Пример #1
        //inserts a record into a given table
        public static bool insertRecord(string table, Dictionary <string, string> input_params)
            LogDump.Log("mysql connection: " + mksConnection.State.ToString());
            MySqlCommand cmd = mksConnection.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " SET " + Parse.InsertParamsHolders(input_params);

            Parse.InjectParams(cmd, input_params);
                LogDump.Log("InsertRecord Function result: true");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogDump.Log("InsertRecord Function result: false");
        //sent by VendNovation after AuthenticateSelection if sale failed
        //no record in created
        public SaleAbortedResult SaleAborted(SaleAbortedRequest request)
            //return message if the sale is cancelled on the machine's side.
            SaleAbortedResult response = new SaleAbortedResult();

            response.Approved = true;
            response.Error    = "Sales Aborted.";
            LogDump.Log("UserCredentials: " + request.UserCredentials);
            LogDump.Log("AccountFundUsed: " + request.AccountFundsUsed);
            LogDump.Log("CashFundUsed: " + request.CashFundsUsed);
            LogDump.Log("Price: " + request.Price);
            LogDump.Log("MachineID: " + request.MachineID);
            LogDump.Log("Time: " + request.Time);
            LogDump.Log("ProductID: " + request.ProductID);

            LogDump.Log("Selection: " + request.Selection);
            LogDump.Log("CredentialType: " + request.CredentialType);
            LogDump.Log("InvoiceNumber: " + request.InvoiceNumber);
            LogDump.Log("SiteID: " + request.SiteID);
            response.Error += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;
                        "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, SaleAborted",
Пример #3
        public static bool createVendingTransaction(
            string id, string machineID,
            DateTime time, string item,
            double price, string payType,
            string reference, string siteID
            Dictionary <string, string> vending_params = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "id_number", id },
                { "location", "10" },
                { "qdate", Parse.giveDate(time) },
                { "item", item },
                { "qty", "1" },
                { "amount", Convert.ToString(price) },
                { "payment", payType },
                { "reference", reference },
                { "operator", machineID + siteID },
                { "time", Convert.ToString(time.TimeOfDay) },
                { "school", Parse.readSchool(siteID) },
                { "source", "5" }
            bool resultResponse = insertRecord("transact", vending_params);

            LogDump.Log("CreateVendingTransactionFunction result: " + resultResponse.ToString());
        //sent by VendNovation after AuthenticateSelection if sale successful
        //creates a record in MKSData.transact
        public SaleCompletedResult SaleCompleted(SaleCompletedRequest request)
            SaleCompletedResult response = new SaleCompletedResult();

            if (request == null)
                response.Error = "No Data"; response.Approved = false; return(response);

            //Mailer.send("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, SaleCompleted", "Sale Completed");

            string payType = SQL.findPayType(request.UserCredentials, Parse.readSchool(request.SiteID))[0];

            if (payType == "")
                response.Error = "Invalid Pay Type.";
            bool created = SQL.createVendingTransaction(
                request.UserCredentials, request.MachineID,
                request.Time, request.ProductID,
                request.AccountFundsUsed, payType,

            response.Approved = created;
            if (created)
                response.Error = "Sales completed!";

                NoAjaxServiceClient MksServiceInstance = new NoAjaxServiceClient();
                string uid = SQL.findScalar("student", request.UserCredentials.ToString(), request.SiteID.ToString(), "uid");
                MksServiceInstance.AdjustBalance(uid, (request.AccountFundsUsed * (-1)).ToString());
                response.Error = "Unable to create transaction";
            LogDump.Log("UserCredentials: " + request.UserCredentials);
            LogDump.Log("MachineID: " + request.MachineID);
            LogDump.Log("Time: " + request.Time);
            LogDump.Log("ProductID: " + request.ProductID);
            LogDump.Log("AccountFundUsed: " + request.AccountFundsUsed);
            LogDump.Log("PayType: " + payType);
            LogDump.Log("InvoiceNumber: " + request.InvoiceNumber);
            LogDump.Log("SiteID: " + request.SiteID);
            response.Error += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;
                        "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, SaleCompleted",
        //First method called by USATech
        //Checks if student is allowed to make vending purchase and if they can purchase the specified item
        //will be rejected if student not found, student marked inactive, balance too low, remaining weekly allowance too low, remaining monthly allowance too low
        //USAT does not allow cash to supplement account balance
        public USAAuthResponse Authorize(
            int transactionID, DateTime transactionDateTime, string terminalName,
            string cardNumber, string currency, int amount
            USAAuthResponse response = new USAAuthResponse();

            response.TransactionID = transactionID;
            if (currency != "USD")
                response.ResponseMessage = "This system only accepts USD.";
                response.ApprovedAmount  = 0;
                response.StatusCode      = 1;
            string[] output_params = { "lactive", "present", "wkly_allow", "wkly_bal", "mnth_allow", "mnth_bal" };
            Dictionary <string, string> outputs = SQL.findRow("student", cardNumber, Parse.readSchool(terminalName), output_params);
            bool           lactive      = Convert.ToBoolean(outputs["lactive"]);
            double         present      = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["present"]);
            double         wkly_allow   = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["wkly_allow"]);
            double         wkly_bal     = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["wkly_bal"]);
            double         mnth_allow   = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["mnth_allow"]);
            double         mnth_bal     = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["mnth_bal"]);
            double         dollarAmount = amount / 100.0;
            ApproveWithMsg app          = Approve.allowance(lactive, present, dollarAmount, 0, wkly_allow, wkly_bal, mnth_allow, mnth_bal);

            response.ResponseMessage = app.message;
            response.ResponseMessage += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;

                        "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from USATech, test authorize",
            if (app.approved)
                response.ApprovedAmount  = 275;
                response.StatusCode      = 0;
                response.ResponseMessage = "Approved for $" + dollarAmount;
            response.StatusCode      = 1;
            response.ResponseMessage = app.message;

Пример #6
        public AuthenticateCustomerResult AuthenticateCustomer(AuthenticateCustomerRequest request)
            AuthenticateCustomerResult response = new AuthenticateCustomerResult();

            // This is to test the MachineID, SiteId, UserCredentials, and CredentialTypes are receiving
            // the correct corresponding attributes from request.
            // Notice: the order of request in xml matters!
            // The order of attributes are alphabetical.
            // In this case:
            // CredentialType, MachineID, SiteID, and UserCredential
            // but class "request" in practical won't pass in the correct order,
            // to tell system to neglect the order,
            // go to IVNService.cs
            // replace with "[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://vendnovation.com/"), XmlSerializerFormat]" as the first line
            // for [ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://vendnovation.com/")]
            // "XmlSerializerFormat" would tell system to neglect the default alphabetical order
            // this will make the testing tool from Vendnovation to work
            // K:\Curly\TaskApps\VendNovationToolkitForTesting
            // but WcfTestClient would expect a string of xml,
            // to tell system to maintain the order,
            // go to IVNService.cs
            // replace with "[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://vendnovation.com/")]" as the first line
            // for "[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://vendnovation.com/"), XmlSerializerFormat]"
            // the default alphabetical order would be set.
            // this will make WcfTestClient to expect a list of individual attributes, not a string of xml for all.
            // but  the testing tool from Vendnovation wouldn't work.
            // K:\Curly\TaskApps\VendNovationToolkitForTesting
            // as the testing toolkit provides with an attribute order different from the default alphabetical one on request.
            LogDump.Log("MachineID: " + request.MachineID);
            LogDump.Log("SiteID: " + request.SiteID);
            LogDump.Log("UserCredentials: " + request.UserCredentials);
            LogDump.Log("CredentialType: " + request.CredentialType);
            response.Error += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;
            Mailer.send("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, Test auth Customer", response.Error);
            return(new AuthenticateCustomerResult());
        //sent by VendNovation after AuthenticateCustomer
        //checks if student is allow to purchase the specified item.
        //will be rejected if: student is not found, student is marked inactive, student balance is too low,
        //remaining weekly allowance is too low, or remaining monthly balnace is too low.
        //Student can use cash to supplement account funds.
        public AuthenticateSelectionResult AuthenticateSelection(AuthenticateSelectionRequest request)
            AuthenticateSelectionResult response = new AuthenticateSelectionResult();

            if (request == null)
                response.Error = "No Data"; response.Approved = false; return(response);
            response.NewPrice = request.Price;
            string[] output_params = { "lactive", "present", "wkly_allow", "wkly_bal", "mnth_allow", "mnth_bal" };
            Dictionary <string, string> outputs = SQL.findRow("student", request.UserCredentials,
                                                              Parse.readSchool(request.SiteID), output_params);
            bool           lactive    = Convert.ToBoolean(outputs["lactive"]);
            double         present    = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["present"]);
            double         wkly_allow = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["wkly_allow"]);
            double         wkly_bal   = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["wkly_bal"]);
            double         mnth_allow = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["mnth_allow"]);
            double         mnth_bal   = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["mnth_bal"]);
            ApproveWithMsg app        = Approve.allowance(lactive, present, request.Price, request.CashBalance, wkly_allow, wkly_bal, mnth_allow, mnth_bal);

            response.Approved = app.Approved;
            response.Error    = app.Message;
            LogDump.Log("UserCredentials: " + request.UserCredentials);
            LogDump.Log("MachineID: " + request.MachineID);
            LogDump.Log("AccountBalance: " + request.AccountBalance);
            LogDump.Log("CashBalance: " + request.CashBalance);
            LogDump.Log("CredentialType: " + request.CredentialType);
            LogDump.Log("ProductID: " + request.ProductID);
            LogDump.Log("SiteID: " + request.SiteID);
            LogDump.Log("Price: " + request.Price);
            LogDump.Log("Selection: " + request.Selection);
            LogDump.Log("LoyaltyCard: " + request.LoyaltyCard);
            LogDump.Log("LoyaltyType: " + request.LoyaltyType);
            response.Error += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;
            Mailer.send("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, auth Selection", response.Error);
        //first method sent by VendNovation. Checks if the given student is allow to make vending purchases
        //will be rejected if: student not found in system or student is marked inactive
        public AuthenticateCustomerResult AuthenticateCustomer(AuthenticateCustomerRequest request)
        {// under request parameters,
            //  UserCredentials ---> student id_number
            //  SiteID ------------> school name (school column in student table)
            //I beleive SiteID will be the school name and machineID wil be the number of the unit in the school.
            AuthenticateCustomerResult response = new AuthenticateCustomerResult();

            if (request == null)
                response.Error = "No Data"; response.Approved = false; return(response);
            string[] output_params = { "lactive", "present", "student", "last_name", "pin" };
            Dictionary <string, string> outputs = SQL.findRow("student", request.UserCredentials,
                                                              Parse.readSchool(request.SiteID), output_params);

            //Dictionary<string, string> outputs = SQL.findRow("student", userCredentials,
            //Parse.readSchool(machineID), output_params);
            response.Approved = Convert.ToBoolean(outputs["lactive"]);
            if (!response.Approved)
                response.Error = "Not an active account.";
            response.Balance   = Convert.ToDouble(outputs["present"]);
            response.FirstName = outputs["student"];
            response.LastName  = outputs["last_name"];
            response.PINNumber = outputs["pin"];

            LogDump.Log("UserCredentials: " + request.UserCredentials);
            LogDump.Log("MachineID: " + request.MachineID);
            LogDump.Log("CredentialType: " + request.CredentialType);
            LogDump.Log("SiteID: " + request.SiteID);
            response.Error += "<br>" + LogDump.LogContentString;

            Mailer.send("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", null, "Test from VN, auth Customer", response.Error);