Пример #1
        public async Task <CreateUserTxn_Output> Execute(CreateUserTxn_Input input, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MVCDbContext contextFatherMVC = null, bool autoCommit = true)
            CreateUserTxn_Output _output = new CreateUserTxn_Output
                ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "TXN_NOT_STARTED")

            String userType = "User";

            // Error handling
            bool error = false; // To Handle Only One Error

                MVCDbContext contextMVC = (contextFatherMVC != null) ? contextFatherMVC : new MVCDbContext();
                // An using statement is in reality a try -> finally statement, disposing the element in the finally. So we need to take advance of that to create a DBContext inheritance
                    // DBContext by convention is a UnitOfWork, track changes and commits when SaveChanges is called
                    // Multithreading issue: so if we use only one DBContext, it will track all entities (_context.Customer.Add) and commit them when SaveChanges is called,
                    // No Matter what transactions or client calls SaveChanges.
                    // Note: Rollback will not remove the entities from the tracker in the context. so better dispose it.

                    //***** 0. Make The Validations - Be careful : Concurrency. Same name can be saved multiple times if called at the exact same time. Better have an alternate database constraint

                    // Company company = await contextMVC.Company.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(input.Company.Id)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                    company company = await contextMVC.Company.Where(x => x.companyId.Equals(input.Company.companyId)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    if (company == null)
                        error = true;
                        _output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "COMPANY_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR", _ResultDetail: "");

                    UserManager <IdentityUser> _userManager;
                    IdentityUser user = new IdentityUser();
                    if (!error)
                        _userManager = serviceProvider.GetService <UserManager <IdentityUser> >();

                        user = new IdentityUser {
                            UserName = input.User.userName, Email = input.User.email, PasswordHash = input.User.password
                        var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);

                        if (!result.Succeeded)
                            error = true;
                            _output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "USER_NOT_CREATED_ERROR", _ResultDetail: result.Errors.FirstOrDefault().Description); // If OK
                            List <itemKey> resultKeys = new List <itemKey>();

                            foreach (var errorDesc in result.Errors)
                                resultKeys.Add(new itemKey(errorDesc.Code, errorDesc.Description));

                            _output.ResultConfirmation.resultDictionary = resultKeys;
                        else // No error
                            // Save the Name Claim into the database
                            var _claims = new[] {
                                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Id)
                                , new Claim("UserType", userType) // Create the token without Manager status, then add the claim in database

                            var resultClaims = await _userManager.AddClaimsAsync(user, _claims); // Save claims in the Database

                    if (!error)
                        //***** 1. Create the token (Atomic because is same Context DB)

                        // Call transaction to get a new Token (we call the Mutation not the class itself)
                        var tokenString = "";
                        CreateTokenTxn_Input createTokenTxn_Input = new CreateTokenTxn_Input {
                            userAppId = user.Id
                        CreateTokenTxn_Output createTokenTxn = await new GraphQLMutation().CreateTokenTxn(input: createTokenTxn_Input, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
                        if (createTokenTxn.resultConfirmation.resultPassed)
                            tokenString = createTokenTxn.token;

                        input.User.userAppId = user.Id;     // To create Key
                        input.User.companyId = company.companyId;
                        input.User.password  = "";          // Dont Save the password
                        input.User.tokenAuth = tokenString; // The token


                        //***** 4. Save and Commit to the Database (Atomic because is same Context DB)
                        if (!error && autoCommit)
                            await contextMVC.SaveChangesAsync(); // Call it only once so do all other operations first

                        //***** 5. Execute Send e-mails or other events once the database has been succesfully saved
                        //***** If this task fails, there are options -> 1. Retry multiple times 2. Save the event as Delay, 3.Rollback Database, Re

                        // Create the Login Token for the User
                            if (!error)
                                input.User.loginTokenId = LoginTokenFunction.CreateTokenId(input.User.id, DateTime.UtcNow);
                                await contextMVC.SaveChangesAsync();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                        //***** 6. Confirm the Result (Pass | Fail) If gets to here there are not errors then return the new data from database
                        _output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultGood(_ResultMessage: "USER_SUCESSFULLY_CREATED"); // If OK
                        _output.User = input.User;
                    }// if (!error)
                    // If the context Father is null the context was created on his own, so dispose it
                    if (contextMVC != null && contextFatherMVC == null)
            catch (Exception ex) // Main try
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
                string innerError = (ex.InnerException != null) ? ex.InnerException.Message : "";
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error Inner: " + innerError);
                _output = new CreateUserTxn_Output(); // Restart variable to avoid returning any already saved data
                _output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "EXCEPTION", _ResultDetail: ex.Message);
                // Save Logs if needed

        public async Task <CreateCompanyAndXUsersTxn_Output> Execute(CreateCompanyAndXUsersTxn_Input input, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, MVCDbContext contextFatherMVC = null, bool autoCommit = true)
            CreateCompanyAndXUsersTxn_Output output = new CreateCompanyAndXUsersTxn_Output();

            output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "TXN_NOT_STARTED");
            //String userType = "User";

            // Error handling
            bool error = false; // To Handle Only One Error

                MVCDbContext contextMVC = (contextFatherMVC != null) ? contextFatherMVC : new MVCDbContext();
                // An using statement is in reality a try -> finally statement, disposing the element in the finally. So we need to take advance of that to create a DBContext inheritance
                    // DBContext by convention is a UnitOfWork, track changes and commits when SaveChanges is called
                    // Multithreading issue: so if we use only one DBContext, it will track all entities (_context.Customer.Add) and commit them when SaveChanges is called,
                    // No Matter what transactions or client calls SaveChanges.
                    // Note: Rollback will not remove the entities from the tracker in the context. so better dispose it.

                    //***** 0. Make The Validations - Be careful : Concurrency. Same name can be saved multiple times if called at the exact same time. Better have an alternate database constraint

                    // Call the Transaction to Create the Company

                    //CreateCompanyTxn_Input CreateCompanyTxn_Input = new CreateCompanyTxn_Input { Company = input.Company };
                    //CreateCompanyTxn_Output CreateCompanyTxn = await new GraphQLMutation().CreateCompanyTxn(input: CreateCompanyTxn_Input, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);

                    CreateCompanyTxn_Input CreateCompanyTxn_Input = new CreateCompanyTxn_Input {
                        Company = input.Company
                    CreateCompanyTxn_Output CreateCompanyTxn = await new CreateCompanyTxn().Execute(input: CreateCompanyTxn_Input, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);

                    if (!CreateCompanyTxn.ResultConfirmation.resultPassed)
                        // Return the error as it is from the transaction
                        error = true;
                        output.ResultConfirmation = CreateCompanyTxn.ResultConfirmation;

                    output.Company = CreateCompanyTxn.Company;

                    // Now create a loop to create the X users. Use the same database
                    for (int x = 1; x <= input.UsersToCreate; x++)
                        userApp newUser = new userApp {
                            firstName = "Name" + x, lastName = "LastName" + x, nickname = "Nickname" + x, userName = CreateCompanyTxn.Company.companyId + "--" + x.ToString()

                        CreateUserTxn_Input CreateUserTxn_Input = new CreateUserTxn_Input {
                            Company = CreateCompanyTxn.Company, User = newUser
                        CreateUserTxn_Output CreateUserTxn = await new CreateUserTxn().Execute(input: CreateUserTxn_Input, serviceProvider: serviceProvider, contextFatherMVC: contextMVC);

                        if (!CreateUserTxn.ResultConfirmation.resultPassed)
                            // Return the error as it is from the transaction
                            error = true;
                            output.ResultConfirmation = CreateUserTxn.ResultConfirmation;

                    // Logic, first create All the users in MVC Database. Commit, if something goes wrong return Error, if OK create users in master user App table.

                    // UserManager<IdentityUser> _userManager = serviceProvider.GetService<UserManager<IdentityUser>>();

                     * UserManager<IdentityUser> _userManager = serviceProvider.GetService<UserManager<IdentityUser>>();
                     * var user = new IdentityUser { UserName = input.user.UserName, Email = input.user.Email, PasswordHash = input.user.PasswordHash };
                     * var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);
                     * if (!result.Succeeded)
                     * {
                     *  error = true;
                     *  _output.ResultConfirmation = ResultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "USER_NOT_CREATED_ERROR", _ResultDetail: result.Errors.FirstOrDefault().Description); // If OK
                     *  List<ItemKey> resultKeys = new List<ItemKey>();
                     *  foreach (var errorDesc in result.Errors)
                     *  {
                     *      resultKeys.Add(new ItemKey(errorDesc.Code, errorDesc.Description));
                     *  }
                     *  _output.ResultConfirmation.ResultDictionary = resultKeys;
                     * }

                    if (!error)
                        //***** 1. Create the token (Atomic because is same Context DB)

                         * // Save the Name Claim into the database
                         * var _claims = new[]{
                         *  new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Id)
                         *  ,new Claim("UserType", userType) // Create the token without Manager status, then add the claim in database
                         * };
                         * var resultClaims = await _userManager.AddClaimsAsync(user, _claims); // Save claims in the Database
                         * // Call transaction to get a new Token (we call the Mutation not the class itself)
                         * var tokenString = "";
                         * CreateTokenTxn_Input createTokenTxn_Input = new CreateTokenTxn_Input { userAppId = user.Id };
                         * CreateTokenTxn_Output createTokenTxn = await new GraphQLMutation().CreateTokenTxn(input: createTokenTxn_Input, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
                         * if (createTokenTxn.resultConfirmation.ResultPassed)
                         * {
                         *  tokenString = createTokenTxn.token;
                         * }

                        //***** 4. Save and Commit to the Database (Atomic because is same Context DB)
                        if (!error && autoCommit)
                            await contextMVC.SaveChangesAsync(); // Call it only once so do all other operations first

                        //***** 5. Execute Send e-mails or other events once the database has been succesfully saved
                        //***** If this task fails, there are options -> 1. Retry multiple times 2. Save the event as Delay, 3.Rollback Database, Re

                        //***** 6. Confirm the Result (Pass | Fail) If gets to here there are not errors then return the new data from database
                        output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultGood(_ResultMessage: "COMPANY_SUCESSFULLY_CREATED"); // If OK
                        //_output.token = tokenString; // The token
                        //_output.user = input.user;
                    }// if (!error)
                    // If the context Father is null the context was created on his own, so dispose it
                    if (contextMVC != null && contextFatherMVC == null)
            catch (Exception ex) // Main try
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
                string innerError = (ex.InnerException != null) ? ex.InnerException.Message : "";
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error Inner: " + innerError);
                output = new CreateCompanyAndXUsersTxn_Output(); // Restart variable to avoid returning any already saved data
                output.ResultConfirmation = resultConfirmation.resultBad(_ResultMessage: "EXCEPTION", _ResultDetail: ex.Message);
                // Save Logs if needed
