public Task(TaskDescription description) : base(description) { if (Priority == TaskPriority.Urgent) { if (!ExecParams.ContainsKey("MinTime")) ExecParams["MinTime"] = "0"; if (!ExecParams.ContainsKey("MaxTime")) ExecParams["MaxTime"] = ExecParams["MinTime"]; } OutputParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Time = new TaskTimeMeasurement(); Time.Started(TaskTimeMetric.Postponed); if (this.IsFake()) Time.Edge(started: TaskTimeMetric.Queued, finished: TaskTimeMetric.Postponed); Estimations = null; CurrentSchedule = null; Incarnation = new IncarnationParams(); State = TaskState.Defined; string stepName = ExecParams.ContainsKey("StepName")? ExecParams["StepName"]: null; string storageRoot = IOProxy.Storage.BuildPath(UserId, WfId, stepId: TaskId.ToString(), stepName: stepName); this.PackageEngineState = new PackageEngineState(description, storageRoot); // todo : measure PackageEngineState expenses }
public Task(Task otherTask) : base(otherTask) { if (otherTask.OutputParams != null) OutputParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(otherTask.OutputParams); if (otherTask.PackageEngineState != null) this.PackageEngineState = (PackageEngineState) otherTask.PackageEngineState.Clone(); Time = new TaskTimeMeasurement(otherTask.Time); Incarnation = new IncarnationParams(otherTask.Incarnation); if (otherTask.Estimations != null) Estimations = new Dictionary<string, double>(otherTask.Estimations); CurrentSchedule = null; if (otherTask.CurrentSchedule != null) { CurrentSchedule = new TaskSchedule(otherTask.CurrentSchedule); // immutable: this.AssignedResource = otherTask.AssignedResource; this.AssignedNodes = otherTask.AssignedNodes; } State = otherTask.State; _inputsProcessed = otherTask._inputsProcessed; _inputsProcessingError = otherTask._inputsProcessingError; _failReason = otherTask._failReason; if (otherTask._lastEvent != null && otherTask._lastEvent.HasValue) _lastEvent = otherTask._lastEvent.Value; }
private string GetFtpFolder(NodeConfig nodeConfig, Resource resource, CopyPhase phase) { string ftpFolder = resource.Nodes.First(n => n.NodeName == nodeConfig.NodeName).DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem; string incarnatedFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(ftpFolder, TaskId, phase); return(incarnatedFtpFolder); }
public IncarnationParams(IncarnationParams otherIncarnation) : this() { if (otherIncarnation != null) { this.CommandLine = otherIncarnation.CommandLine; //this.StdInFile = otherIncarnation.StdInFile; //this.StdOutFile = otherIncarnation.StdOutFile; //this.PackageNameInConfig = otherIncarnation.PackageNameInConfig; this.PackageName = otherIncarnation.PackageName; //this.ProvidedTaskId = otherIncarnation.ProvidedTaskId; if (otherIncarnation.FilesToCopy.Any()) { FilesToCopy = otherIncarnation.FilesToCopy.Select(descr => descr).ToArray(); // todo : maybe Incarnation.FilesToCopy IEnumerable -> array[]? } if (otherIncarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.Any()) { ExpectedOutputFileNames = otherIncarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.Select(name => name).ToArray(); // todo : maybe Incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames IEnumerable -> array[]? } CanExpectMoreFiles = otherIncarnation.CanExpectMoreFiles; //this.InputFolderPath = otherIncarnation.InputFolderPath; //this.OutputFolderPath = otherIncarnation.OutputFolderPath; } }
public IncarnationParams(IncarnationParams otherIncarnation) : this() { if (otherIncarnation != null) { this.CommandLine = otherIncarnation.CommandLine; //this.StdInFile = otherIncarnation.StdInFile; //this.StdOutFile = otherIncarnation.StdOutFile; //this.PackageNameInConfig = otherIncarnation.PackageNameInConfig; this.PackageName = otherIncarnation.PackageName; //this.ProvidedTaskId = otherIncarnation.ProvidedTaskId; if (otherIncarnation.FilesToCopy.Any()) FilesToCopy = otherIncarnation.FilesToCopy.Select(descr => descr).ToArray(); // todo : maybe Incarnation.FilesToCopy IEnumerable -> array[]? if (otherIncarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.Any()) ExpectedOutputFileNames = otherIncarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.Select(name => name).ToArray(); // todo : maybe Incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames IEnumerable -> array[]? CanExpectMoreFiles = otherIncarnation.CanExpectMoreFiles; //this.InputFolderPath = otherIncarnation.InputFolderPath; //this.OutputFolderPath = otherIncarnation.OutputFolderPath; } }
public static IncarnationParams ProcessInputFiles(/* ref */ PackageEngineState engineState, out TimeSpan inputFilesTime) { var engine = new PackageEngine(engineState.CompiledDef, engineState.EngineContext); var incarnation = new IncarnationParams(); var fileManager = new InputFileManager(engineState.StoragePathBase); inputFilesTime = TimeSpanExt.Measure(() => { TimeSpan timeLimit = PB_PROCESS_TIME_LIMIT; try { Tools.ProcessWithTimeLimit(timeLimit, () => { engine.PrepareInputs(fileManager); CheckEngineResult(engine); }); } catch (TimeLimitException tle) { throw new PackageBaseException("Inputs processing in Package base exceeded time limit (" + timeLimit.TotalSeconds + " seconds).", tle); } finally { incarnation.FilesToCopy = incarnation.FilesToCopy.Concat(fileManager.GetInputFiles()).ToArray(); fileManager.Cleanup(); } }); object cmdLine = engine.Ctx.Memory[CmdLineDef.DefName].Value; //if (cmdLine == null) //throw new PackageBaseException("CommandLine generated by PackageBase is empty"); incarnation.CommandLine = cmdLine.ToString(); Log.Debug(String.Format( "Command line for pack {0}.{1} is '{2}' (task {3}). Cmdline object from PB is {4}", engine.CompiledMode.ModeQName.PackageName ?? "''", engine.CompiledMode.ModeQName.ModeName ?? "''", incarnation.CommandLine ?? "", engineState._taskDescription.TaskId, cmdLine == null ? "null" : "not null" )); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(incarnation.CommandLine)) { throw new PackageBaseException("CommandLine generated by PackageBase is empty"); } if (!engine.IsReadyToRun()) { Log.Warn("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after PrepareInputs"); Log.Error("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after PrepareInputs"); throw new PackageBaseException("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after processing inputs"); } return(incarnation); }
public static IncarnationParams ProcessInputFiles(/* ref */ PackageEngineState engineState, out TimeSpan inputFilesTime) { var engine = new PackageEngine(engineState.CompiledDef, engineState.EngineContext); var incarnation = new IncarnationParams(); var fileManager = new InputFileManager(engineState.StoragePathBase); inputFilesTime = TimeSpanExt.Measure(() => { TimeSpan timeLimit = PB_PROCESS_TIME_LIMIT; try { Tools.ProcessWithTimeLimit(timeLimit, () => { engine.PrepareInputs(fileManager); CheckEngineResult(engine); }); } catch (TimeLimitException tle) { throw new PackageBaseException("Inputs processing in Package base exceeded time limit (" + timeLimit.TotalSeconds + " seconds).", tle); } finally { incarnation.FilesToCopy = incarnation.FilesToCopy.Concat(fileManager.GetInputFiles()).ToArray(); fileManager.Cleanup(); } }); object cmdLine = engine.Ctx.Memory[CmdLineDef.DefName].Value; //if (cmdLine == null) //throw new PackageBaseException("CommandLine generated by PackageBase is empty"); incarnation.CommandLine = cmdLine.ToString(); Log.Debug(String.Format( "Command line for pack {0}.{1} is '{2}' (task {3}). Cmdline object from PB is {4}", engine.CompiledMode.ModeQName.PackageName ?? "''", engine.CompiledMode.ModeQName.ModeName ?? "''", incarnation.CommandLine ?? "", engineState._taskDescription.TaskId, cmdLine == null ? "null" : "not null" )); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(incarnation.CommandLine)) throw new PackageBaseException("CommandLine generated by PackageBase is empty"); if (!engine.IsReadyToRun()) { Log.Warn("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after PrepareInputs"); Log.Error("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after PrepareInputs"); throw new PackageBaseException("PackageBase: task is not ready to run after processing inputs"); } return incarnation; }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_lock) { int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); //string ftpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); //string jobFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string ftpInputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string ftpOutputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string clusterHomeFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); //IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpInputFolder); //IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpOutputFolder); try { SshExec(node, "mkdir " + clusterHomeFolder); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn(e.Message); } string fileNames = ""; //String.Join(" ", incarnation.FilesToCopy.Select(f => f.FileName)); foreach (var file in incarnation.FilesToCopy) { string tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); IOProxy.Storage.Download(file.StorageId, tmpFile); string fileOnCluster = clusterHomeFolder.TrimEnd(new[] { '/', '\\' }) + "/" + file.FileName; fileNames += " " + fileOnCluster; ScpCopy(node, fileOnCluster, tmpFile); System.IO.File.Delete(tmpFile); } string cmdLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath, "clavire" + taskId.ToString(), fileNames.Trim()); string result = SshExec(node, cmdLine); string jobId = result.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First(); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true; return(jobId); } }
public Task(Task otherTask) : base(otherTask) { if (otherTask.OutputParams != null) { OutputParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(otherTask.OutputParams); } if (otherTask.PackageEngineState != null) { this.PackageEngineState = (PackageEngineState)otherTask.PackageEngineState.Clone(); } Time = new TaskTimeMeasurement(otherTask.Time); Incarnation = new IncarnationParams(otherTask.Incarnation); if (otherTask.Estimations != null) { Estimations = new Dictionary <string, double>(otherTask.Estimations); } CurrentSchedule = null; if (otherTask.CurrentSchedule != null) { CurrentSchedule = new TaskSchedule(otherTask.CurrentSchedule); // immutable: this.AssignedResource = otherTask.AssignedResource; this.AssignedNodes = otherTask.AssignedNodes; } State = otherTask.State; _inputsProcessed = otherTask._inputsProcessed; _inputsProcessingError = otherTask._inputsProcessingError; _failReason = otherTask._failReason; if (otherTask._lastEvent != null && otherTask._lastEvent.HasValue) { _lastEvent = otherTask._lastEvent.Value; } }
public override Tuple <TaskState, string> GetTaskState(ulong taskId, string providedTaskId, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_gridLock) { RefreshCertificate(); string taskIdString = taskId.ToString(); string state = SshExec(PilotCommands.JobStatus, providedTaskId).ToLower(); if (state.Contains("is new")) { return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Started, state)); } //return Tuple.Create(TaskState.Scheduled, state); if (state.Contains("is running") || state.Contains("is starting")) { return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Started, state)); } var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); string ftpOutFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string ftpOutFolderFromResource = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string gridFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpOutFolderFromSystem); SshExec(PilotCommands.CopyFilesToGridFtp, gridFolder + " " + ftpOutFolderFromResource); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = false; if (state.Contains("is finished")) { return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Completed, state)); } else { return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Failed, state)); } } }
public override Tuple <TaskState, string> GetTaskState(ulong taskId, string providedTaskId, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_lock) { string result = SshExec(resource.Nodes.First(), SshCommands.GetTaskState, providedTaskId).ToLowerInvariant(); if (result.Contains("job_state = R") || result.Contains("job_state = Q")) { return(new Tuple <TaskState, string>(TaskState.Started, result)); } // esle if (Aborted, Failed) else { var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); string ftpOutFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string clusterFolder = "share/ANSYS_JOBS/clavire" + taskId.ToString() + "_0001/"; IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpOutFolderFromSystem); var fileNames = SshExec(node, SshCommands.Ls, clusterFolder) .Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Where(st => !st.Contains("/")) .Select(st => st.Replace("*", "").Replace("|", "")) .Where(st => !st.Contains(".rst") && !st.Contains(".err") && !st.Contains(".esav")); foreach (string fileName in fileNames) { string tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); ScpGet(node, clusterFolder + fileName, tmpFile); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(tmpFile, ftpOutFolderFromSystem, fileName); System.IO.File.Delete(tmpFile); } _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = false; return(new Tuple <TaskState, string>(TaskState.Completed, result)); } } }
public Task(TaskDescription description) : base(description) { if (Priority == TaskPriority.Urgent) { if (!ExecParams.ContainsKey("MinTime")) { ExecParams["MinTime"] = "0"; } if (!ExecParams.ContainsKey("MaxTime")) { ExecParams["MaxTime"] = ExecParams["MinTime"]; } } OutputParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Time = new TaskTimeMeasurement(); Time.Started(TaskTimeMetric.Postponed); if (this.IsFake()) { Time.Edge(started: TaskTimeMetric.Queued, finished: TaskTimeMetric.Postponed); } Estimations = null; CurrentSchedule = null; Incarnation = new IncarnationParams(); State = TaskState.Defined; string stepName = ExecParams.ContainsKey("StepName")? ExecParams["StepName"]: null; string storageRoot = IOProxy.Storage.BuildPath(UserId, WfId, stepId: TaskId.ToString(), stepName: stepName); this.PackageEngineState = new PackageEngineState(description, storageRoot); // todo : measure PackageEngineState expenses }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable<NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_pcLock) { //AcceptPsToolsEula(); int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); if (_nodeUsed[node.NodeName]) throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not run task {0} on node {1}: node used by another task", taskId, node.NodeName)); string ftpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string jobFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string sharedInputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string sharedOutputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string tmpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpFolder); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(jobFtpFolder); string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId + ".cmd"; Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on win PC {1}", taskId, node.NodeName )); var pack = node.Packages.First(p => String.Equals(p.Name, incarnation.PackageName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); string batchContent = ""; batchContent += "mkdir " + tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; if (Path.IsPathRooted(tmpFolder)) // change drive if needed batchContent += Path.GetPathRoot(tmpFolder).TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += String.Format( @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_script_started" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string copyPath in pack.CopyOnStartup) batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, copyPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += String.Format( //@"ping localhost -w 1000 -n 50" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedInputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] {'/', '\\'}), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); // todo : env vars on WinPc provider string commandLine = incarnation.CommandLine; //var pack = node.Packages.First(p => commandLine.StartsWith(p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); //commandLine = pack.Params["appPath"] + commandLine.Substring(pack.Name.Length); commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath); //commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.Params["appPath"]); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_started" + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += //"start \"" + jobFileName + " " + incarnation.PackageNameInConfig + "\" /wait /b" + "cmd.exe /c " + commandLine + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_finished" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string delPath in pack.Cleanup) { batchContent += String.Format( @"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"del /f /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder + delPath ); } batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {1} {0}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += String.Format( @"ping localhost -n 3" + Environment.NewLine + @"echo %time% > clavire_script_finished" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy clavire_script_finished {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd .." + Environment.NewLine + //@"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "", tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadFileContent(batchContent, jobFtpFolder, jobFileName); //string cmdArgs = "/c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd"); //string cmdArgs = "\\\\ -u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm -d cmd.exe /c \"\\\\\\ftp_exchange\\Tasks\\10043\\job_10043.cmd\""; //Log.Debug(cmdArgs); //Process.Start(CONST.Path.PsExec, cmdArgs); //**/ //var psexecProcess = new Process(); //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.FileName = CONST.Path.PsExec; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format( // "\\\\{0} -d -u {1} -p {2} cmd.exe /c {4}", // -d -w \"{3}\" ^> C:\\Temp\\out // //"-u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm cmd.exe /c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd"), //, resParams.user, resParams.pass, // resParams.tempFolderOnMachine.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), // sharedJobFilePath //); //* //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UserName = "******"; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password = new System.Security.SecureString(); //foreach (var c in "Yt1NyDpQNm".ToCharArray()) //{ // psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password.AppendChar(c); //} //**/ //Log.Debug("psexec args:\n" + psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments); ////psexecProcess.Start(); //Log.Debug("psexec process started"); //string execMessage = /*psexecProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + " " +*/ "1 " + PS_PID_START_MSG + "5."; //psexecProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); //execMessage = execMessage.Trim(); ////psexecProcess.WaitForExit(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); //Log.Debug("psexec output:\n" + execMessage); //if (!execMessage.Contains(PS_PID_START_MSG)) // throw new Exception(String.Format( // "Couldn't exec task {0} on win pc {1}", // taskId, // )); //execMessage = execMessage.Remove(0, execMessage.IndexOf(PS_PID_START_MSG) + PS_PID_START_MSG.Length); //string pid = execMessage.Substring(0, execMessage.Length-1); var rexService = EntryPointProxy.GetREx(node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int pid = rexService.Exec(taskId); Log.Debug(String.Format( "Task {0} ({1}) started on pc {2} with pid = {3}", taskId, pack.Name, node.NodeName, pid )); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); return pid + "\n" + node.NodeName; } }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable<NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { string providedTaskId = taskId.ToString(); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService(); ClustersService.Code errCode; ClustersService.TaskInfo taskInfo; lock (_clustersServiceLock) { taskInfo = service.GetTaskState(providedTaskId, out errCode); } if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess) throw new ClusterException(errCode); taskInfo.ClusterName = resource.ResourceName; taskInfo.CommandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath); taskInfo.PackageName = incarnation.PackageName.ToUpperInvariant(); /* if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdInFile)) taskInfo.StdinFileName = incarnation.StdInFile; else taskInfo.StdinFileName = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdOutFile)) taskInfo.StdoutFileName = incarnation.StdOutFile; else taskInfo.StdoutFileName = ""; */ // cores on nodes: {n, 0, 0} -> {n} taskInfo.NumberOfCores = new ClustersService.ArrayOfInt(); taskInfo.NumberOfCores.AddRange(nodesConfig.Where(conf => conf.Cores > 0).Select(conf => conf.Cores)); taskInfo.NumberOfNodes = taskInfo.NumberOfCores.Count; var logStream = new StringWriter(); logStream.WriteLine("Задача {0} ({1}) запускается на кластере {2}", taskInfo.TaskID, taskInfo.PackageName, taskInfo.ClusterName); logStream.WriteLine(" Папка с файлами расчета: {0}", taskInfo.FTPPath); logStream.WriteLine(" Строка запуска: {0}", taskInfo.CommandLine); logStream.WriteLine(" Перенаправление вывода: {0}", taskInfo.StdoutFileName); logStream.Write(" Количество ядер (по каждому узлу): "); foreach (int coresCount in taskInfo.NumberOfCores) logStream.Write("{0} ", coresCount); Log.Info(logStream.ToString()); lock (_clustersServiceLock) { errCode = service.ExecuteTask(taskInfo); } if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess) throw new ClusterException(String.Format( CONST.Dirty<string>("Ошибка интегратора управления кластерами при запуске задачи: {0}"), errCode.ToString() )); return providedTaskId; }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_hadoopLock) { var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); string workDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string workScriptPath = workDir + ""; string workScriptInternalPath = workDir + ""; string exchangeInDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string exchangeOutDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string identity = exchangeInDir.Split('@')[0].Replace("ftp://", ""); string user = identity.Split(':')[0]; string pass = identity.Split(':')[1]; string hostAndPath = exchangeInDir.Split('@')[1]; string ftpHost = hostAndPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[0]; string ftpInPath = hostAndPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[1]; string ftpOutPath = exchangeOutDir.Split('@')[1].Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[1]; //pack.Params. var cmd = new StringBuilder(); cmd.AppendFormat("cd " + workDir + "\n"); cmd.AppendFormat(String.Format(HadoopCommands.Run, workScriptInternalPath) + "\n"); cmd.AppendFormat("echo $!" + "\n"); string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tempPath, cmd.ToString()); var cmd_internal = new StringBuilder(); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("ftp -n {0} << END_SCRIPT\n", ftpHost); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote User {0}\n", user); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote PASS {0}\n", pass); foreach (TaskFileDescription fileDesc in incarnation.FilesToCopy) { cmd_internal.AppendFormat("get {0}{2} {1}{2}\n", ftpInPath, workDir, fileDesc.FileName); } cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quit" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("END_SCRIPT" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat(String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(pack.AppPath, taskId, CopyPhase.None).TrimEnd('/')) + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("ftp -n {0} << END_SCRIPT\n", ftpHost); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote User {0}\n", user); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote PASS {0}\n", pass); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("mkdir {0}\n", ftpOutPath); foreach (string fileName in incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames) { cmd_internal.AppendFormat("put {0}{2} {1}{2}\n", workDir, ftpOutPath, fileName); } cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quit" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("END_SCRIPT" + "\n"); string tempPathInternal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tempPathInternal, cmd_internal.ToString()); string host = node.Services.ExecutionUrl; SshRun(host, "mkdir " + workDir, true); // Need check, del SshRun(host, "rm " + workDir + "*", true); // Need check foreach (string path in pack.CopyOnStartup) // todo : internal_script maybe? { string toCopy = (path.EndsWith("/")? path + "*": path); // 'folder/*' needed for contents copy // ^^^^^ doesn't work everywhere SshRun(host, "cp -fpR " + toCopy + "/* " + workDir); } /* * SshRun(host, "cp " + "/home/clavire/hadrawler/ " + workDir); // Need check, del * SshRun(host, "cp " + "/home/clavire/hadrawler/hadoop2.conf " + workDir); // Need check, del */ ScpPut(host, tempPath, workScriptPath);// Need del SshRun(host, "chmod 700 " + workScriptPath); ScpPut(host, tempPathInternal, workScriptInternalPath);// Need del SshRun(host, "chmod 700 " + workScriptInternalPath); File.Delete(tempPath); File.Delete(tempPathInternal); string pid = SshShell(host, workScriptPath); // проверка на то запустилось ли _nodeUsed = true; return(pid.Split('\n')[2].TrimEnd('\r')); } }
public object Run(TaskRunContext task) { ulong taskId = task.TaskId; int coresToUse = (int)task.NodesConfig.Sum(cfg => cfg.Cores); var node = GetNode(task); string ftpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string jobFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string sharedInputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string sharedOutputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string tmpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpFolder); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(jobFtpFolder); string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId + ".cmd"; logger.Info("Trying to exec task {0} on win PC {1}.{2}", taskId, node.ResourceName, node.NodeName); var pack = node.Packages.First(p => String.Equals(p.Name, task.PackageName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); string batchContent = ""; batchContent += "mkdir " + tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; if (Path.IsPathRooted(tmpFolder)) // change drive if needed { batchContent += Path.GetPathRoot(tmpFolder).TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; } batchContent += String.Format( @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_script_started" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string copyPath in pack.CopyOnStartup) { batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, copyPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); } batchContent += String.Format( //@"ping localhost -w 1000 -n 50" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedInputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); foreach (var envVar in pack.EnvVars) { batchContent += "set " + envVar.Key + "=" + envVar.Value + Environment.NewLine; } string commandLine = task.CommandLine; //var pack = node.Packages.First(p => commandLine.StartsWith(p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); //commandLine = pack.Params["appPath"] + commandLine.Substring(pack.Name.Length); commandLine = String.Format(task.CommandLine, pack.AppPath); //commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.Params["appPath"]); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_started" + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += //"start \"" + jobFileName + " " + incarnation.PackageNameInConfig + "\" /wait /b" + "cmd.exe /c " + commandLine + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_finished" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string copyPath in pack.CleanupIgnore) { batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {1} {0} /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, (sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + "/" + copyPath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/', '\\' })).Replace("/", "\\"), (tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + "/" + copyPath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/', '\\' })).Replace("/", "\\") ); } foreach (string delPath in pack.Cleanup) { batchContent += String.Format( @"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"del /f /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder + delPath // todo: delPath.TrimStart ); } batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {1} {0}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += String.Format( //@"ping localhost -n 3" + Environment.NewLine + @"echo %time% > clavire_script_finished" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy clavire_script_finished {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd .." + Environment.NewLine + //@"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "", tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); int pauseLine = -1; Int32.TryParse(Config.AppSettings[DEBUG_PAUSE_PARAM_NAME] ?? "-1", out pauseLine); if (pauseLine >= 0) { var batchLines = batchContent.Replace("\r", "").Split(new[] { '\n' }); string newBatchContent = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, batchLines.Take(pauseLine)) + Environment.NewLine + "pause" + Environment.NewLine + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, batchLines.Skip(pauseLine)); batchContent = newBatchContent; } IOProxy.Ftp.UploadFileContent(batchContent, jobFtpFolder, jobFileName); var rexService = GetREx(node.Services.ExecutionUrl); // todo : close service client! int pid = rexService.Exec(taskId); logger.Info("Task {0} ({1}) started on pc {2}.{3} with pid = {4}", taskId, pack.Name, node.ResourceName, node.NodeName, pid); return(pid + "\n" + node.NodeName); }
/// <summary> /// Run task on selected resource /// </summary> /// <param name="incarnation"></param> /// <param name="resource"></param> /// <returns>Provided task id (unique for resource)</returns> public abstract string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig);
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_gridLock) { RefreshCertificate(); string tmpFileName = null; if (incarnation.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Using user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); IOProxy.Storage.Download(incarnation.UserCert, tmpFileName); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } else { Log.Info("Using system's certificate"); } try { int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); if (_nodeUsed[node.NodeName]) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not run task {0} on node {1}: node used by another task", taskId, node.NodeName)); } // todo : remove incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("java -jar ", ""); if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") { incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.ExtendedModel"); } else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") { incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.SpreadModel"); } else { //if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", ""); } string ftpFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string ftpFolderFromResource = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string gridFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFolderOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder); string endl = "\n"; // Сначала дописываем недостающий входной файл (скрипт запуска пакета на кластере) string scriptName = pack.AppPath; //if (pack.EnvVars.Any()) { // Файл с установкой переменных окружения, если пакет их использует scriptName = ""; var scriptContent = new StringBuilder(); scriptContent.Append("#!/bin/bash" + endl); foreach (var pair in pack.EnvVars) { scriptContent.AppendFormat("export {0}={1}" + endl, pair.Key, pair.Value); } scriptContent.Append(pack.AppPath); if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { string[] args = incarnation.CommandLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "orca.out") { scriptContent.Append(" >"); } scriptContent.Append(" $" + (i + 1).ToString()); } } else { scriptContent.Append(" " + incarnation.CommandLine); } string scriptLocalPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(scriptLocalPath, scriptContent.ToString()); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(scriptLocalPath, ftpFolderFromSystem, scriptName); File.Delete(scriptLocalPath); } //IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH, GetFtpInputFolder(taskId), Path.GetFileName(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH)); // Копируем входные файлы с ФТП на ГридФТП SshExec(PilotCommands.CopyFilesToGridFtp, ftpFolderFromResource + " " + gridFtpFolder); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFilesExecutableOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder + "*"); // Формируем описание задания для грида var jobFileContent = new StringBuilder(); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"{{ ""version"": 2, ""description"": ""{0}""," + endl, taskId); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""default_storage_base"": ""{0}""," + endl, gridFtpFolder); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""tasks"": [ {{ ""id"": ""a"", ""description"": ""task"", ""definition"": {{ ""version"": 2," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""executable"": ""{0}""," + endl, scriptName); //jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""arguments"": [ ""{0}"" ]," + endl, String.Join(@""", """, args)); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""input_files"": {{" + endl); if (scriptName == "") // todo : if no input files? { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" """": """"," + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", incarnation.FilesToCopy.Select( file => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", file.FileName) ) )); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(endl + @" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output_files"": {{" + endl); //if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); //else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); } else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""orca.out"": ""orca.out""," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""eldens.cube"": ""eldens.cube""" + endl); } else { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames .Where(name => name != "std.out" && name != "std.err") .Select( name => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", name) ) ) + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""stdout"": ""std.out"", ""stderr"": ""std.err"", " + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""count"": {0}" + endl, coresToUse); if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ,""requirements"": {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }} }} ]," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""requirements"": {{ ""hostname"": [""{0}""]", node.NodeAddress); //if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@", {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"}}" + endl + "}}", node.NodeAddress); Log.Debug(String.Format("Task's '{0}' grid job JSON: ", taskId, jobFileContent)); string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId.ToString() + ".js"; string jobFilePathOnHelper = JOBS_FOLDER_ON_HELPER + jobFileName; //string jobFileContent = File.ReadAllText(DEFAULT_JOB_DESCR_PATH).Replace(GRIDFTP_PATH_TOKEN, taskFolderOnGridFtp); string jobFilePathLocal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(jobFilePathLocal, jobFileContent.ToString()); // Записываем его на сервер с Пилотом var scp = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); /* * var notifier = new JobDescriptionUploadNotifier(TaskId, Cluster, RunParams); * scp.OnTransferEnd += new SSH.FileTransferEvent(notifier.OnFinish); // todo : необязательно */ scp.Connect(); scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(jobFilePathLocal, jobFilePathOnHelper); scp.Close(); File.Delete(jobFilePathLocal); // todo : remove files on helper and gridftp // Запускаем Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on grid cluster {1}", taskId, node.NodeName )); string launchResult = SshExec(PilotCommands.SubmitJob, jobFilePathOnHelper, pilotUrl: node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int urlPos = launchResult.IndexOf("https://"); string jobUrl = launchResult.Substring(urlPos).Trim() + "a"; Log.Debug(jobUrl); Log.Info(String.Format( "Task {0} launched on grid with jobUrl = {1}", taskId, jobUrl )); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true; return(jobUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(String.Format( "Error while starting task {0} in grid: {1}\n{2}", taskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace )); throw; } finally { if (incarnation.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Wiping user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tmpFileName, "Wiped by Easis system"); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } } } }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable<NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_gridLock) { RefreshCertificate(); string tmpFileName = null; if (incarnation.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Using user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); IOProxy.Storage.Download(incarnation.UserCert, tmpFileName); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } else { Log.Info("Using system's certificate"); } try { int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); if (_nodeUsed[node.NodeName]) throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not run task {0} on node {1}: node used by another task", taskId, node.NodeName)); // todo : remove incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("java -jar ", ""); if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.ExtendedModel"); else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", "ru.ifmo.hpc.main.SpreadModel"); else //if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") incarnation.CommandLine = incarnation.CommandLine.Replace("{0}", ""); string ftpFolderFromSystem = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string ftpFolderFromResource = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string gridFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFolderOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder); string endl = "\n"; // Сначала дописываем недостающий входной файл (скрипт запуска пакета на кластере) string scriptName = pack.AppPath; //if (pack.EnvVars.Any()) { // Файл с установкой переменных окружения, если пакет их использует scriptName = ""; var scriptContent = new StringBuilder(); scriptContent.Append("#!/bin/bash" + endl); foreach (var pair in pack.EnvVars) scriptContent.AppendFormat("export {0}={1}" + endl, pair.Key, pair.Value); scriptContent.Append(pack.AppPath); if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { string[] args = incarnation.CommandLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "orca.out") scriptContent.Append(" >"); scriptContent.Append(" $" + (i + 1).ToString()); } } else { scriptContent.Append(" " + incarnation.CommandLine); } string scriptLocalPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(scriptLocalPath, scriptContent.ToString()); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(scriptLocalPath, ftpFolderFromSystem, scriptName); File.Delete(scriptLocalPath); } //IOProxy.Ftp.UploadLocalFile(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH, GetFtpInputFolder(taskId), Path.GetFileName(DEFAULT_JOB_LAUNCHER_PATH)); // Копируем входные файлы с ФТП на ГридФТП SshExec(PilotCommands.CopyFilesToGridFtp, ftpFolderFromResource + " " + gridFtpFolder); SshExec(PilotCommands.MakeFilesExecutableOnGridFtp, gridFtpFolder + "*"); // Формируем описание задания для грида var jobFileContent = new StringBuilder(); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"{{ ""version"": 2, ""description"": ""{0}""," + endl, taskId); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""default_storage_base"": ""{0}""," + endl, gridFtpFolder); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""tasks"": [ {{ ""id"": ""a"", ""description"": ""task"", ""definition"": {{ ""version"": 2," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""executable"": ""{0}""," + endl, scriptName); //jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""arguments"": [ ""{0}"" ]," + endl, String.Join(@""", """, args)); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""input_files"": {{" + endl); if (scriptName == "") // todo : if no input files? jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" """": """"," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", incarnation.FilesToCopy.Select( file => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", file.FileName) ) )); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(endl + @" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output_files"": {{" + endl); //if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cnm") // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); //else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ism") jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""output.dat"": ""output.dat""" + endl); else if (incarnation.PackageName.ToLowerInvariant() == "orca") { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""orca.out"": ""orca.out""," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""eldens.cube"": ""eldens.cube""" + endl); } else { jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" " + String.Join( "," + endl + " ", incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames .Where(name => name != "std.out" && name != "std.err") .Select( name => String.Format(@"""{0}"": ""{0}""", name) ) ) + endl); } jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }}," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""stdout"": ""std.out"", ""stderr"": ""std.err"", " + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""count"": {0}" + endl, coresToUse); if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ,""requirements"": {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" }} }} ]," + endl); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@" ""requirements"": {{ ""hostname"": [""{0}""]", node.NodeAddress); //if (pack.Params.ContainsKey("requirements")) // jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@", {0}" + endl, pack.Params["requirements"]); jobFileContent.AppendFormat(@"}}" + endl + "}}", node.NodeAddress); Log.Debug(String.Format("Task's '{0}' grid job JSON: ", taskId, jobFileContent)); string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId.ToString() + ".js"; string jobFilePathOnHelper = JOBS_FOLDER_ON_HELPER + jobFileName; //string jobFileContent = File.ReadAllText(DEFAULT_JOB_DESCR_PATH).Replace(GRIDFTP_PATH_TOKEN, taskFolderOnGridFtp); string jobFilePathLocal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(jobFilePathLocal, jobFileContent.ToString()); // Записываем его на сервер с Пилотом var scp = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); /* var notifier = new JobDescriptionUploadNotifier(TaskId, Cluster, RunParams); scp.OnTransferEnd += new SSH.FileTransferEvent(notifier.OnFinish); // todo : необязательно */ scp.Connect(); scp.Recursive = true; scp.Put(jobFilePathLocal, jobFilePathOnHelper); scp.Close(); File.Delete(jobFilePathLocal); // todo : remove files on helper and gridftp // Запускаем Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on grid cluster {1}", taskId, node.NodeName )); string launchResult = SshExec(PilotCommands.SubmitJob, jobFilePathOnHelper, pilotUrl: node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int urlPos = launchResult.IndexOf("https://"); string jobUrl = launchResult.Substring(urlPos).Trim() + "a"; Log.Debug(jobUrl); Log.Info(String.Format( "Task {0} launched on grid with jobUrl = {1}", taskId, jobUrl )); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true; return jobUrl; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(String.Format( "Error while starting task {0} in grid: {1}\n{2}", taskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace )); throw; } finally { if (incarnation.UserCert != null) { Log.Info("Wiping user's certificate"); tmpFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tmpFileName, "Wiped by Easis system"); var scpForCert = new SSH.Scp(HELPER_SSH_HOST, HELPER_SSH_USER, HELPER_SSH_PASS); scpForCert.Connect(); scpForCert.Recursive = true; scpForCert.Put(tmpFileName, "/tmp/x509up_u500"); scpForCert.Close(); File.Delete(tmpFileName); SshExec(PilotCommands.SetPermissionsOnProxyCertFile); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Run task on selected resource /// </summary> /// <param name="incarnation"></param> /// <param name="resource"></param> /// <returns>Provided task id (unique for resource)</returns> public abstract string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable<NodeConfig> nodesConfig);
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { string providedTaskId = taskId.ToString(); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService(); ClustersService.Code errCode; ClustersService.TaskInfo taskInfo; lock (_clustersServiceLock) { taskInfo = service.GetTaskState(providedTaskId, out errCode); } if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess) { throw new ClusterException(errCode); } taskInfo.ClusterName = resource.ResourceName; taskInfo.CommandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath); taskInfo.PackageName = incarnation.PackageName.ToUpperInvariant(); /* * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdInFile)) * taskInfo.StdinFileName = incarnation.StdInFile; * else * taskInfo.StdinFileName = ""; * * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdOutFile)) * taskInfo.StdoutFileName = incarnation.StdOutFile; * else * taskInfo.StdoutFileName = ""; */ // cores on nodes: {n, 0, 0} -> {n} taskInfo.NumberOfCores = new ClustersService.ArrayOfInt(); taskInfo.NumberOfCores.AddRange(nodesConfig.Where(conf => conf.Cores > 0).Select(conf => conf.Cores)); taskInfo.NumberOfNodes = taskInfo.NumberOfCores.Count; var logStream = new StringWriter(); logStream.WriteLine("Задача {0} ({1}) запускается на кластере {2}", taskInfo.TaskID, taskInfo.PackageName, taskInfo.ClusterName); logStream.WriteLine(" Папка с файлами расчета: {0}", taskInfo.FTPPath); logStream.WriteLine(" Строка запуска: {0}", taskInfo.CommandLine); logStream.WriteLine(" Перенаправление вывода: {0}", taskInfo.StdoutFileName); logStream.Write(" Количество ядер (по каждому узлу): "); foreach (int coresCount in taskInfo.NumberOfCores) { logStream.Write("{0} ", coresCount); } Log.Info(logStream.ToString()); lock (_clustersServiceLock) { errCode = service.ExecuteTask(taskInfo); } if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess) { throw new ClusterException(String.Format( CONST.Dirty <string>("Ошибка интегратора управления кластерами при запуске задачи: {0}"), errCode.ToString() )); } return(providedTaskId); }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable<NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_hadoopLock) { var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName); string workDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string workScriptPath = workDir + ""; string workScriptInternalPath = workDir + ""; string exchangeInDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string exchangeOutDir = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string identity = exchangeInDir.Split('@')[0].Replace("ftp://", ""); string user = identity.Split(':')[0]; string pass = identity.Split(':')[1]; string hostAndPath = exchangeInDir.Split('@')[1]; string ftpHost = hostAndPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[0]; string ftpInPath = hostAndPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[1]; string ftpOutPath = exchangeOutDir.Split('@')[1].Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2)[1]; //pack.Params. var cmd = new StringBuilder(); cmd.AppendFormat("cd " + workDir + "\n"); cmd.AppendFormat(String.Format(HadoopCommands.Run, workScriptInternalPath) + "\n"); cmd.AppendFormat("echo $!" + "\n"); string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tempPath, cmd.ToString()); var cmd_internal = new StringBuilder(); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("ftp -n {0} << END_SCRIPT\n", ftpHost); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote User {0}\n", user); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote PASS {0}\n", pass); foreach (TaskFileDescription fileDesc in incarnation.FilesToCopy) { cmd_internal.AppendFormat("get {0}{2} {1}{2}\n", ftpInPath, workDir, fileDesc.FileName); } cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quit" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("END_SCRIPT" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat(String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(pack.AppPath, taskId, CopyPhase.None).TrimEnd('/')) + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("ftp -n {0} << END_SCRIPT\n", ftpHost); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote User {0}\n", user); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quote PASS {0}\n", pass); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("mkdir {0}\n", ftpOutPath); foreach (string fileName in incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames) { cmd_internal.AppendFormat("put {0}{2} {1}{2}\n", workDir, ftpOutPath, fileName); } cmd_internal.AppendFormat("quit" + "\n"); cmd_internal.AppendFormat("END_SCRIPT" + "\n"); string tempPathInternal = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(tempPathInternal, cmd_internal.ToString()); string host = node.Services.ExecutionUrl; SshRun(host, "mkdir " + workDir, true); // Need check, del SshRun(host, "rm " + workDir + "*", true); // Need check foreach (string path in pack.CopyOnStartup) // todo : internal_script maybe? { string toCopy = (path.EndsWith("/")? path + "*": path); // 'folder/*' needed for contents copy // ^^^^^ doesn't work everywhere SshRun(host, "cp -fpR " + toCopy + "/* " + workDir); } /* SshRun(host, "cp " + "/home/clavire/hadrawler/ " + workDir); // Need check, del SshRun(host, "cp " + "/home/clavire/hadrawler/hadoop2.conf " + workDir); // Need check, del */ ScpPut(host, tempPath, workScriptPath);// Need del SshRun(host, "chmod 700 " + workScriptPath); ScpPut(host, tempPathInternal, workScriptInternalPath);// Need del SshRun(host, "chmod 700 " + workScriptInternalPath); File.Delete(tempPath); File.Delete(tempPathInternal); string pid = SshShell(host, workScriptPath); // проверка на то запустилось ли _nodeUsed = true; return pid.Split('\n')[2].TrimEnd('\r'); } }
public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig) { lock (_pcLock) { //AcceptPsToolsEula(); int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores); var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig); if (_nodeUsed[node.NodeName]) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not run task {0} on node {1}: node used by another task", taskId, node.NodeName)); } string ftpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string jobFtpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.None); string sharedInputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In); string sharedOutputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out); string tmpFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(ftpFolder); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(jobFtpFolder); string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId + ".cmd"; Log.Info(String.Format( "Trying to exec task {0} on win PC {1}", taskId, node.NodeName )); var pack = node.Packages.First(p => String.Equals(p.Name, incarnation.PackageName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); string batchContent = ""; batchContent += "mkdir " + tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; if (Path.IsPathRooted(tmpFolder)) // change drive if needed { batchContent += Path.GetPathRoot(tmpFolder).TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine; } batchContent += String.Format( @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_script_started" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string copyPath in pack.CopyOnStartup) { batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, copyPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); } batchContent += String.Format( //@"ping localhost -w 1000 -n 50" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedInputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); // todo : env vars on WinPc provider string commandLine = incarnation.CommandLine; //var pack = node.Packages.First(p => commandLine.StartsWith(p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); //commandLine = pack.Params["appPath"] + commandLine.Substring(pack.Name.Length); commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath); //commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.Params["appPath"]); batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_started" + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += //"start \"" + jobFileName + " " + incarnation.PackageNameInConfig + "\" /wait /b" + "cmd.exe /c " + commandLine + Environment.NewLine; batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_finished" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string delPath in pack.Cleanup) { batchContent += String.Format( @"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"del /f /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine, tmpFolder + delPath ); } batchContent += String.Format( @"xcopy {1} {0}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine, sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); batchContent += String.Format( @"ping localhost -n 3" + Environment.NewLine + @"echo %time% > clavire_script_finished" + Environment.NewLine + @"xcopy clavire_script_finished {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine + @"cd .." + Environment.NewLine + //@"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "", tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }), sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) ); IOProxy.Ftp.UploadFileContent(batchContent, jobFtpFolder, jobFileName); //string cmdArgs = "/c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd"); //string cmdArgs = "\\\\ -u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm -d cmd.exe /c \"\\\\\\ftp_exchange\\Tasks\\10043\\job_10043.cmd\""; //Log.Debug(cmdArgs); //Process.Start(CONST.Path.PsExec, cmdArgs); //**/ //var psexecProcess = new Process(); //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.FileName = CONST.Path.PsExec; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format( // "\\\\{0} -d -u {1} -p {2} cmd.exe /c {4}", // -d -w \"{3}\" ^> C:\\Temp\\out // //"-u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm cmd.exe /c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd"), //, resParams.user, resParams.pass, // resParams.tempFolderOnMachine.Replace(@"\", @"\\"), // sharedJobFilePath //); //* //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UserName = "******"; //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password = new System.Security.SecureString(); //foreach (var c in "Yt1NyDpQNm".ToCharArray()) //{ // psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password.AppendChar(c); //} //**/ //Log.Debug("psexec args:\n" + psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments); ////psexecProcess.Start(); //Log.Debug("psexec process started"); //string execMessage = /*psexecProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + " " +*/ "1 " + PS_PID_START_MSG + "5."; //psexecProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); //execMessage = execMessage.Trim(); ////psexecProcess.WaitForExit(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); //Log.Debug("psexec output:\n" + execMessage); //if (!execMessage.Contains(PS_PID_START_MSG)) // throw new Exception(String.Format( // "Couldn't exec task {0} on win pc {1}", // taskId, // )); //execMessage = execMessage.Remove(0, execMessage.IndexOf(PS_PID_START_MSG) + PS_PID_START_MSG.Length); //string pid = execMessage.Substring(0, execMessage.Length-1); var rexService = EntryPointProxy.GetREx(node.Services.ExecutionUrl); int pid = rexService.Exec(taskId); Log.Debug(String.Format( "Task {0} ({1}) started on pc {2} with pid = {3}", taskId, pack.Name, node.NodeName, pid )); _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); return(pid + "\n" + node.NodeName); } }