Пример #1
        public static void Serialise(ConfigElement[] elements, string suffix,
                                     CP437Writer dst, object instance)
            Dictionary <string, List <ConfigElement> > sections
                = new Dictionary <string, List <ConfigElement> >();

            foreach (ConfigElement elem in elements)
                List <ConfigElement> members;
                if (!sections.TryGetValue(elem.Attrib.Section, out members))
                    members = new List <ConfigElement>();
                    sections[elem.Attrib.Section] = members;

            foreach (var kvp in sections)
                dst.WriteLine("# " + kvp.Key + suffix);
                foreach (ConfigElement elem in kvp.Value)
                    object value = elem.Field.GetValue(instance);
                    dst.WriteLine(elem.Attrib.Name + " = " + elem.Attrib.Serialise(value));
Пример #2
 public static void SaveAwards()
     lock (awardLock)
         using (CP437Writer w = new CP437Writer("text/awardsList.txt"))
             w.WriteLine("# This is a full list of awards. The server will load these and they can be awarded as you please");
             w.WriteLine("# Format is:");
             w.WriteLine("# AwardName : Description of award goes after the colon");
             foreach (Award award in AwardsList)
                 w.WriteLine(award.Name + " : " + award.Description);
Пример #3
 public static void AppendLine(string file, string text)
     using (CP437Writer writer = new CP437Writer(file, true)) {
Пример #4
 public static void WriteAllLines(string file, string[] lines) {
      using (CP437Writer writer = new CP437Writer(file)) {
         for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
Пример #5
 public static void WriteAllLines(string file, string[] lines)
     using (CP437Writer writer = new CP437Writer(file)) {
         for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
Пример #6
 internal static void LoadCustom()
     if (File.Exists("text/custom$s.txt"))
         using (CP437Reader r = new CP437Reader("text/custom$s.txt")) {
             string line;
             while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
                 if (line.StartsWith("//"))
                 string[] split = line.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2);
                 if (split.Length == 2 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(split[0]))
                     CustomTokens.Add(split[0], split[1]);
         Server.s.Log("custom$s.txt does not exist, creating");
         using (CP437Writer w = new CP437Writer("text/custom$s.txt")) {
             w.WriteLine("// This is used to create custom $s");
             w.WriteLine("// If you start the line with a // it wont be used");
             w.WriteLine("// It should be formatted like this:");
             w.WriteLine("// $website:http://example.org");
             w.WriteLine("// That would replace '$website' in any message to 'http://example.org'");
             w.WriteLine("// It must not start with a // and it must not have a space between the 2 sides and the colon (:)");
Пример #7
        public static void Load()
            if (!File.Exists("text/awardsList.txt"))
                using (CP437Writer w = new CP437Writer("text/awardsList.txt")) {
                    w.WriteLine("#This is a full list of awards. The server will load these and they can be awarded as you please");
                    w.WriteLine("#Format is:");
                    w.WriteLine("# AwardName : Description of award goes after the colon");
                    w.WriteLine("Gotta start somewhere : Built your first house");
                    w.WriteLine("Climbing the ladder : Earned a rank advancement");
                    w.WriteLine("Do you live here? : Joined the server a huge bunch of times");

            AwardsList = new List <Award>();
            PropertiesFile.Read("text/awardsList.txt", AwardsListLineProcessor, ':');
            PlayerAwards = new List <PlayerAward>();
            PropertiesFile.Read("text/playerAwards.txt", PlayerAwardsLineProcessor, ':');
Пример #8
        public void RankReason(DateTime when, string type, string group, string reason, string assigner)
            if (!Directory.Exists("ranks/reasons")) Directory.CreateDirectory("ranks/reasons");
            string path = "ranks/reasons/" + this.name + ".txt"; 

            if (!File.Exists(path)) File.Create(path).Dispose();
            	using (CP437Writer sw = new CP437Writer(path, true)) {
            		 sw.WriteLine(Server.DefaultColor + "[" + when.Day + "." + when.Month + "." + when.Year + "] " + type + 
            		             Server.DefaultColor + " - " + GetColor(this.name) + group + Server.DefaultColor + " : \"" + reason + "\" by " + GetColor(assigner) + assigner);
            catch { Server.s.Log("Error saving RankReason!"); }
Пример #9
        /// <summary> Save givenList group </summary>
        /// <param name="givenList">The list of groups to save</param>
        public static void SaveGroups(List <Group> givenList)
            using (CP437Writer w = new CP437Writer(filename)) {
                w.WriteLine("#Version 3");
                w.WriteLine("#RankName = string");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe name of the rank, use capitalization.");
                w.WriteLine("#Permission = num");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe \"permission\" of the rank. It's a number.");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThere are pre-defined permissions already set. (for the old ranks)");
                w.WriteLine("#\t\tBanned = -20, Guest = 0, Builder = 30, AdvBuilder = 50, Operator = 80");
                w.WriteLine("#\t\tSuperOP = 100, Nobody = 120");
                w.WriteLine("#\tMust be greater than -50 and less than 120");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe higher the number, the more commands do (such as undo allowing more seconds)");
                w.WriteLine("#Limit = num");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe command limit for the rank (can be changed in-game with /limit)");
                w.WriteLine("#\tMust be greater than 0 and less than 10000000");
                w.WriteLine("#MaxUndo = num");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe undo limit for the rank, only applies when undoing others.");
                w.WriteLine("#\tMust be greater than 0 and less than " + int.MaxValue);
                w.WriteLine("#Color = char");
                w.WriteLine("#\tA single letter or number denoting the color of the rank");
                w.WriteLine("#\tPossibilities: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f");
                w.WriteLine("#FileName = string.txt");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe file which players of this rank will be stored in");
                w.WriteLine("#\t\tIt doesn't need to be a .txt file, but you may as well");
                w.WriteLine("#\t\tGenerally a good idea to just use the same file name as the rank name");
                w.WriteLine("#MOTD = string");
                w.WriteLine("#\tAlternate MOTD players of the rank will see when joining the server.");
                w.WriteLine("#\tLeave blank to use the server MOTD.");
                w.WriteLine("#OSMaps = num");
                w.WriteLine("#\tThe number of maps the players will have in /os");
                w.WriteLine("#\tDefaults to 2 if invalid number (number has to be between 0-128");
                w.WriteLine("#Prefix = string");
                w.WriteLine("#\tCharacters that appear directly before a player's name in chat.");
                w.WriteLine("#\tLeave blank to have no characters before the names of players.");

                foreach (Group grp in givenList)
                    if (grp.name == "nobody")

                    w.WriteLine("RankName = " + grp.trueName);
                    w.WriteLine("Permission = " + (int)grp.Permission);
                    w.WriteLine("Limit = " + grp.maxBlocks);
                    w.WriteLine("MaxUndo = " + grp.maxUndo);
                    w.WriteLine("Color = " + grp.color[1]);
                    w.WriteLine("MOTD = " + grp.MOTD);
                    w.WriteLine("FileName = " + grp.fileName);
                    w.WriteLine("OSMaps = " + grp.OverseerMaps);
                    w.WriteLine("Prefix = " + grp.prefix);
Пример #10
        static void SaveProps(CP437Writer w)
            w.WriteLine("#   Edit the settings below to modify how your server operates. This is an explanation of what each setting does.");
            w.WriteLine("#   server-name                   = The name which displays on classicube.net");
            w.WriteLine("#   motd                          = The message which displays when a player connects");
            w.WriteLine("#   port                          = The port to operate from");
            w.WriteLine("#   console-only                  = Run without a GUI (useful for Linux servers with mono)");
            w.WriteLine("#   verify-names                  = Verify the validity of names");
            w.WriteLine("#   public                        = Set to true to appear in the public server list");
            w.WriteLine("#   max-players                   = The maximum number of connections");
            w.WriteLine("#   max-guests                    = The maximum number of guests allowed");
            w.WriteLine("#   max-maps                      = The maximum number of maps loaded at once");
            w.WriteLine("#   world-chat                    = Set to true to enable world chat");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc                           = Set to true to enable the IRC bot");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-nick                      = The name of the IRC bot");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-server                    = The server to connect to");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-channel                   = The channel to join");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-opchannel                 = The channel to join (posts OpChat)");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-port                      = The port to use to connect");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-identify                  = (true/false)    Do you want the IRC bot to Identify itself with nickserv. Note: You will need to register it's name with nickserv manually.");
            w.WriteLine("#   irc-password                  = The password you want to use if you're identifying with nickserv");
            w.WriteLine("#   anti-tunnels                  = Stops people digging below max-depth");
            w.WriteLine("#   max-depth                     = The maximum allowed depth to dig down");
            w.WriteLine("#   backup-time                   = The number of seconds between automatic backups");
            w.WriteLine("#   overload                      = The higher this is, the longer the physics is allowed to lag.  Default 1500");
            w.WriteLine("#   use-whitelist                 = Switch to allow use of a whitelist to override IP bans for certain players.  Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   premium-only                  = Only allow premium players (paid for minecraft) to access the server. Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   force-cuboid                  = Run cuboid until the limit is hit, instead of canceling the whole operation.  Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   profanity-filter              = Replace certain bad words in the chat.  Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   notify-on-join-leave          = Show a balloon popup in tray notification area when a player joins/leaves the server.  Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   allow-tp-to-higher-ranks      = Allows the teleportation to players of higher ranks");
            w.WriteLine("#   agree-to-rules-on-entry       = Forces all new players to the server to agree to the rules before they can build or use commands.");
            w.WriteLine("#   adminchat-perm                = The rank required to view adminchat. Default rank is superop.");
            w.WriteLine("#   admins-join-silent            = Players who have adminchat permission join the game silently. Default true");
            w.WriteLine("#   server-owner                  = The minecraft name, of the owner of the server.");
            w.WriteLine("#   zombie-on-server-start        = Starts Zombie Survival when server is started.");
            w.WriteLine("#   no-respawning-during-zombie   = Disables respawning (Pressing R) while Zombie is on.");
            w.WriteLine("#   no-pillaring-during-zombie    = Disables pillaring while Zombie Survival is activated.");
            w.WriteLine("#   zombie-name-while-infected    = Sets the zombies name while actived if there is a value.");
            w.WriteLine("#   enable-changing-levels        = After a Zombie Survival round has finished, will change the level it is running on.");
            w.WriteLine("#   zombie-survival-only-server   = EXPERIMENTAL! Makes the server only for Zombie Survival (etc. changes main level)");
            w.WriteLine("#   use-level-list                = Only gets levels for changing levels in Zombie Survival from zombie-level-list.");
            w.WriteLine("#   zombie-level-list             = List of levels for changing levels (Must be comma seperated, no spaces. Must have changing levels and use level list enabled.)");
            w.WriteLine("#   total-undo                    = Track changes made by the last X people logged on for undo purposes. Folder is rotated when full, so when set to 200, will actually track around 400.");
            w.WriteLine("#   guest-limit-notify            = Show -Too Many Guests- message in chat when maxGuests has been reached. Default false");
            w.WriteLine("#   guest-join-notify             = Shows when guests and lower ranks join server in chat and IRC. Default true");
            w.WriteLine("#   guest-leave-notify            = Shows when guests and lower ranks leave server in chat and IRC. Default true");
            w.WriteLine("#   UseMySQL                      = Use MySQL (true) or use SQLite (false)");
            w.WriteLine("#   Host                          = The host name for the database (usually");
            w.WriteLine("#   SQLPort                       = Port number to be used for MySQL.  Unless you manually changed the port, leave this alone.  Default 3306.");
            w.WriteLine("#   Username                      = The username you used to create the database (usually root)");
            w.WriteLine("#   Password                      = The password set while making the database");
            w.WriteLine("#   DatabaseName                  = The name of the database stored (Default = MCZall)");
            w.WriteLine("#   defaultColor                  = The color code of the default messages (Default = &e)");
            w.WriteLine("#   kick-on-hackrank              = Set to true if hackrank should kick players");
            w.WriteLine("#   hackrank-kick-time            = Number of seconds until player is kicked");
            w.WriteLine("#   custom-rank-welcome-messages  = Decides if different welcome messages for each rank is enabled. Default true.");
            w.WriteLine("#   ignore-ops                    = Decides whether or not an operator can be ignored. Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   admin-verification            = Determines whether admins have to verify on entry to the server.  Default true.");
            w.WriteLine("#   verify-admin-perm             = The minimum rank required for admin verification to occur.");
            w.WriteLine("#   mute-on-spam                  = If enabled it mutes a player for spamming.  Default false.");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-messages                 = The amount of messages that have to be sent \"consecutively\" to be muted.");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-mute-time                = The amount of seconds a player is muted for spam.");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-counter-reset-time       = The amount of seconds the \"consecutive\" messages have to fall between to be considered spam.");
            w.WriteLine("#   As an example, if you wanted the spam to only mute if a user posts 5 messages in a row within 2 seconds, you would use the folowing:");
            w.WriteLine("#   mute-on-spam                  = true");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-messages                 = 5");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-mute-time                = 60");
            w.WriteLine("#   spam-counter-reset-time       = 2");
            w.WriteLine("#   bufferblocks                  = Should buffer blocks by default for maps?");

            ConfigElement.Serialise(Server.serverConfig, " options", w, null);