Пример #1
        /// Static Method : FindCourseNameOffsets
        /// <summary>
        /// 	Find the locations in the CD image of all the course names.
        ///   This only finds course names that are coded into the MMCD class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xiCDImage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int FindCourseNameOffsets(FileInfo xiCDImage)
            CDImage lCDImage = new CDImage(xiCDImage);

              foreach (MMCD.Course lCourse in MMCD.Courses)
            if (lCourse.CourseName == "")

            byte[] lBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(lCourse.CourseNameWithLineBreaks);

            long lIndex = 0;
            bool lFound = false;
            while ((lIndex = lCDImage.Find(lBytes, lIndex)) > 0)
              WriteLine("{0}: {1}", lCourse.FileName, lIndex++, lCourse.CourseName);
              lFound = true;

            if (!lFound)
              WriteLine("{0}: Not found", lCourse.FileName, lCourse.CourseName);

              return 0;
Пример #2
        /// Method : publishToolStripMenuItem_Click
        /// <summary>
        /// 	The Publish operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void publishToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PublishForm lForm = new PublishForm(this);

              if (RootChunk is VersionList)
            // Use the properties saved on the VersionList as defaults
            VersionList lVersionList = (VersionList)RootChunk;

            if (lVersionList.CDFilename != null && lVersionList.CDFilename != "")
              lForm.CourseDropDown.SelectedItem = MMCD.Courses.Find(new Predicate<MMCD.Course>(
            delegate (MMCD.Course xiCourse) { return xiCourse.FileName == lVersionList.CDFilename; }));

            if (lVersionList.BinaryFilename != null && lVersionList.BinaryFilename != "")
              lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text = lVersionList.BinaryFilename;

            if (lVersionList.CourseName != null && lVersionList.CourseName != "")
              lForm.NameTextBox.Text = lVersionList.CourseName;

              if (lForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            FileInfo lBinaryFile = new FileInfo(lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text);

            // If we want to keep backups, make one now
            if (lForm.BackupsCheckBox.Checked && lBinaryFile.Exists)
              string lBackupExtension = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss.bak");
              string lBackupPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text), "Backups");

              if (!Directory.Exists(lBackupPath))

              string lBackupFile = Path.Combine(lBackupPath,
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text) + "." + lBackupExtension);

              // Remove any outdated backups
              FileInfo[] lAllBackups = Array.ConvertAll<string, FileInfo>(Directory.GetFiles(lBackupPath,
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text) + ".*.bak"),
            new Converter<string, FileInfo>(delegate(string xiFilename)
              return new FileInfo(xiFilename);
              Utils.ArrayStableSort(lAllBackups, x => x.CreationTime);

              for (int ii = (int)lForm.BackupCountUpDown.Value; ii < lAllBackups.Length; ii++)

            // Save the binary file
            using (FileStream lFileStream = lBinaryFile.Create())

            if (lForm.UpdateCDImageCheckBox.Checked)
              // Update the CD image
              FileInfo lCDFile = new FileInfo(lForm.CDImageTextBox.Text);
              CDImage lImage = new CDImage(lCDFile);
              MMCD.Course lCourse = (MMCD.Course)lForm.CourseDropDown.SelectedItem;
              byte[] lBinaryData = new byte[lCourse.CDLength];

              if (lBinaryFile.Length != lCourse.CDLength)
            MessageBox.Show("File is the wrong length! It will be padded with zeros or truncated to fit on the CD.", "Publish Course", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

              using (FileStream lFileStream = lBinaryFile.OpenRead())
            lFileStream.Read(lBinaryData, 0, (int)Math.Min(lBinaryData.Length, lBinaryFile.Length));

              lImage.Replace(lBinaryData, lCourse.CDOffset);

              byte[] lCourseNameForCD = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(lCourse.GetCDCourseName(lForm.NameTextBox.Text));

              foreach (long lNameOffset in lCourse.NameOffsets)
            lImage.Replace(lCourseNameForCD, lNameOffset);

            if (RootChunk is VersionList)
              // Update the properties saved on the VersionList
              VersionList lVersionList = (VersionList)RootChunk;
              lVersionList.BinaryFilename = lForm.BinaryFileTextBox.Text;

              if (lForm.UpdateCDImageCheckBox.Checked)
            lVersionList.CDFilename = ((MMCD.Course)lForm.CourseDropDown.SelectedItem).FileName;
            lVersionList.CourseName = lForm.NameTextBox.Text;

              // Save the VersionList
              if (mCurrentFile != null)
            SaveInternal(mCurrentFileMode, mCurrentFile);
Пример #3
        /// Static Method : FindCDOffsets
        /// <summary>
        /// 	Find the offsets in the CD image of all the courses in the given
        ///   directory (and subdirectories).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xiCDImage"></param>
        /// <param name="xiRootDir"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int FindCDOffsets(FileInfo xiCDImage, DirectoryInfo xiRootDir)
            CDImage lCDImage = new CDImage(xiCDImage);

              // Find all the levels
              Regex lLevelNameRegex = new Regex("[A-Z]+\\\\[A-Z]+[0-9]\\.DAT$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
              foreach (FileInfo lFile in xiRootDir.GetFiles("*.DAT", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            // Read the entire level into memory
            byte[] lLevelBytes = new byte[lFile.Length];
            using (FileStream lFileStream = lFile.OpenRead())
              lFileStream.Read(lLevelBytes, 0, lLevelBytes.Length);

            // Find the level in the CD image and output
            long lIndex = lCDImage.Find(lLevelBytes, 0);

            if (lIndex > -1)
              WriteLine("{0}: {1}", lFile.Name, lIndex);
              WriteLine("{0}: Not found", lFile.Name);

              return 0;
Пример #4
        private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NewForm lForm = new NewForm(this);

              if (lForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            // Load the file from the CD image
            CDImage lCDImage = new CDImage(new FileInfo(lForm.CDImageTextBox.Text));
            MMCD.Course lCourse = (MMCD.Course)lForm.CourseDropDown.SelectedItem;
            byte[] lLevelBinary = lCDImage.Extract(lCourse.CDOffset, lCourse.CDLength);
            MemoryStream lLevelStream = new MemoryStream(lLevelBinary);

            Level lNewLevel = new Level(lLevelStream);

            // Check that the whole file has been read
            if (lLevelStream.Length != lLevelStream.Position)
              throw new DeserialisationException(string.Format("Deserialisation terminated early at byte {0} of {1}", lLevelStream.Position, lLevelStream.Length));

            // Create a new VersionList based on this level, and set it up
            VersionList lVersionList = new VersionList(lNewLevel, lCourse.CourseName, lCourse.FileName);
            RootChunk = lVersionList;
            mCurrentFile = null;