Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Build an Array of a particular type from a list of tokens.  
		/// The Type must be one that can be built with Convert.ChangeType.
		/// There are various ways to specify how many elements to parse.
		/// WARNING: This will throw an exception if any tokens cannot be
		/// converted.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The ArrayList of tokens.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The starting (and ending) index.  This is
		/// modified, and left pointing at the last used token.</param>
		/// <param name="type">The Type of the array elements.</param>
		/// <param name="endToken">An optional end Token to look for.
		/// Parsing stops when a token equal to this is found.
		/// If this is null, then it is not used.</param>
		/// <param name="maxLength">The maximum number of array elements
		/// to parse.  If this is negative, then it is not used.</param>
		/// <param name="log">A Logger to use for messages.</param>
		/// <returns>The Array, or null for error.</returns>
		public static Array BuildArray(ArrayList tokens, ref int i, Type type,
			Token endToken, int maxLength, Logger log)
			int len = tokens.Count;
			if (i >= len) 
				log.Error("BuildArray: Input index too large.");

			// put the objects into an array list first, since we don't
			// know length
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

			// allow null endToken specified
			if (endToken == null) endToken = new EofToken();

			Token token = null;
			token = (Token)tokens[i++];
			int arrayLength = 0;

			while ((!(token is EofToken)) && (token != endToken) && (i < len)
				&& ((maxLength < 0) || (arrayLength < maxLength)))
				Object o = token.ConvertToType(type);
				token = (Token)tokens[i++];
			i--; // went one past

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next token.  The last token will be an EofToken unless
        /// there's an unterminated quote or unterminated block comment
        /// and Settings.DoUntermCheck is true, in which case this throws
        /// an exception of type StreamTokenizerUntermException or sub-class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">The output token.</param>
        /// <returns>bool - true for success, false for failure.</returns>
        public bool NextToken(out Token token)
            if (isPushback)
                isPushback = false;
                if (this.prevToken != null)
                    token = this.prevToken;
                    return true;
                    token = null;
                    return false;
            token = null;
            int thisChar = 0; // current character
            byte ctype; // type of this character

            NextTokenState state = NextTokenState.Start;
            int prevChar = 0; // previous character
            byte prevCtype = (byte)CharTypeBits.Eof;

            // get previous char from nextTokenSb if there
            // (nextTokenSb is a StringBuilder containing the characters
            //  of the next token to be emitted)
            if (nextTokenSb.Length > 0)
                prevChar = nextTokenSb[nextTokenSb.Length - 1];
                prevCtype = settings.CharTypes[prevChar];
                state = PickNextState(prevCtype, prevChar);

            // extra state for number parse
            int seenDot = 0; // how many .'s in the number
            int seenE = 0; // how many e's or E's have we seen in the number
            bool seenDigit = false; // seen any digits (numbers can start with -)

            // lineNumber can change with each GetNextChar()
            // tokenLineNumber is the line on which the token started
            int tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;

            // State Machine: Produces a single token.
            // Enter a state based on a single character.
            // Generally, being in a state means we're currently collecting chars 
            // in that type of token.
            // We do state machine until it builds a token (Eof is a token), then
            // return that token.
            thisChar = prevChar;  // for first iteration, since prevChar is set to this 
            bool done = false; // optimization
            while (!done)
                prevChar = thisChar;
                thisChar = GetNextChar();
                if (thisChar >= settings.CharTypes.Length)
                    // greater than 7-bit ascii, treat as word character
                    ctype = (byte)CharTypeBits.Word;
                else ctype = settings.CharTypes[thisChar];

                if (thisChar == Eof)
                    state = NextTokenState.Eof;
                log.Debug("Before switch: state = {0}, thisChar = '{1}'", state, (char)thisChar);

                // see if we need to change states, or emit a token
                switch (state)
                    case NextTokenState.Start:
                        // RESET
                        state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);
                        tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;

                    case NextTokenState.Char:
                        token = new CharToken((char)prevChar, tokenLineNumber);
                        done = true;
                        nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.Word:
                        if ((!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.Word))
                            && (!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.Digit)))
                            // end of word, emit
                            token = new WordToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                            done = true;
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.Whitespace:
                        if (!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.Whitespace)
                            || (settings.GrabEol && (thisChar == 10)))
                            // end of whitespace, emit
                            if (settings.GrabWhitespace)
                                token = new WhitespaceToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                done = true;
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                // RESET
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;
                                state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);

                    case NextTokenState.EndQuote:
                        // we're now 1 char after end of quote
                        token = new QuoteToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                        done = true;
                        nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.Quote:
                        // looking for end quote matching char that started the quote
                        if (thisChar == nextTokenSb[0])
                            // handle escaped backslashes: count the immediately prior backslashes 
                            // - even (including 0) means it's not escaped 
                            // - odd means it is escaped 
                            int backSlashCount = 0;
                            for (int i = nextTokenSb.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (nextTokenSb[i] == '\\') backSlashCount++;
                                else break;

                            if ((backSlashCount % 2) == 0)
                                state = NextTokenState.EndQuote;

                        if ((state != NextTokenState.EndQuote) && (thisChar == Eof))
                            if (settings.DoUntermCheck)
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                throw new StreamTokenizerUntermQuoteException("Unterminated quote");

                            token = new QuoteToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                            done = true;
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.MaybeComment:
                        if (thisChar == Eof)
                            token = new CharToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                            done = true;
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                            // if we get the right char, we're in a comment
                            if (settings.SlashSlashComments && (thisChar == '/'))
                                state = NextTokenState.LineComment;
                            else if (settings.SlashStarComments && (thisChar == '*'))
                                state = NextTokenState.BlockComment;
                                token = new CharToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                done = true;
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.LineComment:
                        if (thisChar == Eof)
                            if (settings.GrabComments)
                                token = new CommentToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                done = true;
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                // RESET
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;
                                state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);
                            if (thisChar == '\n')
                                if (settings.GrabComments)
                                    token = new CommentToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                    done = true;
                                    nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                    // RESET
                                    nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                    tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;
                                    state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);

                    case NextTokenState.BlockComment:
                        if (thisChar == Eof)
                            if (settings.DoUntermCheck)
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                throw new StreamTokenizerUntermCommentException("Unterminated comment.");

                            if (settings.GrabComments)
                                token = new CommentToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                done = true;
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                // RESET
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;
                                state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);
                            if ((thisChar == '/') && (prevChar == '*'))
                                state = NextTokenState.EndBlockComment;

                    // special case for 2-character token termination
                    case NextTokenState.EndBlockComment:
                        if (settings.GrabComments)
                            token = new CommentToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                            done = true;
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                            // RESET
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                            tokenLineNumber = lineNumber;
                            state = PickNextState(ctype, thisChar);

                    case NextTokenState.MaybeHex:
                        // previous char was 0
                        if (thisChar != 'x')
                            // back up and try non-hex
                            // back up to the 0
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                            // reset state and don't choose MaybeNumber state.
                            // pull char from backString
                            thisChar = backString[0];
                            backString.Remove(0, 1);
                            state = PickNextState(settings.CharTypes[thisChar], (int)thisChar,
                            log.Debug("HexGot0x: Next state on '{0}' is {1}", (char)thisChar,
                        else state = NextTokenState.HexGot0x;

                    case NextTokenState.HexGot0x:
                        if (!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.HexDigit))
                            // got 0x but now a non-hex char
                            // back up to the 0
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                            // reset state and don't choose MaybeNumber state.
                            // pull char from backString
                            thisChar = backString[0];
                            backString.Remove(0, 1);
                            state = PickNextState(settings.CharTypes[thisChar], (int)thisChar,
                            log.Debug("HexGot0x: Next state on '{0}' is {1}", (char)thisChar,
                        else state = NextTokenState.HexNumber;

                    case NextTokenState.HexNumber:
                        if (!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.HexDigit))
                            // emit the hex number we've collected
                            log.Debug("Emit hex IntToken from string '{0}'", nextTokenSb);
                            token = IntToken.ParseHex(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                            done = true;
                            nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.MaybeNumber:
                        // Determine whether or not to stop collecting characters for
                        // the number parse.  We terminate when it's clear it's not
                        // a number or no longer a number.
                        bool term = false;

                        if (settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.Digit)
                            || settings.IsCharType(prevChar, CharTypeBits.Digit)) seenDigit = true;

                        // term conditions
                        if (thisChar == '.')
                            if (seenDot > 1) term = true;  // more than one dot, it aint a number
                        else if (((thisChar == 'e') || (thisChar == 'E')))
                            if (!seenDigit) term = true;  // e before any digits is bad
                            else if (seenE > 1) term = true;  // more than 1 e is bad
                                term = true; // done regardless

                                // scan the exponent, put its characters into
                                // nextTokenSb, if there are any
                                char c;
                                if (GrabInt(expSb, true, out c))
                                    // we got a good exponent, tack it on
                                    thisChar = c; // and continue after the exponent's characters
                        else if (thisChar == Eof) term = true;
                        // or a char that can't be in a number
                        else if ((!settings.IsCharType(ctype, CharTypeBits.Digit)
                            && (thisChar != 'e') && (thisChar != 'E')
                            && (thisChar != '-') && (thisChar != '.'))
                            || ((thisChar == '+') && (seenE == 0)))
                            // it's not a normal number character
                            term = true;
                        // or a dash not after e
                        else if ((thisChar == '-') && (!((prevChar == 'e') || (prevChar == 'E')))) term = true;

                        if (term)
                            // we are terminating a number, or it wasn't a number
                            if (seenDigit)
                                if ((nextTokenSb.IndexOf('.') >= 0)
                                    || (nextTokenSb.IndexOf('e') >= 0)
                                    || (nextTokenSb.IndexOf('E') >= 0)
                                    || (nextTokenSb.Length >= 19) // probably too large for Int64, use float
                                    token = new FloatToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                    log.Debug("Emit FloatToken from string '{0}'", nextTokenSb);
                                    log.Debug("Emit IntToken from string '{0}'", nextTokenSb);
                                    token = new IntToken(nextTokenSb.ToString(), tokenLineNumber);
                                done = true;
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                                // -whatever or -.whatever
                                // didn't see any digits, must have gotten here by a leading -
                                // and no digits after it
                                // back up to -, pick next state excluding numbers
                                nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                                // restart on the - and don't choose MaybeNumber state
                                // pull char from backString
                                thisChar = backString[0];
                                backString.Remove(0, 1);
                                state = PickNextState(settings.CharTypes[thisChar], (int)thisChar,
                                log.Debug("MaybeNumber: Next state on '{0}' is {1}", (char)thisChar,

                    case NextTokenState.Eol:
                        // tokenLineNumber - 1 because the newline char is on the previous line
                        token = new EolToken(tokenLineNumber - 1);
                        done = true;
                        nextTokenSb.Length = 0;

                    case NextTokenState.Eof:
                        token = new EofToken(tokenLineNumber);
                        done = true;
                        nextTokenSb.Length = 0;
                        return (false);

                    case NextTokenState.Invalid:
                        // not a good sign, some unrepresented state?
                        log.Error("NextToken: Hit unrepresented state {0}", state);
                        return (false);

                // use a StringBuilder to accumulate characters which are part of this token
                if (thisChar != Eof) nextTokenSb.Append((char)thisChar);
                log.Debug("After switch: state = {0}, nextTokenSb = '{1}', backString = '{2}'",
                    state, nextTokenSb, backString);

            log.Debug("Got token {0}", token.ToDebugString());
            return (true);
Пример #3
        public void PushBack(Token prevToken)
            this.isPushback = true;
            this.prevToken = prevToken;

Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a WordToken is found,
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool SkipToWord(Token[] tokens, ref int i)
			while (!(tokens[i] is WordToken))
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
Пример #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a WordToken is found,
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="dropTokens">The tokens to drop.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static Token[] DropTokens(Token[] tokens, 
			Token[] dropTokens)
			ArrayList outputList = new ArrayList();
			int i = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
				bool dropIt = false;
				for (int j = 0; j < dropTokens.Length; j++)
					if (tokens[i].Equals(dropTokens[j])) dropIt = true;
				if (!dropIt) outputList.Add(tokens[i]);

			// copy to array
			Token[] outputTokens = new Token[outputList.Count];
			i = 0;
			foreach(Token t in outputList) outputTokens[i++] = t;

Пример #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Find matching closing character.
		/// The matchable pairs of characters are parenthesis (), 
		/// square brackets [], and curly braces {}.
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int containing the index
		/// in the Token[] of a matchable? char, skip forward
		/// in the token array until the matching character is found.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This implicitly skips matching characters in quotes and
		/// comments if they are hidden in the tokens.  So if you grab
		/// comments and quotes when you tokenize, the characters in those
		/// tokens are not looked at by this function.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <param name="c">The start character whose match is to be found.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool FindMatch(Token[] tokens, ref int i,
			char c)
			char endChar;
			if (c == '(') endChar = ')';
			else if (c == '{') endChar = '}';
			else if (c == '[') endChar = ']';
			else return(false);

			int nestLevel = 1; // count first one

			// i'th token must be the start character
			if (tokens[i] != c)

			// terminate when we hit an end char and that takes us to
			// nest level 0
			while (nestLevel > 0)
				if (tokens[i] == c) nestLevel++;
				else if (tokens[i] == endChar) nestLevel--;
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
			i--; // went one past

Пример #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a WordToken is found,
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool SkipWs(Token[] tokens, ref int i)
			while (tokens[i] is WhitespaceToken) 
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
Пример #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a WordToken is found,
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool SkipToEol(Token[] tokens, ref int i)
			if ((i < 0) || (i >= tokens.Length)) return(false);
			while (!(tokens[i] is EolToken))
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
Пример #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[], a reference int and a string, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a token matches the string
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <param name="s">The string to look for.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool SkipToStringValue(Token[] tokens, ref int i,
			string s)
			while (tokens[i] != s)
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
Пример #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Token[] and a reference int, skip forward
		/// in the token array until a WordToken is found,
		/// and leave the reference int at that index.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokens">The token array.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The start index, and the result index.</param>
		/// <param name="c">The char to look for.</param>
		/// <returns>bool - true for success, false for 
		/// hit the end of the tokens.</returns>
		public static bool SkipToChar(Token[] tokens, ref int i,
			char c)
			while(tokens[i] != c)
				if (i >= tokens.Length) return(false);
Пример #11
		/// <summary> Gets next token, checking for a premature and of line.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">if it finds a premature end of line
		/// </exception>
		protected internal virtual void  getNextToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer,out Token token)
            tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
			if (token is EolToken)
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of line");
            if (token is EofToken)
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of file");
			//else if ((tokenizer.ttype == '\'') || (tokenizer.ttype == '"'))
            else if ((token is CharToken) && ((token.StringValue == "'") || (token.StringValue == "\"") ))
				//tokenizer.ttype = SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD;
			//else if ((tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD) && (tokenizer.sval.Equals("?")))
            else if ((token is CharToken) && (token.StringValue == "?"))
				//tokenizer.ttype = '?';
Пример #12
		/// <summary> Gets token and checks if its end of line.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">if it doesn't find an end of line
		/// </exception>
		protected internal virtual void  getLastToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer,out Token token , bool endOfFileOk)
			tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
			if ( (!(token is EolToken)) && ( (!(token is EofToken))  || !endOfFileOk))
				errms(tokenizer, "end of line expected");
Пример #13
		/// <summary> Gets index, checking for a premature and of line.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">if it finds a premature end of line
		/// </exception>
		protected internal virtual void  getIndex(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, out Token token)
			tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
            if (token is EolToken)
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of line");
            if (token is EofToken)
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of file");
Пример #14
		/// <summary> Gets next token, skipping empty lines.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">if reading the next token fails
		/// </exception>
		protected internal virtual void  getFirstToken(StreamTokenizer tokenizer,out Token token)
			//while (tokenizer.NextToken() == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOL)
            tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
            while(token is EolToken)
                tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
			} ;

			//if ((tokenizer.ttype == '\'') || (tokenizer.ttype == '"'))
            //if ((token.StringValue == "'") || (token.StringValue == "\"") )
				//tokenizer.ttype = SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD;
			//else if ((tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD) && (tokenizer.sval.Equals("?")))
			//	tokenizer.ttype = '?';
Пример #15
		/// <summary> Throws error message with line number and last token read.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="theMsg">the error message to be thrown
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <throws>  IOExcpetion containing the error message </throws>
		protected internal virtual void  errms(Token token, System.String theMsg)
			throw new System.IO.IOException(theMsg + ", read " + token.ToString());