Пример #1
        public void highlightStuff(string[] fileContent, Int64 seconds, Player p)
            Player.UndoPos Pos;

            for (int i = fileContent.Length / 7; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (Convert.ToDateTime(fileContent[(i * 7) + 4].Replace('&', ' ')).AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now)
                        Level foundLevel = Level.Find(fileContent[i * 7]);
                        if (foundLevel != null && foundLevel == p.level)
                            Pos.mapName = foundLevel.name;
                            Pos.x = Convert.ToUInt16(fileContent[(i * 7) + 1]);
                            Pos.y = Convert.ToUInt16(fileContent[(i * 7) + 2]);
                            Pos.z = Convert.ToUInt16(fileContent[(i * 7) + 3]);

                            Pos.type = foundLevel.GetTile(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z);

                            if (Pos.type == Convert.ToByte(fileContent[(i * 7) + 6]) || Block.Convert(Pos.type) == Block.water || Block.Convert(Pos.type) == Block.lava)
                                if (Pos.type == Block.air || Block.Convert(Pos.type) == Block.water || Block.Convert(Pos.type) == Block.lava)
                                    p.SendBlockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Block.red);
                                else p.SendBlockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Block.green);
                    else break;
                catch { }
Пример #2
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            cpos.message = cpos.message.Replace("'", "\\'");

            DataTable Messages = MySQL.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Messages" + p.level.name + "` WHERE X=" + (int)x + " AND Y=" + (int)y + " AND Z=" + (int)z);

            if (Messages.Rows.Count == 0)
                MySQL.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `Messages" + p.level.name + "` (X, Y, Z, Message) VALUES (" + (int)x + ", " + (int)y + ", " + (int)z + ", '" + cpos.message + "')");
                MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE `Messages" + p.level.name + "` SET Message='" + cpos.message + "' WHERE X=" + (int)x + " AND Y=" + (int)y + " AND Z=" + (int)z);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "Message block placed.");
            p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, cpos.type);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, cpos.type);

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #3
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            Level.Zone Zn;

            Zn.smallX = Math.Min(cpos.x, x);
            Zn.smallY = Math.Min(cpos.y, y);
            Zn.smallZ = Math.Min(cpos.z, z);
            Zn.bigX = Math.Max(cpos.x, x);
            Zn.bigY = Math.Max(cpos.y, y);
            Zn.bigZ = Math.Max(cpos.z, z);
            Zn.Owner = cpos.Owner;


            MySQL.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `Zone" + p.level.name + "` (SmallX, SmallY, SmallZ, BigX, BigY, BigZ, Owner) VALUES (" + Zn.smallX + ", " + Zn.smallY + ", " + Zn.smallZ + ", " + Zn.bigX + ", " + Zn.bigY + ", " + Zn.bigZ + ", '" + Zn.Owner + "')");

            Player.SendMessage(p, "Added zone for &b" + cpos.Owner);
Пример #4
        public void ExitChange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            portalPos bp = (portalPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            foreach (portPos pos in bp.port)
                DataTable Portals = MySQL.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Portals" + pos.portMapName + "` WHERE EntryX=" + (int)pos.x + " AND EntryY=" + (int)pos.y + " AND EntryZ=" + (int)pos.z);

                if (Portals.Rows.Count == 0)
                    MySQL.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `Portals" + pos.portMapName + "` (EntryX, EntryY, EntryZ, ExitMap, ExitX, ExitY, ExitZ) VALUES (" + (int)pos.x + ", " + (int)pos.y + ", " + (int)pos.z + ", '" + p.level.name + "', " + (int)x + ", " + (int)y + ", " + (int)z + ")");
                    MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE `Portals" + pos.portMapName + "` SET ExitMap='" + p.level.name + "', ExitX=" + (int)x + ", ExitY=" + (int)y + ", ExitZ=" + (int)z + " WHERE EntryX=" + (int)pos.x + " AND EntryY=" + (int)pos.y + " AND EntryZ=" + (int)pos.z);

                if (pos.portMapName == p.level.name) p.SendBlockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, bp.type);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "&3Exit" + Server.DefaultColor + " block placed");

            if (p.staticCommands) { bp.port.Clear(); p.blockchangeObject = bp; p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(EntryChange); }
Пример #5
        public void EntryChange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            portalPos bp = (portalPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            if (bp.Multi && type == Block.red && bp.port.Count > 0) { ExitChange(p, x, y, z, type); return; }

            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, bp.type);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, Block.green);
            portPos Port;

            Port.portMapName = p.level.name;
            Port.x = x; Port.y = y; Port.z = z;


            p.blockchangeObject = bp;

            if (!bp.Multi)
                p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(ExitChange);
                Player.SendMessage(p, "&aEntry block placed");
                p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(EntryChange);
                Player.SendMessage(p, "&aEntry block placed. &cRed block for exit");
Пример #6
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            unchecked { if (cpos.type != (byte)-1) { type = cpos.type; } }
            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();

            for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) == type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz); }

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to replace " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot replace more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks.");
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, cpos.type2);                  //update block for everyone

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #7
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            if (!p.staticCommands) p.ClearBlockchange();
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            byte oldType = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, oldType);

            int diffX = 0, diffZ = 0;

            if (p.rot[0] <= 32 || p.rot[0] >= 224) { diffZ = -1; }
            else if (p.rot[0] <= 96) { diffX = 1; }
            else if (p.rot[0] <= 160) { diffZ = 1; }
            else diffX = -1;

            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();
            Pos pos;
            int total = 0;

            if (diffX != 0)
                for (ushort xx = x; total < cpos.distance; xx += (ushort)diffX)
                    for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - 1); yy <= (ushort)(y + 1); yy++)
                        for (ushort zz = (ushort)(z - 1); zz <= (ushort)(z + 1); zz++)
                            pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz;
                for (ushort zz = z; total < cpos.distance; zz += (ushort)diffZ)
                    for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - 1); yy <= (ushort)(y + 1); yy++)
                        for (ushort xx = (ushort)(x - 1); xx <= (ushort)(x + 1); xx++)
                            pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz;

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to drill " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot drill more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            foreach (Pos pos1 in buffer)
                if (p.level.GetTile(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z) == oldType)
                    p.level.Blockchange(p, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air);
            Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count + " blocks.");
Пример #8
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            List<CatchPos> buffer = new List<CatchPos>();
            CatchPos pos = new CatchPos();
            //int totalChecks = 0;

            //if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) * Math.Abs(cpos.y - y) * Math.Abs(cpos.z - z) > 8000) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Tried to restart too many blocks. You may only restart 8000"); return; }

            for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != Block.air)
                            pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz;
                            pos.extraInfo = cpos.extraInfo;

                if (cpos.extraInfo == "")
                    if (buffer.Count > Server.rpNormLimit)
                        Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot restart more than " + Server.rpNormLimit + " blocks.");
                        Player.SendMessage(p, "Tried to restart " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                    if (buffer.Count > Server.rpLimit)
                        Player.SendMessage(p, "Tried to add physics to " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                        Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot add physics to more than " + Server.rpLimit + " blocks.");
            catch { return; }

            foreach (CatchPos pos1 in buffer)
                p.level.AddCheck(p.level.PosToInt(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z), pos1.extraInfo, true);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "Activated " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #9
        public void AboutBlockchange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            if (!p.staticCommands) p.ClearBlockchange();
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            if (b == Block.Zero) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid Block(" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")!"); return; }
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);

            string message = "Block (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + "): ";
            message += "&f" + b + " = " + Block.Name(b);
            Player.SendMessage(p, message + Server.DefaultColor + ".");
            message = p.level.foundInfo(x, y, z);
            if (message != "") Player.SendMessage(p, "Physics information: &a" + message);

            DataTable Blocks = MySQL.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Block" + p.level.name + "` WHERE X=" + (int)x + " AND Y=" + (int)y + " AND Z=" + (int)z);

            string Username, TimePerformed, BlockUsed;
            bool Deleted, foundOne = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Rows.Count; i++)
                foundOne = true;
                Username = Blocks.Rows[i]["Username"].ToString();
                TimePerformed = DateTime.Parse(Blocks.Rows[i]["TimePerformed"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                BlockUsed = Block.Name((byte)Blocks.Rows[i]["Type"]).ToString();
                Deleted = (bool)Blocks.Rows[i]["Deleted"];

                if (!Deleted)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "&3Created by " + Server.FindColor(Username.Trim()) + Username.Trim() + Server.DefaultColor + ", using &3" + BlockUsed);
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "&4Destroyed by " + Server.FindColor(Username.Trim()) + Username.Trim() + Server.DefaultColor + ", using &3" + BlockUsed);
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Date and time modified: &2" + TimePerformed);

            List<Level.BlockPos> inCache = p.level.blockCache.FindAll(bP => bP.x == x && bP.y == y && bP.z == z);

            for (int i = 0; i < inCache.Count; i++)
                foundOne = true;
                Deleted = inCache[i].deleted;
                Username = inCache[i].name;
                TimePerformed = inCache[i].TimePerformed.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                BlockUsed = Block.Name(inCache[i].type);

                if (!Deleted)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "&3Created by " + Server.FindColor(Username.Trim()) + Username.Trim() + Server.DefaultColor + ", using &3" + BlockUsed);
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "&4Destroyed by " + Server.FindColor(Username.Trim()) + Username.Trim() + Server.DefaultColor + ", using &3" + BlockUsed);
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Date and time modified: &2" + TimePerformed);

            if (!foundOne)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "This block has not been modified since the map was cleared.");


Пример #10
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            if (cpos.y == y)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot create a stairway 0 blocks high.");

            ushort xx, zz; int currentState = 0;
            xx = cpos.x; zz = cpos.z;

            if (cpos.x > x && cpos.z > z) currentState = 0;
            else if (cpos.x > x && cpos.z < z) currentState = 1;
            else if (cpos.x < x && cpos.z > z) currentState = 2;
            else currentState = 3;

            for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                if (currentState == 0)
                    xx++; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasestep);
                    xx++; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasefull);
                    currentState = 1;
                else if (currentState == 1)
                    zz++; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasestep);
                    zz++; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasefull);
                    currentState = 2;
                else if (currentState == 2)
                    xx--; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasestep);
                    xx--; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasefull);
                    currentState = 3;
                    zz--; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasestep);
                    zz--; p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.staircasefull);
                    currentState = 0;
                if (cpos.x == xx && cpos.z == zz || cpos.x == xx + 1 && cpos.z == zz) xx++;
                else if (cpos.x == xx + 2 && cpos.z == zz || cpos.x == xx + 2 && cpos.z == zz + 1) zz++;
                else if (cpos.x == xx + 2 && cpos.z == zz + 2 || cpos.x == xx + 1 && cpos.z == zz + 2) xx--;
                else zz--;

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #11
 public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
     byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
     p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
     CatchPos bp = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
     bp.x = x; bp.y = y; bp.z = z; p.blockchangeObject = bp;
     p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange2);
Пример #12
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
                CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
                if (cpos.type == Block.Zero) cpos.type = p.bindings[type];

                byte oldType = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
                p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, oldType);

                if (cpos.type == oldType) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot fill the same time"); return; }
                if (!Block.canPlace(p, oldType) && !Block.BuildIn(oldType)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot fill that."); return; }

                byte[] mapBlocks = new byte[p.level.blocks.Length];
                List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();
                p.level.blocks.CopyTo(mapBlocks, 0);

                deep = 0;
                FloodFill(p, x, y, z, cpos.type, oldType, cpos.FillType, ref mapBlocks, ref buffer);

                int totalFill = fromWhere.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalFill; i++)
                    totalFill = fromWhere.Count;
                    Pos pos = fromWhere[i];
                    deep = 0;
                    FloodFill(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, cpos.type, oldType, cpos.FillType, ref mapBlocks, ref buffer);
                    totalFill = fromWhere.Count;

                if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to fill " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot fill more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

                foreach (Pos pos in buffer)
                    p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, cpos.type);

                Player.SendMessage(p, "Filled " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");

                if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #13
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            type = p.bindings[type];

            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);

            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            ushort cur;

            if (x == cpos.x && z == cpos.z) { Player.SendMessage(p, "No direction was selected"); return; }

            if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) > Math.Abs(cpos.z - z))
                cur = cpos.x;
                if (x > cpos.x)
                    foreach (char c in cpos.givenMessage)
                        cur = FindReference.writeLetter(p, c, cur, cpos.y, cpos.z, type, 0);
                    foreach (char c in cpos.givenMessage)
                        cur = FindReference.writeLetter(p, c, cur, cpos.y, cpos.z, type, 1);
                cur = cpos.z;
                if (z > cpos.z)
                    foreach (char c in cpos.givenMessage)
                        cur = FindReference.writeLetter(p, c, cpos.x, cpos.y, cur, type, 2);
                    foreach (char c in cpos.givenMessage)
                        cur = FindReference.writeLetter(p, c, cpos.x, cpos.y, cur, type, 3);

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #14
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            int TotalAir = 0;
            if (cpos.type == 2) p.copyAir = true; else p.copyAir = false;

            for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        b = p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz);
                        if (Block.canPlace(p, b))
                            if (b == Block.air && cpos.type != 2 || cpos.ignoreTypes.Contains(b)) TotalAir++;

                            if (cpos.ignoreTypes.Contains(b)) BufferAdd(p, (ushort)(xx - cpos.x), (ushort)(yy - cpos.y), (ushort)(zz - cpos.z), Block.air);
                            else BufferAdd(p, (ushort)(xx - cpos.x), (ushort)(yy - cpos.y), (ushort)(zz - cpos.z), b);
                        else BufferAdd(p, (ushort)(xx - cpos.x), (ushort)(yy - cpos.y), (ushort)(zz - cpos.z), Block.air);

            if ((p.CopyBuffer.Count - TotalAir) > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to copy " + p.CopyBuffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot copy more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            if (cpos.type == 1)
                for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                    for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                            b = p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz);
                            if (b != Block.air && Block.canPlace(p, b))
                                p.level.Blockchange(p, xx, yy, zz, Block.air);

            Player.SendMessage(p, (p.CopyBuffer.Count - TotalAir) + " blocks copied.");
            if (allowoffset != -1)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Place a block to determine where to paste from");
                p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange3);
Пример #15
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();
            Pos pos;

            bool AddMe = false;

            for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        AddMe = true;

                        if (!Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz)), true) && p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != cpos.countOther)
                            if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx - 1), yy, zz))) || p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx - 1), yy, zz) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                            else if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx + 1), yy, zz))) || p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx + 1), yy, zz) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                            else if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy - 1), zz))) || p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy - 1), zz) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                            else if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy + 1), zz))) || p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy + 1), zz) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                            else if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz - 1)))) || p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz - 1)) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                            else if (Block.RightClick(Block.Convert(p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz + 1)))) || p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz + 1)) == cpos.countOther) AddMe = false;
                        else AddMe = false;

                        if (AddMe) { pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz; buffer.Add(pos); }

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to hollow more than " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot hollow more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos1)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "You hollowed " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #16
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            unchecked { if (cpos.type != (byte)-1) { type = cpos.type; } }
            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();
            Pos pos;

            bool AddMe = false;

            for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        AddMe = false;

                        if (p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx - 1), yy, zz) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;
                        else if (p.level.GetTile((ushort)(xx + 1), yy, zz) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;
                        else if (p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy - 1), zz) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;
                        else if (p.level.GetTile(xx, (ushort)(yy + 1), zz) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;
                        else if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz - 1)) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;
                        else if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, (ushort)(zz + 1)) == cpos.type) AddMe = true;

                        if (AddMe && p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != cpos.type) { pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz; buffer.Add(pos); }

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to outline more than " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot outline more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos1)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, cpos.type2);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "You outlined " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #17
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            ushort xx, yy, zz; int foundBlocks = 0;

            for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                    for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != cpos.toIgnore) foundBlocks++;

            Player.SendMessage(p, foundBlocks + " blocks are between (" + cpos.x + ", " + cpos.y + ", " + cpos.z + ") and (" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")");
            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #18
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);

            Player.UndoPos Pos1;
            p.CopyBuffer.ForEach(delegate(Player.CopyPos pos)
                Pos1.x = (ushort)(Math.Abs(pos.x) + x);
                Pos1.y = (ushort)(Math.Abs(pos.y) + y);
                Pos1.z = (ushort)(Math.Abs(pos.z) + z);

                if (pos.type != Block.air || p.copyAir)
                    unchecked { if (p.level.GetTile(Pos1.x, Pos1.y, Pos1.z) != Block.Zero) p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(Pos1.x + p.copyoffset[0]), (ushort)(Pos1.y + p.copyoffset[1]), (ushort)(Pos1.z + p.copyoffset[2]), pos.type); }

            Player.SendMessage(p, "Pasted " + p.CopyBuffer.Count + " blocks.");

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #19
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            unchecked { if (cpos.type != (byte)-1) type = cpos.type; else type = p.bindings[type]; }
            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();

            ushort xx; ushort yy; ushort zz;

            switch (cpos.solid)
                case SolidType.solid:
                    buffer.Capacity = Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) * Math.Abs(cpos.y - y) * Math.Abs(cpos.z - z);
                    for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                        for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz); }
                case SolidType.hollow:
                    //todo work out if theres 800 blocks used before making the buffer
                    for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(cpos.x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, zz); }
                            if (cpos.x != x) { if (p.level.GetTile(x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, zz); } }
                    if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) >= 2)
                        for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                if (p.level.GetTile(xx, cpos.y, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, cpos.y, zz); }
                                if (cpos.y != y) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, y, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, y, zz); } }
                        if (Math.Abs(cpos.y - y) >= 2)
                            for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                                for (yy = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.y, y) + 1); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y) - 1; ++yy)
                                    if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, cpos.z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, cpos.z); }
                                    if (cpos.z != z) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, z); } }
                case SolidType.walls:
                    for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(cpos.x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, zz); }
                            if (cpos.x != x) { if (p.level.GetTile(x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, zz); } }
                    if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) >= 2)
                        if (Math.Abs(cpos.z - z) >= 2)
                            for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                                for (yy = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.y, y)); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                                    if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, cpos.z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, cpos.z); }
                                    if (cpos.z != z) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, z); } }
                case SolidType.holes:
                    bool Checked = true, startZ, startY;

                    for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                        startY = Checked;
                        for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                            startZ = Checked;
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                Checked = !Checked;
                                if (Checked && p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != type) BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz);
                            } Checked = !startZ;
                        } Checked = !startY;
                case SolidType.wire:
                    for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                        BufferAdd(buffer, xx, y, z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, xx, y, cpos.z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, xx, cpos.y, z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, xx, cpos.y, cpos.z);
                    for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, cpos.z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, z);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, cpos.z);
                    for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                        BufferAdd(buffer, x, y, zz);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, x, cpos.y, zz);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, y, zz);
                        BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, cpos.y, zz);
                case SolidType.random:
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                        for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                if (rand.Next(1, 11) <= 5 && p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz); }

            if (Server.forceCuboid)
                int counter = 1;
                buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos)
                    if (counter <= p.group.maxBlocks)
                        p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type);
                if (counter >= p.group.maxBlocks)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Tried to cuboid " + buffer.Count + " blocks, but your limit is " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Executed cuboid up to limit.");
                    Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks.");
                if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to cuboid " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot cuboid more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks.");

            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type);

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #20
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            System.Timers.Timer megaTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1);

            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            unchecked { if (cpos.type != (byte)-1) type = cpos.type; else type = p.bindings[type]; }
            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();

            ushort xx; ushort yy; ushort zz;

            switch (cpos.solid)
                case SolidType.solid:
                    buffer.Capacity = Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) * Math.Abs(cpos.y - y) * Math.Abs(cpos.z - z);
                    for (xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); ++xx)
                        for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz); }
                case SolidType.hollow:
                    //todo work out if theres 800 blocks used before making the buffer
                    for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(cpos.x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, zz); }
                            if (cpos.x != x) { if (p.level.GetTile(x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, zz); } }
                    if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) >= 2)
                        for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                            for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                                if (p.level.GetTile(xx, cpos.y, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, cpos.y, zz); }
                                if (cpos.y != y) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, y, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, y, zz); } }
                        if (Math.Abs(cpos.y - y) >= 2)
                            for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                                for (yy = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.y, y) + 1); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y) - 1; ++yy)
                                    if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, cpos.z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, cpos.z); }
                                    if (cpos.z != z) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, z); } }
                case SolidType.walls:
                    for (yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                        for (zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); ++zz)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(cpos.x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, cpos.x, yy, zz); }
                            if (cpos.x != x) { if (p.level.GetTile(x, yy, zz) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, x, yy, zz); } }
                    if (Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) >= 2)
                        if (Math.Abs(cpos.z - z) >= 2)
                            for (xx = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + 1); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x) - 1; ++xx)
                                for (yy = (ushort)(Math.Min(cpos.y, y)); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); ++yy)
                                    if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, cpos.z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, cpos.z); }
                                    if (cpos.z != z) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, z) != type) { BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, z); } }

            if (buffer.Count > 450000)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot megaboid more than 450000 blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to megaboid " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");

            Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks.");
            Player.SendMessage(p, "Use /abort to cancel the megaboid at any time.");
            p.megaBoid = true;
            Pos pos; int CurrentLoop = 0;
            Level currentLevel = p.level;
            megaTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                if (p.megaBoid == true)
                    pos = buffer[CurrentLoop];
                    try { currentLevel.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type); }
                    catch { }
                    if (CurrentLoop % 1000 == 0) Player.SendMessage(p, CurrentLoop + " blocks down, " + (buffer.Count - CurrentLoop) + " to go.");
                    if (CurrentLoop >= buffer.Count) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Completed megaboid"); buffer.Clear(); p.megaBoid = false; megaTimer.Stop(); }

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #21
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            byte b; Int64 seconds;
            Player who;
            Player.UndoPos Pos;
            int CurrentPos = 0;
            bool FoundUser = false;

            if (message == "") message = p.name + " 300";

            if (message.Split(' ').Length == 2)
                    seconds = Int64.Parse(message.Split(' ')[1]);
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid seconds.");
                    seconds = int.Parse(message);
                    if (p != null) message = p.name + " " + message;
                    seconds = 300;
                    message = message + " 300";

            if (seconds == 0) seconds = 5400;

            who = Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]);
            if (who != null)
                message = who.name + " " + seconds;
                FoundUser = true;
                for (CurrentPos = who.UndoBuffer.Count - 1; CurrentPos >= 0; --CurrentPos)
                        Pos = who.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos];
                        Level foundLevel = Level.Find(Pos.mapName);
                        if (foundLevel == p.level)
                            b = foundLevel.GetTile(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z);
                            if (Pos.timePlaced.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now)
                                if (b == Pos.newtype || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava)
                                    if (b == Block.air || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) p.SendBlockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Block.red);
                                    else p.SendBlockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Block.green);
                    catch { }

                DirectoryInfo di;
                string[] fileContent;

                if (Directory.Exists("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0]))
                    di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length; i++)
                        fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' ');
                        highlightStuff(fileContent, seconds, p);
                    FoundUser = true;

                if (Directory.Exists("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0]))
                    di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length; i++)
                        fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' ');
                        highlightStuff(fileContent, seconds, p);
                    FoundUser = true;

                if (FoundUser)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Now highlighting &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds for " + Server.FindColor(message.Split(' ')[0]) + message.Split(' ')[0]);
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "&cUse /reveal to un-highlight");
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find player specified.");
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #22
        public void Blockchange3(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;

            p.copyoffset[0] = (p.copystart[0] - x);
            p.copyoffset[1] = (p.copystart[1] - y);
            p.copyoffset[2] = (p.copystart[2] - z);
Пример #23
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            if (cpos.type == Block.Zero) type = p.bindings[type]; else type = cpos.type;
            List<CatchPos> buffer = new List<CatchPos>();
            CatchPos pos = new CatchPos();

            if (cpos.extraType == 2)
            {  //Fun part of making a straight line
                int xdif = Math.Abs(cpos.x - x);
                int ydif = Math.Abs(cpos.y - y);
                int zdif = Math.Abs(cpos.z - z);

                if (xdif > ydif && xdif > zdif)
                    y = cpos.y; z = cpos.z;
                else if (ydif > xdif && ydif > zdif)
                    x = cpos.x; z = cpos.z;
                else if (zdif > ydif && zdif > xdif)
                    y = cpos.y; x = cpos.x;

            if (cpos.maxNum == 0) cpos.maxNum = 100000;

            int i, dx, dy, dz, l, m, n, x_inc, y_inc, z_inc, err_1, err_2, dx2, dy2, dz2;
            int[] pixel = new int[3];

            pixel[0] = cpos.x; pixel[1] = cpos.y; pixel[2] = cpos.z;
            dx = x - cpos.x; dy = y - cpos.y; dz = z - cpos.z;

            x_inc = (dx < 0) ? -1 : 1; l = Math.Abs(dx);
            y_inc = (dy < 0) ? -1 : 1; m = Math.Abs(dy);
            z_inc = (dz < 0) ? -1 : 1; n = Math.Abs(dz);

            dx2 = l << 1; dy2 = m << 1; dz2 = n << 1;

            if ((l >= m) && (l >= n))
                err_1 = dy2 - l;
                err_2 = dz2 - l;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
                    pos.x = (ushort)pixel[0];
                    pos.y = (ushort)pixel[1];
                    pos.z = (ushort)pixel[2];

                    if (err_1 > 0)
                        pixel[1] += y_inc;
                        err_1 -= dx2;
                    if (err_2 > 0)
                        pixel[2] += z_inc;
                        err_2 -= dx2;
                    err_1 += dy2;
                    err_2 += dz2;
                    pixel[0] += x_inc;
            else if ((m >= l) && (m >= n))
                err_1 = dx2 - m;
                err_2 = dz2 - m;
                for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    pos.x = (ushort)pixel[0];
                    pos.y = (ushort)pixel[1];
                    pos.z = (ushort)pixel[2];

                    if (err_1 > 0)
                        pixel[0] += x_inc;
                        err_1 -= dy2;
                    if (err_2 > 0)
                        pixel[2] += z_inc;
                        err_2 -= dy2;
                    err_1 += dx2;
                    err_2 += dz2;
                    pixel[1] += y_inc;
                err_1 = dy2 - n;
                err_2 = dx2 - n;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    pos.x = (ushort)pixel[0];
                    pos.y = (ushort)pixel[1];
                    pos.z = (ushort)pixel[2];

                    if (err_1 > 0)
                        pixel[1] += y_inc;
                        err_1 -= dz2;
                    if (err_2 > 0)
                        pixel[0] += x_inc;
                        err_2 -= dz2;
                    err_1 += dy2;
                    err_2 += dx2;
                    pixel[2] += z_inc;

            pos.x = (ushort)pixel[0];
            pos.y = (ushort)pixel[1];
            pos.z = (ushort)pixel[2];

            int count;
            count = Math.Min(buffer.Count, cpos.maxNum);
            if (cpos.extraType == 1) count = count * Math.Abs(cpos.y - y);

            if (count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to fill " + count + " blocks at once.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You are limited to " + p.group.maxBlocks);

            for (count = 0; count < cpos.maxNum && count < buffer.Count; count++)
                if (cpos.extraType != 1)
                    p.level.Blockchange(p, buffer[count].x, buffer[count].y, buffer[count].z, type);
                    for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); yy++)
                        p.level.Blockchange(p, buffer[count].x, yy, buffer[count].z, type);

            Player.SendMessage(p, "Line was " + count.ToString() + " blocks long.");

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #24
        public void showMBs(Player p)
            p.showMBs = !p.showMBs;

            DataTable Messages = new DataTable("Messages");
            Messages = MySQL.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Messages" + p.level.name + "`");

            int i;

            if (p.showMBs)
                for (i = 0; i < Messages.Rows.Count; i++)
                    p.SendBlockchange((ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["X"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Y"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Z"], Block.MsgWhite);
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Now showing &a" + i.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + " MBs.");
                for (i = 0; i < Messages.Rows.Count; i++)
                    p.SendBlockchange((ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["X"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Y"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Z"], p.level.GetTile((ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["X"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Y"], (ushort)Messages.Rows[i]["Z"]));
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Now hiding MBs.");
Пример #25
        public void Blockchange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type, bool addaction)
            string errorLocation = "start";
            retry:  try
                if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) return;
                if (x >= width || y >= depth || z >= height) return;

                byte b = GetTile(x, y, z);

                errorLocation = "Block rank checking";
                if (!Block.AllowBreak(b))
                    if (!Block.canPlace(p, b) && !Block.BuildIn(b))
                        p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);

                errorLocation = "Zone checking";
                #region zones
                bool AllowBuild = true, foundDel = false, inZone = false; string Owners = ""; List<Zone> toDel = new List<Zone>();
                if ((p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Admin || p.ZoneCheck || p.zoneDel) && !Block.AllowBreak(b))
                    if (ZoneList.Count == 0) AllowBuild = true;
                        foreach (Zone Zn in ZoneList)
                            if (Zn.smallX <= x && x <= Zn.bigX && Zn.smallY <= y && y <= Zn.bigY && Zn.smallZ <= z && z <= Zn.bigZ)
                                inZone = true;
                                if (p.zoneDel)
                                    MySQL.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `Zone" + p.level.name + "` WHERE Owner='" + Zn.Owner + "' AND SmallX='" + Zn.smallX + "' AND SMALLY='" + Zn.smallY + "' AND SMALLZ='" + Zn.smallZ + "' AND BIGX='" + Zn.bigX + "' AND BIGY='" + Zn.bigY + "' AND BIGZ='" + Zn.bigZ + "'");

                                    p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
                                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Zone deleted for &b" + Zn.Owner);
                                    foundDel = true;
                                    if (Zn.Owner.Substring(0, 3) == "grp")
                                        if (Group.Find(Zn.Owner.Substring(3)).Permission <= p.group.Permission && !p.ZoneCheck)
                                            AllowBuild = true;
                                            AllowBuild = false;
                                            Owners += ", " + Zn.Owner.Substring(3);
                                        if (Zn.Owner.ToLower() == p.name.ToLower() && !p.ZoneCheck)
                                            AllowBuild = true;
                                            AllowBuild = false;
                                            Owners += ", " + Zn.Owner;

                    if (p.zoneDel)
                        if (!foundDel) Player.SendMessage(p, "No zones found to delete.");
                            foreach (Zone Zn in toDel)
                        p.zoneDel = false;

                    if (!AllowBuild || p.ZoneCheck)
                        if (Owners != "") Player.SendMessage(p, "This zone belongs to &b" + Owners.Remove(0, 2) + ".");
                        else Player.SendMessage(p, "This zone belongs to no one.");

                        p.ZoneSpam = DateTime.Now;
                        p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);

                        if (p.ZoneCheck) if (!p.staticCommands) p.ZoneCheck = false;

                errorLocation = "Map rank checking";
                if (Owners == "")
                    if (p.group.Permission < this.permissionbuild && (!inZone || !AllowBuild))
                        p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
                        Player.SendMessage(p, "Must be at least " + PermissionToName(permissionbuild) + " to build here");

                errorLocation = "Block sending";
                if (Block.Convert(b) != Block.Convert(type) && !Instant)
                    Player.GlobalBlockchange(this, x, y, z, type);

                if (b == Block.sponge && physics > 0 && type != Block.sponge) PhysSpongeRemoved(PosToInt(x, y, z));

                errorLocation = "Undo buffer filling";
                Player.UndoPos Pos;
                Pos.x = x; Pos.y = y; Pos.z = z; Pos.mapName = name;
                Pos.type = b; Pos.newtype = type; Pos.timePlaced = DateTime.Now;

                errorLocation = "Setting tile";
                SetTile(x, y, z, type);               //Updates server level blocks

                errorLocation = "Growing grass";
                if (GetTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z) == Block.grass && GrassDestroy && !Block.LightPass(type)) { Blockchange(p, x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, Block.dirt); }

                errorLocation = "Adding physics";
                if (physics > 0) if (Block.Physics(type)) AddCheck(PosToInt(x, y, z));

                changed = true;
                backedup = false;
            catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "Undo buffer too big! Cleared!");
                goto retry;
            catch (Exception e)
                Player.GlobalMessageOps(p.name + " triggered a non-fatal error on " + name);
                Player.GlobalMessageOps("Error location: " + errorLocation);
                Server.s.Log(p.name + " triggered a non-fatal error on " + name);
                Server.s.Log("Error location: " + errorLocation);

            //if (addaction)
            //    if (edits.Count == edits.Capacity) { edits.Capacity += 1024; }
            //    if (p.actions.Count == p.actions.Capacity) { p.actions.Capacity += 128; }
            //    if (b.lastaction.Count == 5) { b.lastaction.RemoveAt(0); }
            //    Edit foo = new Edit(this); foo.block = b; foo.from = p.name;
            //    foo.before = b.type; foo.after = type;
            //    b.lastaction.Add(foo); edits.Add(foo); p.actions.Add(foo);
            //} b.type = type;
Пример #26
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte by = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, by);
            Pos bp = (Pos)p.blockchangeObject;

            double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
            double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
            double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);

            double bigDiag = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(p.level.width * p.level.width + p.level.height * p.level.height) + p.level.depth * p.level.depth + p.level.width * p.level.width);

            List<CatchPos> previous = new List<CatchPos>();
            List<CatchPos> allBlocks = new List<CatchPos>();
            CatchPos pos;

            if (p.modeType != Block.air)
                type = p.modeType;

            Thread gunThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
                ushort startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32);
                ushort startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32);
                ushort startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32);

                pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * 3));
                pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * 3));
                pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * 3));

                for (double t = 4; bigDiag > t; t++)
                    pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * t));
                    pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * t));
                    pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * t));

                    by = p.level.GetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

                    if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(pos))
                        if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0)
                            if (bp.ending == 1)
                                if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != Block.glass)
                            else if (p.level.physics >= 3)
                                if (by != Block.glass)
                                    p.level.MakeExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1);

                    p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type);

                    bool comeOut = false;
                    foreach (Player pl in Player.players)
                        if (pl.level == p.level)
                            if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32  + 1) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == pos.x)
                                if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == pos.y)
                                    if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == pos.z)
                                        if (p.level.ctfmode && !p.level.ctfgame.friendlyfire && p.team == pl.team)
                                            comeOut = true;
                                        if (p.level.ctfmode)
                                            pl.health = pl.health - 25;
                                            if (pl.health > 0)
                                                pl.SendMessage("You have been shot!  You have &c" + pl.health + Server.DefaultColor + " health remaining.");
                                                comeOut = true;

                                        if (p.level.physics >= 3 && bp.ending >= 2)
                                            pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was blown up by " + p.color + p.name, true);
                                            pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was shot by " + p.color + p.name);
                                        comeOut = true;

                    if (comeOut) break;

                    if (t > 12 && bp.ending != 3)
                        pos = previous[0];
                        p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Block.air);

                    if (bp.ending != 3) Thread.Sleep(20);

                if (bp.ending == -1)
                        unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].x * 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].y * 32 + 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].z * 32), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); }
                    } catch { }
                if (bp.ending == 3) Thread.Sleep(400);

                foreach (CatchPos pos1 in previous)
                    p.level.Blockchange(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air);
                    if (bp.ending != 3) Thread.Sleep(20);
Пример #27
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            if (p.hasflag != null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't use a gun while you have the flag!"); return;}
            Pos cpos;

            if (p.aiming)
                if (message == "")
                    p.aiming = false;
                    Player.SendMessage(p, "Disabled gun");

            cpos.ending = 0;
            if (message.ToLower() == "destroy") cpos.ending = 1;
            else if (message.ToLower() == "explode") cpos.ending = 2;
            else if (message.ToLower() == "laser") cpos.ending = 3;
            else if (message.ToLower() == "teleport" || message.ToLower() == "tp") cpos.ending = -1;
            else if (message != "") { Help(p); return; }

            cpos.x = 0; cpos.y = 0; cpos.z = 0; p.blockchangeObject = cpos;
            p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);

            p.SendMessage("Gun mode engaged, fire at will");

            if (p.aiming)

            p.aiming = true;
            Thread aimThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
                CatchPos pos;
                List<CatchPos> buffer = new List<CatchPos>();
                while (p.aiming)
                    List<CatchPos> tempBuffer = new List<CatchPos>();

                    double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
                    double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
                    double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);

                        ushort x = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32);
                        x = (ushort)Math.Round(x + (double)(a * 3));

                        ushort y = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32 + 1);
                        y = (ushort)Math.Round(y + (double)(c * 3));

                        ushort z = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32);
                        z = (ushort)Math.Round(z + (double)(b * 3));

                        if (x > p.level.width || y > p.level.depth || z > p.level.height) throw new Exception();
                        if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) throw new Exception();

                        for (ushort xx = x; xx <= x + 1; xx++)
                            for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - 1); yy <= y; yy++)
                                for (ushort zz = z; zz <= z + 1; zz++)
                                    if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) == Block.air)
                                        pos.x = xx; pos.y = yy; pos.z = zz;

                        List<CatchPos> toRemove = new List<CatchPos>();
                        foreach (CatchPos cP in buffer)
                            if (!tempBuffer.Contains(cP))
                                p.SendBlockchange(cP.x, cP.y, cP.z, Block.air);

                        foreach (CatchPos cP in toRemove)

                        foreach (CatchPos cP in tempBuffer)
                            if (!buffer.Contains(cP))
                                p.SendBlockchange(cP.x, cP.y, cP.z, Block.glass);

                    catch { }

                foreach (CatchPos cP in buffer)
                    p.SendBlockchange(cP.x, cP.y, cP.z, Block.air);
Пример #28
        public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
            CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
            List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();

            byte newType = Block.darkpink;

            int xdif = Math.Abs(cpos.x - x);
            int ydif = Math.Abs(cpos.y - y);
            int zdif = Math.Abs(cpos.z - z);

            if (xdif >= ydif && xdif >= zdif)
                for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); xx++)
                    newType += 1;
                    if (newType > Block.darkpink) newType = Block.red;
                    for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); yy++)
                        for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); zz++)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != Block.air)
                                BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz, newType);
            else if (ydif > xdif && ydif > zdif)
                for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); yy++)
                    newType += 1;
                    if (newType > Block.darkpink) newType = Block.red;
                    for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); xx++)
                        for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); zz++)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != Block.air)
                                BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz, newType);
            else if (zdif > ydif && zdif > xdif)
                for (ushort zz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); zz <= Math.Max(cpos.z, z); zz++)
                    newType += 1;
                    if (newType > Block.darkpink) newType = Block.red;
                    for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); yy++)
                        for (ushort xx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); xx <= Math.Max(cpos.x, x); xx++)
                            if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != Block.air)
                                BufferAdd(buffer, xx, yy, zz, newType);

            if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to replace " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
                Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot replace more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");

            Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks.");
            buffer.ForEach(delegate(Pos pos)
                p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.newType);                  //update block for everyone

            if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
Пример #29
 void FlagBlockChange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
     CatchPos bp = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
     byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
     p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b);
     AddFlag(p, bp.color, x, y, z);
Пример #30
        public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
            if (!p.staticCommands)
                p.aiming = false;
            byte by = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, by);
            Pos bp = (Pos)p.blockchangeObject;

            List<CatchPos> previous = new List<CatchPos>();
            List<CatchPos> allBlocks = new List<CatchPos>();
            CatchPos pos;

            if (p.modeType != Block.air)
                type = p.modeType;

            Thread gunThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
                ushort startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32);
                ushort startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32);
                ushort startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32);
                pos.x = startX;
                pos.y = startY;
                pos.z = startZ;

                int total = 0;

                while (true)
                    startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32);
                    startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32);
                    startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32);

                    double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
                    double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);
                    double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI);

                    CatchPos lookedAt;
                    int i;
                    for (i = 1; true; i++)
                        lookedAt.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * i));
                        lookedAt.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * i));
                        lookedAt.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * i));

                        by = p.level.GetTile(lookedAt.x, lookedAt.y, lookedAt.z);

                        if (by == Block.Zero)

                        if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(lookedAt))
                            if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0)
                                if (bp.ending == 1)
                                    if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != Block.glass)
                                else if (p.level.physics >= 3)
                                    if (by != Block.glass)

                        bool comeInner = false;
                        foreach (Player pl in Player.players)
                            if (pl.level == p.level && pl != p)
                                if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == lookedAt.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 + 1) == lookedAt.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == lookedAt.x)
                                    if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == lookedAt.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == lookedAt.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == lookedAt.y)
                                        if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == lookedAt.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == lookedAt.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == lookedAt.z)
                                            lookedAt.x = (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32);
                                            lookedAt.y = (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32);
                                            lookedAt.z = (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32);
                                            comeInner = true;
                        if (comeInner) break;

                    lookedAt.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * (i - 1)));
                    lookedAt.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * (i - 1)));
                    lookedAt.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * (i - 1)));

                    findNext(lookedAt, ref pos);

                    by = p.level.GetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

                    if (total > 3)
                        if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(pos))
                            if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0)
                                if (bp.ending == 1)
                                    if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != Block.glass)
                                else if (p.level.physics >= 3)
                                    if (by != Block.glass)
                                        p.level.MakeExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1);

                        p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type);

                        bool comeOut = false;
                        foreach (Player pl in Player.players)
                            if (pl.level == p.level && pl != p)
                                if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 + 1) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == pos.x)
                                    if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == pos.y)
                                        if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == pos.z)
                                            if (p.level.physics >= 3 && bp.ending >= 2)
                                                pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was blown up by " + p.color + p.name, true);
                                                pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was hit a missile from " + p.color + p.name);
                                            comeOut = true;
                        if (comeOut) break;

                        if (pos.x == lookedAt.x && pos.y == lookedAt.y && pos.z == lookedAt.z)
                            if (p.level.physics >= 3 && bp.ending >= 2)
                                p.level.MakeExplosion(lookedAt.x, lookedAt.y, lookedAt.z, 2);

                        if (previous.Count > 12)
                            p.level.Blockchange(previous[0].x, previous[0].y, previous[0].z, Block.air);

                foreach (CatchPos pos1 in previous)
                    p.level.Blockchange(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air);