protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { var user = from u in ctx.tbl_User join p in ctx.tbl_UserPassword on u.UserID equals p.UserID where u.LoginName == txtUserName.Text.Trim() && p.Password == txtPassword.Text.Trim() select u; List <tbl_User> userList = user.ToList <tbl_User>(); if (userList.Count > 0) { tbl_User singleUser = userList.FirstOrDefault <tbl_User>(); if (singleUser.RoleID.Trim() == "001") // Admin User { Session.Add("User", singleUser); Response.Redirect("AdminPanel.aspx"); } else { Session.Add("User", singleUser); Response.Redirect("UserLoggedinHome.aspx"); } } else { lblMessage.Text = "Incorrect UserName/Password."; MessagePanel.Visible = true; } } }
protected void txtPassword_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.FindUserByEmailAndPassword() != null && this.FindUserByEmailAndPassword().Count > 0) { tbl_User user = FindUserByEmailAndPassword().FirstOrDefault <tbl_User>(); FillAboutYouSecttion(user); commonImageUpload.Focus(); } else { //Enabled The controls txtConfirmPassword.Enabled = true; txtUserFirstlName.Enabled = true; txtUserLastName.Enabled = true; ddlUserLocation.Enabled = true; //Set Empty Value txtConfirmPassword.Text = string.Empty; txtUserFirstlName.Text = string.Empty; txtUserLastName.Text = string.Empty; ddlUserLocation.SelectedValue = "0"; txtConfirmPassword.Focus(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { BindGrid(); TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; TabPanelEditPost.Visible = false; if (Session["User"] != null) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; lblFirstName.Text = user.FirstName.Trim(); lblLastName.Text = user.LastName.Trim(); lblLoginName.Text = user.LoginName.Trim(); lblUserRole.Text = "Ordinary User"; } //=============On EditPost is activated this.FillCommonCountry(); this.FillCategoryDropDownBox(); this.FillAllCity(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ClearMessagePanel(); if (IsValid()) { using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { try { // Setup User tbl_User user = new tbl_User(); user.UserID = Guid.NewGuid(); user.LoginName = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); user.LastName = txtLastName.Text.Trim(); user.RoleID = ddlUserType.SelectedValue; user.CityID = ddlCity.SelectedValue; user.IsActive = true; user.EditUser = ((tbl_User)Session["User"]).UserID; user.EditDate = DateTime.Now; //Setup Password tbl_UserPassword pass = new tbl_UserPassword(); pass.UserID = user.UserID; pass.Password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); pass.EditUser = ((tbl_User)Session["User"]).UserID; pass.EditDate = DateTime.Now; ctx.tbl_User.Add(user); ctx.tbl_UserPassword.Add(pass); ctx.SaveChanges(); this.ClearForm(); lblSuccessMessage.Text = "User created successfully."; lblErrorMessage.Text = string.Empty; MessagePanel.Visible = true; txtEmail.Focus(); this.BindGrid(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { Trace.Write("Property: {0} Error: {1}" + validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { }// End of Catch } } }
private void BindGrid() { using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; var list = from p in ctx.tbl_Post where p.PostingUserID == user.UserID orderby p.EditDate descending select p; if (list != null) { GridView1.DataSource = list.ToList <tbl_Post>(); GridView1.DataBind(); } } }
protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { GridView1.EditIndex = -1; GridViewRow row = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex]; string loginName = row.Cells[0].Text; string roleId = ((DropDownList)(row.Cells[5].Controls[1])).SelectedValue; using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { var varUser = from u in ctx.tbl_User where u.LoginName == loginName select u; tbl_User user = varUser.FirstOrDefault <tbl_User>(); user.RoleID = roleId; user.EditUser = ((tbl_User)Session["User"]).UserID; ctx.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified; ctx.SaveChanges(); } this.BindGrid(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; if (user != null) { if (user.RoleID == "001") { Server.Transfer("AdminPanel.aspx"); } else { Server.Transfer("UserLoggedinHome.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; if (user == null) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx"); } else { if (user.RoleID.Trim() != "001") { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx"); } } ImageButtonUser.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/userMO.png'"); ImageButtonUser.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/user.png'"); ImageButtonCountry.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/countryMO.png'"); ImageButtonCountry.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/country.png'"); ImageButtonCity.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/cityMO.png'"); ImageButtonCity.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/city.png'"); ImageButtonCategory.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/categoryMO.png'"); ImageButtonCategory.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/category.png'"); ImageButtonApprove.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/approveMO.png'"); ImageButtonApprove.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/approve.png'"); ImageButtonSearch.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/searchMO.png'"); ImageButtonSearch.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/search.png'"); ImageButtonRank.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/rankMO.png'"); ImageButtonRank.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/rank.png'"); ImageButtonAdvertisement.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "src='Styles/Images/AdvertisementsMO.png'"); ImageButtonAdvertisement.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "src='Styles/Images/Advertisements.png'"); }
private void FillAboutYouSecttion(tbl_User user) { tbl_UserPassword pass = FindPasswordByUserId(user.UserID).FirstOrDefault <tbl_UserPassword>(); txtUserEmail.Text = user.LoginName.Trim(); txtPassword.Text = pass.Password.Trim(); txtConfirmPassword.Text = pass.Password.Trim(); txtUserFirstlName.Text = user.FirstName.Trim(); txtUserLastName.Text = user.LastName.Trim(); ddlUserLocation.SelectedValue = user.CityID.Trim(); //Disable Controls txtUserEmail.Enabled = false; txtPassword.Enabled = false; txtConfirmPassword.Enabled = false; txtUserFirstlName.Enabled = false; txtUserLastName.Enabled = false; ddlUserLocation.Enabled = false; lblUserEmailValidation.Text = string.Empty; }
public static string[] ReturnUserData(string email, string password) { using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { var user = from u in ctx.tbl_User join p in ctx.tbl_UserPassword on u.UserID equals p.UserID where u.LoginName == email && p.Password == password select u; tbl_User objUser = user.FirstOrDefault <tbl_User>(); if (objUser != null) { string[] names = new string[4] { password, objUser.FirstName, objUser.LastName, objUser.CityID }; return(names); } else { return(null); } } }
protected void btnUpdatePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { var pass = from p in ctx.tbl_UserPassword where p.Password == txtExistingPassword.Text.Trim() && p.tbl_User.LoginName == user.LoginName select p; tbl_UserPassword password = pass.FirstOrDefault <tbl_UserPassword>(); if (password != null) { if (txtNewPassword.Text.Trim() == txtConfirmNewPassword.Text.Trim()) { password.Password = txtNewPassword.Text.Trim(); ctx.Entry(password).State = EntityState.Modified; ctx.SaveChanges(); txtExistingPassword.Text = string.Empty; txtNewPassword.Text = string.Empty; txtConfirmNewPassword.Text = string.Empty; cpSuccessMessage.Text = "Password changed successfully"; cpErrorMessage.Text = string.Empty; txtExistingPassword.Focus(); } else { cpSuccessMessage.Text = string.Empty; cpErrorMessage.Text = "New password and confirm new password miss match."; } } else { cpSuccessMessage.Text = string.Empty; cpErrorMessage.Text = "Provided password does not exist."; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //============Access Control================ tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; if (user == null) { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx"); } else { if (user.RoleID.Trim() != "001") { Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx"); } } //======================Access Control============= if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Session.Add("ListId", ListId); // Fill Search Section this.FillSearchCountry(); this.FillSearchCategory(); // Fill Edit Rank Section this.FillCommonCountry(); // Value Set this.FillAllCity(); this.FillCategoryDropDownBox(); // Value Set. //this.SetFieldsForUpdate(); TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; TabPanelEditRank.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; int fileLeftSlider = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/ads_left/"), "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length; int fileRightSlider = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/ads_right/"), "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length; Session["FileCountLeft"] = fileLeftSlider; Session["FileCountRight"] = fileRightSlider; if (user != null) { WelcomeUserName = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName; btnLoginLogout.Text = "Logout"; } else { WelcomeUserName = "******"; btnLoginLogout.Text = "Login"; } // } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { this.FillCategoryDropDownBox(); rdoCommonService.Checked = true; this.FillUserLocation(); this.ClearMessagePanel(); this.FillCommonCountry(); // this.FillCommonCity(); //if User Is Logged in Fill the About U section tbl_User user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; if (user == null) { //FillAboutYouSecttion(user); PanelAboutYou.Visible = true; } ddlCommonCountry.Focus(); txtPassword.Attributes["type"] = "password"; txtConfirmPassword.Attributes["type"] = "password"; } }
private void SavePost() { ClearMessagePanel(); using (MSIPortalContext ctx = new MSIPortalContext()) { try { tbl_Post post = new tbl_Post(); tbl_User user = new tbl_User(); tbl_UserPassword password = new tbl_UserPassword(); //===========Initialize the User Table if (Session["User"] != null) { user = (tbl_User)Session["User"]; } else if (FindUserByEmailAndPassword().Count > 0) { user = FindUserByEmailAndPassword().FirstOrDefault <tbl_User>(); } else if (FindUserByEmailAndPassword().Count == 0) // If Existing User but not Logged In [Eaml&Password Count May be 0] { if (FindUserByEmailOnly().Count == 0) // Insert only if this email is completely new [Email count may be greater than 0] { //Set User user = new tbl_User(); user.UserID = Guid.NewGuid(); user.LoginName = this.txtUserEmail.Text.Trim(); user.FirstName = this.txtUserFirstlName.Text.Trim(); user.LastName = this.txtUserLastName.Text.Trim(); user.RoleID = "02"; // Ordinary User user.CityID = ddlUserLocation.SelectedValue; user.IsActive = true; user.EditUser = user.UserID; user.EditDate = DateTime.Now; //Set Password password.UserID = user.UserID; password.Password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); password.EditUser = user.UserID; password.EditDate = DateTime.Now; //Add to Context ctx.tbl_User.Add(user); ctx.tbl_UserPassword.Add(password); } else { MessagePanel.Visible = true; txtUserEmail.Focus(); lblUserEmailValidation.Text = "*"; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Already registered email"; lblSuccessMessage.Visible = false; return; // Stop Inserting any Single Record } } //============Initialize Post Table post.PostID = Guid.NewGuid(); post.CategoryID = ddlCategory.SelectedValue; post.CityID = ddlCommonCity.SelectedValue; if (rdoCommonSales.Checked) { post.PSTID = "001"; } else { post.PSTID = "002"; } post.PostTitle = this.txtCommonPostingTitle.Text.Trim(); post.PostDescription = this.txtCommonPostingDescription.Text.Trim(); if (commonImageUpload.PostedFile.FileName != string.Empty) { commonImageUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/imageupload/" + post.PostID + ".jpg")); post.ImageUrl = "/imageupload/" + post.PostID + ".jpg"; } else { post.ImageUrl = "/Styles/images/" + "no_image.jpg"; } post.PostingUserID = user.UserID; post.ProviderFirstName = txtCommonProviderFirstName.Text.Trim(); post.ProviderLastName = txtCommonProviderLastName.Text.Trim(); post.ProviderAddress = txtCommonProviderAddress.Text.Trim(); post.ProviderEmail = txtCommonProviderEmil.Text.Trim(); post.ProviderPhoneNo = txtCommonProviderPhone.Text.Trim(); post.Approved = false; post.Rank = 999; // Default value to make sure out of rank post.EditUser = user.UserID; post.EditDate = DateTime.Now; ctx.tbl_Post.Add(post); ctx.SaveChanges(); //---------------After Successful Save Do the following operation MessagePanel.Visible = true; lblSuccessMessage.Visible = true; lblSuccessMessage.Text = "Your posting is successful!"; //this.SendConfirmationEmail(); lblUserEmailValidation.Text = string.Empty; this.ClearForm(); ddlCommonCountry.Focus(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { Trace.Write("Property: {0} Error: {1}" + validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Response.Write(Ex.ToString()); } // End of Catch } // End of Using }