/// <summary>
        /// Apply the changes from predation to prey cohorts, and update deltas for the predator cohort
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The acting cohort</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The functional group definitions for cohorts in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The functional group definitions for stocks in the model</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for predation</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail used in this model run</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEating(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]>
            cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions,
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, uint currentTimestep, Boolean specificLocations,
            string outputDetail, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses)
                Track = (RandomNumberGenerator.GetUniform() > 0.975) ? true : false;

            TempDouble = 0.0;

            // Temporary variable to hold the total time spent eating + 1. Saves an extra calculation in CalculateAbundanceEaten
            double TotalTimeUnitsToHandlePlusOne = TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems + 1;

            // Loop over potential prey functional groups
            foreach (int FunctionalGroup in _FunctionalGroupIndicesToEat)

                // Loop over cohorts within the functional group
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberCohortsPerFunctionalGroupNoNewCohorts[FunctionalGroup]; i++)
                    // Get the individual body mass of this cohort
                    _BodyMassPrey = gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualBodyMass;

                     // Calculate the actual abundance of prey eaten from this cohort
                    if (gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance > 0)

                     // Calculate the actual abundance of prey eaten from this cohort
                    _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] = CalculateAbundanceEaten(_PotentialAbundanceEaten[FunctionalGroup][i], _PredatorAbundanceMultipliedByTimeEating,
                        TotalTimeUnitsToHandlePlusOne, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance);

                        _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] = 0;

                    // Remove number of prey eaten from the prey cohort
                    gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance -= _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i];

                    gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex += (_BodyMassPrey + gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass) * _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] * gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].TrophicIndex;

                    // If the process tracker is set and output detail is set to high and the prey cohort has never been merged,
                    // then track its mortality owing to predation
                    if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses)
                        if ((outputDetail == "high") && (gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortID.Count == 1)
                        && AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] > 0)
                            trackProcesses.RecordMortality((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], gridCellCohorts
                                [FunctionalGroup][i].BirthTimeStep, currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualBodyMass,
                                gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].AdultMass, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].FunctionalGroupIndex,
                                gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortID[0], AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i], "predation");

                        // If the model is being run for specific locations and if track processes has been specified, then track the mass flow between
                        // prey and predator
                        if (specificLocations)
                            trackProcesses.RecordPredationMassFlow(currentTimestep, _BodyMassPrey, _BodyMassPredator, _BodyMassPrey *

                        if (outputDetail == "high")
                            trackProcesses.TrackPredationTrophicFlow((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0],
                                gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].FunctionalGroupIndex, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex,
                                madingleyCohortDefinitions, (_AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] * _BodyMassPrey), _BodyMassPredator, _BodyMassPrey,
                                initialisation, cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0);



                    // Check that the abundance eaten from this cohort is not negative
                    // Commented out for the purposes of speed
                    //Debug.Assert( _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i].CompareTo(0.0) >= 0,
                    //     "Predation negative for this prey cohort" + actingCohort);

                    // Create a temporary value to speed up the predation function
                    // This is equivalent to the body mass of the prey cohort including reproductive potential mass, times the abundance eaten of the prey cohort,
                    // divided by the abundance of the predator
                    TempDouble += (_BodyMassPrey + gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass) * _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] / _AbundancePredator;


            // Add the biomass eaten and assimilated by an individual to the delta biomass for the acting (predator) cohort
            deltas["biomass"]["predation"] = TempDouble * _PredatorAssimilationEfficiency;

            // Move the biomass eaten but not assimilated by an individual into the organic matter pool
            deltas["organicpool"]["predation"] = TempDouble * _PredatorNonAssimilation * _AbundancePredator;

            // Check that the delta biomass from eating for the acting cohort is not negative
            //Debug.Assert(deltas["biomass"]["predation"] >= 0, "Predation yields negative biomass");

            // Calculate the total biomass eaten by the acting (predator) cohort
            _TotalBiomassEatenByCohort = deltas["biomass"]["predation"] * _AbundancePredator;
        /// <summary>
        /// Run mortality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for mortality</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level output detail being used for the current model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks,
                                         int[] actingCohort, SortedList <string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > deltas,
                                         FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
                                         uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
                                         Boolean specificLocations, string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Variables to hold the mortality rates
            double MortalityRateBackground;
            double MortalityRateSenescence;
            double MortalityRateStarvation;

            // Variable to hold the total abundance lost to all forms of mortality
            double MortalityTotal;

            // Individual body mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Individual reproductive mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Calculate the body mass of individuals in this cohort including mass gained through eating this time step, up to but not exceeding adult body mass for this cohort.
            // Should be fine because these deductions are made in the reproduction implementation, but use Math.Min to double check.

            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["biomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;
            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = Math.Min(gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass);

            // Temporary variable to hold net reproductive biomass change of individuals in this cohort as a result of other ecological processes
            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["reproductivebiomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;

            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass;

            // Check to see if the cohort has already been killed by predation etc
            if ((BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep).CompareTo(0.0) <= 0)
                // If individual body mass is not greater than zero, then all individuals become extinct
                MortalityTotal = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;
                // Calculate background mortality rate
                MortalityRateBackground = Implementations["basic background mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                                                                                                               actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // If the cohort has matured, then calculate senescence mortality rate, otherwise set rate to zero
                if (gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].MaturityTimeStep != uint.MaxValue)
                    MortalityRateSenescence = Implementations["basic senescence mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                                                                                                                   actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);
                    MortalityRateSenescence = 0.0;

                // Calculate the starvation mortality rate based on individual body mass and maximum body mass ever
                // achieved by this cohort
                MortalityRateStarvation = Implementations["basic starvation mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts, actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // Calculate the number of individuals that suffer mortality this time step from all sources of mortality
                MortalityTotal = (1 - Math.Exp(-MortalityRateBackground - MortalityRateSenescence -
                                               MortalityRateStarvation)) * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;

            // If the process tracker is on and output detail is set to high and this cohort has not been merged yet, then record
            // the number of individuals that have died
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses && (outputDetail == "high") && (!gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].Merged))
                trackProcesses.RecordMortality((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].BirthTimeStep,
                                               currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass,
                                               gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortID[0], MortalityTotal, "sen/bg/starv");

            // Remove individuals that have died from the delta abundance for this cohort
            deltas["abundance"]["mortality"] = -MortalityTotal;

            // Add the biomass of individuals that have died to the delta biomass in the organic pool (including reproductive
            // potential mass, and mass gained through eating, and excluding mass lost through metabolism)
            deltas["organicpool"]["mortality"] = MortalityTotal * (BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the changes from predation to prey cohorts, and update deltas for the predator cohort
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The acting cohort</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The functional group definitions for cohorts in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The functional group definitions for stocks in the model</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for predation</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail used in this model run</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEating(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, int[] actingCohort, SortedList <string, double[]>
                              cellEnvironment, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > deltas, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                              FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, uint currentTimestep, Boolean specificLocations,
                              string outputDetail, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses)
                Track = (RandomNumberGenerator.GetUniform() > 0.975) ? true : false;

            TempDouble = 0.0;

            // Temporary variable to hold the total time spent eating + 1. Saves an extra calculation in CalculateAbundanceEaten
            double TotalTimeUnitsToHandlePlusOne = TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems + 1;

            // Loop over potential prey functional groups
            foreach (int FunctionalGroup in _FunctionalGroupIndicesToEat)
                // Loop over cohorts within the functional group
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberCohortsPerFunctionalGroupNoNewCohorts[FunctionalGroup]; i++)
                    // Get the individual body mass of this cohort
                    _BodyMassPrey = gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualBodyMass;

                    // Calculate the actual abundance of prey eaten from this cohort
                    if (gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance > 0)
                        // Calculate the actual abundance of prey eaten from this cohort
                        _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] = CalculateAbundanceEaten(_PotentialAbundanceEaten[FunctionalGroup][i], _PredatorAbundanceMultipliedByTimeEating,
                                                                                       TotalTimeUnitsToHandlePlusOne, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance);
                        _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] = 0;

                    // Remove number of prey eaten from the prey cohort
                    gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortAbundance -= _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i];

                    gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex += (_BodyMassPrey + gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass) * _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] * gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].TrophicIndex;

                    // If the process tracker is set and output detail is set to high and the prey cohort has never been merged,
                    // then track its mortality owing to predation
                    if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses)
                        if ((outputDetail == "high") && (gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortID.Count == 1) &&
                            AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] > 0)
                            trackProcesses.RecordMortality((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], gridCellCohorts
                                                           [FunctionalGroup][i].BirthTimeStep, currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualBodyMass,
                                                           gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].AdultMass, gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].FunctionalGroupIndex,
                                                           gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].CohortID[0], AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i], "predation");

                        // If the model is being run for specific locations and if track processes has been specified, then track the mass flow between
                        // prey and predator
                        if (specificLocations)
                            trackProcesses.RecordPredationMassFlow(currentTimestep, _BodyMassPrey, _BodyMassPredator, _BodyMassPrey *

                            if (outputDetail == "high")
                                trackProcesses.TrackPredationTrophicFlow((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0],
                                                                         gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].FunctionalGroupIndex, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex,
                                                                         madingleyCohortDefinitions, (_AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] * _BodyMassPrey), _BodyMassPredator, _BodyMassPrey,
                                                                         initialisation, cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0);

                    // Check that the abundance eaten from this cohort is not negative
                    // Commented out for the purposes of speed
                    //Debug.Assert( _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i].CompareTo(0.0) >= 0,
                    //     "Predation negative for this prey cohort" + actingCohort);

                    // Create a temporary value to speed up the predation function
                    // This is equivalent to the body mass of the prey cohort including reproductive potential mass, times the abundance eaten of the prey cohort,
                    // divided by the abundance of the predator
                    TempDouble += (_BodyMassPrey + gridCellCohorts[FunctionalGroup][i].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass) * _AbundancesEaten[FunctionalGroup][i] / _AbundancePredator;

            // Add the biomass eaten and assimilated by an individual to the delta biomass for the acting (predator) cohort
            deltas["biomass"]["predation"] = TempDouble * _PredatorAssimilationEfficiency;

            // Move the biomass eaten but not assimilated by an individual into the organic matter pool
            deltas["organicpool"]["predation"] = TempDouble * _PredatorNonAssimilation * _AbundancePredator;

            // Check that the delta biomass from eating for the acting cohort is not negative
            //Debug.Assert(deltas["biomass"]["predation"] >= 0, "Predation yields negative biomass");

            // Calculate the total biomass eaten by the acting (predator) cohort
            _TotalBiomassEatenByCohort = deltas["biomass"]["predation"] * _AbundancePredator;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Run mortality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for mortality</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level output detail being used for the current model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks,
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas,
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
            Boolean specificLocations, string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)

            // Variables to hold the mortality rates
            double MortalityRateBackground;
            double MortalityRateSenescence;
            double MortalityRateStarvation;

            // Variable to hold the total abundance lost to all forms of mortality
            double MortalityTotal;

            // Individual body mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Individual reproductive mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Calculate the body mass of individuals in this cohort including mass gained through eating this time step, up to but not exceeding adult body mass for this cohort. 
            // Should be fine because these deductions are made in the reproduction implementation, but use Math.Min to double check.

            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["biomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;
            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = Math.Min(gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass);

            // Temporary variable to hold net reproductive biomass change of individuals in this cohort as a result of other ecological processes
            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["reproductivebiomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;

            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass;

            // Check to see if the cohort has already been killed by predation etc
            if ((BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep).CompareTo(0.0) <= 0)
                // If individual body mass is not greater than zero, then all individuals become extinct
                MortalityTotal = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;
                // Calculate background mortality rate
                MortalityRateBackground = Implementations["basic background mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                    actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // If the cohort has matured, then calculate senescence mortality rate, otherwise set rate to zero
                if (gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].MaturityTimeStep != uint.MaxValue)
                    MortalityRateSenescence = Implementations["basic senescence mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                        actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);
                    MortalityRateSenescence = 0.0;

                // Calculate the starvation mortality rate based on individual body mass and maximum body mass ever
                // achieved by this cohort
                MortalityRateStarvation = Implementations["basic starvation mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts, actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // Calculate the number of individuals that suffer mortality this time step from all sources of mortality
                MortalityTotal = (1 - Math.Exp(-MortalityRateBackground - MortalityRateSenescence -
                    MortalityRateStarvation)) * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;

            // If the process tracker is on and output detail is set to high and this cohort has not been merged yet, then record
            // the number of individuals that have died
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses && (outputDetail == "high") && (!gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].Merged))
                trackProcesses.RecordMortality((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].BirthTimeStep,
                    currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass,
                    gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortID[0], MortalityTotal, "sen/bg/starv");

            // Remove individuals that have died from the delta abundance for this cohort
            deltas["abundance"]["mortality"] = -MortalityTotal;

            // Add the biomass of individuals that have died to the delta biomass in the organic pool (including reproductive 
            // potential mass, and mass gained through eating, and excluding mass lost through metabolism)
            deltas["organicpool"]["mortality"] = MortalityTotal * (BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep);