprite].Size.X, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(m * 3) + n].sprite].Size.Y); V.window.Draw(V.img[1]); F.Escrever("" + x.itens[(m * 3) + n].quantidade, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 96 + (100 * n) - F.TxtWidth("" + x.itens[(m * 3) + n].quantidade, 20, true), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 156 + (100 * m), 18, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 000, 255, 2); } if (mA == 1 && x.recursos.Count > (m * 3) + n) { menuArray[m, n] = (m * 3) + n; V.img[1].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].sprite]; V.img[1].Scale = new Vector2f((float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].sprite].Size.X, (float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].Position = new Vector2f(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 20 + (100 * n), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100 + (100 * m)); V.img[1].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].sprite].Size.X, (int)V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].sprite].Size.Y); V.window.Draw(V.img[1]); F.Escrever("" + x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].quantidade, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 96 + (100 * n) - F.TxtWidth("" + x.recursos[menuArray[m, n]].quantidade, 20, true), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 156 + (100 * m), 18, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 000, 255, 2); } rN++; } } F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 320, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100, 380, 280, 000, 000, 000, 230); if (mA == 0 && mY > -1 && menuArray[mY, mX] != -1) { V.img[1].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(mY * 3) + mX].sprite]; V.img[1].Scale = new Vector2f((float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(mY * 3) + mX].sprite].Size.X, (float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(mY * 3) + mX].sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].Position = new Vector2f(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 320, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100); V.img[1].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(mY * 3) + mX].sprite].Size.X, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][x.itens[(mY * 3) + mX].sprite].Size.Y); V.window.Draw(V.img[1]); F.Escrever(V.itens[menuArray[mY, mX]].nome, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 420, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 95, 42, 255, 255, 255, 230); F.Escrever(V.itens[menuArray[mY, mX]].descricao, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 335, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 185, 28, 255, 255, 255, 230); if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("enter")) { x.item = V.itens[menuArray[mY, mX]]; = false; F.DesativarTecla("enter", 300); F.DesativarTecla("x", 300); F.BloquearMov(x, false); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } } else if (mA == 1 && mY > -1 && menuArray[mY, mX] != -1) { V.img[1].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].sprite]; V.img[1].Scale = new Vector2f((float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].sprite].Size.X, (float)80 / V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].Position = new Vector2f(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 320, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100); V.img[1].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].sprite].Size.X, (int)V.IMG_CAT[6][x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].sprite].Size.Y); V.window.Draw(V.img[1]); F.Escrever(x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].nome, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 420, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 95, 42, 255, 255, 255, 230); F.Escrever(x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].descricao, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 335, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 185, 28, 255, 255, 255, 230); F.Escrever("Quantidade: " + x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].quantidade, true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 685 - F.TxtWidth("Quantidade: " + x.recursos[menuArray[mY, mX]].quantidade, 28, true), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 335, 28, 255, 255, 255, 230); } if (F.Key("c") && !F.TeclaDesativada("c") && !F.TeclaDesativada("enter")) { x.item = null; = false; F.DesativarTecla("enter", 300); F.DesativarTecla("c", 300); F.BloquearMov(x, false); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } if (F.Key("right") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove")) { if (mY == -1 && mA < 2) { mA++; } else if (mY > -1 && mX < 2) { mX++; } F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("left") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove")) { if (mY == -1 && mA > 0) { mA--; } else if (mY > -1 && mX > 0) { mX--; } F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("up") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove") && mY > -1) { mY--; F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("down") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove") && mY < 2) { mY++; F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } } else { int m; if (mX > 1) { mX = 1; } if (mX == 0) { hY = 0; } for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) { cA = (mX == 0 && m == mY) ? (byte)35 : (byte)19; F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 20, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100 + (100 * m), 80, 80, cA, cA, cA, 255); byte c = (mY == m) ? (byte)255 : (byte)135; F.Escrever("" + (m + 1), true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 60 - (F.TxtWidth("" + (m + 1), 34, true) / 2), ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 113.5f + (100 * m), 34, c, c, c, 255); } F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 220, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 100, 480, 280, 000, 000, 000, 230); if (mY > -1) { F.Escrever(Configuracoes.controle.skills[mY].Nome(), true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 265, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 105, 34, 255, 255, 255, 255); for (m = 3; m < Configuracoes.controle.skills.Count(); m++) { byte c = (Configuracoes.controle.skills[m] == Configuracoes.controle.skills[mY]) ? (byte)255 : (byte)135; F.Escrever(Configuracoes.controle.skills[m].Nome(), true, ((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 265, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 105 + (45 * (m - 2)), 34, c, c, c, 255); } if (mX == 1) { V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[8][0]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 27, 15); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(((Screen.width - 720) / 2) + 230, ((Screen.height - 400) / 2) + 120 + (45 * hY)); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); } } if (F.Key("x") && !F.TeclaDesativada("x")) { if (mX == 1 && hY > 0) { Skill tmp = Configuracoes.controle.skills[mY]; Configuracoes.controle.skills[mY] = Configuracoes.controle.skills[hY + 2]; Configuracoes.controle.skills[hY + 2] = tmp; } mX = mX == 0 ? 1 : 0; F.DesativarTecla("x", 300); } if (F.Key("c") && !F.TeclaDesativada("c") && mX == 1) { mX = 0; F.DesativarTecla("x", 300); } if (F.Key("right") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove") && mY == -1 && mA < 2) { mA++; F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("left") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove") && mY == -1 && mA > 0) { mA--; F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("up") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove") && mY > -1) { if (mX == 0) { mY--; } if (mX == 1 && hY > 0) { hY--; } F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } else if (F.Key("down") && !F.TeclaDesativada("menuMove")) { if (mX == 0 && mY < 2) { mY++; } if (mX == 1 && hY < Configuracoes.controle.skills.Count() - 3) { hY++; } F.DesativarTecla("menuMove", 175); } } } F.DesenharShape(0, Screen.height - 25, Screen.width, 25, 239, 239, 239, 230); //XP F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - (Screen.width / 3)) / 2), Screen.height - 20, Screen.width / 3, 15, 000, 000, 000, 230); F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - (Screen.width / 3)) / 2), Screen.height - 20, ((x.xpA - V.nivelArray[V.personagem.nivel]) / (V.nivelArray[V.personagem.nivel + 1] - V.nivelArray[V.personagem.nivel])) * (Screen.width / 3), 15, 000, 255, 000, 230); F.Escrever("XP", true, ((Screen.width - (Screen.width / 3)) / 2) - 30, Screen.height - 30, 24, 000, 000, 000, 230); //VIDA F.DesenharShape(Screen.width - 30, 80, 20, 125, 239, 239, 239, 230); F.DesenharShape(Screen.width - 30, 205, 20, (float)-(x.vidaA * 1.25), 000, 255, 000, 230); //ATALHO MENU F.DesenharShape(Screen.width - 70, 10, 60, 60, 239, 239, 239, 230); Item i = Configuracoes.controle.item; if (i != null) { V.img[1].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[5][i.sprite]; V.img[1].Scale = new Vector2f((float)60 / V.IMG_CAT[5][i.sprite].Size.X, (float)60 / V.IMG_CAT[5][i.sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][i.sprite].Size.X, (int)V.IMG_CAT[5][i.sprite].Size.Y); V.img[1].Position = new Vector2f(Screen.width - 70, 10); V.window.Draw(V.img[1]); } }
public static void Fim() { V.window.SetView(V.hud); Efeitos.BackdropRun(); switch (transition_state) { case 0: F.DesativarTecla("transition_state", 1500); V.bullets.Clear(); V.backdrop = false; fim = DateTime.Now; transition_state++; break; case 1: if (!F.TeclaDesativada("transition_state")) { if (!V.multiplayer) { if (player1.y + player1.height > 0 || player1.x + player1.width / 2 != Screen.width / 2) { player1.y -= (player1.y + player1.height > 0 ? (player1.x + player1.width / 2 == Screen.width / 2 ? player1.speed * 2 : player1.speed / 2) : 0); player1.x += (player1.x + player1.width / 2 == Screen.width / 2 ? 0 : (player1.x + player1.width / 2 > Screen.width / 2 ? -player1.speed / 2 : player1.speed / 2)); if (Math.Abs(player1.x + player1.width / 2 - Screen.width / 2) < 5) { player1.x = Screen.width / 2 - player1.width / 2; } break; } } else if (player1.y + player1.height > 0 || player2.y + player2.height > 0 || player1.x + player1.width / 2 != Screen.width * 0.25f || player2.x + player2.width / 2 != Screen.width * 0.75f) { player1.y -= (player1.y + player1.height > 0 ? (player1.x + player1.width / 2 == Screen.width * 0.25f ? player1.speed * 2 : player1.speed / 2) : 0); player1.x += (player1.x + player1.width / 2 == Screen.width * 0.25f ? 0 : (player1.x + player1.width / 2 > Screen.width * 0.25f ? -player1.speed / 2 : player1.speed / 2)); player2.y -= (player2.y + player2.height > 0 ? (player2.x + player2.width / 2 == Screen.width * 0.75f ? player2.speed * 2 : player2.speed / 2) : 0); player2.x += (player2.x + player2.width / 2 == Screen.width * 0.75f ? 0 : (player2.x + player2.width / 2 > Screen.width * 0.75f ? -player2.speed / 2 : player2.speed / 2)); if (Math.Abs(player1.x + player1.width / 2 - Screen.width * 0.25f) < 5) { player1.x = Screen.width * 0.25f - player1.width / 2; } if (Math.Abs(player2.x + player2.width / 2 - Screen.width * 0.75f) < 5) { player2.x = Screen.width * 0.75f - player2.width / 2; } break; } F.DesativarTecla("transition_state", 750); transition_state++; } break; case 2: if (!F.TeclaDesativada("transition_state")) { Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 255, 5f); transition_state++; } break; case 3: if (Efeitos.opacidade == 255) { F.Escrever("Congratulations!", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Congratulations!", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 200, 60, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); F.Escrever("You have finished the game!", false, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("You have finished the game!!", 32, false) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 140, 32, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); txt_op += 2.5f; } if (txt_op == 255) { txt_op = 0; transition_state++; } break; case 4: if (!F.TeclaDesativada("a") && (F.Key("a") || F.Key("d")) && txt_op >= 255) { gameover_option = !gameover_option; F.DesativarTecla("a", 250); } if (F.Key("space") && txt_op >= 255) { if (gameover_option) { level++; player1.x = V.multiplayer ? Screen.width * 0.25f : (Screen.width / 2) - 32; player1.y = Screen.height + 46; if (V.multiplayer) { player2.x = Screen.width * 0.75f; player2.y = Screen.height + 46; } ResetVars(false); F.DesativarTecla("space", 300); } else { CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); } F.DesativarTecla("space", 300); } else { F.Escrever("Congratulations!", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Congratulations!", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 200, 60, 255, 255, 255, (byte)255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); F.Escrever("You have finished the game!", false, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("You have finished the game!!", 32, false) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 140, 32, 255, 255, 255, (byte)255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); F.Escrever("Level........................................... " + level, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 90, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Score.......................................... " + score, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 55, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Enemies Killed........................... " + enemies_killed, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 20, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Time Alive................................... " + String.Format("{0}:{1}", (fim - inicio).Minutes, (fim - inicio).Seconds), false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) + 15, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); if (gameover_option) { F.DesenharShape((Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Main Menu", 26, true)) - 6, (Screen.height / 2) + 103, F.TxtWidth("Continue", 26, true) + 12, 30, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Continue", true, (Screen.width / 2) - F.TxtWidth("Continue", 26, true) - 20, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 000, 000, 000, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Main Menu", true, (Screen.width / 2) + 10, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); } else { F.DesenharShape((Screen.width / 2) + 4, (Screen.height / 2) + 103, F.TxtWidth("Main Menu", 26, true) + 12, 30, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Main Menu", true, (Screen.width / 2) + 10, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 000, 000, 000, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Continue", true, (Screen.width / 2) - F.TxtWidth("Continue", 26, true) - 20, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); } txt_op += txt_op >= 255 ? 0 : 5; } break; } }
public static void GameOver() { V.window.SetView(V.hud); Efeitos.BackdropRun(); switch (transition_state) { case 0: V.bullets.Clear(); V.backdrop = false; fim = DateTime.Now; F.DesativarTecla("transition_state", 750); transition_state++; break; case 1: if (!F.TeclaDesativada("transition_state")) { Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 255, 2.5f); transition_state++; } break; case 2: if (Efeitos.opacidade == 255) { F.Escrever("Game Over", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Game Over", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 200, 60, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); txt_op += 2.5f; } if (txt_op == 255) { txt_op = 0; transition_state++; } break; case 3: if (!F.TeclaDesativada("a") && (F.Key("a") || F.Key("d")) && txt_op >= 255) { gameover_option = !gameover_option; F.DesativarTecla("a", 250); } if (F.Key("space") && txt_op >= 255) { if (gameover_option) { ResetGame(); } else { CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); } F.DesativarTecla("space", 300); } else { F.Escrever("Game Over", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Game Over", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 200, 60, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Level........................................... " + level, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 100, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Score.......................................... " + score, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 65, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Enemies Killed........................... " + enemies_killed, false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) - 30, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Time Alive................................... " + String.Format("{0}:{1}", (fim - inicio).Minutes, (fim - inicio).Seconds), false, (Screen.width / 4), (Screen.height / 2) + 5, 36, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); if (gameover_option) { F.DesenharShape((Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Main Menu", 26, true)) - 6, (Screen.height / 2) + 103, F.TxtWidth("Restart", 26, true) + 12, 30, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Restart", true, (Screen.width / 2) - F.TxtWidth("Restart", 26, true) - 30, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 000, 000, 000, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Main Menu", true, (Screen.width / 2) + 10, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); } else { F.DesenharShape((Screen.width / 2) + 4, (Screen.height / 2) + 103, F.TxtWidth("Main Menu", 26, true) + 12, 30, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Main Menu", true, (Screen.width / 2) + 10, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 000, 000, 000, (byte)txt_op); F.Escrever("Restart", true, (Screen.width / 2) - F.TxtWidth("Restart", 26, true) - 30, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 26, 255, 255, 255, (byte)txt_op); } txt_op += txt_op >= 255 ? 0 : 5; } break; } }
public override void Draw() { if (V.window.Size.X < 800 || V.window.Size.Y < 600) { V.window.Size = new Vector2u(800, 600); } switch (state) { case 0: if (state_ <= 1 && start) { V.window.SetView(V.hud); V.backdrop = false; string txt = level == 5 ? "Free mode" : "Level " + level; F.Escrever(txt, true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth(txt, 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 100, 60, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 1); if (state_ == 0) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 2000); state_++; } if (state_ == 1 && !F.TeclaDesativada("state")) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 2000); state_++; V.backdrop = true; start = false; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 2.5f); } } if (state_ > 1 && state_ <= 3) { V.window.SetView(V.hud); TelaPrincipal(); F.Escrever("Ready?", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Ready?", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 100, 60, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 2); if (state_ == 2) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 1000); state_++; } if (state_ == 3 && !F.TeclaDesativada("state")) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 1000); state_++; } } if (state_ > 3 && state_ <= 5) { V.window.SetView(V.hud); TelaPrincipal(); F.Escrever("Go!", true, (Screen.width / 2) - (F.TxtWidth("Go!", 60, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - 100, 60, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 2); if (state_ == 4) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 500); state_++; } if (state_ == 5 && !F.TeclaDesativada("state")) { F.DesativarTecla("state", 500); state_++; state = 2; } } break; case 1: TelaPrincipal(); Menu(); break; case 2: TelaPrincipal(); break; case 3: TelaPrincipal(); GameOver(); break; case 4: TelaPrincipal(); LevelCompleted(); break; case 5: TelaPrincipal(); Fim(); break; } }
public static void Menu() { if (F.Key("esc") && menu && !F.TeclaDesativada("esc")) { V.backdrop = true; menu = false; state = 0; state_ = 2; F.AtivarTecla("bullet"); F.DesativarTecla("bullet", 500); F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } V.window.SetView(V.hud); Efeitos.BackdropRun(); string[] e = new string[2]; e[0] = "Continuar"; e[1] = "Menu Principal"; if ((F.Key("up") || F.Key("w")) && sY > 0 && !F.TeclaDesativada("up")) { sY--; F.DesativarTecla("up", 125); } if ((F.Key("down") || F.Key("s")) && sY < 1 && !F.TeclaDesativada("down")) { sY++; F.DesativarTecla("down", 125); } for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) { cA = (m == mA && mY == -1) ? (byte)35 : (byte)19; if (sY == m) { cX = 35; cY = 255; if (F.Key("space")) { switch (m) { case 0: state = 0; state_ = 2; break; case 1: state = 2; CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); break; } menu = false; F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); F.DesativarTecla("space", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 25); } } else { cX = 19; cY = 130; } F.DesenharShape(((Screen.width - 240) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) + (80 * m) - 80, 240, 80, cX, cX, cX, 255); F.Escrever(e[m], true, ((Screen.width - 240) / 2) + 120 - (F.TxtWidth(e[m], 32, true) / 2), (Screen.height / 2) + 16 + (80 * m) - 80, 32, cY, cY, cY, 230); } }
public static void TelaPrincipal() { if (F.Key("esc") && !menu && !F.TeclaDesativada("esc") && state == 2) { V.backdrop = false; menu = true; state = 1; F.DesativarTecla("esc", 300); Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 125, 25); } if (F.Key("shift") && especial_count == 100 && !F.TeclaDesativada("shift") && state == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { V.objetos.Add(new Player("ally_" + i, 52 * i + 36, Screen.height + 128 + 50, 32, 32)); } especial_count = 0; F.DesativarTecla("shift", 300); } Raid(); V.window.SetView(V.view); foreach (Background x in V.background.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Limite x in V.limites.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Bullet x in V.bullets.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Bonus x in V.bonus.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } foreach (Geral x in V.objetos.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.window.SetView(V.hud); Configuracoes.Draw(); F.Escrever("SCORE " + score, true, Screen.width - F.TxtWidth("SCORE " + score, 32, true) - 40, 20, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 2); if (especial_count > 100) { especial_count = 100; } F.DesenharShape(Screen.width - 122, Screen.height - 42, especial_count, 20, 181, 230, 29, 255); if (especial && especial_count == 100) { F.Escrever("Press Shift!", true, Screen.width - F.TxtWidth("Press Shift!", 16, true) - 30, Screen.height - 64, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255, 000, 000, 47, 255, 2); } if (!F.TeclaDesativada("especial") && especial_count == 100) { especial = !especial; F.DesativarTecla("especial", 1000); } }
public override void OnStart() { Efeitos.opacidade = 0; Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 255, 2.55f); }
public override void OnStart(){ Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-out", 0, 2.5f); }
public static void TelaPrincipal() { V.window.SetView(V.view); foreach (Background x in V.background.ToList()) { x.Draw(); } V.window.SetView(V.hud); F.DesenharShape(Screen.width / 2 - F.TxtWidth("Start", 32, false) / 2 - 10, Screen.height - 117, F.TxtWidth("Start", 32, false) + 25, 35, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("How to play", true, Screen.width / 2 - F.TxtWidth("How to play", 50, true) / 2, 20, 50, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Start", true, Screen.width / 2 - F.TxtWidth("Start", 32, true) / 2, Screen.height - 122, 32, 000, 000, 000, 255); F.Escrever("v1.0", false, Screen.width - F.TxtWidth("v1.0", 32, false) - 30, Screen.height - 50, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255); V.img[0].Scale = new Vector2f(2, 2); V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[1][8]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 130, 55); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(!V.multiplayer ? Screen.width / 2 - 130 : Screen.width * 0.3f - 130, 200); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[1][9]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 48, 37); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(!V.multiplayer ? Screen.width / 2 - 130 : Screen.width * 0.3f - 130, 350); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); F.Escrever("Move", false, !V.multiplayer ? Screen.width / 2 - 105 : Screen.width * 0.3f - 105, 282, 24, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Special", false, !V.multiplayer ? Screen.width / 2 - 110 : Screen.width * 0.3f - 110, 396, 24, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Fire", false, !V.multiplayer ? Screen.width / 2 + 30 : Screen.width * 0.3f + 30, 282, 24, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (V.multiplayer) { V.img[0].Texture = V.IMG_CAT[1][7]; V.img[0].TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 130, 56); V.img[0].Position = new Vector2f(Screen.width * 0.7f - 130, 200); V.window.Draw(V.img[0]); F.Escrever("Move", false, Screen.width * 0.7f - 105, 284, 24, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Fire", false, Screen.width * 0.7f + 50, 284, 24, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Player 1", true, Screen.width * 0.3f - F.TxtWidth("Player 1", 32, true) / 2, 130, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255); F.Escrever("Player 2", true, Screen.width * 0.7f - F.TxtWidth("Player 2", 32, true) / 2, 130, 32, 255, 255, 255, 255); } V.img[0].Scale = new Vector2f(1, 1); if (start == 1 && Efeitos.opacidade == 255) { CurrentScreen.Change("play"); } if (F.Key("space") && !F.TeclaDesativada("space") && start == 0) { Efeitos.Backdrop("fade-in", 255, 2.5f); start = 1; F.DesativarTecla("space", 175); } if (F.Key("esc") && !F.TeclaDesativada("esc") && start == 0) { CurrentScreen.Change("mainmenu"); F.DesativarTecla("esc", 175); } }