Пример #1
        private void StartFile(StreamWriter outputFile)
            String temp;

            switch (outputFileFormat)
            case "MATLAB":
                // Write the function header
                this.outputFile           = new StreamWriter(File.Open(matlabFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), Encoding.Default);
                this.outputFile.AutoFlush = true;
                this.outputFile.WriteLine("% Function:\n% Converts the input txt file into features and targets MATLAB vectors.\n% Inputs:\n% None.\n% Output:\n% mFeatures: Matrix (nxm), where n is the number of examples and m is the features vector length\n% mTargets: Matrix (nxl), where n is the number of examples and l is the number of target classes\nfunction [mFeatures, mTargets] = DCONV_convertMatlabInput()");
                this.outputFile.WriteLine(@"CONFIG_strParams.nBitfieldLength = " + contextBitfieldLength + ";");
                this.outputFile.WriteLine(@"CONFIG_strParams.vChunkLength = [");
                temp = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < chunksLen.Length; i++)
                    temp += chunksLen[i].ToString() + ",";
                this.outputFile.WriteLine(temp + "];");
                this.outputFile.WriteLine(@"CONFIG_strParams.vOffset = [");
                temp = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < offset.Length; i++)
                    temp += chunksLen[i].ToString() + ",";
                this.outputFile.WriteLine(temp + "];");


            case "TxtFile":
                this.outputFile = outputFile;
                temp = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < chunksLen.Length; i++)
                    temp += chunksLen[i].ToString() + ",";
                temp = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < offset.Length; i++)
                    temp += chunksLen[i].ToString() + ",";

            case "MatlabWorkspace":
                matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
                matlab.Execute(@"mTargets = [];");
                matlab.Execute(@"mFeatures = [];");
                matlab.Execute(@"nBitfieldLength = " + contextBitfieldLength + ";");
                matlab.PutWorkspaceData("vChunkLength", "base", chunksLen);
                matlab.PutWorkspaceData("vOffset", "base", offset);

                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect file format configuration. {0} is invalid configuration. Valid configurations are: MATLAB, or TxtFile", outputFileFormat);
                throw (new IndexOutOfRangeException());
            }// end switch
        }     //end WriteOutputMatlabScript

        private void WriteOutputMatlabworkspace()
            logger.LogTrace("Writting to output workspace...");
            // Get number of targets
            uint numDiacTargets = (uint)((TargetCode[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TargetCode))).Length - 1;// -1 remove DEFAULT
            uint numPOSTargets  = (uint)Parser.maxIDs.POS_IDs[0] + 1;
            //String[] featuresStringArr = new String[contextFeatures.Length];
            //String[] targetsStringArr = new String[contextFeatures.Length];
            //Double[] s = new Double[contextFeatures.Length];
            ArrayList featuresStringArr = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList targetsStringArr  = new ArrayList();

            foreach (WordFeatures contextFeature in contextFeatures)
                //s[i] = Double.Parse(contextFeature.features);
                //featuresStringArr[i] = contextFeature.features;
                // Write to the output file

                // Write to the output file
                if (configManager.logExamplesEvenNoTargetDetected)
                    // DEFAULT classes are written
                    if (contextFeature.features != null)
                        String targetString = String.Empty;

                        switch (configManager.targetType)
                        case "DIAC":
                            targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target[0], numDiacTargets);

                        case "POS":
                            targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target, numPOSTargets);

                            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect TargetType configuration. {0} is invalid configuration. Valid configurations are: DIAC or POS.", configManager.targetType);
                        }// end switch

                        //String targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target, numDiacTargets);

                        /*if (contextFeature.target == TargetCode.DAMMETEN)
                         * {
                         *  cntr++;
                         * }*/

                        //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mTarget", "base", targetString);
                        //matlab.Execute(@"mTargets = [mTargets; mTarget];");


                        //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mFeature", "base", contextFeature.features);
                        //matlab.Execute(@"mFeatures = [mFeatures; mFeature];");

                    // DEFAULT classes are not written
                    if ((contextFeature.target[0] != (int)TargetCode.DEFAULT) && (contextFeature.features != null))
                        String targetString = String.Empty;

                        switch (configManager.targetType)
                        case "DIAC":
                            targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target[0], numDiacTargets);

                        case "POS":
                            targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target, numPOSTargets);

                            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect TargetType configuration. {0} is invalid configuration. Valid configurations are: DIAC or POS.", configManager.targetType);
                        }// end switch

                        //String targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString(contextFeature.target, numDiacTargets);

                        /*if (contextFeature.target == TargetCode.DAMMETEN)
                         * {
                         *  cntr++;
                         * }*/

                        //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mTarget", "base", targetString);
                        //matlab.Execute(@"mTargets = [mTargets; mTarget];");


                        //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mFeature", "base", contextFeature.features);
                        //matlab.Execute(@"mFeatures = [mFeatures; mFeature];");

            }// end foreach

            /*matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrTargets", "base", targetsStringArr.ToArray());
             * matlab.Execute("mTargets = [mTargets; mCurrTargets];");
             * matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrFeatures", "base", featuresStringArr.ToArray());
             * matlab.Execute("mFeatures = [mFeatures; mCurrFeatures];");*/

            /*if (fileNumber == 101)
             * {
             *  int x = 1;
             * }*/
            String s;

            //targetsStringArr[2] = "1,";
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrTargets", "base", targetsStringArr.ToArray());
            s = matlab.Execute("x1 = cell2mat(mCurrTargets)");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            s = matlab.Execute("x2 = str2num(x1)");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            s = matlab.Execute("mTargets = [mTargets; x2]");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrFeatures", "base", featuresStringArr.ToArray());

            switch (featuresFormat)
            case "Raw":
                s = matlab.Execute(@"for(i = 1 : size(mCurrFeatures, 1)) x4(i,:) = str2num(mCurrFeatures{i,:}); end");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

                s = matlab.Execute("x3 = cell2mat(mCurrFeatures)");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute("x4 = str2num(x3)");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            }// end switch
            s = matlab.Execute("clear x1 x2 x3 mCurrTargets mCurrFeatures;");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            //matlab.Execute("nBitfieldLength = 0");
            s = matlab.Execute("find(x4 > nBitfieldLength)");
            if (String.Compare(s, "\nans =\n\n   Empty matrix: 0-by-1\n\n") != 0)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                logger.LogError("Raw ID's are " + s + " while bitfield length is " + contextBitfieldLength, ErrorCode.RAW_ID_MORE_THAN_BITFIELD_LEN);
            s = matlab.Execute("mFeatures = [mFeatures; x4];");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            s = matlab.Execute("clear x4;");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            //matlab.Execute("if((size(mFeatures, 1) - size(mTargets, 1)) != 0) violatingFile = filesCount; end;");
            s = matlab.Execute("if ((size(mFeatures, 1) - size(mTargets, 1)) ~= 0) violatingFile(filesCount + 1) = filesCount; end;");

            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            s = matlab.Execute("size(mFeatures, 1) - size(mTargets, 1)");
            //int x = String.Compare(s, "\nans =\n\n     0\n\n");
            if (String.Compare(s, "\nans =\n\n     0\n\n") != 0)
                logger.LogError("Difference between targets and features sizes", ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            //matlab.PutCharArray("mFeatures", "base", s);
            //matlab.PutFullMatrix("mFeatures", "base", s, s);
            s = matlab.Execute("filesCount=filesCount+1;");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            logger.LogTrace("Writting to workspace done successfuly");
        }//end WriteOutputTxtFile
        }//end WriteOutputMatlabworkspace

        public void ClassifyMatlab(ref Feature[] contextFeatures, String finalNetFullPath)
            logger.LogTrace("Sending the encoded features to MATLAB to classify...");

            matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.Execute(@"nBitfieldLength = " + contextBitfieldLength + ";");
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("vChunkLength", "base", chunksLen);
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("vOffset", "base", offset);

            ArrayList featuresStringArr = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Feature contextFeature in contextFeatures)
            }// end foreach

            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrFeatures", "base", featuresStringArr.ToArray());

            String s;

            switch (featuresFormat)
            case "Raw":
                s = matlab.Execute(@"for(i = 1 : size(mCurrFeatures, 1)) x4(i,:) = str2num(mCurrFeatures{i,:}); end");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

                s = matlab.Execute("x3 = cell2mat(mCurrFeatures)");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute("x4 = str2num(x3)");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            }// end switch
            s = matlab.Execute("clear x1 x2 x3 mCurrTargets mCurrFeatures;");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            //matlab.Execute("nBitfieldLength = 0");
            s = matlab.Execute("find(x4 > nBitfieldLength)");
            if (String.Compare(s, "\nans =\n\n   Empty matrix: 0-by-1\n\n") != 0)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                logger.LogError("Raw ID's are " + s + " while bitfield length is " + contextBitfieldLength, ErrorCode.RAW_ID_MORE_THAN_BITFIELD_LEN);

            // Classify x4 = features vector
            // First load the final_net
            s = matlab.Execute("load '" + finalNetFullPath + "';");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            // Goto to the generic classifier path
            s = matlab.Execute("cd '" + configManager.matlabOutFilePath + "';");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
            // Now, do the classification
            s = matlab.Execute("[vTargetOut] = TST_computeUpperLayerTargets(x4, NM_strNetParams, nBitfieldLength, vChunkLength, vOffset, '" + featuresFormat + "')");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            // Parse the return
            // Match all ID's
            MatchCollection targetsOut = Regex.Matches(s, @"[0-9]+");

            if (targetsOut.Count != contextFeatures.Length)
                logger.LogError("Incorrect Classification", ErrorCode.INCORRECT_TARGET_CLASSIFICATION);

            // Insert the matches into ArrayList
            for (int i = 0; i < targetsOut.Count; i++)
                contextFeatures[i].target[0] = Int32.Parse(targetsOut[i].Value);
            s = matlab.Execute("clear x4;");
            if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);

            logger.LogTrace("Classification in MATLAB is done successfuly");
        }//end ClassifyMatlab
Пример #4
        }     //end WriteOutputMatlabScript

        private void WriteOutputMatlabworkspace()
            logger.LogTrace("Writting to output workspace...");
            // Get number of targets
            uint numTargets = (uint)((TargetCode[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TargetCode))).Length - 1;// -1 remove DEFAULT
            //String[] featuresStringArr = new String[contextFeatures.Length];
            //String[] targetsStringArr = new String[contextFeatures.Length];
            //Double[] s = new Double[contextFeatures.Length];
            ArrayList featuresStringArr = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList targetsStringArr  = new ArrayList();

            foreach (WordFeatures contextFeature in contextFeatures)
                //s[i] = Double.Parse(contextFeature.features);
                //featuresStringArr[i] = contextFeature.features;
                // Write to the output file

                // DEFAULT classes are not written
                if ((contextFeature.target != TargetCode.DEFAULT) && (contextFeature.features != null))
                    // Pass numTargets since ConvertToBitfieldString assumes the value can take 0, while this is not the case for target array, so the bit-field length will be the from 0 to the passed argument, so we pass numTargets - 1
                    // Also, this function assumes the passed value starts from 0 while our target starts from 1 so we subtract 1 from target
                    String targetString = FeaturesFormatter.ConvertToBitfieldString((int)contextFeature.target - 1, numTargets - 1);

                    /*if (contextFeature.target == TargetCode.DAMMETEN)
                     * {
                     *  cntr++;
                     * }*/

                    //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mTarget", "base", targetString);
                    //matlab.Execute(@"mTargets = [mTargets; mTarget];");


                    //matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mFeature", "base", contextFeature.features);
                    //matlab.Execute(@"mFeatures = [mFeatures; mFeature];");

            }// end foreach

            /*matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrTargets", "base", targetsStringArr.ToArray());
             * matlab.Execute("mTargets = [mTargets; mCurrTargets];");
             * matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrFeatures", "base", featuresStringArr.ToArray());
             * matlab.Execute("mFeatures = [mFeatures; mCurrFeatures];");*/

            /*if (fileNumber == 101)
             * {
             *  int x = 1;
             * }*/

            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrTargets", "base", targetsStringArr.ToArray());
            matlab.Execute("x1 = cell2mat(mCurrTargets)");
            matlab.Execute("x2 = str2num(x1)");
            matlab.Execute("mTargets = [mTargets; x2];");
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("mCurrFeatures", "base", featuresStringArr.ToArray());

            switch (featuresFormat)
            case "Raw":
                matlab.Execute(@"for(i = 1 : size(mCurrFeatures, 1)) x4(i,:) = str2num(mCurrFeatures{i,:}); end");

                matlab.Execute("x3 = cell2mat(mCurrFeatures)");
                matlab.Execute("x4 = str2num(x3)");

            }// end switch
            matlab.Execute("clear x1 x2 x3 mCurrTargets mCurrFeatures;");
            matlab.Execute("mFeatures = [mFeatures; x4];");
            matlab.Execute("clear x4;");

            //matlab.PutCharArray("mFeatures", "base", s);
            //matlab.PutFullMatrix("mFeatures", "base", s, s);

            logger.LogTrace("Writting to workspace done successfuly");
        }//end WriteOutputTxtFile