Пример #1
        public Path(string id, int Cost)
            this.Cost            = Cost;
            this.HeuristicCost   = Cost;
            this.MarkerInstances = new List <MarkerInstance>();
            MarkerInstance MI = new MarkerInstance(id);

Пример #2
        public Path RunHeuristicSearch(MarkerContainer markerContainer, string goalID)
            bool searching       = true;
            int  totalExpansions = 0;
            Path goalPath        = new Path("", -1);

            //Loop contiously until a goal state
            while (searching)
                // Initialize a null index value
                int expandingPathIndex = -1;
                // Loop through all possible paths within this UniformCostSearch Object
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Paths.Count; i++)
                    // if expandingPathIndex is still null
                    if (expandingPathIndex == -1)
                        // if the path has only unique marker instances within the path
                        if (this.Paths[i].MarkerInstances.Count == this.Paths[i].MarkerInstances.Distinct().Count())
                            // Set expandingPathIndex as the current iteration
                            expandingPathIndex = i;
                            // Remove this path, there is a cycle
                    else if (this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].HeuristicCost > this.Paths[i].HeuristicCost)
                        if (this.Paths[i].MarkerInstances.Count == this.Paths[i].MarkerInstances.Distinct().Count())
                            expandingPathIndex = i;
                            // Remove this path, there is a cycle

                if (expandingPathIndex == -1)
                    //no solution that doesn't have a cycle
                    //return null goalpath
                    searching = false;
                    goalPath.TotalExpansions = totalExpansions;

                if (this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].HeuristicCost > goalPath.Cost && goalPath.Cost != -1)
                    searching = false;
                    goalPath.TotalExpansions = totalExpansions;

                // Write down the last added node within the arraylist (this requires the arraylist keeps insertion order)
                string LastNodeID = this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].MarkerInstances.Last().MarkerID;
                // Create a new marker object
                Marker marker = new Marker();
                for (int i = 0; i < markerContainer.Markers.Count; i++)
                    if (markerContainer.Markers[i].ID == LastNodeID)
                        marker = markerContainer.Markers[i];

                // For every connectedto ID in the marker
                for (int i = 0; i < marker.ConnectedTo.Count; i++)
                    // Create Path Switch as true
                    bool addPath = true;
                    // for every marker instance in the current path
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].MarkerInstances.Count; j++)
                        // if there is a marker that already contains this ID (hence there would be a cycle)
                        if (this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].MarkerInstances[j].MarkerID == marker.ConnectedTo[i])
                            // Disable adding this path.
                            addPath = false;
                    // If addpath switch is still true
                    if (addPath)
                        // Create new path with previous path values
                        Path           newPath        = new Path(this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].MarkerInstances, this.Paths[expandingPathIndex].Cost);
                        MarkerInstance markerInstance = new MarkerInstance(marker.ConnectedTo[i]);
                        // Determine Distance between two points
                        string ParentID           = newPath.MarkerInstances.Last().MarkerID;
                        string ChildID            = markerInstance.MarkerID;
                        int    x1                 = Convert.ToInt32(ParentID.Substring(0, 3));
                        int    y1                 = Convert.ToInt32(ParentID.Substring(3, 3));
                        int    x2                 = Convert.ToInt32(ChildID.Substring(0, 3));
                        int    y2                 = Convert.ToInt32(ChildID.Substring(3, 3));
                        double magnitude          = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - y2, 2));
                        int    x3                 = Convert.ToInt32(goalID.Substring(0, 3));
                        int    y3                 = Convert.ToInt32(goalID.Substring(3, 3));
                        double goalStateMagnitude = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 - x3, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y3, 2));
                        // Add distance between the two points to the cost
                        newPath.Cost         += Convert.ToInt32(magnitude);
                        newPath.HeuristicCost = newPath.Cost + Convert.ToInt32(goalStateMagnitude);
                        // Add instance to newPath
                        // If the last added marker has the goal state ID
                        if (marker.ConnectedTo[i] == goalID)
                            // If the cost of the current goal path is greater than the new path's cost that has a goal state
                            //  OR if goalpath cost is NULL (unassigned)
                            if (goalPath.Cost > newPath.Cost || goalPath.Cost == -1)
                                // Set the new path as the goal path
                                goalPath = newPath;
                                // initialize lowest cost to a high value for comparisons
                                // This should probably be changed to include a -1 value to represent NULL
                                double lowestCost = 999999;
                                // for every path in the current paths
                                for (int j = 0; j < this.Paths.Count; j++)
                                    // if the cost for the path is lower than the current lowestcost in the iteration
                                    //  AND the path is not the path that we have just expanded
                                    if (this.Paths[j].HeuristicCost < lowestCost && this.Paths[expandingPathIndex] != this.Paths[j])
                                        // Assign the lowestcost to the path's cost
                                        lowestCost = this.Paths[j].HeuristicCost;
                                // If the current goalpath cost is the lowest cost out of all of the paths
                                if (goalPath.Cost <= lowestCost)
                                    // Stop the loop, there is no better cost for the given paths.
                                    searching = false;
                                    // return the goal path
                                    goalPath.TotalExpansions = totalExpansions;
                // Remove this path as it is no longer required

            // No more paths available, returning the currently assigned goalpath
            goalPath.TotalExpansions = totalExpansions;