Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string url = "http://*:9098";

            using (WebApp.Start(url))
                Console.WriteLine("Server running on {0}", url);

            int    appID           = 0;
            string applicationGUID = "";
            string applicationKey  = "";

            MailerDaemonEntities db = new MailerDaemonEntities();

            application app = new application();

            app = db.applications.Where(x => x.ApplicationGUID == applicationGUID && x.ApplicationKey == applicationKey).FirstOrDefault();

            if (app == null)
                // MyHub hub = new MyHub();

                var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <MyHub>();

                context.Clients.All.addMessage("SYSTEM", "UNABLE TO RETRIEVE RECORD USING THE PROVIDED CREDENTIALS");

Пример #2
        public MailStatus sendMailWorker(List <Mails> m, int appID, int agentID)
            //int fileCount = 0;

            // Determine whether to parallelize file processing on each folder based on processor count.
            // int procCount = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack;

            using (MailerDaemonEntities db = new MailerDaemonEntities())
                //try {

                AppMailAgents appagent = (from a in db.appmailagents
                                          join b in db.appmailagentassignments on a.id equals b.AppMailAgentID
                                          where a.isActive == 1 && b.ApplicationID == appID && b.AppMailAgentID == agentID
                                          select new AppMailAgents
                    id = a.id,
                    username = a.username,
                    password = a.password,
                    domain = a.domain,
                    DateCreated = a.DateCreated
                }).ToList <AppMailAgents>().FirstOrDefault();

                ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1);
                service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(appagent.username, appagent.password, appagent.domain);
                // service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(appagent.username, appagent.password);
                service.Url = new Uri("https://smic1eexphc1.smic.sm.ph/EWS/Exchange.asmx");

                //service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                //Parallel.ForEach(m, mm => {
                //    EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(service);
                //    message.Body=mm.content;
                //    message.Subject = mm.subject;
                //    message.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML;

                //    /// ADD MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS
                //    foreach (string r in mm.recipients)
                //    {
                //        message.ToRecipients.Add(r);
                //    }
                //    /// ADD BCC RECIPIENTS
                //    foreach (string b in mm.bcc)
                //    {
                //        message.BccRecipients.Add(b);
                //    }
                //    /// ADD MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS
                //    foreach (AppMailAttachments amt in mm.attachments)
                //    {
                //         message.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(amt.Filename, amt.Data);
                //    }
                //    message.Update(ConflictResolutionMode.AutoResolve);
                //    message.Send();



                //List<EmailMessage> messages = new List<EmailMessage>();
                Collection <EmailMessage> messageItems = new Collection <EmailMessage>();

                foreach (Mails mm in m)
                    EmailMessage newmessage = new EmailMessage(service);
                    newmessage.Body          = mm.content;
                    newmessage.Subject       = mm.subject;
                    newmessage.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML;
                    newmessage.Importance    = Importance.High;
                    /// ADD MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS
                    if (mm.recipients != null)
                        foreach (string r in mm.recipients)

                    /// ADD CC RECIPIENTS
                    if (mm.cc != null)
                        foreach (string c in mm.cc)

                    /// ADD BCC RECIPIENTS
                    if (mm.bcc != null)
                        foreach (string b in mm.bcc)

                    /// ADD MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS
                    if (mm.attachments != null)
                        foreach (AppMailAttachments amt in mm.attachments)
                            // newmessage.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(amt.Filename, amt.Data);

                    // Create a custom extended property and add it to the message.
                    Guid myPropertySetId = new Guid("{20B5C09F-7CAD-44c6-BDBF-8FCBEEA08544}");
                    Guid g;
                    g = Guid.NewGuid();

                    ExtendedPropertyDefinition myExtendedPropertyDefinition = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(myPropertySetId, "UUID", MapiPropertyType.String);
                    newmessage.SetExtendedProperty(myExtendedPropertyDefinition, g.ToString());
                    newmessage.IsDeliveryReceiptRequested = true;

                    appmail appm = db.appmails.Where(x => x.id == mm.id).FirstOrDefault();
                    appm.UID = g.ToString();


                //// Create the batch of email messages on the server.
                //// This method call results in an CreateItem call to EWS.
                //ServiceResponseCollection<ServiceResponse> response = service.CreateItems(messageItems, WellKnownFolderName.Drafts, MessageDisposition.SaveOnly, null);

                // Create and send the batch of email messages on the server.
                // This method call results in an CreateItem call to EWS.
                ServiceResponseCollection <ServiceResponse> response = service.CreateItems(messageItems, WellKnownFolderName.SentItems, MessageDisposition.SendAndSaveCopy, null);

                // Instantiate a collection of item IDs to populate from the values that are returned by the Exchange server.
                Collection <ItemId> itemIds = new Collection <ItemId>();

                // Collect the item IDs from the created email messages.
                foreach (EmailMessage message in messageItems)
                        string UUID = message.ExtendedProperties[0].Value.ToString();

                        Console.WriteLine("Email message '{0}' created successfully. UID {1}.", message.Subject, UUID);
                        appmail appm = db.appmails.Where(x => x.UID == UUID).FirstOrDefault();
                        appm.isSent = 1;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Print out the exception and the last eight characters of the item ID.
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception while creating message {0}: {1}", message.Id.ToString().Substring(144), ex.Message);

                // Check for success of the CreateItems method call.
                if (response.OverallResult == ServiceResult.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("All locally created messages were successfully saved to the Drafts folder.");

                // If the method did not return success, print the result message for each email.
                    int counter = 1;

                    foreach (ServiceResponse resp in response)
                        // Print out the result and the last eight characters of the item ID.
                        Console.WriteLine("Result (message {0}), id {1}: {2}", counter, itemIds[counter - 1].ToString().Substring(144), resp.Result);
                        Console.WriteLine("Error Code: {0}", resp.ErrorCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("ErrorMessage: {0}\r\n", resp.ErrorMessage);


                //catch (Exception ex) {

                //    Exception e = ex.GetBaseException();
                //    //throw new Exception(e.ToString());

                //finally {
                //    db.Database.Connection.Close();

Пример #3
        void SendMail(int AppID, string ApplicationGUID, string ApplicationKey, bool AllowAttachments = false)
            //int AppID = 0;
            //bool AllowAttachments = false;

            using (MailerDaemonEntities db = new MailerDaemonEntities())
                    /// GET MAIL AGENTS PER APPLICATION

                    //List<AppMailAgentAssignments> aAsign = (from a in db.appmailagentassignments
                    //                                        where (AppID == 0 ? true : a.ApplicationID == AppID)
                    //                                        select new AppMailAgentAssignments
                    //                                        {
                    //                                            id = a.id,
                    //                                            ApplicationID = a.ApplicationID,
                    //                                            AppMailAgentID = a.AppMailAgentID,
                    //                                            DateCreated = a.DateCreated,
                    //                                            DateLastUpdated = a.DateLastUpdated
                    //                                        }).ToList<AppMailAgentAssignments>();
                    /// GET MAILS PER APPLICATION

                    List <Mails> m = (from a in db.appmails
                                      where (a.ApplicationID == AppID)
                                      select new Mails
                        id = a.id,
                        applicationID = a.ApplicationID,
                        applicationName = "Sample APP",
                        mailAgentID = 0,
                        content = a.Content,
                        subject = a.Subject,
                    }).ToList <Mails>();

                    foreach (Mails im in m)
                        im.recipients = (db.appmailrecipients.Where(x => x.AppMailID == im.id).Select(y => y.To)).ToList <string>();
                        im.bcc        = (db.appmailbccs.Where(x => x.AppMailID == im.id).Select(y => y.To)).ToList <string>();
                        im.cc         = (db.appmailccs.Where(x => x.AppMailID == im.id).Select(y => y.To)).ToList <string>();
                        if (AllowAttachments)
                            im.attachments = (from att in db.appmailattachments
                                              where att.AppMailID == im.id
                                              select new AppMailAttachments
                                id = im.id,
                                AppMailID = att.AppMailID,
                                Data = att.Data,
                                DateCreated = att.DateCreated,
                                Filename = att.Filename,
                                Type = att.Type
                            }).ToList <AppMailAttachments>();

                    //List<Mails> m1 = m;

                    //  ExchangeMailer em = new ExchangeMailer();

                    //   foreach (AppMailAgentAssignments apmsign in aAsign)
                    //  {

                    // em.sendMailWorker(m.Where(x => x.applicationID == apmsign.ApplicationID).ToList(), apmsign.ApplicationID, apmsign.AppMailAgentID);

                    //  }

                    // em.sendMailWorker(m,1,1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Exception e = ex.GetBaseException();

            //For diagnostic purposes.
            //Console.WriteLine("Processed in {0} seconds", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);