public RobotTwoWheelState GetCurrentState(RobotTwoWheelCommand currentCommand)
     RobotWheelModel rightW = new RobotWheelModel(rWheelPos, rWheelVel, rWheelAccel);
     RobotWheelModel leftW = new RobotWheelModel(lWheelPos, lWheelVel, lWheelAccel);
     RobotTwoWheelState state = new RobotTwoWheelState(curPose, currentCommand, rightW, leftW);
     return new RobotTwoWheelState(state, currentCommand);
Пример #2
        public RobotTwoWheelCommand GetCommand()
            Random rand = new Random();
            double lowestCost = double.MaxValue;
            double tempCost;
            RobotTwoWheelCommand lowestCommand, tempCommand;

            lowestCommand = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                tempCommand = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(rand.NextDouble() * maxVelocity, rand.NextDouble() * 2 * maxTurn - maxTurn);

                tempCost = GetCost(tempCommand);
                if (tempCost < lowestCost)
                    lowestCommand = tempCommand;
                    lowestCost = tempCost;

            Console.WriteLine("Command: " + lowestCommand.velocity + ", " + lowestCommand.turn + " Cost: " + lowestCost);

            return lowestCommand;
Пример #3
 public RobotTwoWheelState(RobotTwoWheelState toCopy, RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
     //deep copy the class
     this.pose = new RobotPose(toCopy.pose);
     this.rightWheel = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.rightWheel);
     this.leftWheel = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.leftWheel);
     this.command = command;
Пример #4
 public RobotTwoWheelState(RobotTwoWheelState toCopy, RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
     //deep copy the class
     this.pose       = new RobotPose(toCopy.pose);
     this.rightWheel = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.rightWheel);
     this.leftWheel  = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.leftWheel);
     this.command    = command;
Пример #5
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj is RobotTwoWheelCommand == false)
            RobotTwoWheelCommand other = obj as RobotTwoWheelCommand;

            return(other.turn == this.turn && other.velocity == this.velocity);
Пример #6
        public RobotCommandMessage(int robotID, RobotCommandType type, List<Vector2> waypoints, RobotTwoWheelCommand directCmd,
			double angleWhenDone, RobotState.RobotMode mode)
            this.robotID = robotID;
            Type = type;
            Waypoints = waypoints;
            DirectCmd = directCmd;
            AngleWhenDone = angleWhenDone;
            Mode = mode;
Пример #7
        public static RobotTwoWheelState Simulate(RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd, RobotTwoWheelState inititalState, double timestep)
            //copy the initial state first!
            RobotTwoWheelState final = new RobotTwoWheelState(inititalState,cmd);

            double prevIntegratedLeft = inititalState.leftWheel.pos;
            double prevIntegratedRight = inititalState.rightWheel.pos;

            if (cmd.velocity > 2) cmd.velocity = 2;
            else if (cmd.velocity < -2) cmd.velocity = -2;
            if (cmd.turn > 360) cmd.turn = 360;
            else if (cmd.turn < -360) cmd.turn = -360;
            cmd.turn = cmd.turn * 0.5;

            double cmdLeftWheelVel = cmd.velocity - 0.5 * trackWidth * (cmd.turn * Math.PI / 180);
            double cmdRightWheelVel = cmd.velocity + 0.5 * trackWidth * (cmd.turn * Math.PI / 180);

            final.leftWheel.ApplyCommand(cmdLeftWheelVel, timestep);
            final.rightWheel.ApplyCommand(cmdRightWheelVel, timestep);

            //now figure out the updated pose given the new state of our robot..
            double diffL = final.leftWheel.pos - prevIntegratedLeft;
            double diffR = final.rightWheel.pos - prevIntegratedRight;
            prevIntegratedLeft = final.leftWheel.pos;
            prevIntegratedRight = final.rightWheel.pos;

            //from lavalle's book ;

            //calculate the derivatives in measurements we have
            double xdot = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Cos(inititalState.Pose.yaw);
            double ydot = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Sin(inititalState.Pose.yaw);
            double headingDot = (diffR - diffL) / trackWidth;

            //update the state vector
            final.Pose.x = final.Pose.x + xdot;
            final.Pose.y = final.Pose.y + ydot;
            final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw + headingDot;
            while (final.Pose.yaw > Math.PI)
                final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw - 2 * Math.PI;
            while (final.Pose.yaw < -Math.PI)
                final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw + 2 * Math.PI;
            final.Pose.timestamp = final.Pose.timestamp + timestep;
            return final;
Пример #8
 public RobotState()
     RobotID = 0;
     Mode = RobotMode.Starting;
     SubMode = RobotSubMode.None;
     Pose = new RobotPose();
     rPose = new RobotPose();
     PoseWatchdogFail = true;
     PlannerFail = false;
     InObstacle = false;
     WpInObstacle = false;
     IsLockedOn = false;
     NeutralizeStatus = RobotNeutralizeStatus.None;
     Waypoints = null;
     AngleWhenDone = 0;
     TrackedPath = null;
     SparsePath = null;
     Cmd = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
     CmdTime = DateTime.Now;
     WaypointsCompleted = 0;
Пример #9
        public RobotState(int robotID, RobotMode mode, RobotSubMode subMode, RobotPose pose, RobotPose rpose,
            bool poseWatchdogFail, bool plannerFail, bool inObstacle, bool wpInObstacle, bool isLockedOn, 
            RobotNeutralizeStatus neutralizeStatus, List<Vector2> waypoints, double angleWhenDone,
			IPath path, IPath sparsePath, RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd, DateTime cmdTime, int waypointsCompleted)
            RobotID = robotID;
            Mode = mode;
            SubMode = subMode;
            Pose = pose.DeepCopy();
            rPose = rpose.DeepCopy();
            PoseWatchdogFail = poseWatchdogFail;
            PlannerFail = plannerFail;
            InObstacle = inObstacle;
            WpInObstacle = wpInObstacle;
            IsLockedOn = isLockedOn;
            NeutralizeStatus = neutralizeStatus;
            Waypoints = new List<Vector2>(waypoints);
            AngleWhenDone = angleWhenDone;
            TrackedPath = path.Clone();
            SparsePath = sparsePath.Clone();
            Cmd = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(cmd.velocity, cmd.turn);
            CmdTime = new DateTime(cmdTime.Ticks);
            WaypointsCompleted = waypointsCompleted;
Пример #10
 public void SetVelocityTurn(RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
     SetVelocityTurn(command, false);
Пример #11
 public RobotCommandMessage(int robotID, RobotCommandType type, RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd)
     this.robotID = robotID;
     Type = type;
     DirectCmd = cmd;
Пример #12
        public RobotTwoWheelCommand GetCommand()
            double g = 3;
            double zeta = .7; //parameters for STC
            double dt = .4; // adjust to change speed
            double deltadist = .10; //incremental distance for looking ahead
            // deltadist/dt = nominal speed along path

            //get trajectory // this step is performed outside of this function by BehavioralDirector
            //discretize trajectory into [xr, yr]

            //generate reference velocities at each trajectory point [vr, wr, thetar] if new path
            if (!pathsame)
                this.GenrefVWHuniformdt(pathCurrentlyTracked, deltadist, dt);
            //use current timestamp to find corresponding index in reference vectors
            //double currenttime = TimeSync.CurrentTime;
            double currenttime = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000.0;
            int indextotrack = (int) (Math.Ceiling((currenttime - timestamps[0]) / dt));
            if (indextotrack >= timestamps.Length)
                indextotrack = timestamps.Length - 1;
            Console.WriteLine("indextotrack = {0}", indextotrack);
            Console.WriteLine("time = {0}", currenttime);

            //unwrap thetar against thetarold, ignore if null (1337)
            if (!endpointsame) { thetarold = 1337; }
            if (thetarold != 1337)
                while (hr[indextotrack] - thetarold >= Math.PI)
                    hr[indextotrack] -= 2 * Math.PI; ;
                while (hr[indextotrack] - thetarold <= -Math.PI)
                    hr[indextotrack] += 2 * Math.PI;
            //set thetarold to thetar
            thetarold = hr[indextotrack];

            double[] qrefdata = { xr[indextotrack], yr[indextotrack], hr[indextotrack] };
            UMatrix qref = new UMatrix(3, 1, qrefdata);
            //print to qref to screen // use only for debugging
            //string qrefstring = qref.ToString();
            //Console.WriteLine("QREF\n {0}", qrefstring);

            //establish pose vector q = [x, y, theta];
            double x, y, theta;
            x = this.currentPoint.x;
            y = this.currentPoint.y;
            theta = this.currentPoint.yaw; // in radians
            double[] qdata = { x, y, theta };
            UMatrix q = new UMatrix(3, 1, qdata);

            //unwrap pose against qref
            while (q[2, 0] - qref[2, 0] >= Math.PI)
                q[2, 0] -= 2 * Math.PI; ;
            while (q[2, 0] - qref[2, 0] <= -Math.PI)
                q[2, 0] += 2 * Math.PI;

            //establish kinematic state error
            UMatrix delq = new UMatrix(3, 1);
            delq = qref - q;

            //if (!endpointsame) { delqthetarold = 1337; }
            //if (delqthetarold != 1337)
            //    while (delq[2,0] - delqthetarold >= Math.PI)
            //    {
            //        delq[2,0] -= 2 * Math.PI; ;
            //    }
            //    while (delq[2,0] - delqthetarold <= -Math.PI)
            //    {
            //        delq[2,0] += 2 * Math.PI;
            //    }
            ////set thetarold to thetar
            //delqthetarold = delq[2,0];

            //print delq to screen // use only for debugging
            string delqstring = delq.ToString();
            //Console.WriteLine("ERROR\n {0}", delqstring);

            //create rotation matrix
            double[] Rotdata = { Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta), 0, -Math.Sin(theta), Math.Cos(theta), 0, 0, 0, 1 };
            UMatrix Rot = new UMatrix(3, 3, Rotdata);

            //convert to robot frame
            UMatrix e = new UMatrix(3, 1);
            e = Rot * delq; //error in the robot reference frame: first element is along track error, second element is cross track error, last element is angle error
            string estring = e.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR\n {0}", estring);

            // calculate Uf = [vf, wf]
            double vf = vr[indextotrack] * Math.Cos(e[2, 0]); // in meters/sec
            double wf = wr[indextotrack] * 180 / Math.PI; // in degrees/sec
            Console.WriteLine("vf = {0}, wf = {1}",vf,wf);

            //calculate wn = sqrt(wr^2 + g*vr^2)
            double wn = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(wr[indextotrack], 2) + g * (Math.Pow(vr[indextotrack], 2)));

            //calculte STC gain matrix
            double k1, k2, k3;
            k1 = 2 * zeta * wn;
            k3 = k1;
            k2 = g * vr[indextotrack];
            double[] Kdata = { k1, 0, 0, 0, k2, k3 };
            UMatrix K = new UMatrix(2, 3, Kdata);

            //find control values Ub = K*e
            UMatrix Ub = new UMatrix(2, 1);
            Ub = K * e;
            Console.WriteLine("vb = {0}, wb = {1}", Ub[0, 0], Ub[1, 0]);

            //find total control u = Uf + Ub
            double vcommand = (Ub[0, 0] + vf) * 3.6509; // multiply by 3.6509 to get "segway units"
            double wcommand = (Ub[1, 0] * 180 / Math.PI + wf) * 3.9; // convert to deg/sec and multiply by 3.9 for "segway units" (counts/deg/sec)

            RobotTwoWheelCommand command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(vcommand * 2.23693629, wcommand);
            if (Math.Abs(wcommand) >= 600)
                Console.WriteLine("W saturation");

            //create text file of information
            if (indextotrack < timestamps.Length && counter < 15)
                if (indextotrack == timestamps.Length - 1) { counter = counter + 1; }
                tw2.WriteLine("{0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}  {5}  {6}  {7}  {8}  {9}  {10}  {11} ", indextotrack, timestamps[indextotrack], x, y, e[0, 0], e[1, 0], e[2, 0], vf, wf, Ub[0, 0], Ub[1, 0]);
            else { tw2.Close(); }

            return command;
Пример #13
        public RobotTwoWheelCommand GetCommand(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> LidarScan, int angleTolerance, double threshold, double vmax, double wmax, out List<Polygon> polys)
            // convert laser data into polar direction and magnitude
            //ScanToTextFile(LidarScan); //export scan data to analyze in matlab
            hysteresismin = threshold * .75;
            double[] magnitudes, betas, gammas;
            int n = LidarScan.Points.Count;
            magnitudes = new double[n];
            betas = new double[n];
            gammas = new double[n];
            for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)

                if (LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.R < dmax)
                    magnitudes[ii] = (a - Math.Pow(LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.R, 2) * b);
                    if (LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.R < Rbloat)
                        gammas[ii] = Math.PI / 2;
                        gammas[ii] = Math.Asin(Rbloat / LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.R);
                    magnitudes[ii] = 0;
                    gammas[ii] = Math.Asin(Rbloat / dmax);
                double betaii = LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.thetaDeg;
                while (betaii < 0) { betaii = betaii + 360; }
                while (betaii > 360) { betaii = betaii - 360; }
                betas[ii] = betaii;

            // create polar histogram
            double[] hk = new double[numk];
            double[] angles = new double[numk]; //corresponding angle
            for (int z = 0; z < numk; z++)
                hk[z] = 0;
                angles[z] = z * alpha;
            for (int j = 0; j < magnitudes.Count(); j++)
                //int kmin = (int)(((betas[j] - gammas[j] + 360) % 360) / alpha);
                //int kmax = (int)(((betas[j] + gammas[j] + 360) % 360) / alpha);
                int k = (int)(betas[j] / alpha);
                //for (int k = kmin; k <= kmax; k++)
                    hk[k] = hk[k] + magnitudes[j];
            for (int k = 0; k < numk; k++)
                if (hkold[k] >= threshold && (hk[k] > hysteresismin && hk[k] < threshold))
                    hk[k] = hkold[k];
            hkold = hk;

            // smooth the histogram
            double[] hkprime = Smoother(hk, 5);

            /*for (int i = 0; i < numk; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(angles[i] + "," + hk[i] + "," + hkprime[i]);

            Console.WriteLine("END +++++++++++++++++++++++");*/

            // Temporary building of polygons
            //List<Vector2> points = new List<Vector2>();
            polys = new List<Polygon>();
            /*for (int i = 0; i < numk; i++)
                points.Add(new Vector2(hkprime[i] * Math.Cos(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180), hkprime[i] * Math.Sin(angles[i] * Math.PI / 180)));
            polys.Add(new Polygon(points));*/

            // find candidate valleys
            double goalangle = 180 * (goalpoint.ArcTan) / Math.PI;
            ktarget = (int)(Math.Round(goalangle / alpha));
            List<double[]> valleys = FindValleys(hkprime);
            if (!trapped)
                // pick out best candidate valley
                double[] valley = PickBestValley(valleys);
                // calculate steering angle
                double steerangle = FindSteerAngle(valley); //degrees
                // calculate speed commands
                double vmin = 0; // (m/s)
                //double vmax = .2; // (m/s)
                //double wmax = 25; // (deg/s)
                double w = 0;
                double v = 0;
                double steerwindow = angleTolerance;
                if (Math.Abs(steerangle) > steerwindow)
                    w = wmax * Math.Sign(steerangle);
                    w = wmax * (steerangle / steerwindow);

                /*points = new List<Vector2>();
                points.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
                points.Add(new Vector2(threshold * 1.5 * Math.Cos(steerangle * Math.PI / 180), threshold * 1.5 * Math.Sin(steerangle * Math.PI / 180)));
                polys.Add(new Polygon(points));

                points = new List<Vector2>();
                points.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
                points.Add(new Vector2(threshold * 1 * Math.Cos(goalangle * Math.PI / 180), threshold * 1 * Math.Sin(goalangle * Math.PI / 180)));
                polys.Add(new Polygon(points));

                points = new List<Vector2>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
                    points.Add(new Vector2(threshold * Math.Cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / 180), threshold * Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / 180)));
                polys.Add(new Polygon(points));*/

                double hc = Math.Min(hk[0], threshold);
                double vp = vmax * (1 - hc / threshold);
                v = vp * (1 - Math.Abs(w) / wmax) + vmin;
                double vcommand = v * 3.6509; // multiply by 3.6509 to get "segway units"
                double wcommand = w * 3.9; // convert to deg/sec and multiply by 3.9 for "segway units" (counts/deg/sec)
                //RobotTwoWheelCommand command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                RobotTwoWheelCommand command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(vcommand * 2.23693629, wcommand);
                return command;
            else // trapped (no valleys were found), so stop, or lift threshold
                RobotTwoWheelCommand command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                return command;
Пример #14
        public static RobotTwoWheelState Simulate(RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd, RobotTwoWheelState inititalState, double timestep)
            //copy the initial state first!
            RobotTwoWheelState final = new RobotTwoWheelState(inititalState, cmd);

            double prevIntegratedLeft  = inititalState.leftWheel.pos;
            double prevIntegratedRight = inititalState.rightWheel.pos;

            if (cmd.velocity > 2)
                cmd.velocity = 2;
            else if (cmd.velocity < -2)
                cmd.velocity = -2;
            if (cmd.turn > 360)
                cmd.turn = 360;
            else if (cmd.turn < -360)
                cmd.turn = -360;
            cmd.turn = cmd.turn * 0.5;

            double cmdLeftWheelVel  = cmd.velocity - 0.5 * trackWidth * (cmd.turn * Math.PI / 180);
            double cmdRightWheelVel = cmd.velocity + 0.5 * trackWidth * (cmd.turn * Math.PI / 180);

            final.leftWheel.ApplyCommand(cmdLeftWheelVel, timestep);
            final.rightWheel.ApplyCommand(cmdRightWheelVel, timestep);

            //now figure out the updated pose given the new state of our robot..
            double diffL = final.leftWheel.pos - prevIntegratedLeft;
            double diffR = final.rightWheel.pos - prevIntegratedRight;

            prevIntegratedLeft  = final.leftWheel.pos;
            prevIntegratedRight = final.rightWheel.pos;

            //from lavalle's book ;

            //calculate the derivatives in measurements we have
            double xdot       = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Cos(inititalState.Pose.yaw);
            double ydot       = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Sin(inititalState.Pose.yaw);
            double headingDot = (diffR - diffL) / trackWidth;

            //update the state vector
            final.Pose.x   = final.Pose.x + xdot;
            final.Pose.y   = final.Pose.y + ydot;
            final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw + headingDot;
            while (final.Pose.yaw > Math.PI)
                final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw - 2 * Math.PI;
            while (final.Pose.yaw < -Math.PI)
                final.Pose.yaw = final.Pose.yaw + 2 * Math.PI;
            final.Pose.timestamp = final.Pose.timestamp + timestep;
Пример #15
 public RobotTwoWheelState(RobotPose initialPose, RobotTwoWheelCommand initialCommand, RobotWheelModel right, RobotWheelModel left)
     this.pose = initialPose; this.command = initialCommand;
     rightWheel = new RobotWheelModel(right);
     leftWheel = new RobotWheelModel(left);
Пример #16
        private void PlanPurePursuit()
            if (pathCurrentlyTracked == null) return;

            //we are really far off the path, just get on the stupid path
            //mark sucks and wants this behavior
            if (pathCurrentlyTracked.Length == 0)
                goalPoint =;
            else if (segmentCurrentlyTracked.DistanceOffPath(currentPoint.ToVector2()) > lookAheadDistParam / 2)
                double lookaheadRef = 0;
                PointOnPath pTemp = segmentCurrentlyTracked.StartPoint;
                goalPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(pTemp, ref lookaheadRef).pt;
                //see if we can track the next segment and if so, update that...
                PointOnPath currentPointOnPath = segmentCurrentlyTracked.ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
                double lookaheadRef = lookAheadDistParam;
                PointOnPath lookaheadPointOnPath = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref lookaheadRef);
                //the path lookahead point is at the end, and we cant do antyhing

                segmentCurrentlyTracked = lookaheadPointOnPath.segment;
                goalPoint =;

            double errorX = (goalPoint.X - currentPoint.x);
            double errorY = (goalPoint.Y - currentPoint.y);

            Vector2 verr = new Vector2(errorX, errorY);

            //Console.WriteLine(errorX + " | " + errorY);
            double errorDistance = verr.Length;
            double currentYaw = currentPoint.yaw;
            double errorYaw = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(errorX, errorY, ref currentYaw);

            //Console.Write("neg Hyst: " + hysterisisNegative + " pos Hyst: " + hysterisisPositive + " yawError" +  errorYaw * 180.0/ Math.PI+ " ||");
            //the reason for this is that our angles are defined from 0 to 360
            //but the PID controller expects angle to be -180 to 180

            //calculate the control outputs
            //the idea here is we want to make the velocity (which is a derivative) be proportional to the error in our actual

            double unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne = Math.Abs(errorYaw) / Math.PI;
            double commandedVelocity = (kPPosition * errorDistance);
            double commandedHeading = kPHeading * errorYaw;

            if (Math.Abs(commandedVelocity) > capVelocity) commandedVelocity = Math.Sign(commandedVelocity) * capVelocity;
            if (Math.Abs(commandedHeading) > capHeadingDot) commandedHeading = Math.Sign(commandedHeading) * capHeadingDot;

            //if (unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne > .1)

            // find which input to use
            RobotTwoWheelCommand currentInput = inputList[pathCurrentlyTracked.IndexOf(segmentCurrentlyTracked)];

            //commandedVelocity *= (1 - Math.Pow(unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne, velocityTurningDamingFactor));
            //command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(commandedVelocity, commandedHeading);
            if ( < .2)
                command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                if (currentInput.velocity < 0.3)
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0.4, commandedHeading);
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(currentInput.velocity, commandedHeading);
            //if (reachedGoal)
            //  command.velocity = 0;
            //  command.turn = 0;
            //Console.WriteLine("Current: " + currentPoint.x + " " + currentPoint.y + " " + currentPoint.yaw + " | " + errorDistance + " | " + errorYaw + " | " + commandedVelocity + " " + commandedHeading);
Пример #17
        private double GetCost(RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
            double lookAheadRemaining = lookAhead;
            double cost = 0;

            PointOnPath closestPoint = path.GetClosest(state.Pose.ToVector2());
            PointOnPath lookAheadPoint = path.AdvancePoint(closestPoint, ref lookAheadRemaining);

            RobotTwoWheelState newState = RobotTwoWheelModel.Simulate(command, state, (lookAhead - lookAheadRemaining) / command.velocity);

            return newState.Pose.ToVector2().DistanceTo( * DISTANCE_WEIGHT;// - command.velocity * VELOCITY_WEIGHT - command.turn * TURN_WEIGHT;
Пример #18
 public TeleopMessage(int robotID, RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd)
     this.robotID = robotID; this.cmd = cmd;
Пример #19
        public void SetVelocityTurn(RobotTwoWheelCommand command, bool inclined)
            double velocity = command.velocity;
            double turn = command.turn;

            double cVelocityKp = .75;

            if (inclined)
                velocity = velocity + cVelocityKp * (velocity - ForwardVelocity*8.3333);
            //Console.WriteLine("V: " + velocity + " FV: " + ForwardVelocity*8.3333 + " E: " + (velocity - ForwardVelocity*8.3333));

            if (turn > 600)
                turn = 600;
            if (turn < -600)
                turn = -600;

            if (velocity > 3)
                velocity = 3;
            if (velocity < -1)
                velocity = -1;

            if (isBackwards)
                velocity *= -1;

            RMPControlMsg ctrl = new RMPControlMsg(velocity, turn);

            byte[] send = new byte[14];

            send[0] = 0x00; //send to bridge
            send[1] = 0x17; //command
            send[2] = 0x00; //len (hi)
            send[3] = 0x0a; //len (lo)
            send[4] = 0x04; // can msg hi
            send[5] = 0x13; // can msg lo
            send[6] = (byte)(ctrl.velocityCommand >> 8);
            send[7] = (byte)(ctrl.velocityCommand & 0xFF);
            send[8] = (byte)(ctrl.turningCommand >> 8);
            send[9] = (byte)(ctrl.turningCommand & 0xFF);
            send[10] = (byte)((short)ctrl.configurationCommand >> 8);
            send[11] = (byte)((short)ctrl.configurationCommand & 0xFF);
            send[12] = (byte)(ctrl.configurationParameter >> 8);
            send[13] = (byte)(ctrl.configurationParameter & 0xFF);

            if (simMode)
                simRobotCommandServer.SendUnreliably(new SimMessage<RobotTwoWheelCommand>(NetworkAddress.GetSimRobotID("behavioral"), command, wheelPosTs));
                udpClient.Send(send, 14, new IPEndPoint(ipUnicast, controlPort));
Пример #20
        public RobotTwoWheelCommand GetCommand(double transMax, double turnMax)
            lock (followerLock)
                if (pathCurrentlyTracked == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Null path tracked!");
                    return new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);

                //we are really far off the path, just get on the stupid path
                //mark sucks and wants this behavior
                if (pathCurrentlyTracked.Length == 0) //single waypoint case
                    goalPoint =;
                    startPoint =;
                //else if (segmentCurrentlyTracked.DistanceOffPath(currentPoint.ToVector2()) > lookAheadDistParam / 2)
                //    //Console.WriteLine("2");
                //    double lookaheadRef = 0;
                //    PointOnPath pTemp = segmentCurrentlyTracked.StartPoint;
                //    goalPoint = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(pTemp, ref lookaheadRef).pt;
                    //see if we can track the next segment and if so, update that...
                    PointOnPath currentPointOnPath = segmentCurrentlyTracked.ClosestPoint(currentPoint.ToVector2());
                    double lookaheadRef = lookAheadDistParam;
                    PointOnPath lookaheadPointOnPath = pathCurrentlyTracked.AdvancePoint(currentPointOnPath, ref lookaheadRef);
                    if (segmentCurrentlyTracked != lookaheadPointOnPath.segment)
                        segmentCurrentlyTracked = lookaheadPointOnPath.segment;
                    goalPoint =;
                    startPoint =;

                // Calculate errors
                double errorX = (goalPoint.X - currentPoint.x);
                double errorY = (goalPoint.Y - currentPoint.y);
                Vector2 verr = new Vector2(errorX, errorY);

                double tangentX = (goalPoint.X - startPoint.X);
                double tangentY = (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y);
                Vector2 tangent = new Vector2(tangentX, tangentY);

                double errorDistance = currentPoint.ToVector2().DistanceTo(startPoint);
                double currentYaw = currentPoint.yaw;
                double tempCurrentYaw = currentPoint.yaw;

                errorYawTangent = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(tangentX, tangentY, ref tempCurrentYaw);
                errorYaw = UnwrapAndCalculateYawError(errorX, errorY, ref currentYaw);

                double tangentEquation = (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) * currentPoint.x / (goalPoint.X - startPoint.Y)
                    - (goalPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) * goalPoint.X / (goalPoint.X - startPoint.Y) + startPoint.Y;

                //Console.WriteLine("Current yaw is: " + currentYaw);

                if (tangentEquation < currentPoint.y)
                    if (Math.PI/2 <= Math.Abs(currentYaw) && Math.Abs(currentYaw) <= Math.PI)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Above line, pointing left");
                        errorDistance *= -1;
                    //else Console.WriteLine("Above line, pointing right");
                    if (0 <= Math.Abs(currentYaw) && Math.Abs(currentYaw) <= Math.PI/2)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Below line, pointing right");
                        errorDistance *= -1;
                    //else Console.Write("Below line, pointing left");

                //if we are really close to last waypoint, make the robot just stop
                if ((segmentCurrentlyTracked == pathCurrentlyTracked[pathCurrentlyTracked.Count - 1]) &&
                             ( - currentPoint.ToVector2()).Length < lookAheadDistParam)
                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
                    //the idea here is we want to make the velocity (which is a derivative) be proportional to the error in our actual

                    double unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne = Math.Abs(errorYaw) / Math.PI;
                    double velocityPercentage = Math.Abs((Math.PI - Math.Abs(errorYawTangent)) / Math.PI);
                    double commandedVelocity = (velocityPercentage < 0.5) ? 0.0 : transMax * velocityPercentage;
                    //double commandedHeading = 200 * errorYawTangent + 100 * errorYaw + 300 * errorDistance;
                    double commandedHeading = 150 * errorYawTangent + 100 * errorYaw + 200 * errorDistance;

                    if (Math.Abs(commandedVelocity) > transMax) commandedVelocity = Math.Sign(commandedVelocity) * transMax;

                    if (Math.Abs(commandedHeading) > turnMax)
                        commandedHeading = Math.Sign(commandedHeading) * turnMax;
                        commandedVelocity = 0.0;

                    /*if (unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne > .1)
                        commandedVelocity *= (1 - Math.Pow(unsignedYawErrorNormalizeToOne, velocityTurningDamingFactor));*/

                    command = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(commandedVelocity, commandedHeading);

                    //Console.WriteLine(errorYaw + ", " + errorYawTangent + ", " + errorDistance);
                return command;
Пример #21
 public RobotTwoWheelState(RobotPose initialPose, RobotTwoWheelCommand initialCommand, RobotWheelModel right, RobotWheelModel left)
     this.pose  = initialPose; this.command = initialCommand;
     rightWheel = new RobotWheelModel(right);
     leftWheel  = new RobotWheelModel(left);
Пример #22
        public void SetVelocityTurn(RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
            double velocity = command.velocity;
            double turn = command.turn;
            byte direction = 0x3b;//moving forward

            if (turn > 600)
                turn = 600;
            if (turn < -600)
                turn = -600;

            if (velocity > 3)
                velocity = 3;
            if (velocity < -1)
                velocity = -1;

            if (isBackwards)
                velocity *= -1;
                direction = 0x1b;
            double rotational_term = Math.PI/180*turn/7.8;

            double leftvel = (command.velocity - rotational_term);
            double rightvel = (command.velocity + rotational_term);

            if (leftvel > 0x50)
                leftvel = 0x50;

            if (rightvel > 0x50)
                rightvel = 0x50;

            int pioneerVelocity = (int)(command.velocity*3.04108844*15);//convert counts to mm/sec

            RMPControlMsg ctrl = new RMPControlMsg(velocity, turn);

            byte[] send = new byte[14];

            send[0] = 0x01; //send to pioneer
            send[1] = 0x00; //blank
            send[2] = 0x00; //len (hi)
            send[3] = 0x3; //len (lo) for bridge
            send[4] = 0xfa; // Pioneer start byte 1
            send[5] = 0xfb; // Pioneer start byte 2
            send[6] = 0x6; // pioneer packet length
            send[7] = 32; // pioneer command
            send[8] = 0x3b; // args type
            send[9] = (byte)rightvel; // high byte of vel
            send[10] = (byte)leftvel;
            send[11] = (byte)((checkSum(send)) >> 8);
            send[12] = (byte)((checkSum(send)) & 0xff);// checksum (excluding startbytes+command)

            SendData(send, 13);


            /*	send[0] = 0x00; //send to bridge
            send[1] = 0x17; //command
            send[2] = 0x00; //len (hi)
            send[3] = 0x0a; //len (lo)
            send[4] = 0x04; // can msg hi
            send[5] = 0x13; // can msg lo
            send[6] = (byte)(ctrl.velocityCommand >> 8);
            send[7] = (byte)(ctrl.velocityCommand & 0xFF);
            send[8] = (byte)(ctrl.turningCommand >> 8);
            send[9] = (byte)(ctrl.turningCommand & 0xFF);
            send[10] = (byte)((short)ctrl.configurationCommand >> 8);
            send[11] = (byte)((short)ctrl.configurationCommand & 0xFF);
            send[12] = (byte)(ctrl.configurationParameter >> 8);
            send[13] = (byte)(ctrl.configurationParameter & 0xFF);

            send[0] = 0x01; //send to pioneer
            send[1] = 0x00; //command
            send[2] = 0x00; //len (hi)
            send[3] = 0x3; //len (lo)
            send[4] = 0xfa; // can msg hi
            send[5] = 0xfb; // can msg lo
            send[6] = 0x5; // can msg lo
            send[7] = 0xb; // can msg lo
            send[8] = 0xa; // can msg lo
            send[9] = 0xa; // can msg lo
            send[10] = (byte)((checkSum(send)) >> 8);
            send[11] = (byte)((checkSum(send)) & 0xff);// checksum (excluding startbytes+command)*/

               /* MoveMotors(send);

            if (simMode)
                simRobotCommandServer.SendUnreliably(new SimMessage<RobotTwoWheelCommand>(NetworkAddress.GetSimRobotID("behavioral"), command, wheelPosTs));

                udpClient.Send(send, 12, new IPEndPoint(ipUnicast, controlPort));*/