Simple command-line based search demo.
Пример #1
        private void TestOneSearch(DirectoryInfo indexPath, string query, int expectedHitCount)
            TextWriter outSave = Console.Out;

                MemoryStream bytes = new MemoryStream();
                // .NET NOTE: GetEncoding(0) returns the current system's default encoding
                var fakeSystemOut = new StreamWriter(bytes, Encoding.GetEncoding(0));
                // LUCENENET specific: changed the arguments to act more like the dotnet.exe commands.
                // * only optional arguments start with -
                // * options have a long form that starts with --
                // * required arguments must be supplied without - or -- and in a specific order
                // Since the demo is meant to be seen by end users, these changes were necessary to make
                // it consistent with the lucene-cli utility.
                SearchFiles.Main(new string[] { indexPath.FullName, "--query", query });
                // .NET NOTE: GetEncoding(0) returns the current system's default encoding
                string output = Encoding.GetEncoding(0).GetString(bytes.ToArray()); // intentionally use default encoding
                assertTrue("output=" + output, output.Contains(expectedHitCount + " total matching documents"));