Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goalPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="foundPath"></param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="closestNode"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the node was added to the tree (i.e. didnt hit crap)</returns>
        private RRTNode ExtendNode(ref Vector2 goalPoint, List <Polygon> obstacles, ref RRTNode goal, ref bool foundPath, ref Vector2 samplePoint, RRTNode closestNode, Random rand)
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate

            // velocity distribution

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution vDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(closestNode.State.Command.velocity, vSigma);

            // turn-rate biased
            double mixingSample = rand.NextDouble();
            double wMean        = 0;

            if (mixingSample > mixingProportion)
                double angleToClosestNode = Math.Atan2((samplePoint.Y - closestNode.Point.Y), (samplePoint.X - closestNode.Point.X));
                //wMean = -kPwSample * angleToClosestNode;
                wMean = ((angleToClosestNode - closestNode.State.Pose.yaw)) * 180.0 / Math.PI / timeStep;
                if (wMean > MAX_TURN - 20)
                    wMean = MAX_TURN - 20;
                if (wMean < MIN_TURN + 20)
                    wMean = MIN_TURN + 20;
                wMean = 0;

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution wDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(wMean, wSigma);

            double velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            double wSampled   = wDist.NextDouble();

            while (velSampled > MAX_VEL || velSampled < MIN_VEL)
                velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            while (wSampled > MAX_TURN || wSampled < MIN_TURN)
                wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();

            // 4) Predict a node
            RRTNode predictedNode = CalculateNextNode(closestNode, velSampled, wSampled, obstacles);

            if (predictedNode != null)
                //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.
                //Polygon goalPolygon = Polygon.VehiclePolygonWithRadius(0.5, goalPoint);
                Circle      c            = new Circle(.5, goalPoint);
                LineSegment nodeToParent = new LineSegment(predictedNode.Point, predictedNode.Parent.Point);
                Vector2[]   pts          = new Vector2[2];
                if (c.Intersect(nodeToParent, out pts))
                    foundPath = true;
                    goal      = predictedNode;
                //if (predictedNode.DistanceTo(goalPoint) < goalTolerance)
                //    foundPath = true;
                //    goal = predictedNode;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goalPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="foundPath"></param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="closestNode"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the node was added to the tree (i.e. didnt hit crap)</returns>
        private RRTNode ExtendNode(ref Vector2 goalPoint, List<Polygon> obstacles, ref RRTNode goal, ref bool foundPath, ref Vector2 samplePoint, RRTNode closestNode, Random rand)
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate

            // velocity distribution

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution vDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(closestNode.State.Command.velocity, vSigma);

            // turn-rate biased
            double mixingSample = rand.NextDouble();
            double wMean = 0;
            if (mixingSample > mixingProportion)
                double angleToClosestNode = Math.Atan2((samplePoint.Y - closestNode.Point.Y), (samplePoint.X - closestNode.Point.X));
                //wMean = -kPwSample * angleToClosestNode;
                wMean = ((angleToClosestNode - closestNode.State.Pose.yaw)) * 180.0 / Math.PI / timeStep;
                if (wMean > MAX_TURN - 20)
                    wMean = MAX_TURN - 20;
                if (wMean < MIN_TURN + 20)
                    wMean = MIN_TURN + 20;
                wMean = 0;

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution wDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(wMean, wSigma);

            double velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            double wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();
            while (velSampled > MAX_VEL || velSampled < MIN_VEL)
                velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            while (wSampled > MAX_TURN || wSampled < MIN_TURN)
                wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();

            // 4) Predict a node
            RRTNode predictedNode = CalculateNextNode(closestNode, velSampled, wSampled, obstacles);
            if (predictedNode != null)
                //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.
                //Polygon goalPolygon = Polygon.VehiclePolygonWithRadius(0.5, goalPoint);
                Circle c = new Circle(.5, goalPoint);
                LineSegment nodeToParent = new LineSegment(predictedNode.Point, predictedNode.Parent.Point);
                Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[2];
                if (c.Intersect(nodeToParent, out pts))
                    foundPath = true;
                    goal = predictedNode;
                //if (predictedNode.DistanceTo(goalPoint) < goalTolerance)
                //    foundPath = true;
                //    goal = predictedNode;
                return predictedNode;
            return null;