Пример #1
        // Creates Customer account and on success creates a new webship account for it
        public static AccountsCreationResponse CreateAccounts(AccountsCreationRequest request)
            // TODO: Some of the tables updated in webship account creation do not have domain objects
            // TODO: So they lack code to prevent killing the database insert with bad data
            // TODO: For now, just scrub the fields in question here
            request.BillingZip     = ToDigitsOnly(request.BillingZip);
            request.CompanyBillZip = ToDigitsOnly(request.CompanyBillZip);
            request.CCNumber       = ToDigitsOnly(request.CCNumber);
            request.RequesterPhone = ToDigitsOnly(request.RequesterPhone);
            request.CompanyPhone   = ToDigitsOnly(request.CompanyPhone);
            request.CompanyPhyZip  = ToDigitsOnly(request.CompanyPhyZip);

            var response       = new AccountsCreationResponse();
            var custfactory    = new LsoCustomerFactory();
            var webacctfactory = new WebshipAccountFactory();

            var cust    = custfactory.Create(request);
            var webacct = webacctfactory.Create(request);

            // TODO: make a validator class that looks at all data in these new
            // domain instances and either run it on them, or weave it into the
            // property set code in each domain object

            var customerRepository       = RepositoryFactory.GetNewCustomerRepository();
            var webshipAccountRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetNewWebshipAccountRepository();

            response.Success = true;

            // TODO: We don't have validation in place, so bad data errors will be lost with this current implementation
                // TODO: With different databases, and the repository pattern we don't get transactions
                // TODO: We will need to modify this code to catch errors and remove spurious accounts
                // TODO: Or add a transaction pattern
                webacct.CustID = cust.CustID;
                response.CustomerId = webacct.CustID;
                response.LoginName  = webacct.LoginName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Errors  = new ValidationErrors();
                response.Errors.ErrorsMessage = new List <string>();
                var trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex, true);

                response.Errors.ErrorsMessage.Add(ex.Message + " " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + " " + "Line: " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber() + " " + "Column: " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetFileColumnNumber());
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    var trace2 = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex.InnerException, true);
                    response.Errors.ErrorsMessage.Add(ex.InnerException.Message + " " + trace2.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + " " + "Line: " + trace2.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber() + " " + "Column: " + trace2.GetFrame(0).GetFileColumnNumber());

Пример #2
        public IList <IWebshipAccount> GetAllWithCustomerId(int custId)
            var accounts = from p in _Db.UserProfiles
                           where p.CustID == custId
                           select p;
            var converter = new WebshipAccountFactory();

            return(accounts.Select(userProfile => converter.Create(userProfile)).ToList());
Пример #3
        public IList <IWebshipAccount> GetAllWithLoginNameCustId(string loginName, int custId)
            var accounts = from p in _Db.UserProfiles
                           where p.LoginName.Trim() == loginName && p.CustID == custId
                           select p;
            var converter = new WebshipAccountFactory();

            return(accounts.Select(userProfile => converter.Create(userProfile)).ToList());
Пример #4
        public IList <IWebshipAccount> GetAllWithUid(int UID)
            var accounts = from p in _Db.UserProfiles
                           where p.UID == UID
                           select p;
            var converter = new WebshipAccountFactory();

            return(accounts.Select(userProfile => converter.Create(userProfile)).ToList());