void ActiveInfo()
        bool assetLocationRight = IsAssetLocationRight();

        GUI.enabled = assetLocationRight;

        var active = MadLevelConfiguration.FindActive();

        if (active == configuration)
            MadGUI.Info("This is the active configuration.");
            string additional = "";
            if (!assetLocationRight)
                additional = " (But first you must relocate this asset. Please look at the other error.)";

            int choice = MadGUI.MessageWithButtonMulti("This configuration is not active. "
                                                       + "It's not currently used to manage your scenes." + additional, MessageType.Warning, "Where is active?", "Activate");

            if (choice == 0)
                var currentlyActive = MadLevelConfiguration.FindActive();
                if (currentlyActive != null)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Not Found", "No level configuration is active at the moment", "OK");
            else if (choice == 1)
                configuration.active = true;
        GUI.enabled = true;