Пример #1
        /// <summary> Adds book to Customer's ShoppingCart or increases book's count by 1.</summary>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer object for custId from command.</param>
        /// <param name="book">Book object for BookId from command.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Throws when customer or book doesn't exist.</exception>
        internal void AddBook(Customer customer, Book book)
            if(customer == null || book == null)
                throw new Exception("Customer or Book doesn't exist.");

            ShoppingCart cart = customer.ShoppingCart;
            ShoppingCartItem cItem = cart.Items.Find(itm => itm.BookId == book.Id);
            if(cItem != null)
                cart.Items.Add(new ShoppingCartItem {
                    BookId = book.Id,
                    Count = 1

            view.ShowShoppingCart(customer, model);
Пример #2
        /// <summary> Shows HTML source for Shopping Cart of one customer. (In table with price calculation) </summary>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer object.</param>
        /// <param name="model">Model object. (For getting book details) </param>
        public void ShowShoppingCart(Customer customer, ModelStore model)
            var cartCount = customer.ShoppingCart.Items.Count;
            PrintHeadAndMenu(customer.FirstName, cartCount);

            if(cartCount == 0)  // Special output case when cart is empty
                stdOut.WriteLine("    Your shopping cart is EMPTY.");
            else {
                stdOut.WriteLine("    Your shopping cart:");
                stdOut.WriteLine("    <table>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("            <th>Title</th>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("            <th>Count</th>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("            <th>Price</th>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("            <th>Actions</th>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                decimal totalPrice = 0;
                foreach(var item in customer.ShoppingCart.Items) {
                    var book = model.GetBook(item.BookId);
                    var bookTotalPrice = item.Count * book.Price;
                    totalPrice += bookTotalPrice;

                    stdOut.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("            <td><a href=\"/Books/Detail/" + item.BookId + "\">" + book.Title + "</a></td>");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("            <td>" + item.Count + "</td>");
                    if(item.Count == 1)
                        stdOut.WriteLine("            <td>" + bookTotalPrice + " EUR</td>");
                        stdOut.WriteLine("            <td>" + item.Count + " * " + book.Price + " = " + bookTotalPrice + " EUR</td>");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("            <td>&lt;<a href=\"/ShoppingCart/Remove/" + item.BookId + "\">Remove</a>&gt;</td>");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("    </table>");
                stdOut.WriteLine("    Total price of all items: " + totalPrice + " EUR");


Пример #3
        /// <summary> Shows HTML source for one book detail. </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Book object from model.</param>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer object.</param>
        public void ShowBookDetail(Book item, Customer customer)
            PrintHeadAndMenu(customer.FirstName, customer.ShoppingCart.Items.Count);

            stdOut.WriteLine("    Book details:");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    <h2>" + item.Title + "</h2>");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    <p style=\"margin-left: 20px\">");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    Author: " + item.Author + "<br />");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    Price: " + item.Price + " EUR<br />");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    </p>");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    <h3>&lt;<a href=\"/ShoppingCart/Add/" + item.Id + "\">Buy this book</a>&gt;</h3>");

Пример #4
        /// <summary> Shows HTML source for list of books. (In table where there are max 3 books in row) </summary>
        /// <param name="items">List of books from model.</param>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer object.</param>
        public void ShowBooks(IList<Book> items, Customer customer)
            PrintHeadAndMenu(customer.FirstName, customer.ShoppingCart.Items.Count);

            stdOut.WriteLine("    Our books for you:");
            stdOut.WriteLine("    <table>");

            var index = 0;
            var booksLeft = items.Count;
            while(booksLeft > 0) {
                stdOut.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                var columns = Math.Min(3, booksLeft); //This calculates how much items will be displayed in next row
                for(int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
                    var book = items[index++];
                    stdOut.WriteLine("            <td style=\"padding: 10px;\">");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("                <a href=\"/Books/Detail/" + book.Id + "\">" + book.Title + "</a><br />");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("                Author: " + book.Author + "<br />");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("                Price: " + book.Price + " EUR &lt;<a href=\"/ShoppingCart/Add/" + book.Id + "\">Buy</a>&gt;");
                    stdOut.WriteLine("            </td>");
                booksLeft -= columns;
                stdOut.WriteLine("        </tr>");

            stdOut.WriteLine("    </table>");

Пример #5
        /// <summary> Removes book from Customer's ShoppingCart or decreases book's count by 1. </summary>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer object for custId from command.</param>
        /// <param name="book">Book object for BookId from command.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Throws when Book isn't in Customer's ShoppingCart.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">
        ///     Throws when Book isn't in Customer's ShoppingCart or when customer or book doesn't exist.
        /// </exception>
        internal void RemoveBook(Customer customer, Book book)
            if(customer == null || book == null)
                throw new Exception("Customer or Book doesn't exist.");

            ShoppingCart cart = customer.ShoppingCart;
            ShoppingCartItem cItem = cart.Items.Find(itm => itm.BookId == book.Id);
            if(cItem == null)
                throw new Exception("Book doesn't exist in Customers ShoppingCart.");

            if(cItem.Count > 1)

            view.ShowShoppingCart(customer, model);