Пример #1
#pragma warning restore 649

        /// <summary>
        /// ~
        /// </summary>
        public void Cancel(ref MPI_Request r)
            int ierr;

            MPI_CANCEL(ref r, out ierr);
Пример #2
#pragma warning restore 649

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Status of a Request, which is only meaningful, if request is freed.
        /// Probably that's not the case, when this method is invoked.
        /// <paramref name="isSetted"/> indicates completed request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">input</param>
        /// <param name="isSetted">states if status is available</param>
        /// <param name="status">output</param>
        public void MPI_GetStatusOfRequest(MPI_Request request, out bool isSetted, out MPI_Status status)
            int ierr, flag;

            MPI_REQUEST_GET_STATUS(ref request, out flag, out status, out ierr);
            isSetted = flag != 0;
Пример #3
#pragma warning restore 649

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void Issend(IntPtr buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
                           int dest, int tag,
                           MPI_Comm comm,
                           out MPI_Request request)
            int ierr;

            MPI_ISSEND(buf, ref count, ref datatype, ref dest, ref tag, ref comm, out request, out ierr);
Пример #4
#pragma warning restore 649

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void Irecv(IntPtr buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
                          int source, int tag,
                          MPI_Comm comm,
                          out MPI_Request request)
            int ierr;

            MPI_IRECV(buf, ref count, ref datatype, ref source, ref tag, ref comm, out request, out ierr);
Пример #5
        private void LoadSymb(string name, ref MPI_Request sym)
            string errstr;
            IntPtr addr = Utils.DynamicLibraries.LoadSymbol(m_conv.LibHandle, name, out errstr);

            if (addr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ApplicationException("OpenMPI error: unable to load symbol '" + name + "' from library '" + m_conv.CurrentLibraryName + "', Error string: >" + errstr + "<;");
            //Console.WriteLine("val of '" + name + "' is: " + addr);
            sym.m1 = m_conv.MPI_Request_c2f(addr);