Пример #1
        public static bool Test(bool writeToFile)
            bool success = false;

            try {
                string dir       = "C:\\Backups\\Photos_Testing_ImageResizing\\";
                string photoPath = dir + "ImageResizeTest1.jpg";
                int    width     = 1999;
                int    height    = 1999;

                MemoryStream ms = null;

                success = ImageProcessor.ResizeImage(photoPath, width, height, out ms);

                //_____ Convert this thumbnail image to a memory stream ....
                if (writeToFile)
                    byte[] targetBytes = ms.ToArray();

                    // Finally - write this file back out ....
                    string fileName = dir + "Output_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentDate("number")
                                      + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentTime()
                                      + ".jpg";
                    //+ ".png";

//                    Image im = Image.FromStream(ms);
//                    im.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create);

                    fs.Write(targetBytes, 0, targetBytes.Length);

                    if (ms.Length > 0)
                        success = true;
                    if (ms != null && ms.Length > 0)
                        success = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                string temp = ex.ToString();

        public static bool Test(bool writeToFile)
            bool success = false;

            try {
                ImageProcessorGDI ipGDI = new ImageProcessorGDI();
                MemoryStream      ms    = null;

                string dir       = "C:\\Backups\\Photos_Testing_ImageResizing\\";
                string photoPath = dir + "ImageResizeTest1.jpg";

                success = ImageProcessorGDI.ResizeImage(photoPath, 1999, 1999, out ms);

                //_____ Convert this thumbnail image to a memory stream ....
                if (writeToFile)
                    Image im = Image.FromStream(ms);
//                    byte[] targetBytes = ms.ToArray();

                    im.Save(dir + "OutputGDI_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentDate("number")
                            + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentTime() + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    // Finally - write this file back out ....
//                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(, FileMode.Create);

//                    fs.Write(targetBytes, 0, targetBytes.Length);
//                    fs.Close();

//                    if (targetBytes.Length > 0) {
                    success = true;
//                    }
                    if (ms != null && ms.Length > 0)
                        success = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.LogError(5, "Problem resulted in crash in ImageProcessorGDI.Test(): " + ex.ToString());
//                string temp = "";

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates the log file name.  Normally a concatenation of the action and the date and time.
        ///     For error messages, the severity is also prefixed to the log file for easier reading of web related issues
        ///     19-Nov-2015 - modified so that the directory is not passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logAction">A description of the action that this log is performing</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the log file</returns>
        public static string GenerateLogFileName(string logAction)
            // Generate the fileName here based on the action and the current date and time
            string date = DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentDate(null);
            string time = DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentTime();

            // 8-Oct-2015 - Added the milliseconds so that we can better see what is happening in more complex situations
            string tempFileName = logAction + "_" + date + "_" + time + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentMilliseconds() + ".txt";

            // check to see if this fileName exists already (i.e. there is another log file with the same action for exactly the same second!!!
            // If this has happened, add the number of milliseconds too
            if (File.Exists(fileName))   // SimpleIO.FileExists(fileName)) {
            //tempFileName = logDirectory + "/" + logAction + "_" + date + "_" + time + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentMilliseconds() + ".txt";
                tempFileName = logAction + "_" + date + "_" + time + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentMilliseconds() + ".txt";

Пример #4
        public static bool TestOriginal()
            bool success = false;

            try {
                string dir       = "C:\\Backups\\Photos_Testing_ImageResizing\\";
                string photoPath = dir + "ImageResizeTest1.jpg";
                int    width     = 1999;
                int    height    = 1999;

                //BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
                //bi.UriSource = new Uri(photoPath);
                //bi.DecodePixelWidth = width;
                //bi.DecodePixelHeight = height;

                //bi = null;

                FileStream photoStream = new FileStream(photoPath, FileMode.Open);

                BitmapDecoder photoDecoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(

                BitmapFrame photo = photoDecoder.Frames[0];

                TransformedBitmap target = new TransformedBitmap(
                    new ScaleTransform(
                        width / photo.Width * 96 / photo.DpiX,
                        height / photo.Height * 96 / photo.DpiY,
                        0, 0));

                BitmapFrame thumbnail = BitmapFrame.Create(target);

                //_____ Convert this thumbnail image to a memory stream ....
                byte[] targetBytes = null;
                using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                    JpegBitmapEncoder targetEncoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder(); // PngBitmapEncoder();
                    targetBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();


                // Finally - write this file back out ....
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir + "Output_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentDate("number")
                                               + "_" + DateTimeInformation.GetCurrentTime() + ".jpg", FileMode.Create);

                fs.Write(targetBytes, 0, targetBytes.Length);

                if (targetBytes.Length > 0)
                    success = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                string temp = ex.ToString();
