Пример #1
 public override void FinishedLaunching(NSObject notification)
     mainWindowController = new MainWindowController();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit the specified source and sender.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='source'>
        /// Source.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='sender'>
        /// Sender.
        /// </param>
        public EntryModel Edit(EntryModel entry, MainWindowController sender)
            NSWindow window = this.Window;

             cancelled = false;

             //var editFields = editForm.Cells;

             if (entry != null)
            originalEntry = entry.Entry.CloneDeep();

            //            m_vStrings = source.Entry.Strings.CloneDeep();
            //            m_vBinaries = source.Entry.Binaries.CloneDeep();
            //            m_vHistory = source.Entry.History.CloneDeep();

            TitleTextField.StringValue = entry.Title;
            UserNameTextField.StringValue = entry.UserName;

            PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue = PwDefs.HiddenPassword;
            PasswordClearTextField.StringValue = entry.Password;

            UrlTextField.StringValue = entry.Url;
            NotesTextField.StringValue = entry.Notes;
            ExpireCheckBox.State = entry.Expires ? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off;
            ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue = entry.ExpireDate;
            entry = new EntryModel();
            entry.Entry = new PwEntry(true, true);
            entry.IsNew = true;

            // we are adding a new entry,
            // make sure the form fields are empty due to the fact that this controller is recycled
            // each time the user opens the sheet -
            TitleTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            UserNameTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            PasswordClearTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            UrlTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            NotesTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
            ExpireCheckBox.State = NSCellStateValue.Off;
            ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue = null;

             // sheet is up here.....

             // when StopModal is called will continue here ....
             Console.WriteLine("Edit - exit from Edit");

             //EntryModel saved = new EntryModel();
             entry.Title = TitleTextField.StringValue;
             entry.UserName = UserNameTextField.StringValue;
             entry.Password = PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue;
             entry.Url = UrlTextField.StringValue;
             entry.Notes = NotesTextField.StringValue;
             entry.Expires = ExpireCheckBox.State == NSCellStateValue.On;
             entry.ExpireDate = NSDateToDateTime(ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue);

             return entry;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit the specified source and sender.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='source'>
        /// Source.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='sender'>
        /// Sender.
        /// </param>
        public EntryModel Edit(EntryModel entry, MainWindowController sender)
            NSWindow window = this.Window;

            cancelled = false;

            //var editFields = editForm.Cells;

            if (entry != null)
                originalEntry = entry.Entry.CloneDeep();

//            m_vStrings = source.Entry.Strings.CloneDeep();
//            m_vBinaries = source.Entry.Binaries.CloneDeep();
//            m_vHistory = source.Entry.History.CloneDeep();

                TitleTextField.StringValue    = entry.Title;
                UserNameTextField.StringValue = entry.UserName;

                PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue = PwDefs.HiddenPassword;
                PasswordClearTextField.StringValue  = entry.Password;

                UrlTextField.StringValue       = entry.Url;
                NotesTextField.StringValue     = entry.Notes;
                ExpireCheckBox.State           = entry.Expires ? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off;
                ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue = entry.ExpireDate;
                entry       = new EntryModel();
                entry.Entry = new PwEntry(true, true);
                entry.IsNew = true;

                // we are adding a new entry,
                // make sure the form fields are empty due to the fact that this controller is recycled
                // each time the user opens the sheet -
                TitleTextField.StringValue          = string.Empty;
                UserNameTextField.StringValue       = string.Empty;
                PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue = string.Empty;
                PasswordClearTextField.StringValue  = string.Empty;
                UrlTextField.StringValue            = string.Empty;
                NotesTextField.StringValue          = string.Empty;
                ExpireCheckBox.State           = NSCellStateValue.Off;
                ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue = null;

            NSApp.BeginSheet(window, sender.Window);
            // sheet is up here.....

            // when StopModal is called will continue here ....
            Console.WriteLine("Edit - exit from Edit");

            //EntryModel saved = new EntryModel();
            entry.Title      = TitleTextField.StringValue;
            entry.UserName   = UserNameTextField.StringValue;
            entry.Password   = PasswordSecureTextField.StringValue;
            entry.Url        = UrlTextField.StringValue;
            entry.Notes      = NotesTextField.StringValue;
            entry.Expires    = ExpireCheckBox.State == NSCellStateValue.On;
            entry.ExpireDate = NSDateToDateTime(ExpireTimeDatePicker.DateValue);

Пример #4
 public override void FinishedLaunching(NSObject notification)
     mainWindowController = new MainWindowController ();
      mainWindowController.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this);